~●Harvest Season●~

By Roomismessy

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So first off, this is a Vanny/Vanessa x Female reader. Because we gay. Disclaimer: I don't own any characters... More

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A little update
Also another update
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1.5K 37 6
By Roomismessy

Minutes ticked by and I still haven't moved from my spot near the door. I wanted to do nothing more but get out of this room and run far, far away. At the same time, outside that door is two people who want to kill me, so now I'm just stuck in a dilemma. I still barely had a clear head, but enough to weigh out the consequences of going out this door and decided to stay put. I'm close to having a breakdown here, but atleast I was safer here than I was outside. Maybe not so safe when the person who owns this rabbit costume enters this room.

That person..


I shook my head. There's no way I wanted to accept that it was..her. I refused to accept that it was. I kept praying to whoever could hear me that it wasn't her.

I had just been getting to know her more. I had just been hanging around her and warming up to her. I had just confessed and....made out with her. But what did all that really mean? Was she just...faking it?

That's quite the assumption to make, but if she had another whole ass identity that I didn't know was a fucking murderer....then what of her is real? Were her feelings for me just fake? Was she trying to lure me in and kill me as well?

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes again.

I need to get out of here..


Oh Christ. One bad thing after another keeps piling the fuck up. I don't know the last time I was this pissed. First that greedy emaciated rabbit corpse had to ruin my make out session and now the kid I kept went missing! Shit!

The reason I left (Y/n) in the first place was to go harvest the kid's remnant after the old man whined for more in the middle of my date, but now that he's gone, I am in deep shit.

Fuck! Okay, calm down..calm down Vanessa, you need to think.

Alright first, I'm gonna have to send (Y/n) home early. Its a shame, but I need her out of the way. Next, I'll need to find that kid. Good God I am going to enjoy every second of ripping him apart for ruining a date. Damn I hate kids.

(Y/n) should still be in Rockstar Row. I hope. I need to come up with an excuse to get her out of here, then alert all the animatronics to find the kid. Jesus...I can't even catch a damn break.

I reached the top floor and finally got out of the Utility tunnels and headed for Rockstar Row. The kid might still be around there. I'll just ask (Y/n) if she saw anything.

The beam of my flashlight illuminated every corner of the room but...(Y/n) was...nowhere.

Oh shit.

Now where did she run off to? Maybe if I'm lucky, she probably got tired of waiting and went home. But I doubt that actually happened. I still have the entrance gates closed, so there's no way she's getting past that without me.

No matter, I'll look for the kid first before searching for my cute little stubborn Carrots.

"Hey, little boy! If you're out here, say something! I need to get you to your parents!" I said with the sweetest voice I could muster. I knew he actually wouldn't come with just that, but it was worth trying. Maybe just a little more persuation

"I can help you! Please come out!"



This is gonna be harder than I thought.

I guess its time to check other areas.

I entered the door to the main lobby and got on the elevator to the Atrium. Maybe (Y/n) decided to explore again? Either way, her going off wherever she went wasn't bad, but right now, its making my life a bit harder at the moment. It would be nice if I found her right now.

"Forget the lady man! Atleast she showed us where all the money could be! Look at all the places we could go to! There's probably a safe around somewhere too."

"Yeah that's great and all, but we need to be quick, she's probably done called the police on us. And fuck's sake man! Loose that freaky music spider thing already!"

"Ugh! Fine. Guess I'll just leave it on the vents."

I immediately hid behind one of the booths and looked down to the first floor, where I saw two men that were clothed in black with cartoonish masks and equipped with duffle bags. Shit. Now how the hell did they get in?

Is (Y/n) safe!?

I swear if they did anything to her I would--

"What!? We can't leave a trace that we were here you dumbass!"

"Dude we broke a window to get in and about to steal money, were leaving all kinds of traces behind!"

"Either way, just lose the damn thing already!"

"Alright! Goddamn..."

I watched as they went through one of the doors bellow the balcony, effectively cutting off my view of them. I'll have to deal with them later. First, I really need to find (Y/n). I need to make sure she was safe.

I cautiously stepped down the escalator down to the first floor and stepped as quietly as I could. Just then, I saw a figure running across the room, trying their best to hide behind all the furniture and sometimes even the bots. They're a bit too tall for a kid..so that could only be....


She turned her head to me once my voice echoed and reached her. A terrified look still crossed her face when she saw me. And here I thought she'd be leaping for joy when I came into view.

"Van--Vanessa?" Her voice shook and stuttered. (Y/n) was frozen in place and I even noticed that she backed away a little when I approached her.

"(Y/n)! Oh I'm so glad you're safe! I thought something might have happened to you!" I wrapped her in an embrace and held her tight while I whisper shouted with happiness. She didn't seem to reciprocate at first but then she lightly hugged me back. I pulled away and held her face.

"Are you okay? Did those two guys hurt you?! Where did you go!? Didn't I tell you to stay put?!"

"I--I-I heard voices..an-and uh..I ran because I was scared. D-don't worry they...they weren't able to get me though." She stammered and fiddled with her hands. I hugged her again.

"Oh good on ya! You were able to stay safe!" I sighed and held her there. Although, I noticed her change in behavior. She wasn't all over me like I expected. She was probably too freaked out from tonight. Maybe its a good time to get her out of here.

"Alright love, come with me now. We need to get you somewhere safe!"

"Wa-wait! What if they come back?!"

"Don't worry about that just come with me already!"

"Let go!"

"Why are you struggling so much?! I'm just trying to keep you safe!

(Y/n) continued to pull at her hand, desperately trying to get away from me.

"Vanny! Let go of me!"

I froze up and slowly turned to look at (Y/n) who was just as in shock as me.

She frantically tried to correct herself, but I already heard what she said.

That name.

That fucking name.

Oh where have you gone, my love?

"No! I-I meant...! I--"

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. She's so adorable when she's scared. She immediately shut up once she heard me.

There's no way. There's absolutely no way.

How'd she find that name out? Where did she go? If she found that name then..

She found the rabbit suit too.

I chuckled hysterically.

No no no no no!

This can't be happening again! Not again! I don't want her to end up like Louis!


Damnit (Y/n) why'd you have to go there!?


Wait..let's not jump into any conclusions of what might happen. I harvested enough this week.

That should keep William happy, right? Or maybe I don't need to tell him what happened tonight! I could just keep (Y/n) here until this is all over.

Surely, he'll forgive me if I keep harvesting twice as much, right?

(Y/n) may not like it, but I'm keeping her safe.

No matter what.

"Vanny, huh? That a new nickname ya picked out for me?" I smiled at her. (Y/n) took staggered steps away from me while I followed her, shoving my hand in my pocket and feeling around for the handkerchief I had doused with chloroform. It was supposed to be for the kid, but oh well.

"I...Its not...its not what you think! Ness please!" She begged.

Ah~ music to my ears.

Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to keep her here a little longer. She just had to snoop around, didn't she? Either way, I'll have more time to spend with her once I harvest that kid.

"Aww, you don't need to hide anything now, Carrots. If you know that name, then I know where you went to get that kind of information. I didn't know you were such a nosy little thing, hm?"

"I...I didn't mean to!! I.. I was hiding and...and I found..."

I pinned her back to the wall and grinned down at her, hiding my anger. Oh you snoopy little..

"Found what? Hm? Tell me...what you saw...love?" I breathed, trying to control my rising temper.

"N-Ness! You're hurting me, stop!" (Y/n) squirmed.

"Tell me what you saw!"

"I said, stop!"

She got one of her hands free and it immediately connected with my cheek. I gasped in shock and let go of her.

"Oh shit! Vanessa! I-I didn't mean...!"

I held my throbing cheek and rubbed the stinging area.

Then I laughed.

From my peripheral, I could see (Y/n) looking at me with wide eyes.

"I..I'm sorry!"

Then she darted across the room. I continued to laugh like crazy and let her go, basically giving her a head start. Oh if that's how she wants to play.

Then I'll gladly play along.

"Run, run away, my love. I'll see you soon~"


Why did I do that?! Why did I have to do that?! She was definitely gonna kill me now if she caught me!! What's worse is that there's the two guys so I am definitely not safe right now!

Shit! Shit! Where do I even go?! Vanessa probably knows this place like the back of her hand while at the same time, I could run into those two thieves and I could die to them

I turned to see where Vanessa was and saw that she was still a distance away.

She was just walking in my direction with an odd smile on her bandaged face. Chills ran down my spine and I sprinted faster to the elevator through the deactivated escalator.

I couldn't believe that my only source of safety had just confirmed my suspicious that she was the biggest threat of all. I need to get the exit fast!

I found myself mashing the button of the elevator while I heard Vanessa laugh downstairs.

"Careful now, Carrots. Ya might break it."

Shut up!

The elevator opened up and I darted inside, again, mashing the elevator button. It closed just as Vanessa reached the top floor. Before it closed fully, she gave me a sinister grin and waved at me

Ugh..why was she being so creepy.

That was probably just her way of messing with me.

Even through hunting me down she still finds the time to mess around.

I guess that really is just part of her personality.

It would be funny if this was before but now.

I really do think she's trying to kill me. After I slapped her and everything.

The elevator opened up again and I was back at the main lobby. How ever, I could see all the way from here that the entrance was blocked by the metal shutters with cartoony faces.

The best thing I could do now was try to find a place to hide.

Chica's Shoppe was a bit too obvious for Vanessa, and so are all the othe places you could visit. The utility tunnels are way too creepy, and she'll most likely find me there too.

The only option I have left is....

I looked at the trashcan with my heart beating loudly when I heard the elevator ding and wasted no time getting in. This was probably the only tine where being short saved my ass.

Vanessa's voice echoed as she hummed a tune, all while searching for me.

"Oh Carrots~ Come on out~" she sang in a creepy tone. I held my breath to not make too much noise and shut my eyes when she walked past my hiding spot.

"Honestly....how did you find a place to hide in such a short time? Unless....."

I heard the sound of curtains opening.

Was she at the booths?

"Aww, not here.

I guess you're just too smart for that hmm? You really learned your lesson, didn't you?" She giggled loudly.

I waited and waited for her footsteps to disappear before finally allowing myself to breathe properly again.

I sat in the trashcan, thinking of all the places I could possibly go to to escape. The entrance is blocked. Vanessa probably locked the loading docks as well, and I don't know where the two guys might have broken in through. Even if it was risky, their entrance to this place was my best shot at getting out.


One slip up.

One slip up, and everything went to shit. I wasn't even planning to confront Vanessa! At least, not before I called the police.


Oh right!

I could call the police!!

God I'm stupid!

I quickly shuffled about and tried to look for my phone. Once I found it, I frantically tried to turn it on but what met me was just a black screen.

That also reminded me that,

I haven't been charging it..


I growled lightly and shoved my phone back in my pocket. The timing just couldn't be better huh.

No matter.

I cant waste time here.

I need to find that exit fast.

First I made sure that the coast was actually clear before I jumped out of the trashcan. Once I got out, I tried my best tread carefully and silently, usually jumping at every sound I heard. They mostly ended up being the whirring the the bots made as they did their jobs.

I finally reached the ground floor and turned the corner, suddenly feeling a pair of hands grab me.

"Shay! I got her!"

"Good! Now hold her still!"

One thief held me in place with my arms while the other tried to look for his knife again.

Oh hell no.

I screamed and kicked, trying to make as much noise to try to alert the bots, or even


What?! What am I thinking?! Why would I want her here she'd just kill these two anyways!

"Let me go!" I yelled and kicked at the one who I assumed was named Shay and elbowed the other who was behind me. This time, though, his grip really wasn't loosening up.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of yellow and felt liquid splatter all over me as I looked up in horror.

"What the fuck?!" The guy behind me yelled.

We both watched as the life in Shay's eyes left him, the knife sticking out of his throat from behind made him choke out more blood.

Once he dropped dead, we saw the culprit who I caught a glimpse of a while ago.

Vanessa stood there with an iron grip to the bloodied knife she used to kill. Blood splotches were on her clothes. The look on her face was absolutely terrifying. It was a blank, wide-eyed stare. She glared like hell at the guy behind me and immediately ran forward, despite his attempts to threat her.

He pushed me forward, and tried to run, but with how fast Vanessa moved, he was caught.

I watched in horror as she repeatedly stabbed him in his back, over and over and over. Among the squelching from the contact of the sharp blade with the guy's flesh, I heard laughter.

Unhinged, mad laughter...

coming from Vanessa.

She then breathed and calmed down and slowly looked in my direction, her clothes and face covered in liquid red, a huge grin on her face.

My legs felt weak and I fell to the floor, not being able to stand up from the fear that had me shaken.

She slowly moved in my direction, her head tilted in a disturbing way, that same grin still present.

Vanessa then crouched infront of me and giggled giddily,

"Found you~."

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