The Undesirable Experiment (K...

By CoincidentalyPokemon

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!!A Boy in The Window Cinematic Universe Story!! What do you do when your twin brother goes missing? Well, fo... More

Author's Notes
Prologue One: Figurative
Chapter One: Revelation
Chapter Two: Nonchalance
Chapter Three: Where It All Starts Going Downhill
Chapter Four: Would You Believe They Experiment On People? In a Lab?
Chapter Five: Attempted Escape

Prologue Two: Lavender Haze

387 18 33
By CoincidentalyPokemon

Ring ring ring.

Ring ring ring.

Ring ring ring.

The person you are trying to call is currently unavailable. After the tone-

I sigh and press the end call button on my phone.

Kuni isn't responding to any of my attempts at contacting him.

How strange.

"Kazuhaaaa he won't answer." I whine to the white haired boy sitting on my bed.

"Perhaps he is busy? It might be in your best interest to not pester him." Kazuha suggests.

I sit down on my bed as well and rest my forehead on his shoulder.

"But it isn't like him to completely ignore me." I say. "Besides, what could be be busy with? He stays at home most of the day since he became Makoto's editor."

"You don't know that. He could be out doing something. Or he could have placed his phone on silent while he works." Kazuha reasons.

"I swear if he's not answering me because he's being all lovey-dovey with Heizou I'll bonk him on the head." I pout.

Kazuha smiles and pats me on the head.

"Now now, don't do that. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if he did that whenever we showed our love for each other." He says.

"Mmmmnnn fine." I say.

Suddenly, my phone rings quite loudly, causing me to jump.

I almost trip getting off the bed and snatch my phone from the dresser I put it down on.

Is Kuni finally answering me?

"Well?" Kazuha asks as I stare at the caller id.

I silently shake my head as I answer the call.

"Hello?" I say.

After a little while of the person on the other line talking, and after they hang up, my phone falls from my hands onto the carpet.

Kazuha stands up from the bed, concern painting his face.

"What happened?" He asks.

I take a deep breath.

"That was....the Inazuma Police Department. They say...they say Kuni went missing yesterday."


"Scaramouche, you can't be serious." Kazuha says.

"I am. No one in the Police Department is willing to look for Kuni, so I have to. He's my brother. I can't just leave him missing." I say.

"Then I'm coming with you." Kazuha says in all determination.

"What? No! You can't. What if Kuni went missing because of a horrifying conspiracy? You could die!" I say.

"You could too, if that's the case. I'm coming with you and I'm not letting you refuse." Kazuha says.

"I-" I start.

"I'm. Not. Letting. You. Refuse." Kazuha says.

"But if you die-" I start.

Kazuha cuts me off by pressing a kiss to my lips.

"I said I'm not going to let you refuse. Is your first assumption on how things are going to go really just me dying?" He asks.

"N-no." I stammer, flustered from the kiss.

Kazuha smiles.

"Then let's go figure out what happened to your brother." He says.

"Um...fine. I think we should start by going over to his house to see if we can find anything out of the ordinary. Right?" I ask.

Kazuha nods.

"Sounds like a good place to start." He says.

As we walk over to Kuni and Heizou's house, I remember something.

"Hey Kazuha, I'm going to ask Makoto and Ei if they know anything." I say.


Mouche Mouche:
Sorries to bother you 🥺
But have you heard from Kuni at all?

Oh, good evening Scaramouche.
Long time no talk 🥺

I have not.
Makoto, have you?

Oh yeah he asked a question
Yeah, yesterday

Mouche Mouche:
What did you talk about?
What did he say?

I gave him the draft of my new story and teased him a little about being clingy af
That's all

Mouche Mouche:
What did Kuni says in response?
Did it seem like he left suddenly?

Literally why are you asking me this?
Don't tell me YOU'RE going to try to be a detective next

Mouche Mouche:
No it's not that, trust me

I agree with Makoto. Why are you asking such questions?

Mouche Mouche:
Did you not hear?

Did we not hear what?

Mouche Mouche:
Okay don't freak out but
Kuni seems to have gone missing yesterday
Kazuha and I are going to go figure out what happened to him


Oh my

Mouche Mouche:
Um yeah
Also the Inazuma Police aren't doing shit about it so I have to (and Kazuha) 😌💅



Mouche Mouche:
Why can't you believe in me?
Oh wait shit this is what Kazuha felt
Now I feel bad


Mouche Mouche:
Sorry, internal monologue
But ya
I've got to go now bye
And yes, I'll stay safe

You'd better 😾


I raise my head from my phone to see that we've arrived at Kuni and Heizou's house.

"Do you know where a spare key is?" Kazuha asks.

I smile.

"Of course. I'm the only one Kuni trusts with it. Not even Ei or Makoto know where it is." I say.

I open a small secret compartment inside the wall next to the front door and retrieve the key.

"Woah." Kazuha says. "But isn't that a little extra?"

"Not for someone like Heizou, you know?" I say.

"Oh yeah. He'd actually allow someone to rob him if they managed to get out of his escape room type stuff and solve all his puzzles." Kazuha says with a smile.

I unlock the door and we step inside.

"Kuni?" I call.

No answer.

I look over at Kazuha and he nods, signaling that we should look around.

We find nothing out of the ordinary on the first floor, so we go up to the second floor.

"So, uh, you wanna check the bedroom or should I?" I ask.

An uncomfortable look crosses Kazuha's face.

"I think you should. You're his brother after all. If we find anything...weird, it'd be better if you found it." He says.

I smirk and slowly open the door.

"Kuni? You didn't get murdered, did you?" I tease softly.

I turn to Kazuha.

"There's no answer." I say.

"Well, if he did get murdered, of course he wouldn't answer you." Kazuha says.

I sigh and step inside the darkened room, closing the door behind me.

If Kuni really did get murdered, I don't want Kazuha anywhere near any murderer even though they probably wouldn't still be here.

Inside Kuni's bedroom, nothing immediately jumps out at me.

A box on a small table catches my eye and I walk over to it.

"Hey! It's that Ouija board I bought Heizou for his birthday!" I exclaim with a smile.

To my surprise, on the Ouija board are two sticky notes, one pink and one blue.

The blue one reads

Be right back. Don't investigate. -Kamisato Ayato.

And the second one reads

Have fun with this gift. Kunikuzushi won't be returning /⁠╲⁠/⁠\⁠╭⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)⁠╮⁠/⁠\⁠╱⁠\

I hate spiders!

Kuni won't be returning?

But whoever that Ayato person is said he'd be right back.

I open the door to Kuni's room again.

"Kazuha, come look at this." I call.

Once Kazuha returns to me, I show him the sticky notes.

"What do you make of this?" I ask.

"Hm... I'm sure Kuni will be back... He's too smart to get played...but I'd assume this blue sticky note is why the police won't search for Kunikuzushi." Kazuha says.

"Does that mean we should stop too?" I ask, gritting my teeth.

"Where did all your enthusiasm go? Of course not. I'm not basing my views on what Ayato tells me, even though he is my friend." Kazuha says.

"Wait, you know this person?" I ask.

Kazuha nods.

"He's a good friend of mine. However, he does have a habit of trying to solve things himself, even ridiculously dangerous things." He says.

"Okay, so we'll continue our anime style search..." I say with a yawn.

"Yes. We'll continue our anime style search, tomorrow." Kazuha says. "It's almost nine at night. Let's go back home and continue tomorrow after we refresh our minds."

I nod silently, feeling suddenly significantly more tired after hearing the prospect of sleep.


Once we get home, we quickly eat a small dinner and I retreat to our bed.

I lie across the bed, the summer night still too hot to sleep.

But that's no problem, it'll cool down eventually.

That or I'll suffer silently.

There's no way I'm giving up sharing a bed with Kazuha all because it's hot.

With the lights still off, I hear Kazuha enter the room and lie down next to me.

"Good night, my dear. Sweet dreams when you finally fall asleep." He says, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I smile to myself as Kazuha's breathing soon turns soft, signaling that he'd fallen asleep.

I almost envy his ability to fall asleep under almost any circumstance, even intense summer heat.

After being unable to sleep for what feels like hours, I quietly get up and walk into the kitchen.

It's now cooler outside than inside, so I should open the windows.

Once I've opened all the regular windows, I decide to open the second spare bedroom's window.

Why this one window only opens from the outside is beyond me.

Now that I think about it, the real estate agent said this room used to be a children's room.

I guess the people who used to live here didn't want their kids escaping?

That might be valid, I don't know.

I don't have kids.

I silently open the front door and walk around to the window.

As I'm opening the window, a hand wraps around my mouth.

Taken by surprise, I look behind me to see a woman with gradient white and pink hair holding her hand over my mouth.

Standing a few feet away from her is another woman with long golden brown hair and odd heterochromatic eyes, one a dark bluish grey, the other a light grey.

"Well well well, if it isn't Scaramouche Henzai Shogun." The brown haired woman says, amusement filling her voice.

How the hell does she know my middle name?

"So that is him?" The other girl asks.

Brown haired woman nods.

"Yes. The other one has shorter hair." She says.

Are they talking about Kuni?

I try to pry pink and white haired girl's hand off my mouth, but brown haired woman intercepts me as I break free and jabs some kind of syringe into my neck.

My throat constricts and I fall to the ground, feeling my legs and arms grow numb.

I lie on the cold, damp grass, unable to move, unable to shout.

But if they want me they can fucking take me.

I won't let them get Kazuha.

I won't let them take Kuni either even though I'm not sure if they meant they wanted him or not.

I glare daggers at the brown haired woman for good measure, however.

Brown haired woman twirls her syringe around her fingers like it's a gun she's holstering and smiles.

"Well then. Let's take him back." She says.

"Is he going to be okay? What did you inject him with?" Pink and white haired girl asks, sounding genuinely concerned for my well-being, which is odd since she's apparently assisting in my kidnapping.

Brown haired woman nods.

"Just a simple paralysis toxin. It'll wear off in a few hours. Actually, now that I think about it, I should knock him out as well." Brown haired woman says.

She pulls another syringe from her jacket and walks over to me.

Did she anticipate what would happened or is she just a syringe wizard that keeps syringes of literally everything inside her jacket in case of emergency?

What if she accidentally stabs herself with one?

I'll ask her about it later, I guess.

The brown haired woman pinches the skin of my arm, you know, as doctors do whenever they're giving you a shot, and pushes the needle into my arm.

The world begins to go fuzzy and my eyes begin to close.

Looks like I'll be the second Shogun twin to go missing within twenty four hours.

I'm sorry Kazuha.


Chapter One of my new The Boy in The Window Cinematic Universe thingy is finally out 🥳

Imma preface with this, which I don't normally do for sake of mystery, but the brown haired woman and pink and white haired girl are both characters I made up.

I'm saying this because in both my past books, the identities of the stories' big bad is usually the big twist, but in this book it isn't.

The twist is something entirely more interesting and infuriating 🤭

BY THE WAY Scaramouche's middle name, Henzai, is not a variation of Hentai. Apparently it means 'Omnipresent' in Japanese, so I thought it'd fit. Also because I'm not thinking for another thirty minutes to give that boy a half-assed middle name. And I KNOW some of y'all misread it the first time around.

So, you guys read the prologue. Did you make out the bold letters? Any idea on what it means? Also the comma after all the X's is technically in bold too, it's just hard to see.

Anyways, have you guys pulled for Ayaka or Shenhe?

I didn't because I want Kaveh and Kazuha/Zhongli, so 3.5 can suck my dick (I don't mean that. I am a girl, after all. I just didn't know what to put there for emphasis lol. Please don't be offended 😅)

But, of course, no shame if you did pull for Ayaka or Shenhe. I know Ayaka is a very powerful character and Shenhe is mommy, so it makes sense that people can pull for them.

But, you know, I'd personally just rather have Kazuha.

I am writing a KazuScara, after all. And I already have Scara.

I'm stuck on whether I want to name my Wanderer Kuni-chan or Kaedehara Scaramouche (Or Kaedehara Scara if it's too long lol)

Maybe you guys could help me decide?

Okay, that's enough endnote for now.

Thanks for reading

Until next update

(When it's finally open to the public, how many of you all would like to join the (un)official Scaranation discord server? Can I get a headcount lol?)

What if told I you read this wrong?

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