Lost hope [Xiaother Omegavers...

By N_Nesias

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Aether x Xiao modern times omegaverse story. A fair world doesn't exist, especially with second genders. You... More

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Character Designs
0. (prologue) A fair world doesn't exist
1. Memories of the past
2. Brotherly love
3. (not) A morning bird
5. School (part 2)
6. Incident aftereffects
7. Risky plan
8. The truth
9. Accidental confession
10. Who are you?
11. Forming a friendship
12. Weird feeling inside
13. Feelings are complicated
14. Learning something new
15. Fantasy becoming real
16. Pheromones
17. Practice and a private lesson
18. Tales of jealousy
19. Nightmares
20. A way home
21. Explanations
22. A helping hand
23. Family
24. Fears
25. Paying someone a visit
26. The first time
27. A movie date (part 1)
27,5. [18+] A movie date (part 2)
28. Alpha classmate
29. His past
30. Let me help
31. Fated pair
32. What can you do..
33. Scaramouche's origin
Chapter 34
35. Earn his trust
36. Family secret
37. Lost twin
38. Lumine
39. Life in danger
40. Xiao.. you're special
41. Finding comfort
42. You are safe with me
43. Make up your mind, Aether
44. No trace left behind..
45. Detective Heizou on the case
46. Pheromone compatibility
47. Decision
48. The key.. to understanding
Chapter 49
50. Diary
51. I don't know him...

4. School (part 1)

775 34 8
By N_Nesias

Aether POV

Me and Kazuha left the house, slowly heading in direction of my new school. The streets didn't look that busy in the morning, but you were able to see many students heading to school. My nose was picking up so many scents that it made me feel a bit sick.

I'm not used to smelling so many different scents at once. My head started to hurt a bit, it also felt like I started to feel dizzy.

"You don't look so good, is something wrong?" My gaze was shifted to my brother. He was closely watching me, it's easy to see that he got worried.

"Mmm.. just feels weird to smell so many scents. But I'll get used to it, just give me a moment" I tried to give him a reassuring smile but he didn't buy it. His face started to show more worry but eventually, he let it go with a small sigh.

"If it's gonna get worse, let me know. You haven't been exposed to so many pheromones in quite a while. It's only natural to feel sick in this situation. You might be dealing with that at school too, which worries me"

Ah.. he is right. At school, there might be a lot of Alpha pheromones, probably Omega pheromones too. Thinking of it makes me feel a bit stressed now. Am I gonna be okay? Will everything be fine? A lot of different thoughts and questions ran through my head.

"Aether.." I snapped out of my thoughts just to meet with super worried Kazuha "you are giving out stressed pheromones.. some people have noticed but since they aren't strong they pay no mind to it"

My body tensed up a bit. I don't really know how to control my pheromones all the time. I hope this won't cause problems at school..

I took a deep breath and got my pheromones under control. This should be enough for now.

"Sorry, didn't want to worry you so much. I just got a bit stressed if I'm gonna be fine at school. I'm just afraid if I'm ready for it.." I looked down and played a bit with my feet.

"Let's take it slow okay? The school is aware of our situation, they also know what happened. Teachers gonna give you some space with everything for a while. They won't be pressuring you with things, and your classmates gonna be informed that you need time to adjust. If something gonna be wrong, let me know"

Ruffling my hair he gave me a small reassuring hug. My body relaxed almost instantly at the feeling. I think I really needed it now. I closed my eyes for a second and then looked at him with a small smile.

"Thank you, this helped me calm down. Let's continue going now" Kazuha smiled at me and then we started to walk again.

It took us 10 minutes to get to school. It looked big, but not too big at the same time. Looks like it has 4 floors (ground floor + 3 extra floors). Hopefully, I won't be getting lost, it's gonna be hard to remember everything for sure.

This school also has a small park near it. It looks really nice, a perfect place to go to for a break. It also has a separate building for the gym. But this one doesn't seem that big.

We slowly walked inside the school. It looked really modern and nice. It was super clean and welcome looking. But what made me feel a bit anxious was that it was filled with different pheromones.

A closed space with so many different pheromones hitting my nose. My head felt a bit dizzy from smelling them. I really need to get used to that otherwise, this is gonna happen every time I go to school.

"Hmm.. maybe you can use a special pheromone-"

"No.. I don't want to depend on meds. I need to get used to them. I should be fine.." my head seemed to slowly stop feeling dizzy. That's a good sign then, but it's still weird to smell so many pheromones at once. I don't even know which are Omega pheromones and which are Alpha pheromones.

There is a difference between them, but while smelling so many I'm really not able to tell. All I know is that the strong ones belong to.. dominant Alphas..? Everything is such a mess that I'm really not sure anymore.

My brother started to lead me somewhere. Apparently, we need to pick up my schedule first. While walking through the corridors, I was able to sense people glancing at me. They probably were curious about who am I. But that's when I smelled my brother's scent.

Oh, now I know why others look at me. Kazuha covered me a bit in his pheromones so no one would bother me today at school. His protective pheromones always do work. I smiled just thinking about how protective my brother is.

"Okay, we are here. Now you need to go inside and tell them you came for your schedule. I can't go in with you, but I believe you gonna be fine on your own"

"Ohh.. okay. This seems pretty easy actually" yeah it seems.. but I do hope that I can do it. Let's just not get stressed and everything will be fine.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. After a moment I heard faint 'please come in' from behind the door. I swallowed a bit of saliva and walked in.

The office looked really nice. It was looking so cozy, with a lot of plants, paintings, and some bookshelves. You were able to spot some photos on the shelves. Behind the desk there was a lady, she didn't seem to have any scent. It must be a beta then.

"How can I help you, little boy?"

"Ah.. yes.. I came here to get my schedule. The name's Aether" nervousness got over me a bit. I tried not to play with my fingers, it was really stressing me if I said the correct thing.

"Oh! Yes yes, I have been waiting for you, sweetie. I wanted to speak with you for a bit actually. Please take a seat~" she gestured to the chair in front of her desk.

I only nodded at her and then took my seat. After that, she handed me my schedule. I looked at it for a second just to notice the lessons I'm the most interested in. Second gender lessons.

"So Aether, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about your class. You gonna be in a class where the majority of it is Betas. There are 4 Omegas and 3 Alphas in it. You gonna be the 5th Omega, and this would make your class count 22 students in total. Among the Omegas there is one male just like you"

Hearing that my eyes lit up with excitement. -I'm not gonna be the only male Omega in my class!- I was really happy about this information. I won't be feeling so lonely thanks to this.

"I can see you are happy. The other Omega was happy about it too. I hope both of you gonna be friends" the lady smiled at me but after a moment her look got serious again.

"But for the Alphas in your class, they should be well-behaved. There were never any problems with them so this should be fine. But I can't guarantee it about other Alphas in the school. So if you could, try to avoid being alone near any. And as I can see your brother already covered you in his pheromones"

Wait.. isn't this lady a Beta? How can she smell pheromones? Is she having a better smell than other Betas?

"I can tell you're curious how I was able to tell. It's because this kind of protective action from relatives is allowed to be detected by Beta. We aren't able to smell it, but we are able to sense it. The same thing counts when Alpha covers their mate in their pheromones. You gonna learn all of that during classes. The school principal decided to give you extra classes about genders just so you can catch up with the knowledge of others. You gonna have them alone, 3 times a week"

I looked at my schedule again to confirm this information. But there was nothing about the extra classes. Or maybe I'm just dumb and don't know which are these?

"They aren't on your schedule. There's gonna be a teacher taking you on random days at the end of your daily classes. You gonna be informed about this beforehand of course"

All of a sudden there was a bell ringing. I looked at the time just to see 8:00 on the clock. -Lessons have started- I got a bit stressed, I don't want to be late on my first day..

"Don't worry, you gonna be introduced to your class soon. I just need to finish talking with you" she gave me a reassuring smile which helped me calm down. -Okay.. this lady knows better since she is from the school. Just calm down Aether-

"Getting back to information, your teachers are informed about your circumstances. They won't pry on you during their lessons. If you won't understand something, feel free to ask them or your classmates. You can tell anything to the teachers, they're here to help the students"

"Mhm, okay I see. But I should be fine when it comes to certain lessons. I was learning at home, my brother was helping me"

"That's good then sweetie. You have a good caring brother" the lady looked at the time and adjusted her position on the seat. "Okay, so the last important information. If something ever happens, for example, someone bullying you or trying to do something to you.. please do come to my office. We can't always guarantee the safety of our students. We are trying our best, but controlling every Alpha student is impossible. And male Omega's harm tends to happen once in a while"

I'm well aware of those situations happening.. serious ones tend to appear in the news. Society really really despises male Omegas..

"Don't hesitate to come here asking for help. We gonna always help you if something is wrong. Okay, so now is the time to introduce you to your class. Once you get to your classroom, please knock on the doors and peek inside. The teacher will gesture to you when to come in"

I nodded at her after receiving the instructions. I said my thanks and goodbyes and then left the room.

Kazuha was waiting for me. Once he saw me he just looked me up and down. I tilted my head to the side at his actions. -why is he doing that?-

"Seems like you are okay. It took you really long so I got worried something happened to you" turns out he was just worried. I let out a sigh and then a small laugh.

"Kazuha, you're worrying too much you know? The lady was just explaining stuff to me. Plus she is a Beta-"

"Do not underestimate Betas. Not every one of them gonna be friendly towards you. Even your own kind, Omegas can be not friendly to you. I'm worrying about you for a reason, I don't want to see you hurt"

Now I feel bad. He is just worrying about me and my safety. I know that I'm a male Omega, but isn't he looking too much down on me? I get that he is my brother, but I'm not that fragile.. am I?

"I will be fine. I am not that fragile after all~" the look on his face darkened a bit. Seeing this made me feel a bit uneasy. -why is he making this face..? Have I said something wrong..? No.. I didn't..- this was a bit scaring me. But after a moment his face got back to normal.

"Okay, I'll give you three chances to prove it to me. If you fail each of them, I won't trust you again on this matter"

"You should have some more faith in me. You have seen how I improved with everything recently. The only thing I need would be fighting skills"

"Ehh.. fighting doesn't need to be an option all the time. A good plan might just be enough. And fighting might be danger- well.. knowing none self-defense is dangerous too.. okay. I will see what I can do about it"

I smiled at him knowing I have won. We go to the second floor just now. Now we need to find the right classroom. My heart started to beat a bit faster. I'm also feeling a bit nervous, but I can't let my pheromones leak out.

After a bit of searching, we found the classroom. Kazuha patted my head and ruffled my hair a bit.

"You gonna be fine from now on, right? It's time for me to leave. Call me when you gonna finish today. I'll come to pick you up"

I said my goodbyes to him and then turned to the classroom doors. I took a deep breath in and out. -It's fine Aether, you just need to knock and then peek inside. You can do it. It's not that hard-

Raising my hand up I knocked on the door. After a small moment, I peeked slightly inside. From the classroom flew out some pheromones that hit my nose. After all, there are few Alphas and Omegas.

I saw a teacher glancing at the door. He looked like he started to explain something. -Ah, probably talking about me-

Soon enough he came to the door opening them for me. If I wouldn't have moved away, I probably would have stumbled in. I didn't expect the teacher to do it, good that I saw him coming.

"Please come in and introduce yourself"

I slowly walked inside the classroom and glanced at everyone. All eyes were on me at the time. It made me a bit stressed but I didn't let it show up. I turned to face everyone and took a small breath to calm myself down a bit.

"Hi.. my name is Aether and I'm an Omega. I hope to get along with all of you" I tried to give my best cute smile to them. But I was worried that it wasn't cute at all. Or that it wasn't even a smile.

Some of them started to talk in a whisper to others while glancing at me. It got me even more nervous.. -is there something wrong..? Did I say something wrong..?-

"You can tell a bit more about yourself Aether. If you're too stressed, then you don't need to. We will get to know you slowly. And all of you talking, either you say it out loud to every one to hear or you just stop talking. Do we understand each other?" This teacher was looking stern but friendly at the same time. Students seemed to listen to him immediately.

"Good. Now Aether, you gonna be sitting with ***. He sits alone over there" the teacher pointed at a boy sitting alone somewhere close to the end of the classroom. He looked very friendly, he even gave me a cute smile and waved at me.

"Both of you are male Omegas so I hope you will get along well. Also since it's your first day at school, he will tour you around. Both of you are free to leave the classroom. I'll talk a bit with the rest of the class"

The other boy stood up and showed me to follow him. He didn't seem to be bothered by the rest of the class. Getting out of my thoughts I started to follow him outside the classroom.

"Mmm, that's better. Don't mind everyone else. They don't have ill intentions, they're just curious to have another male Omega in their class" he turned to me with such grace. His smile was heartwarming and relaxing.

"Ahh.. umm.. okay. I will get used to them.. I guess..? Everything is just new for me and I'm a bit lost.. when I was younger my parents.." I stopped talking for a moment thinking about my parents. His confused look got me out of my thoughts "sorry.. my parents were the ones teaching me. I was just a bit in a school for like a year. I don't remember much from it"

I scratched my head nervously. I don't know much about schools. I just saw it in the television news or shows. I barely remember anything from my school days.

My memory seems to be hazy about some stuff sometimes. It feels like I don't even remember how I lost my pare-

"Hey, you okay? You seem to be a bit lost in your mind. If talking about the past is unpleasant for you, we can drop the topic"

"Ah! I'm sorry- I tend to do it sometimes. I'm fine, so please don't worry about it" he hummed in response. Now when I look at him, he looks the same height as me. But compared to me, he looks more like an Omega.

Omegas are said to be beautiful or cute. And he looks extremely cute and handsome. I feel like I'm drawn to him every time he smiles. The beauty marks on his face just add up to his looks. -Ahh.. I wish to be as beautiful as him-

"Haha~ you seem to be lost again, but this time lost staring at me. I guess that's a good start"

My face turned red all of a sudden. He really is speaking without worry. How can he be so confident is his words? I only have confidence when it comes to my brother. And this Omega has confidence all the time- just who is he exactly??

"Okay Aether, let's start the tour~ As the teacher said my name is..."

Words: 2994

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