The Bloodthirsty Return/血に飢えた...

Oleh Maddeleine_Is_Here

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「"Things aren't gonna get worse, right? Right..?"」 「After a week, G feels better and then enjoys himself for... Lebih Banyak

Your Role Again
「1」Seems Awfully Suspicious...
「2」"I'm sorry G, But.."
「3」"You need to realize this."
「4」The Paper that brought death

[Prologue] 1's twisted day

478 6 51
Oleh Maddeleine_Is_Here

A few days later...

It has been a couple of days ever since things still went to normal. No chaos, no mayhem, no violence, no panic, and most importantly, no deaths other than the 6 letters. But the fact that the 6 letters died to X is just plain wrong.

But I suddenly remembered that today's the day of the PIZZA PARTY, so I HAD to remind D about what he said a week ago. Yes, he invited us to come to the Alphabet Park for a pizza party that was started by J, so he sent D to invite all of us.. except the letters who aren't interested in pizza parties, and the ones who are dead, especially X.

How do I know that we're gonna go to the Alphabet park, you may ask? I asked D where J's gonna set up the party just yesterday.

Anyways, I was just going to talk to L and O who were enjoying their time together, but then the blue and goofy ass familiar number named 1 had to get in MY WAY like a rude number. How stupid.

And what's worse is that he even SMILED in front of my face like if he's going to flat out MURDER me or something.

"WHAT THE-" My jaw dropped while I got jumpscared.

"HELLO, PURPLE G!!" 1 happily shouted in front of my face like a fucking maniac. "How are you today? Feeling like you're the number ONE in the number ONE day today?!"

"I'm not feeling good because you GOT IN MY DAMN WAY!" I yelled at him angrily. "MOVE OVER, CLOWN!"

"GAAAAAAHAHAHA!!" T from a couple of meters laughed out loud happily. "DUDE, THAT WAS SO RADICAL AND HILARIOUS!"

"Hey!! That's not a nice way to greet a friendly number!" 1 pouted on faking his sadness with the most ridiculous face ever made. It may be similar to X opening his mouth in disgust whenever he sees cringe. You know.. it's similar to that, right?

"Well I don't want to greet YOU." I pointed to his face in a rude manner. You cannot tell on how much I got SO ANGRY the second that 1 pushed in front of me like that.

"Damn.. things are about to go wrong-!" T gasped while heading straight to C and B. "Also, where's A? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Ehh.. he's just trying to blow out the fire that he set up from the ABC Campsite a couple of days ago." B awkwardly said to T while getting his eyes to C.

"Yeah, maybe he shouldn't have lit it up in the first place." C sighed with a single scoff that came from his mouth.

"I honestly agree with you, C." B nodded with his eyes closed. "I mean, what's the point of lighting AND keeping up the fire if you don't know on how to take it out?"

"EXACTLY!" C unexpectedly shouted while I was trying to push 1 out of the way, but instead he just kept on goofing around like a dumbfuck.

"You won't make it to being #1 of politeness! Naa-Naa-Na-Naa-Na-~! ♪" 1 playfully sang while dancing and opening his mouth wide like a muppet character.

"NEITHER DO YOU, STUPID ASS GOOD FOR NOTHING SCUMBAG!" I shouted at his idiotic face while pointing to his face.

1 began to fucking fool around again. "Be the number ONE of being Nice! Be the number ONE of being a decent letter being! Be the number ONE at-"

"SHUUUT THE FUUUCK UUUUUUUP!!!" I shouted in front of 1's puny face as Loud as I ever could in my entire life. After that, I used the exclamation mark gem that's still in my wrist and knocked his shitty ass face REAL HARD.

"OWWWCH!!!" 1 loudly screamed in pain from a punch in the face. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"You got in my way and FUCKED around. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT!?!?" I fumed at him like that.

L noticed it and took a quick glance at me like if he was curious of why I was so angry at 1 for something obvious that made me LIKE this.

"Uh.. G? Are.. you okay?" L asked me with an eyebrow raised up his right eye.

"Yeah, L.. I'm just not happy because 1 got IN MY WAY while I was trying to have a peaceful day." I blabbered on and about this situation that's happening right now.

O also took a look at me who had the blood-boiled and a fumed face. O didn't know what to say to me at all, so he just kept his mouth shut and silent to try to not make things change, whether it could be worse or not.

"Ah-! Did I make you guys uncomfortable? Sorry about that.." I stupidly giggled as soon as I slowly started to back away from L and O. They looked like they have started to find something that was "fishy" about me, but I guess it's.. not true, I guess?

"Has G been mentally okay for a few days straight?" L whispered to O.

"I think not.. he seems to be more upset right now." O also whispered to him back.

They looked at each other with worried faces from eye to eye and then walked with each other from where I've gone to.

Actually, O wasn't even walking. He was just hopping slowly due to him having brutal wounds in his body, yet still bandaged at least. But since all over his body is damaged, O won't be able to roll without getting tons of pain until his cuts start to close into his skin.

Yep, L also walked slowly along with O too, because he cares about O so much. He even realized the pain that would feel for O if he rolled to the ground and still being brutally Damaged from a few days ago by crashing to the cave.

"Hmm.. These 2 MIGHT be following G from what I've been thinking. Also, I wonder what L and O are gonna do after they walk together for a while?" T started to get curious each second.

"Let me guess; They're gonna make out?" C giggled and then snickered with a smug-ish smile on his face with his straight teeth shown.

"HEY!! I'm being serious, You yellow.. Cuttlefish! YEAH! That's what you are! CUTTLEFISH!" T whined over and over like a childish kid. After that, C started to switch back to a confused expression such as.. or like; What is he thinking?

Oh, and after that, B laughed at C gently and then lightly patted him, which made C shocked.

"OI, B!" C started to laugh. "HAHA-!! Don't tell me you're gonna goof off too!! I always saw you as a lazy, busy bee!"

"Yeah, since B is for Busy-Bee~!" B sang playfully while flapping his wings.

"Yo, B!" A called out to B who was still flying. "Remember what J said about the Pizza party!?

"Yeah, I'll go remind everyone like J wanted me to do this morning. See ya later, Bud!" B winked at A and then flew off to the skies.

"Wow. Well, that was something." A looked down to the ground and then at C and T.

"What in the hammerhead sticks are you looking at?" T talked with one eyebrow raised, including a confused look on his own face.

"What now, eh?" C worded out like a loud letter.

"We just try to do something about the Pizza party like J planned for everyone except for others who aren't invited! Ain't that simply for you, Cuttlefish boy?" T responded to C in a hard voice.

"Yeah, such as R, X, and K. That also goes for the dead letters. I heard that 6 of them were absolutely killed." C sadly replied with a. Sad look on his face.

"OH, GREAT SHARKLANDS!" T gasped in horror. "Who could have done such a HORRIBLE THING?!?"

"Someone with 4 sides that look like a marshmallow who tried to kill me one night at a certain campsite once.." C snarled while rolling his eyes up and down. "His left leg was also wrapped too for some reason but somehow able to walk properly."

"Oh boy.. sounds creepy.." T shivered up a bit. "I hope I don't get stabbed or sliced to death-!"

"Don't worry, T!! You're made out of Metal, what's HE gonna do? Kick you in the face? HAHAHA!!!" C laughed out loud, which got T to also laugh with him too.

Meanwhile, with L and O...

L and O were still walking together and yet close to each other. They were trying their own best to look for me until now, which they saw me hugging the P plush that was still in my arm.

"Uhm.. Hello, G?" L normally called to me. "So,  how are you feeling right now at this current moment right here?"

"Feeling a bit better because I was hugging this plush, thank you very much!" I showed the P plush to them as they started to look at each other with a confused look on their faces once Again.

"Oh.. it's.. The same one that you showed us a few days ago." O said calmly with no disappointment in his true mood nor his true feelings.

"Yeah, we're glad that you've been trying to get better instead of getting worse." L nodded sternly. "We're worried for you, G."

"Ehh-? Nahh!! No need to worry about me!" I closed my eyes while shaking from left to right, which is a sign of no. "I'll just be sure that I'm gonna be all right, as long as if nothing horrible happens to me."

"But G, what about-" O tried to say the full question, but got stopped by L HIMSELF.

"DON'T SAY IT, O." L kept O's mouth silent with a serious and stern tone with a pinch of bitter flavour into it.

"O- Oh.. Okay." O slowly nodded and then turned to me.

"You know, this could trigger G at any moment now, which is WHY you shouldn't say it." L told O about it.

"Shouldn't say what?" I got confused at the both of them.

"Oh.. No, no, NO, you don't wanna find out." L shook from right to left while slowly backing away from me and then accidentally bumping O a bit, which made him blush.. somehow.

"Anyways, what time does the pizza party exactly start?" O asked him. "I'm just curious."

"Oh, it'll start in 7:00 P.M as from what J told me." L turned to O quickly with a normal expression.

"Noted." O nodded. "Thanks for the answer."

4 hours later... (7:00 P.M

It was finally the time of the pizza party, and then pretty much EVERYONE came, even Me, L, and O. J was unbelievably happy to see all of us except for the letters who aren't invited to go have a pizza party with him.

And even 1 joined in, which J was okay with.

"Thank you all for coming, guys!" J speed with glee in his face. "Wanna know what kinds of pizza there is for you guys to enjoy?

"Ooiooooh, what is it??" O started to get more and more curious to his utter mood.

J owned the box and then started to call out to us. "PEPPERONI and CHEESE PIZZA!"

The invited letters and I had started at J and then the pepperoni pizza. We started to smile slowly and more by each second.

"PEPPERONI AND CHEESE PIZZA?!" We shouted with happiness and gratitude. "THANK YOU, J!"

"You're welcome, everybody! Now, let's all enjoy our time with out pizza and hang out together at the Alphabet Park!" J jumped with a big smile and then handed out to each one of us each plastic plate.

And so on, we enjoyed our pizza together, talked about the recent stuff that we've been doing together. What's going on recently, and so on.

And so on. While we were enjoying our time together, 1 had to make an announcement to us about something certain.

"Excuse me, you all!" 1 called out to us. "I'm gonna go to the back of F's cave for a while so that I can call one of my fellow number friends about it. Okay?"

"Alright 1, But don't take too long on it!" A waved to him as soon as 1 walked away from others without a single "See you later" or a "Goodbye" either.

Oh boy, I simply wonder what 1 wants from the other letters while on a call? I made a thought in my mind, yet starting to get curious as ever.

Meanwhile, with 1...

(Keep in mind that there will be NO ONE'S POV for the rest of the PROLOGUE. G's pov will come back in the 1st Chapter fyi)

It was about time that 1 had finally made it to the back of F's dark, grey cave. He whipped out his walkie-talkie that he took from the Calculator ship so that he can call one of his number partners about something.

Then, he dialled 2's phone number and then put the walkie-talkie next to him. The curious and troubled-ish blue number didn't even know what was going to happen in a couple of minutes later...

"So, have you found any more information about our White Multiplication sign?" 2 started off with an obvious question.

"Well, yes. Of course. His gem seemed to be stained with unusual black ink, and I heard that the blue stain on his left leg was actually a bloodstain." 1 brought some stuff up to 2 in the call without even relaxing that X was stalking him for this.

"Anything else, 1?" 2 asked in a. Curious tone.

"To be honest, I think a Big, dark red letter named M told me that X has killed a total of 5 or 6 letters." 1 sternly replied while starting to roll his pupil around the area, but not when X was still stalking him.

"M, you were saying? Man, that letter surely IS quite strong that he even helped with 3 letters at the same time without being so grumpy!" 2 started to get surprised when he heard of the name M.

"How do you know about this?" 1 questioned while sounding confused as well.

"3 was spying on L, O, and G dealing with X, and he told me all about it!" 2 responded with a clear expression for 1 to understand what he just said.

"Mhm. Fair enough." 1 nodded gently. "After all, I'll have to note this in my mind from now on."

"Sounds good!" 2 exclaimed after 1 said what he said right now. "Oh, and by the way, what did do you bring with you in order to stop the mad multiplication symbol?"

"Well.. I've got, in fact; a Size ray. That can help with it, right?" 1 slowly whipped the Size ray out.

"Yeah, Yeah! Now THAT is one of the fitting equipments to prevent X's killing!" 2 also exclaimed when he heard of the shrink ray that 1 mentioned.

"Of course, 2. Although, I do seriously hope that this will stop X in the right time once and for all. Am I right?" 1 seriously considered.

"Of course, 1!" 2 said. "Now, to stop X and you'll be rewarded!"

"As you wish. See you!" 1 said back as he stopped the call.

Just as 1 turned around behind his back, all he could ever see who was stalking him behind his own back was the same Homicidal X with the dark blue bloodstain in his leg, and yet still carrying the chainsaw along with a light gray needle.

"..With a twist to death." X started to chuckle, making 1 feel nervous of the current situation he's in right now.

"What do you mean by THAT?!" 1 started to yell at X as soon as he brought out the Size ray in front of X's face that 1 has ever mentioned to 2 as of today.

"Oh~? So this must be the size ray you talked about with 2, your goofy ass number friend?" X also giggled at 1, which also made 1 back away from him. X just flat out followed his backoffs that he had been to from spot to spot, and that started to make 1 pissed.

"And not to mention that you got in G's way when he was about to talk to L and O? Pathetic." X told him. "Neither you, NOR any other number or LETTER should get in G's way from HIS OWN PLANS."

"What kind of plans..?!? You've gone NUTS." 1's mind started to shatter into pieces.

"Ah, you know what I mean." X tilted his face with a happy face and his eyes closed. "G's plans of trying to enjoy his own day without any problems but then got ruined by YOU in it?"

"Say your prayers, X.." 1 started to snap, holding the Size ray straight away from his face. "..You won't be spreading Psychotic nonsense in your normal size ANY MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER THINK YOU'LL GET!"

"Eheheh.. are you sure about this, funny guy?" X started to awkwardly laugh in front of the angry blue number like that.

"Yes. Now what's with the needle, you dumb symbol bitch?" 1 didn't hesitate to throw in an insult at the psychopathic murderer.

Little did 1 know that X had started to get BLOODTHIRSTY. Even so for The Bloodthirsty Return.

"Oh~.. are you curious?" X played around with the needle, making a pleased face for the angry number 1.

"Go find out for YOURSELF once you REALIZE THIS." X told1, while X rushed over to 1, dodgers the size ray and knocking it off of 1. This made HIM drop the walkie-talkie, too.

1 got pushed down to the ground from stumbling backwards to falling down, and then X slowly stepped toward to 1 and got on top of him, giving 1 a menacing look on his face while laughing devilishly.

"Ahahaha.. you really do know on how to pleasure me, huh~?" X laughed from the indecent mood that he got for kicking 1 down to the ground.

"What rhe hell is wrong with YOU-?!" 1 grunted out loud while trying I get up, but he unfortunately can't due to X standing on top of him, still holding the chainsaw.

"Any last words before you die..?" X started to smile even more, starting to make 1 weirdly uncomfortable and scared at him for what X has done to 1.

"X.. my fellow multiplication symbol..." 1 hardened up.

" are a fucking psychopa-"

Before 1 could finish his finishing words, X STABBED the whirring chainsaw into 1's soft, blue body and then he SCREAMED and CRIED on the top of his vocal cords, sobbing for help but with no one but X around him in reality. The more 1 screamed for his life, the deeper X thrusted the chainsaw into 1's bloody wound so hard that 1 stopped breathing afterwards.

After 1 finally died, X picked up the Size ray, and then he took 1's eyeball out of the eye socket and shrinked it with the Size ray that's at the "Shrink" option.

And so on, he sliced 1's bottom and then sewed the bottom of his skin with the needle..

..and then somehow turned it into a BOWTIE, made out of 1's lifeless eye and his skin. When he placed it on, X started to look at the spreading blood of 1's and then he started to laugh uncontrollably, feeling even more bloodthirsty than ever.

I.. I did it. I FINALLY KILLED 1. X made a thought for his mind. It's about time that he's FINALLY DEAD..!

X felt good of himself without feeling any guyot at all either, since he felt a lot of pleasure and euphoria when he brutally killed 1 and turned his eyeball and skin into a bowtie. He got pretty tired of walking around with JUST a Dark blue bloodstain and a corrupted asterisk gem, which is why he had the sudden idea to do THIS.

"Now, I wonder who to kill next.." X sighed to hold himself from starting to laugh from quiet to Loud.

Oh, Obviously another letter to plan to kill. Other than a number of course.. X also thought to himself. He looked at the sky and then the direct body of 1, turning away from him  and saying an unexpected thing.

"I'll be Waiting for you, M..~!"

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