A Thousand Words

By CathyJensen

1K 45 72

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and the characters. This another attempt at a diffe... More

Missing Person
A New Life
Seattle Home
Charity Begins At Home
The Truth Comes Out
A Better Place
A Great Loss (sex)
A New Friend
Never Saw It Coming
Coping Together
The Start Of Endings
A Gentle Tug
The Thomas Family
Jumped The Gun
Confrontation (sex)
Wham Bam
The Wedding
A Quiet Wedding
A Big Blast
A New Home
A Cry In The Dark
The Search
Like Father Like Son
Special Delivery
A Ghost Among Us
Missing In Action
A New Grey
Powerful Powerless
Security Tripled
A Rat Trap
Time Jump

Failure To Communicate

18 2 2
By CathyJensen

I am feeling blue and I don't know why. The boys are doing great Christian hired a couple of people to help me with the boys. Sawyer has been helping me with them as well. He is my CPO and the boys have their own as well. Enid has been very annoying about Ethan this and Ethan that, well Ethan made his choice and I am about to have her limited in seeing her grandsons. She tried to leave with them one day and Sawyer stopped her. Kate said Ethan made his bed and he is happy in it. She said he is not worth any of my tears.

Jennifer Long
I am glad I got in my Uber and got away from that bar and Ethan Kavanagh. He thinks that he is Gods gift to women, not this one. I know his and his father's reputations. I don't need another man like that in my life. I guess I was just a face in the crowd to them both. Well I decided that he was not worth my time and his father used his money to cover up some things that were seriously off the wall. I was surprised when he and his father didn't remember me. It sure cost them a lot money to buy my silence. I guess they don't recognize faces anymore. Both need to be behind bars. What father takes his son to a sex party. I didn't even know that I was at a sex party and tried to leave when the Kavanagh stopped me from leaving. When I kept screaming no and stop the host of the party pull them off me. He got me to the hospital and told me how sorry he was for their actions. They covered my hospital bills and gave me two million dollars to forget it ever happened. They intimidated the hell out of me. Kavanagh Media was pretty strong at that time, now not so much. I had to take antibiotics for the STD's they gave me. The fear of aids was a real concern. Luckily I didn't have it and still don't. I need to remind them both they have a restraining order against them still in effect. It was put in place the same time that I signed the documents and if they break it I still get the money and then the truth comes out.

I waited with the young woman and tried to get her name but she didn't answer me and got in the Uber. She didn't even look back at me. I got the Uber numbers and the license so I could track her down. I called and was able to get the information and her location. Then her name struck a cord and I ripped the information up. I'm not going to jail because of her. I don't know why I listened to dad that night, but I won't do it again. I look at the photos my mom sent me. I don't know why she would think that I would want to see them.

I can't believe mom would try to take the boys out of the Grey home, she could be arrested. Now they won't allow her to be alone with them again. I don't want to cause them not to trust me in regards to the boys and now they do. My pregnancy is giving me issues. I am going to put on bed rest soon. The stress is not helping me and I need to relax.

Kate can't take the stress her family is placing on her and she will be going in bed rest to make sure she carries our baby to full term. Christian is making sure her workload is lightened up and allowing her to work from home. If that doesn't work he will put her on maternity leave early. I am hoping she takes the early maternity leave. Christian can't order her to take it, he is offering it with pay and allowing her to write articles at home. I just want her safe and my baby safe. I am about they insist that Enid stay away until she learns that she needs to abide by the rules about the boys.

Grace and Carrick called me into their home office and told me that my actions are affecting Kate and the baby she is carrying and if I don't stop talking about Ethan and what Ethan might want for the boys and putting my daughter and her unborn grandchild's life in danger we would stop me from seeing the twins. I am apparently putting undue stress on Kate. They are limiting my visits to twice a week and not when Kate is here. My hands are tied and I know it. This order came directly from Mia. She has been telling me not to bring up what Ethan would want, because what he wants counts for nothing since he signed his rights to the boys away. I am reminded that my visits are out if the kindness of Mia's heart and now I am testing that kindness and it is about to end. No more visits if I don't follow the rules the, new ones.

I spoke to mom and dad about Enid and how she is going on about what Ethan would do if he were here regarding things with the boys. I told them that I was getting tired of hearing her complain about what Ethan would have done and I got mad and told her to stop telling me what Ethan would have done, because what he did was sign away his parental rights, so nothing is what he is doing. I heard Enid yell as she was leaving. We are concerned about Kate and the undue stress Enid is causing her. Enid tried to take the boys and then manipulated Kate enough that it caused her to pass out from the stress. Kate refused to take the twins to her house so Enid could gain access to them so she could take them to show Ethan. Ethan threw his chances away for good. I don't want him around my children.

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