My circus 'friend'

By toby-freaking-byers

155 2 3

This is an IT story, so spoilers-lots of spoilers- Male!oc x Richie Tozier Benverly Stanbrough HAVE FUUUUUNN... More

Its only the beginning
The quarry
Welp, this is the end. Im totally dying today.
Im not supposed to know this many people
Kidnapping is like drugs, bad but some 'people'dont care
The end....maybe
This isnt the end. Not yet.
Extra little thing A/N ish
Bev, the deals on.

Just when i thought life couldnt get weirder

15 0 2
By toby-freaking-byers

Smaaaalll warning for sexual jokes and rumors (for yk Bev and Vic)

Me and the rest of the losers were riding our bikes and just having fun. "Slow down dickhead!" Richie yelled as I sped up passed everyone. "Hi-Ho silver! Awaaayyy!!" Bill called out as he caught up to me. "Your guy's old lady bikes are to fast for us!" Richie yelled. "No! Your just slow!!" I yell back. "Your slow asshole!!" He shots back. "Says the guy who's 20,000,000 yards behind me!" I laugh out.

We finally get to the sewers and we are getting off our bikes and heading towards the big tube thing. "Do you think I could get ontop of that thing?" I ask, looking up to the top of the tube. "I don't know, I guess." Eddie answered shrugging. It wasn't like suuper tall but it would definitely take some work.

"That's poison ivy. And that's poison ivy. And thats poison ivy." Stan states, pointing to random plants. "Where? Wh-where's the poison ivy?" Eddie asked starting to panic. "What's poison ivy?" I ask, also panicking a little due to it having 'poison' in it. "It's just a weird plant that gives you a rash, and there's non here, not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley." Richie says, trying to reassure me.

"Well I'm starting to get itchy now..and I'm pretty sure there's someone stalking us.." I say, obviously panicking a lot. Richie goes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Your just p-panicking Vic, nobody's stalking us." Bill says with a slight sigh. "What about those antidepressants? You said they help with anxiety right?" Stan questioned me. "Yeah, normally, but like I said, they aren't ACTUALLY antidepressants." I say, still in a panicked state.

"You take antidepressants?" Richie asked. Honestly he was just surprised he didn't know about it. "Kinda- not really, but enough about the drugs I take, can we PLEASE focus on why we are here and the possibility of getting kidnapped." I say, sounding more panicked and unsteady. "We aren't going to get kidnapped vic." Eddie says again. "You never know!!" I say as I pick at my shirt. Richie and bill go into the sewers fully while me,Stan, and Eddie stay back.

"Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie asked us three. "Nuh-uh. It's grey water." Eddie informed. "What the hell is grey water?" Me and Richie say at the same time. "It's basically—piss and shit! So I'm just tellin you!" Eddie started. "You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of derry pee, and most likely vomit to. So.." Eddie says with his normal sassy and angered voice. "AGH-" I yell as I cover every hole in my face. "Wha?!- are you ok?!" Eddie yells as he turned to me.

"Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew!!" I keep repeating. I take a deep breath and look away from the sewer. "Ew." I say one more time. "Hm, it doesn't smell like caca to me chicos." Richie says as he smelled a stick with a bunch of 'grey water' on it. "Ok, I can smell that from here!" Eddie exclaimed. "It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face." Richie says smiling and making gestures with his hand.

"Have you ever heard of a staph infection!?" Eddie calls out. Though he says it like, 'infefin' for some reason. "Oh I'll show you staph infection!" Richie exclaimed with a evil voice. "Ugh this is so- unsanitary. Your literally- this is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now! And have you ever heard of LISTERIA?!" Eddie exclaims as Richie picks something up with the stick and throws it at him.

"AAAGH" Eddie screams. I chuckle a little 'cause not gonna lie, that waas pretty funny. "Are you r€t@rd€d?! You're the- you're the reason why were in this position right now!" Eddie yells at Richie. "Guys!" Bill calls out to us. We all look over and immediately our faces and smiles drop. He's holding a shoe.

"Shit..don't..tell me that's.." Stan stammers out. He's obviously VERY scared. "No. G-g-Georgie wore galoshes." Bill answered the not-so-question. "Then who's shoe is it?" Eddie asked as Richie stepped closer to bill, inspecting the shoe. They see a name on it and Richie turns over to us, "it's Betty ripsoms.." he answered with a slightly shaky voice.

"Ooh shit. Oh god- oh fuck-" I say, starting to freak out. "I don't like this." Eddie says sternly but obviously terrified. Noticing my coming up anxiety attack, Richie responded with, "how do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one freakin' shoe?" And smiles as he jumps up with one leg in the air. I chuckle a little until Stan says something else.        

"What if she's still here..?" He stated. I began freaking out again and I was practically shaking when Richie and bill began moving farther. What the hell are they thinking?! Their idiots, that's what they are. Complete utter idiots. "Victor come on!" Richie alls out as he keeps walking. I hold my breath and try to run after them, tearing up just a bit 'cause it really does look like vomit. Stan is slowly following behind me and eddie is looking around, obviously debating.

"My mom, will have an aneurysm, ok? if she finds out that we're playing down here? I am serious!" Eddie exclaimed and I just roll my eyes. "My mom would be the happiest woman on earth if I slipped, cracked my head open, and died." I say, making hand gestures to explain it better. "No she wouldn't!..bill-" Eddie exclaimed, trying to get some help from bill. "If I was Betty ripsom I would want us to find me..Georgie to." Bill says slightly turning around to face him. I sigh a little, still shaking from the feeling of muck under me. It's like I could almost see the darkness coming out of everyone, even Richie.

"What if I don't want to find them?" Eddie said almost sounding confident. "I offense bill, but I don't wanna end up like G...I don't wanna go missing either.." eddie corrected himself. I slightly looked over to bill who looks like he was on the verge of tears. "He has a point.." Stan states. "You to?" I said, getting annoyed at this point. "It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun! This isnt fun. This is scary and disgusting." Stan rambled on, losing my attention at about the middle.

Just as he ends the sentence though, some kid falls from the fucking sky and we all jump, and I end up slipping and almost falling into the vomit and shit. That is until Richie catches me.

"Why hello there viic." He said, and youll never guess what happened. He WINKED. I mean yeah- he winks at me all the time and he was using that 1800 voice that sounds like shit BUT. It just hits different when he practically saves your life. You can't blame me. "Piss off trashmouth. If you drop me I'm killing you and your mother." I say trying not to actually melt. He then laughs nervously and helps me up.

"Hey love birds! Come up here this kid looks like he's puking from his stomach!" Eddie yells from outside the tube thing. "EW!" I yell and immediately cover my eyes with my hands and turn over towards Richie. "Don't worry lover boy, I'll save you!" Richie says in a like super man voice or something. He then takes my hand and guides me out the tube. "I hate you so much." I say, completely just lying.

"Shut up you love me."

I just sigh at that, he's not wrong, but it's not like I can say that cuz there's a high chance he's homophobic. Well actually a low chance- but I'm not risking it.

We then drove the kid, who I'm pretty sure is named Ben, to a alley by the supermarket. Eddie was rambling about something and I completely missed everything he said besides aids, mom's friend, hangnail, and- "how do you amputate a WAIST?!"

We finally get to the alley and we all get off our bikes. "Richie, V-Vic, wait here." Bill stated. "What- why can't I come?!" I exclaimed. I really REALLY don't want to stay here with the guy who was 'puking out of his stomach' and I also feel like I'm just here to make sure nobody dies.

"Richie can't be anywhere without adult supervision." Stan answered. "But I'm not a!—" I yelled as they sprint away into the abyss. "Adult." I finish quietly.

"Glad I got to meet you before you died." Richie said and I just sighed. "Your so awkward rich." I say smiling but trying really hard to hide it. "I am not- I'm like the best, riiiight?" He asked me as he leaned against the wall obviously trying to look cool but ends up just adjusting his glasses with the hand he was leaning on the wall with and almost falling to his death.

Sadly, that just made me smile more. "Think whatcha want to four eyes." I say shaking my head. He nervously chuckles—sounding awkward—and the rest of the losers come out of the market and Eddie immediately goes to work on bens stomach, where there's a big H carved.

"Just suck the wound." Richie said shrugging. "I need to focus right now!" Eddie said in his normal weirdly loud, quick speaking voice. "You need to focus?" Richie smirked, knowing his intervening with Eddie's 'focusing.' I couldn't help but ever so slightly smile at the way Richies voice kinda lowered, but it was most likely just because we're 13 and that's what happens to 13 year olds.

"Yeah, can you go get me something?" Eddie asked Richie. "Jeeze, Oh what do you need?" Richie said with that same voice that honestly made me wanna push him to the ground and throw a rock at his face.

"Go get my bifocals. I hid them in my second Fanny Pack." Eddie explained. "Why do you have two Fanny packs?" Stan laughed out. "Well I need to focus right now, and it's a long story. I don't think you'd get it." Eddie states. I'm pretty sure the second Fanny pack is for me but whatever.

"Oh god- hes bleeding- oh my god!" Stanley exclaimed and as soon as he said that I covered my eyes. I'm practically shaking when Richie hugs me and turns my face the opposite of where Ben is. I hug him back and look up to see Bev. I'm in deep shit If she notices me. Deep.shit. But thank god bens dying beside me because she walks over to us and walks right to Ben.

"You need to suck the wound before you apply the band-Aids this is 101!" Richie exclaimed and let's go of Me after a few seconds now that Bens not stomach vomiting. "You don't know what your talking about." Eddie says shaking his head. "Are you ok? That looks like it hurts." Bev said with concern. "Oh. No. I'm good, I just fell." Ben reassured her, smiling like a sissy. He's very obviously head over heals for her. It's honestly kinda sad but it's not like I can say much, seeing as I literally almost passed out at Richies voice.

"Yeah, right into Henry bowers." Richie exclaimed. "Shut it, r-r-r-Richie." Bills warned. "Why? It's the truth!" Richie said. I sighed and heard a car rumbling. I walked over and say that it was some rusty car starting, I thought it was nothing until I saw a red balloon. Suddenly my gut felt like it was caving in or something so I hugged myself and slightly hunched over. Soon enough the weird feeling went away and I just walked up to the group again, also seeing Eddie stand up and Bev wave as she walked off.

"Nice going bringing up Bowers infront of her." Stan said sounding sarcastic but also slightly disappointed and annoyed. "Yeah dude, you heard what she did." Eddie reminds him and I just roll my eyes. I know exactly what there talking about and it's not for a good reason. "Want did she do?" Ben asked, I sigh, getting ready for another crazy Richie joke that shouldn't be funny but somehow is.

"More like who'd she do, from what I hear the list is longer then my wang." He said smiling as he tugged on his pants where the zipper is. "That's not saying much." I say rolling my eyes. "Oh and you would know wouldn't you." Stan said smirking. "Oh shut up. And I don't think it's that much of a 'big deal.'" I shoot back at him. "vic I thought you would be the most irritated out of all of us." Eddie said looking at me. I slightly look away, not really comfortable with talking about my 'relationship' with the bowers gang, specifically Henry and Patrick. "There j-j-just rumors." Bill said looking at them and especially me.

"Anyway, bill had her back in third grade." Richie said in that weirdly soothing voice. Got I hate him so much. I wanna crush his bones then cuddle with his lifeless body it's so weird.

"They kissed in the school play! The reviews say you can't fake that sorta passion." Richie exclaimed. "Yes you can." I chip in. I look over and see Stan and bill smiling at each other. "You definitely can." I add smirking a bit. Richie scoffs a little then claps his hands together, making me jump.

"Now! Pip-pip and tally-go my good fellows! I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention. Get in there Dr K! Come on, fix 'em up." Richie says in a actually ok British accent. "How about you shut the fuck up Einstein, because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy with me right now—" Eddie rambles but is cut off by Richie.

"Suck the wound! Get in there!" He exclaimed. "Stop trying to get Eddie to suck things rich!" I laugh out. We all laugh besides Eddie so looks disappointed.

"Well how else are you supposed to get the wound clean viiic." Richie teased with the same smooth soft voice.

His voice is so beautiful.

2404 words

Wooohooooooo I'm totally not crying inside- haaaahaaaaa

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