Style (stan x kyle) dude you'...

By coco217_

36.8K 736 3.2K

Kyle and Stan are no longer friends due to stans point of view on life that was, everything being "shit" Due... More

1-"eveything is shit"
2- "Hi kenny.."
4- "My dad"
5-"The funs just began"
6- "You are driving me fucking crazy dude"
7- "Them leaving is never a good sign"
8- his last card
9- "I need you"
10- "He has something to live for"
11- "I promise"
12- A sudden realisation
13- make a wish
14- safe embrace
15- "like old times"
16- i saw red
17- boyfriend?
18- you cant sugarcoat death
19- questioning
21- 2 wishes
23- i feel safe
25- old enemies
26- 6 months
27- The plan
28- swap places
29- lack of sleep
30- no more secrets.
31- ft
32- fucked up
33- trust me
34- The big game
35-sent away
36- not my home
37- change in demeanour?
38- unsolved trauma
39- Think of me when you see the scars
40- The Letter
41- Court
42- Electric guitar
43- i love you

3- "A bet is a bet"

1.2K 21 230
By coco217_

As Stan opened his eyes, he noticed Kenny was no longer by his side he didn't think too much of this, knowing Kenny was a morning person.

He rubbed his eyes trying to recollect yesterdays memory, he hated Kyle for having such an effect on him obviously it wasn't Kyles fault, but Stan couldn't help but hate him.

Stan thought deeply and seriously he needed to get his feelings in order he didn't like his thoughts about Kyle.

He was scared.

Stan hopped down the stairs, coming face to face with his mum and Kenny, Stan knew Kenny would've made up some shitty excuse for why Stan came home early, and Stan was really thankful for that.

He didn't want his mum to find out about his problems she already lost her husband to drinking she wouldn't want to know she could be losing her son too.

"How are you feeling now hun" stans mum asked softly "oh..uh I feel great now mum thanks" Stan stuttered scared she'd see through his fake facade. She smiled thankfully not seeing stans lies

"anyways mum we've got to go school, love you" Stan said as he tied up his shoes, leaning towards the door. "Alright see you later Stanley love you" he smiled back at his mum, closing the door behind him and Kenny.

"Thanks man for covering for me" Stan said appreciatively, Kenny smiled but Stan could see the disappointment in his smile, making stans heart break

"I'll change I promise" Stan said knowing this is not the first time he's said this to Kenny.

The rest of the car drive was silent until they finally arrived at school, walking into the building both laughing together.

Kyle was at his locker, as he heard two familiar voices. Stan and Kenny, as he looked up he met two dull blue eyes, purple eyebags, and black messy hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed in days.

Kyle never noticed how beautiful Stan was.

"Done staring broflovski" Stan said with a smirk on his face snapping Kyle out of his trance yet again.

"shut up dick" Kyle hissed sticking his middle finger up while walking away.

Kyle was supposed to be annoyed but he couldn't help but feel excited?

Him and Stan hadn't spoken in so long it felt kind of relieving?

Kyle snapped out of his thoughts and told himself no he's better without Stan, he doesn't need him, he thought repeatedly, almost as if he was trying to convince himself.

After a long two periods it was finally lunch, Stan snuck into the bathroom looking behind him making sure no one was there to follow him.

Two people mainly in thought Kenny and Kyle.

Locking the door behind him, Stan told himself no more than three sips today enough to help him get through the day but not enough to make it obvious he was drunk, he couldn't put Kenny through that again.

He finished the third sip letting the alcohol consume his body and thoughts, shit I love this stuff Stan thought.

Stan placed his tray on the table making tweek Jump "Aaah" "oh sorry tweek" Stan said sympathetically.

Craig looked Stan up and down "damn marsh you look like shit" he chuckled to himself, tweek nudging him while giving him a stern look.

"Thanks Craig I can always count on you to be honest with me" Stan said sarcastically.

Craig laughed and then flipped him off, causing Stan to roll his eyes.

Kenny and butters shortly joined the three at the table Kenny examined Stan, he looked alright but Kenny knew he had drank, he could smell it on his breath.

Butters must've seen Kenny's face as he put a reassuring hand on his thigh and smiled at Kenny.

Kenny was so thankful for butters, he always knew he was supposed to be his soulmate, butters knew everything about Kenny including his problems from his drunken idiot parents to stans problems, Kenny loved him more than anything in all the worlds Kenny has been in.

"Soo marsh what's with you and Kyle" Craig said with a slight mischievous look on his face.

Stan stopped eating and looked up concern filling his stomach " um what why what do you mean" praying this conversation would end quickly.

"we saw that interaction in the hall earlier.. done staring broflovski" Craig laughed mimicking Stan.

"Shut up tucker he was staring at me it was annoying" Stan replied hastily

"well too me it looked as if you were enjoying the attention Kyle was giving to you, almost as if you craved for it for a long time maybe you want more than his attention " Craig winked at at Stan.

Silence filled the table Kenny wasn't sure how Stan was going to react, yes it was obvious Stan liked Kyle, he has since fourth grade but Stan was so oblivious to his own feelings he probably was in denial about what he felt towards Kyle.

Kenny watched stans eyes trying to get a sign of what his reaction will be, they looked conflicted?

"Shit" Stan muttered

" I fucking like Kyle"

"Kenny you owe me $20" Craig snickered

"do I look like I have $20 dick" Kenny moaned

"a bet is a bet"

Craig laughed.

"you dicks bet on me??" Stan said trying to seem pissed

"well no and yes. Kenny said that you'll never figure out you like Kyle and I said you would so I thought I'd give you a little push" Craig winked again.

"You guys are assholes" Stan laughed as he continued to eat having to now deal with his new realisation.

Kyle watched from afar wondering what they were talking and laughing about, Kyle no longer sat at their table due to him and Stan not being friends anymore.

Instead he sat with Clyde, token, Cartman, Wendy and Bebe.

"What you staring at Kehle" Cartman laughed knowing full well who he was staring at, as much as Cartman was a dick he always shipped Stan and Kyle.

"No one fatass" Kyle spat

"I'm not fat I'm big boned" cartman snapped.

"anyways if I didn't know any better it looks like you're staring into Stanley's soul."

Before Kyle could answer Bebe butt into their conversation

"omg you two would be so cute together" Bebe said while hanging onto Clyde.

" I'm not gay" Kyle mumbled, everyone on the table looked at each other knowing full well kyle was in a lot of denial.

Or just insanely oblivious to his own feelings

"Anyways dudes my birthdays coming up and I'm gonna have massive party I'm literally inviting everyone" tolkien said with excitement.

They all smiled enthusiastically knowing tolkien threw the best party's.

As Kyle smiled, he couldn't help but think about the previous conversation.

why does everyone think I'm gay, I mean I'm not.


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