
By iambrazy0

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18 year old twins Luna and Athena are troubled girls who have been home to home since they where kids after t... More

Agression pt2

Chapter one: Aggression

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By iambrazy0

The day had just started and Luna was already into some trouble with the other teenage girls in the group home. "YOUR SUCH A BULY LUNA" a girl yells. Athena jumps out of bed to go see what all the commotion was about. Of course it was Luna and Aaliyah. Aaliyah and Luna hated each other since they where middle school age, all the girls in the group home always egged on their beef. "What's going on why are you yelling Aaliyah" Athena asked calmly. Luna walked it of the room.
"I'm so sick of this sh*t Athena your sister is the worst."
"Aaliyah just say what happened before you wake up big mama."
"Just hear me out. I was on a walk yesterday when some girls came up to me and asked me my name. I just kept walking then BAM the girl slapped me. I looked up and Luna starts walking up with them. She told her best friend Kayla that I been texting Kayla's ugly a** boyfriend."
"Have you been ?"
"No Athen, not in that way. He is my partner for Trig. We have a project we have to communicate."
Athena has always had a soft spot for Aaliyah because of how bad Luna treats her. Luna does everything in her power to make sure Aaliyah get hurt because of drama from 7 years ago. Athena walks upstairs to go talk about things with Luna.
"Really Luna? It's 10 other girls in this group home you can bother you don't always gotta pick on Aaliyah!"
"What nana? You on her side now? I'll beat yo a** too."
"What? Luna why would you say that ?"
Luna starts walking up to Athena with a wild look in her eyes "Get out of my face Athena" Luna demanded. Athena knew that Luna was really mad because she never called her that. She always used her nickname, nana. She was still determined to talk to her though. "Luna back up your not going to win if we fight anyways" Athena said with a Stank face. Luna pushes Athena "BACK UP I SAID MOVE" Luna makes another swing at Athena but misses. Athena slaps her "What is wrong with you" Luna keeps swinging. BAM "OUCH" Luna cried out. Athen had body slammed Luna onto the floor. "I'm sorry Luna I'm sorry you just wouldn't stop! Please be quiet before big mam-"
"WHO MAKONG ALL THAT DAMN NOISE?! HUH?!" Big momma yells as she aggressively swings Luna and Athena's door open. " What the hell is she crying for nana" Big momma side eyed. "I- We- We got into it and she wouldn't stop and i threw her on the ground im sorry" she responds. "You know what nana I'm not even mad at you. Nope. I'm so tired of your sister she can't do nothing right if she wanted to she don't want to do nothing but be a hoe. GET UP OFF THE FLO LUNA!" Big momma responded. Now the other girls where surrounding the door trying to see what was going on. And Aaliyah was first in line.
"Get out Luna." Big momma says.
"Fine I hate it here anyways" Luna responds .
" No , No Luna we dont have anywhere to go!! She's sorry big momma" Athena jumps in.
" Oh no Athena you stay I just want your fast a** sister out." Big momma adds
"I cannot just leave my sister..." Athena cries
"Fine both of you get the hell out."
"Fine the f**k AND EVERB GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR" Luna fusses
   An hour passes and everyone is in their rooms. The girls start packing up all of their stuff. Luna had a lot of clothes always, her man, AJ, made sure of it . He's a good dude. Too good for her. He always made sure  the both of them had money. "I'm just gone text my man nana we can go and stay there" Luna said calmly
"i dont know if i want to stay there i don't really know them"
"where the hell else you gone go nana?"
"Okay. I'm done packing"
"Alright i'm texting Aj right now"

"He on the way let's go wait outside." Luna smiled


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