
By Writing-Doll

11.3K 423 249

Shuri moves to Infinity Willow Grove so she can experience an American college experience before taking her P... More

Act II


265 10 0
By Writing-Doll


I get on my knees and straddle her waist, holding some of my weight on my knees. She grabs my waist and I wrap my arms around her neck. I bring my face inches from hers and hover.

"What are you waiting for? You asked to kiss me Angel." She pulls me closer to her.

I kiss her, it feels like I've just set a match to gasoline. Her lips are soft but it's not enough. I try to add my tongue, she lets me. Her tongue slides across my lips and her hold on me becomes tighter. We fight for assertiveness, she ends up winning. Without notice she lays me on my back and I'm under her. She slows down the pace of our kiss and place her right hand on my thigh. She uses her left hand to hold herself up. She's in between my legs and and the only sound in the quiet campus is the sound of our fluids exchanging. It lasts for a while until she pulls away.

"Angel, I have to get you home." She looks down at me.

I rub the back of her head where her undercut is. "Can we please sit here for a second."

"Okay, but only for a second." She leans down and pick up where we left off.


"Are you thirsty?" I ask Shuri. We just got back to my dorm.

"No, I'm fine thank you. I should probably get going, are you going to be okay until Lottie gets here?"

"She not coming home tonight. I'll be fine though."

She started taking off her shoes and jacket. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm getting comfortable, I'm going to take the couch."

"No, I'm fine Shuri. Really, you can go home and sleep in your bed."

"I don't believe you, I'll be out here if you need anything." She sits on the couch.

I grab her hand and pull her toward my room. "If you sleep here tonight, you're sleeping in bed with me."

"That's fine too Angel." She chuckles.

I get her some clothes out, we change and we lay in bed.

Some how, some way when I wake up for work we're cuddled with each other. I don't want to move because she's sleeping so peacefully. I let her rest for a few minutes before I attempt to leave the bed, her grip on me tightens.

"Stay a little while longer. I'm so comfortable." She whines.

"I know but I have to get ready for work and I have to walk, I need to leave out an hour earlier." I say.

"If I take you to work will you stay in bed for an extra hour?" She asks.

I contemplate it before I give my answer. "Okay fine." I get back into my comfortable position.

"What do you do at work anyway?" She asks.

"I help in anyway they need. Most of the time I feed and bathe the rescue pets. I've gotten attached to a few of them so I don't mind taking care of them. I like to think that they're mine on the weekend."

"That sounds fun, I think I'll come to work with you today. You volunteer right?"

"Yes, but I'm a paid volunteer."

"Trust me Angel, I don't need the money. I just want to go to see what it is you do every weekend." She says.

"Fine, but we have to leave out earlier so you can go get dressed. We only have thirty minutes to sit here."

"That's fine, we can talk so I'll stay awake."

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"We can talk about anything. Ask me whatever."

"Okay, um tell me about your family." I shrug my shoulders, it's the only lame thing I could come up with.

"Well, I have a brother he's older than me. He works for law enforcement I guess you can say, he's big on protecting his country. He's always been there for me, he's part of the reason I am who I am today. He showed me the ways of science and technology. He went away though, I won't be seeing him for a long time. My parents are so supportive of what ever I do, I won't be able to see them for a bit either."

"Where are they?" I ask. I probably shouldn't have asked but it's up to her whether she wants me to know or not.

"My brother is in the army, he usually does tour after tour. My parents went to Africa for research. So it's just me here in the states for now. How about you?" She finishes.

"Well you know everything mostly. My parents were professors here for the longest. My mom just recently got the job as Headmaster ten years ago. They had us somewhere in there. We have other family but we only see them for holidays and stuff, we try to keep to ourselves. I pretty much grew up here on campus. Lottie, Kamora. Simon and I made the commute with my parents here almost everyday."

We sit and get to know each other in depth until it's time to get up. She told me things like how she lived in Africa until she was seven, we even had a light discussion about music on our walk over here to her dorm.

Her dorm is neat and well put together, you'd almost think no one lived here. "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to go shower."

I sat and twiddled on my phone until I heard her phone ring. I looked over, not to be nosey but it was instinct.

Riri, it read. I try to think of it could be anyone on campus. Actually, no. She's just my friend, I don't need to know who that is.

I feel the vibrations of my phone in my hands. I look down to see Kaleb calling me.

"Hey Kaleb."

"Hey baby, you didn't call me last night when you got in." I hear his husky voice.

"I know, it slipped my mind. I went right to sleep once I got in. I'm sorry." I stand up pacing the room.

"It's okay, I texted Simon last night to make sure you got home safe when you didn't answer. He said Kathleen walked you home. You two seemed pretty close last night."

"Yeah, Kat is cool. She's become a good friend."

"So you two are just friends right?" He asks.

"Yes, Kaleb. Same answer, you've asked me this already. Is there a reason why you want to know about the status of Kathleen and I's friendship?" I walk over to the window.

"Yes, I want us to be more than friends. Eventually I want you to be my girl. If there's any competition I want to make sure I know who I'm up against."

"There isn't any competition, she and I are just friends. Nothing more, and honestly Kaleb you and I are just friends as well until you make that next move."

"Okay what next move do I have to make?" He chuckles.

"I don't know but, you'll know when you're ready."I say in a teasing tone.

"Okay, how about we spend our first night together." he offers.

"Sounds nice, but we're not having sex."

"It wasn't even on my mind. We can just eat and watch movies. Whatever you want to do, you can pick what dorm we sleep at."

"We can stay at your dorm. We're almost always at mine." I say.

"Okay, it's settled. I'll come to get you tonight after you get off of work."

"I have a ride from work already. I'll text you when I'm home so you know what time to pick me up."

"That'll work, I'll see you and your pretty face then." He says.

"Okay, bye" I hang up.

I smell Shuri before I can see her. I turn around to see her in her fit of the day. A pair of black shorts with a white T-shirt paired with gold jewelry and black and white dunks. She's putting oil on her face.

"Quick question?" She started.


"Do you have plans on being with Kaleb?" She raises an eyebrow.

I fold my arms and think about what she just asked. This whole time that's what I thought I wanted but ever since Shuri and I started getting close I don't really know anymore. "I don't know, we're just chilling right now."

"He seems to have plans of you two being together. Does he know you both are just chilling."

"You want me to be honest with you Shuri? I can't really assess my feelings for for Kaleb when I'm constantly thinking about you every other minute of the day." She looks shocked. "It really doesn't help that we're constantly getting closer. It's like the closer I get to Kaleb, I accidentally get 10x closer to you. So to answer your question, no I don't have any plans on being with him right now."

She comes closer to me and place her hands on my waist. "You want me to be honest with you Rue? Your not on my mind every other minute of the day." I start to pull away from her until she pulls me closer. "You're always on my mind. The only thing I can think about some days is you. The way you tend to stumble over your words. Your obsessive need to always be right. I can't tell you how many times I've fantasized about being able to kiss these full lips of yours." She leans down and kiss me. It only lasts for a second.

"That's the thing Shuri, we're not suppose to feel these things for each other. My brother asked one thing from us." I look up at her.

"I know, sometimes you can't help how you feel about people. Trust me Angel."

I look down at our feet. "We have to get to work Princess."

"Look at me Angel." She tugs at my chin so I'm looking back into her pools of darkness. "It's okay to be a little selfish sometime. You have got to start putting you first."

"Okay, but if we hurt Simon all bets are off. We can only do this if it stays between us okay."

"Okay." She kisses me then smiles widely. I try to hold off from mirroring her smile but it doesn't hold. "You have a very contagious smile princess."

"So I've heard, let's get going Angel." She grabs my hand and her smile never leaves her face.

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