Mystic Dark Veil

By helen__maze

24.5K 1K 25

In a world of magic, intrigue, and unexpected twists, follow the captivating journey of the Death Queen. Afte... More

Travel into novel
Situation around me
Orginal Story
The traitor
Scumbag Prince
The servants
In the Shadows of Deception
Betrayal's Resurgence
Found the traitor
Whispers of Deception: Unveiling Shadows at the Auction
"The Enigmatic Auction: Treasures, Potions, and the Trade of Souls"
Controlling the Untamable
Lusav- Bond
Empowered Helen Trains Lusav
Foxin's Secret Business
Black magic and evil beast
Helen's mall in novel
Brake's interest in mall
Palace invitation?
father ~daughter
Jannat being spied
Fearless Lady Defeats Assassins
The Deadly Game.
The curse
Unraveling Helen's Unexpected Smile
A Clash of Affections
Deception Unveiled
Duke Proposes Annulment
Reason for annulment
Helen and Clivat -Friends
Helen's doubts
Enter Magic Forest
Etlanta Family ;New Foxins
Star gazing - warning from duke
Renovation and sudden attack
Helen's first hunt
Captivating killing beauty
I will find you
Worst Enemy
A spy at the border
An abandoned weapon shop
Unknown language and magicians
Ruperson magicians ?
First revenge on pervert
Revenge on 'The Baker'
A disguise in dress
The carriage man's story
Plans with Howard
Mr. Samson
Meeting Jeffery
I didn't feel like slicing thumbs.
Back to Helen from Jennifer
The last meal
Helen returns to Lusav
Punishing the arrogant maid
A contract formed
A new world before me
Magic Books: Dangerous Desires
A growing loyalty or obsession?
A future Ally or threat?
Lusav's true identity
A fragrant tea party
Congratulate the mistress?
Family downfall!
Marquesses Selgae!
A peaceful ride with him.
Synced heartbeats
A stir of emotions
A family dinner or a memory of mother?
Palace Infiltration
Enchanting garden encounter
Jannat is back
Training spot

old lady's daughter !

278 14 0
By helen__maze

As I stepped out of the store with my newly acquired treasures, the streets began to quieten as children scampered home and shopkeepers prepared to close up for the day. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of yellow-orange, casting a warm glow over the bustling town.

Returning to the inn, I noticed the absence of the old lady at her usual spot. The cool breeze that wafted through the windows welcomed me back as I ascended the stairs to my room. Closing the door behind me, I deposited my purchases onto the side table before changing into a comfortable white robe.

Collapsing onto the plush bed, I sighed in contentment, relishing the sensation of sinking into its soft embrace. "Ah, finally, now I feel truly at ease," I murmured to myself, allowing myself to roll lazily across the bed's expanse. In my careless sprawl, I inadvertently nudged against the nearby table, drawing my attention to the recently acquired set of six poison daggers.

With a sense of anticipation, I reached out and retrieved the daggers from their packaging, each blade gleaming in the fading light of the setting sun. Running my fingers along the intricate designs etched into the handles, I marveled at the craftsmanship before carefully placing them back on the table, eager to explore their potential in the days to come.

The daggers exuded a menacing sharpness, their blades honed to a deadly edge. I noted the cleverly concealed hollow compartments within their holders, designed to store various poisons for added potency. Etched into each dagger were the words "Dú shī," translating to "poison master" in Mandarin. A smirk played across my lips as I considered the possibilities. "Hmmm... these would make a fitting gift for my dear Lusav," I mused, envisioning him wielding the daggers with deadly precision against those who dared to betray him.

Returning the daggers to their packaging, my attention turned to the ring. Carefully opening the box, I examined its unassuming appearance. Unlike before, there were no special lights or engravings to be found. The ring no longer emitted its mysterious glow, but the shimmering blue jewel still held a captivating allure.

Frowning in confusion, I muttered to myself, "What could be the use for this ring? Why did it emit light that time? Was I scammed?" Despite my uncertainty, there was something undeniably entrancing about the ring, leaving me determined to uncover its secrets and discover its true purpose.


Setting aside the ring for the moment, I reached for the book I had purchased. Covered in a thick layer of dust and bearing the marks of age, it exuded an air of mystery and antiquity. With a sense of anticipation, I opened its weathered pages, my fingers tracing over the unfamiliar script adorning the first page.

Frustration tinged with curiosity washed over me as I realized I couldn't decipher the language. However, my spirits lifted as I turned to the second page, where the words were written in a common tongue, easily comprehensible to me. Here, amidst the yellowed pages, lay a wealth of knowledge on elemental powers and techniques for cultivation, promising rapid progress for those who sought mastery.

Driven by my desire to enhance my fire element skills, I eagerly flipped through the pages until I reached the section devoted to fire elemental cultivation. Ten distinct methods awaited my exploration, each offering its own unique approach to harnessing the power of fire. Immersed in the text, I absorbed the details of the first method, my mind aflame with newfound possibilities.

Just as I delved into the intricacies of fire manipulation, a knock at the door interrupted my focus. Reluctantly tearing my gaze away from the pages, I closed the book and set it aside, anticipation lingering in the air as I prepared to address the unexpected visitor.

(the book was not completely closed it was turned to the first page with that unknown language). 

I rose from my bed, drawn by the unexpected knock at the door. With a curious glance, I opened it to find the old lady standing there, a tightly secured cloth pouch clutched in her hands. "What happened, Madame?" I inquired, puzzled by her sudden visit.

A warm smile graced the old lady's lips as she met my gaze, her eyes sparkling with genuine affection. "Nothing much, my lady," she replied softly, her voice carrying a gentle warmth. "I simply wanted to offer you some special sweets from this place. They come from a hidden pastry shop, known for their incomparable taste. Please, accept this small gift as a token of my appreciation. I hold you in high regard, and I wish to share something sweet with you."

Surprised by the unexpected gesture of kindness, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. Here was an innkeeper, a stranger just moments ago, showing me a level of warmth and generosity that touched my heart. With a nod of thanks, I accepted the pouch of sweets, humbled by the gesture and grateful for the unexpected connection forged between us.

For me, people had always been like greedy animals, driven solely by self-interest and the desire to gain something for themselves. It was a cynical perspective, perhaps, but one that had been reinforced time and time again by my experiences. Yet, as I stood face to face with the old lady, her kind gesture shattered my preconceptions.

The innkeeper had nothing to gain from a seemingly ordinary guest like myself. Yet, she had gone out of her way to procure something special, simply to offer me a moment of sweetness and warmth. It was a gesture that defied my understanding of human nature, leaving me humbled and touched.

"Thank you," I murmured sincerely, my heart heavy with gratitude for the unexpected kindness bestowed upon me.

The old lady chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Haahaa, my child... no, my lady," she corrected herself, a warmth in her voice that mirrored the gentle glow of the evening sun.

Reaching out, I clasped the old lady's hand in mine, a sense of connection blossoming between us. "You don't have to call me lady, Madame. You can call me as you wish," I offered, a genuine smile playing at my lips.

The old lady's face lit up with joy at my words, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Really? I can call you my child?" she asked, her voice quivering with emotion.

In that moment, a pang of panic seized me. It was the first time I had encountered such raw, unfiltered emotion, and I found myself at a loss for how to respond. Yet, beneath the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of warmth and acceptance, as if I had found a place where I belonged.

Observing the kind soul who had shown me such unexpected tenderness dissolve into tears, I felt a pang of empathy tug at my heartstrings. "Madame, please don't cry," I urged gently, concern etched in my voice. "Is there anything troubling you? Please, come inside. Let's sit and have a chat if you're free."

With a nod, the old lady entered my room, her tear-stained cheeks betraying the turmoil within. As we settled onto the bed, with only one chair available, I fetched a glass of water, silently offering it to her. Gradually, her sobs subsided, replaced by a heavy silence that hung between us like a veil.

After what felt like an eternity, the old lady spoke, her voice tinged with sorrow and regret. "I am sorry, child, for showing you such an unsightly side of mine."

Quickly, I interjected, shaking my head. "No, no, Madame," I reassured her. "How can a person's sadness be an unsightly side of themselves? Sadness is the reason why we can appreciate happiness. They both coexist, and no one should feel pathetic because they are insecure or sad."

With a soft smile, I reached out, gently clasping the old lady's trembling arms. "Madame, you can speak to me. Share the worries you carry as a stranger whom you may never see again. I won't betray your trust by revealing your secrets to others."

The old lady's eyes brimmed with fresh tears as she found the courage to speak, her words faltering with emotion. "My... my... I lost my child," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "They took her from me, those devils. She was just a little kid, with so much life ahead of her. It's because of me... because I didn't take care of her well. I lost my baby."

I was taken aback by the sudden revelation of tragedy from the old lady, who had always appeared cheerful and content. "Please, calm down, my lady," I urged gently, offering her a reassuring glance. "Tell me what happened in detail. When did you lose your child, and where did it happen?"

With trembling hands, the old lady wiped away her tears, summoning the strength to recount her heartbreaking tale. "My baby... she was just twelve," she began, her voice quivering with emotion. "She was a beautiful child, unlike me. Kind-hearted and understanding. She never hurt a soul."

As she spoke, her words faltered less, allowing her story to flow more freely. "My baby was growing prettier every day, her beauty soon catching the eyes of the unsavory villagers. Her hair was a light blue, shimmering like water droplets under sunlight. Her eyes... they were just like yours, my child. A deep red, reminiscent of rubies. They were filled with warmth and kindness."

Her voice hitched as she recalled the fateful day. "One day... those old village monsters came for my daughter. I was powerless to stop them. They beat me and tried to harass my small baby. She... she was just a child..." Her voice trailed off, overcome with grief and anguish at the memory of her daughter's innocence shattered by cruelty.

As the old lady recounted the horrifying ordeal, her eyes became pools of raw emotion, reflecting a turbulent mix of anger, vengeance, sadness, and profound loneliness. Sensing her anguish, I held onto her arms tightly, offering what little comfort I could.

"They tied me up and tried to tear off my daughter's clothes right in front of me," she continued, her voice trembling with the weight of her memories. "But they never anticipated that my daughter was far more powerful than they could ever imagine. As they laid their filthy hands on her, my baby's once warm, red eyes turned cold, her blue hair shimmering with an otherworldly glow. A blaze of blue flame erupted from her body, engulfing those vile men and rendering them blind."

The old lady's words hung heavy in the air, the intensity of her tale palpable. "My baby rushed towards me, desperate to free me from my restraints," she recounted, her voice filled with anguish. "But there was no time. The men were only injured, not dead... I had to make a choice." A tear slipped down her cheek as she remembered the agonizing decision she was forced to make.

In that moment, the enormity of her sacrifice weighed heavily upon us both, a testament to a mother's unwavering love and the lengths she would go to protect her child. And as the echoes of her harrowing tale lingered in the room, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration for the strength and resilience displayed by this grieving mother.

My heart ached as I listened to the old lady's heart-wrenching tale unfold, her words painting a vivid picture of her daughter's harrowing escape. "My poor baby," she murmured, her voice thick with sorrow, "her once-kind eyes now filled with tears as she realized she had to abandon everything to escape those filthy men."

As the blue flame slowly began to fade, the men regained their sight, their malicious intentions reignited. With a heavy heart, her daughter fled through the door, each step taking her further from the safety of her mother's embrace. Yet, before disappearing from view, she cast one final glance back, her eyes brimming with longing and vengeance towards the men who had torn her away from her only source of comfort and security.

As the old lady recounted this agonizing moment, I could feel her pain as if it were my own. "Soon, my baby was completely out of sight," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "The blue flame faded with her departure, leaving me alone with those despicable men who had torn my world apart."

Helpless and powerless, the old lady endured further abuse at the hands of her captors as they scoured the house in search of her daughter. Kicked and beaten, she could only watch in despair, her heart heavy with the knowledge that her beloved child was out there, alone and vulnerable in a world filled with cruelty and injustice.

The following day, I embarked on a desperate search for my baby throughout the grimy village, but she was nowhere to be found. Days passed, filled with relentless searching and growing despair. Finally, a villager approached me with a lead – they claimed to have seen a little girl running towards the edge of the Magical Forest.

My heart sank at the news. I knew all too well the dangers lurking within the depths of that enchanted forest. It was a place of untold perils, where even the most seasoned travelers feared to tread. But despite the looming threat, I had no choice but to follow the trail of hope, however faint it may be.

As I ventured deeper into the shadows of the forest, my mind raced with fear and uncertainty. The memory of my baby's tear-streaked face, filled with both sorrow and fierce determination, haunted my thoughts. It was the last image I had of her before she disappeared into the darkness, leaving me alone in a world consumed by anguish and regret.


Helen sat quietly in the dimly lit room, her hand clasped gently around the frail fingers of the grieving old woman. The air hung heavy with sorrow, the weight of tragedy pressing down upon them both. Tears trickled down the old lady's weathered cheeks, tracing lines of anguish as they fell.

In that moment of profound silence, Helen found herself grappling with the inadequacy of her words. How could she possibly offer solace to a mother who had lost her child to the cruelty of vile men? Yet, she refused to release her grip, offering her shoulder as a silent bastion of support.

Then, in a voice weathered by grief but infused with a strange calmness, the old lady began to speak. "My child," she said softly, her gaze fixed on Helen's eyes, "your eyes bear a striking resemblance to my daughter's. And though your once vibrant blue hair now lies concealed beneath a shroud of silver, it too carries echoes of her essence."

A tender smile graced Helen's lips as she listened intently, her heart aching for the pain etched upon the old woman's face. "Please," the woman continued, her voice trembling with emotion, "allow me to share my story with you. In calling you 'my child,' I find a fleeting sense of comfort, as if the echoes of my daughter's spirit linger in your presence."

Helen nodded gently, her empathy palpable as she leaned closer, offering her unwavering support. "I promise you, Madame," she whispered, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her, "I will do everything in my power to bring those wretched men to justice. You have my word."

But as the old lady's eyes flickered with a fierce determination, Helen sensed a wave of apprehension wash over her. "No, my child," the woman replied, her voice tinged with resignation, "those men hold sway over this village. I cannot bear to see you risk yourself on my behalf."

A sense of helplessness settled over Helen as she absorbed the weight of the woman's words. How could she confront such injustice when faced with insurmountable odds? And yet, as she looked into the old lady's eyes, she saw not only the reflection of her own grief but also a glimmer of hope.

In that moment, Helen made a silent vow to honor the bond that had formed between them, to stand as a beacon of strength for this grieving mother. And though the road ahead may be fraught with danger and uncertainty, she knew that she could not turn away—not when the echoes of her own pain intertwined so deeply with those of the woman who had come to call her 'my child.'

I couldn't help but allow a small smirk to play across my lips as I reassured the old lady before me. "Do not worry, Madame," I said with a calm confidence, "I possess the means to ensure those responsible face the consequences they deserve. Please, share with me the details of these men."

A flicker of understanding passed between us as the old lady recognized the weight of my words. It was clear she grasped the influence wielded by my esteemed family, and with a nod of gratitude, she began to recount the harrowing ordeal her daughter had endured at the hands of these perpetrators.

As she spoke, her voice trembled with raw emotion, yet with each passing moment, I could sense the tension easing from her weary frame. There was a palpable shift in the air, a subtle release of the burdens that had weighed so heavily upon her.

But then, as our conversation drew to a close, the old lady's gaze fell upon an open book resting upon the nearby table. It was as if her attention had been suddenly drawn to some forgotten detail, a fleeting distraction in the midst of our shared resolve.

I watched silently as she reached out a trembling hand, her fingers tracing the edges of the book with a sense of reverent curiosity. There was a quiet contemplation in her demeanor, as if lost in the labyrinth of memories that lay within those weathered pages.

In that moment, I realized the profound impact our encounter had upon her. It was not merely the promise of justice that had eased her troubled heart, but the connection forged between us—a bond born of shared sorrow and an unwavering determination to seek truth and redemption.

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