Love Island 2023

נכתב על ידי forbesfever

170K 2.7K 131

Isabella can curse her friends all she wants, but Love Island is six weeks of sun, fun, and hopefully love. W... עוד

meet isabella


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נכתב על ידי forbesfever

movie night part 2

The next question was "How many calories can you burn in 30 minutes of sex?" which Jessie gave her guess of 300 calories, which won the girls the next pick. They chose to watch Ronnie Darko. Isa cringed as she watched Ron reference Tom and Liv, and then Ron talking about what Isa would be doing in Casa. 

"So much faith Ronald," Isa sighed, shooting the boy a wink when he looked at her. 

"Honestly I'm not super bothered by Ron's comments," Isa shrugged. "Now, if Tom had done something in Casa and I saw those I may be pissed but I'm chill."

Isa just sat back and munched on popcorn as Liv went in on Ron's comments about Tom, feeling Jessie looking at her. The brunette shrugged to the Aussie, both girls taking a sip of their drinks. After giving Olivia time to compose herself after Ron's comment worked her up, Lana read the next question. 

The girls most quickly guessed that 50% of Brits had gotten carpet burn during sex, when the answer was 65%. The girls ended up choosing Shaq to the future. The clip was with Zara, shocking most of the group. 

"Tanya you've gotta keep your head on that," Isa advised, rubbing the girls shoulder. "You know that's been weeks ago."

The girl held it in until she made eye contact with Shaq and started going in. When Shaq made the comment about her saying she loved him and kissing someone in Casa, Isa literally choked on her drink, leaving Lana to rub her back while Tanya and Shaq carried on.

Finally the next question came in, the boys most closely guessing that 48% of men experienced love at first sight. The boys chose to queue up 'Liv Actually.'

The clips started off strong with Liv forgetting Kai's name. The second clip was of Liv chatting about Claudia forgiving Casey, before surprisingly asking Maxwell what he thought of Isa and Tom.

"I think they seem really into each other," the Casa boy observed. 

"I think they're both playing a game," Liv said frankly. 

"Oh, oh, it comes out," Isa laughed, sipping her drinks as the other girls cringed. 

"They're both together to stay safe, and try to win," Liv shrugged before moving on to chat about Kai and Sanam. Isa laughed as Liv made the comment about Kai's head turning, wondering if the girl was keeping count of her own head turns. 

Isa shook her head as Liv tried to cover her own ass, saying it was nothing she wouldn't say.

"Babe we had it out two days ago and you didn't have the nerve to call me a game player to my face," Isa stared the brunette down who was a bit lost for words. "But go on, keep on being a hypocrite."

"If you've got any questions come to me after," the girl tried to say, Isa scoffing as Sanam laughed. 

The girls won next, asking for 'Free Willy'. "We've got you honey," Isa whispered to Jessie as the clips rolled. The girls could tell Jessie was conflicted as the clips ended. 

"Don't cry hun," Isa pouted as the girl tried to laugh through the tears.

"Jessie no, look it ended off good," Claudia tried to comfort.

"Everything you saw you expected," Lana agreed, but was cut off by Tanya leaping up. 

"Not the dick touch!" the girl said. 

"Oh I don't think that was that," Isa shook her head as the boys chimed in, agreeing it was not more than that. Will was clearly unhappy with Tanya trying to pipe up and say the bed clip was a bigger issue than it was. 

The boys won the next round, choosing to watch 'Jess Side Story.' The Aussie's clip was hardly anything to write home about, Will chiming in that he was chill, as he should be. 

The girls won the next, watching 'Mad Maxwell'. In Isa's opinion, the clip was nothing at all, but of course after everyone said it was an easy clip, Olivia tried to have a go at Maxwell. Isa rolled her eyes as she sipped her drink.

The girls won the next clip, choosing to watch Air Force Tom. "Anything to fess up to babe?" Isa called out with a laugh as the clip lined up. The group watched Tom jump away from Lydia when she put the moves on him, and the boy sleeping outside with Ron on the day beds. 

"Who did you have to pay off for that clip ya geezer," Ron laughed as he gave Tom a shove. Isa smiled and shrugged her shoulders as she made eye contact with Tom.

"Glad to see you were well behaved," the girl laughed as the next text came in, announcing the end of movie night.

The girls headed off to the firepit to debrief, expressing how some of the clips made them feel. After Olivia addressed the 'elephant in the room' as Ron's comments, causing Isa to giggle and the brunette to turn to her. 

"I mean my elephant in the room is you talking shit about me," Isa shrugged, the other girls looking on in shock. "But that's ok because I don't have to even feel bad about my comment in the challenge the other day, even though you tried to seem like an angel when you've been mouthing off behind my back."

"We can just agree to disagree there," Liv shrugged. "I think your comment was uncalled for-"

"Liv, me calling you least genuine is probably not as bad as calling someone a game player," Isa said in disbelief. "It just proves my point? Like get over yourself, you are a hypocrite."

The girl's argument was quickly shut down when Tanya went on to chat about her tiffs and arguments from the night. God bless her, but Claudia went on to give a little pep talk at the end of the debrief, and Isa couldn't help but laugh in her mind as she continued to think about how fake Olivia had been to almost all of the girls and yet here they were playing nice. 

"I just can't bite my tongue, it's one of my worst traits I bet," Isa said in the beach hut. 

There were a lot of tough talks to be had that night, but Isa was happy to just cuddle into Tom. "How you feeling after all of that?" he asked her. 

"I think the one that gets me is the Liv one," Isa said. "Like she tried to guilt me the other day about the challenge answer, but she's sitting there saying worse things about me? I don't spend a moment of the day thinking about her but I truly think I live rent free in her head. And the way she was going in on Ron only because of his comments about you, I truly think if you were to show interest she would turn her head so quickly."

"I think you just can't dwell on it," Tom advised. "She doesn't matter, what matters here is us."

"You're right," Isa nodded, leaning in to kiss him. "I was proud to see your clip."

"Aw were ya," he smirked, leaning in for another kiss. 

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