Starry, Starry Night (Stardus...

By under_a_bus

21.4K 725 218

Y/N didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to finish this school year, pass his classes and maybe build up e... More

Who Will Be The Judge!?
DIO's Curse
Tower of Grey
Silver Chariot
Dark Blue Moon
Yellow Temperance
Emperor and Hanged Man
Wheel of Fortune
update :)
Bonus~ (Y/N) meets the other Joestars
The Lovers
The Sun


828 36 19
By under_a_bus

(Y/N) still wasn't sure why he had decided to get back into the car, especially with Polnareff driving, yes he was the only one with their driving licence and Joseph didn't have the best track record when it came to driving but maybe they could've stopped for a while at least. But nope, they were back in the car and off through India and into Pakistan.

At least they stopped to get their clothes replaced, Jotaro and Kakyoin just deciding to get their school uniforms replaced for some plot convenient reason, while the others decided to go for a more lighter weight, weather appropriate outfits. And (Y/N) thought he looked pretty damn good dressed like some explorer with cargo shorts and a loose shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He even picked out a cute hat and hiking boots to match. The clothes were made to measure meaning they perfectly hung of his body, flattering his (insert ur body type) frame. 

"I still can't believe they tailored your Japanese school uniforms," Joseph leaned back in the passenger seat to ask the boys in the back.

"It's 100 percent wool."

"Aren't you a little hot in that...

"Polnareff, are you okay driving? The fog is getting pretty thick," Kakyoin looked a little nervous looking out of the window.

"Yeah, it's a little dangerous, not even any handrails on the cliff."

The group seemed to collectively shudder at the thought of their French friend driving in such conditions. And the fog only seemed to be getting worse despite how early in the day it was. They agreed to stop off at the next town to get a hotel for the night, no point in risking their safety any longer, not after just healing from the last stand user. 

The fog had settled over the town, wrapping around buildings and cars, people walking almost trance like through the streets, barely visible and disappearing as soon as you see them. Something felt very off, it was a big place but seemed practically deserted, too silent for a main street. There had to be a hotel at least, some sort of place to stay, maybe even a restaurant to eat at.

Jotaro felt the uneasiness too, wrapping his arm around the boys shoulder, fingers twitching ready to fight back at a moments notice. Everyone was on edge and as Joseph called out to one of the restaurant owners, the silence seemed to become practically deafening, the only sound being the open sign aggressively being turned to closed. His blank face never changing when Joseph starting shouting.

"Um well, no need to close for just us..We just wanted to ask if there's a hotel nearby," silence, "Hello??" 

"I don't know."

"Wait! What do you mean you don't know? You live here, is there a hotel or no-

"Are you alright Mister Joestar?" the (h/c) piped up noticing how he had just stopped as soon as the man turned around.

"I'm fine, might have just been my bad accent."

Polnareff was already on his way to ask someone else, "Hey buddy! Sorry to bother you but we're looking for a hotel. Know any with a clean bathroom? Come on now, lay it on me...

He trailed off as the man started to convulse and choke, mouth wide open and eyes buldging as two small lizards crawled out of his throat. They all stared on I horror, not a single passer by even sparing the now dead man a glance. Something was very wrong. 

Panic ensued, the man had a gun in his hand, recently fired but no one had heard a shot, the people around then were disease ridden and did nothing but walk and repeat the same few words. Almost like zombies in a way, completely unaware of what was going on around them. Unfortunately (Y/N) was very aware, and everywhere he looked it seemed to get worse. Boils and lacerations covering peoples skin, dead animals on spikes and the fucking fog that seemed to have a mind of its own, covering up the body as soon as he walked more than a few meters away. 

He couldn't even see his friends anymore as the mist writhed around him. Barely able to see, he stumbled back the way he came, uneven path almost tripping him up a couple times before he bumped straight into a brick wall of a person. Maybe Jotaro had the right idea, with all the fog the air was getting pretty cold, would be nice to have a woollen jacket.

"Where the fuck did you go," he asked but the shorter boy seemed to distracted by something above them.

"That sort of looks like a skull don't ya think?" Joseph pointed to the sky where the fog swirled and gathered.

"He's a traveller," Kakyoin snapped them out of their daze, pointing at the man still lying dead on the floor, "Bus tickets, Indian currency, he's not from this town."

"He has a wound, size of a coin just below the throat, must have been the shot that killed him," the older Joestar added.

"But no blood, such a deep wound should be bleeding a whole lot more..." 

They stripped back the man's shirt to reveal a pattern of perfectly symmetrical circular wounds covering his body. Each as deep and wide, not a single spot of blood in sight.

"Be on your guard," Jotaro warned but Joseph was already launching himself into the jeep.

"Let's get out of here! Huh? What the!?" the jeep below him vanished into the fog, revealing a row of spiked fences just centimetres away from where he would land, "Hermit Purple!" 

"Hey... What are you doing old man. Have you lost it?" 

He had barely scraped past, any closer and he would have been impaled right on the spikes. Looking around wildly for the Jeep he didn't notice the small woman walking towards them.

"Excuse me ma'am but would you happen to know somewhere we could stay?" (Y/N) called out, desperation clear in his voice, he was cold and scared and just really wanted to be in a bed and not in a car anymore. 

"Travelers I see, well it would be dangerous to drive through those cliffs with such heavy fog. I'll offer you a place to stay at my hotel, I'll even give you a discount to such a polite young man like yourself."

"Thank you so much, we really appreciate your generosity and would love to stay at your hotel," he smiled through his teeth as nicely as he could.

She started walking away at a fast pace for such an old woman, "Come, come! This way master Joestar.. That's my hotel over there. Its small but would you believe it was used a location for a bond movie twenty years ago and one of the Beatles even stayed here as well!" 

"Really!!" both Polnareff and (Y/N) said excitedly.

"No, not at all. But its a fantastic hotel I stake my reputation on it. For dinner would you like meat or fish?"

"Hold on old woman... You just said Joestar," JoJo's eyes went dark, "How do you know that name?"

She stopped for a second, a drop of sweat slowly running down her forehead, "What do you mean sir? I heard him say Joestar earlier."

"Me? Now that I think about it maybe I," Polnareff considered.

"What happened to your left hand? Are you okay?"

"I burned myself, it must be my age, I tend to forget things heh.." the old woman waved (Y/N) off.

"I could have a look at it if you want, I have a little practise in first aid."

"Don't worry sonny, it'll be just fine, I cleaned up the burn not too long ago." 

She quickly hurried into the hotel, brow furrowed as she scowled for reasons yet unknown to the group.

☄. *. ⋆. *. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆ 

"Why is it suddenly so cold in here," (Y/N) muttered to himself.

The rest of the group had already begun to settle into their rooms, and since he would be sharing with Polnareff, a notorious blanket hog, he decided to get a few more just in case. He was definitely regretting the shorts now, it was so drafty for some reason, like someone had left all the doors and windows open.

He was looking for the old lady to ask for any spare blankets, leaning over the front desk to see if he could see her in the room behind. Nothing, she seemed to have just disappeared off somewhere in the strangely roomy place. 

"Well well well, look what we have here."

"Ahh!" he fell forward from where he was leaning, tumbling over the desk and onto the floor behind.

"Oops, don't go hurting yourself, master DIO wants you unharmed or he'll have my head," the cowboy chuckled to himself.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! Stay back!" he summoned Ace into a protective stance, "Don't move a fucking muscle or I'll scream!!"

"Dear lord you're such a dumb little thing aren't you," he shook his head.

"Hol Horse! So you're finally here."

The voice made the boy sharply turn around to see the old woman right behind him, hand now unbandaged to reveal not a burnt hand but another right one. Just like the man who killed Polnareff's sister. He was too stunned to notice when the hilt of Hol Horse's gun was brought to his head or when he strategically brought it down to swiftly knock him out.

☄. *. ⋆. *. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆

"You let my son die!!!" 

"He was already dead when I got there!!"

"Stop using the prisoner as a shield and face me head on you coward!!"

"What the fu-" his eyes were unusually heavy, he didn't remember falling asleep though, just coming to find some blankets and finding -

"Welcome back to the land of the living," Hol Horse grumbled, he was indeed hiding behind the smaller boy, "Let's sort this out like civilised people Enyaba."

She didn't seem to want to do that in the slightest, launching a pair of scissors straight towards the both of them, lodging them right into the mans wrist. He grabbed them and tore them out sharply blood flying everywhere.

"My son died because of you!! I will bring Justice upon you!!" 

Fog built up quickly in the room, slithering towards the two in the middle, Hol Horse still pinning the other's arms to his side watching in horror as the stand formed. Mist loosely resembling a figure, a cold wind blowing right towards it, creating something like a small vortex. 

"Ahhh!!!" the blood was being pulled straight out of the wound and into the fog, slowly hollowing it out until it was a small hole right through his wrist.

Enyaba laughed, "My Justice can suck the blood out of any cut! Turning it into the perfect hole for it's strings to go through! Now Hol Horse, kill yourself."

The man's hand seemed to turn on him, he brought out emperor but to no avail, it just made it worse as his gun was pointed straight at his head, his wounded arm making him pull the trigger. 

(Y/N) watched from where he was thrown to the floor as the man shot himself right in the head with his own bullet. He wanted to scream but the fog made it hard for him to even breath, it felt like it was just going straight through him and not anywhere near his lungs. He reached up to the back of his head, fingers feeling a rush of cold air when he reached the place he was hit. It was a hole straight through his skull. And Justice had hooked itself through it. 

"I'm just going to check what that noise was, haven't seen (nickname) in a while either," a familiar voice said.

If only he could get Polnareff's attention, he could warn him to get the rest of the group. But he had lost just about all the air to his lungs, not enough to even push out a whisper. He felt himself being pulled back by the force in his head, dragged along with the dead body to a corner behind one of the large sofas. Just in time for his friend to walk in, letting him listen helplessly as he walked straight into a trap.

"Is everything okay? Sounded like something fell over? Mon Cheri that you?"

"Ow, ow ow," the old hag muttered pathetically.

"What happened! Have you hurt your back? You should be resting with that burnt hand of yours."

"Thank you, I'm fine, nothing to worry about."

He wanted to scream more and more every second the dumbass kept on talking to the woman, the lack of air becoming suffocating as he was literally pressed against a dead body. But he kept on talking.

"Do you run this hostel by yourself, must be lonely. Imagine if you had a son and his wife here, their children running around the lobby. If you had a kid he'd be older than me right? Did he go and leave to the big city?


"I'm so sorry! How insensitive of me!" 

The body behind him was shifting, a shiver crawling up his spine as he realised that Hol horse wasn't as dead as he thought he was, standing up slowly despite the blood trickling down his head, pushing the furniture aside. He caught the Frenchman's attention, just as Enyaba was stalking up to him with the pointed scissors.

"Beh...behind you!!

"I know you! You're Hol Horse."

She jumped into the air, aimed right for his head, only stopped at the last moment. But she kept stabbing into the air, anger seemingly consuming her as she raved about her dead son. Chariot parried and dodged the blades but the fog was already rolling in, the blurry figures of the towns people along with it. 

"Ah shit!" Hol Horse said grabbing the other stand user and taking a run for it, hoping the woman was too distracted with exacting her revenge to follow. 

(Y/N) felt himself being thrown to the floor once again, he was getting really sick of being manhandled thrown around. It wasn't his fault all the stand users were fucking massive. He shook his head, trying to get his thoughts together but with the giant hole in his head it was pretty hard.

Ace cradled the base of the skull carefully, making sure it didn't hit the floor as its user started to slump. He tried to remember what made up skin tissue and bone, cells, but what kind, was his brain damaged to? No way he could just heal that too. Ace didn't seem to notice or care, hands warming slowly around the hole, golden light from the pentacle over where its heart would be, down its arms and hands into the open wound. 

Hol Horse stood in shock as he watched the boy's stand close up the wound slowly, new skin and everything growing from the perfectly circular edges to close it up. The user was barely conscious, but his stand, his soul was fighting to keep him alive. He understood why DIO wanted him so badly now, he could have anything he wanted right at his fingertips. 

He would have stayed longer, watched the gold wash across their skin in awe, but he quickly ducked into the shadows as a certain boy came down the stairs into the lobby. Jotaro, and with how he looked when he saw the now fully unconscious teen, it was better not to get into anymore fights.

Without a word he lifting his friend over his shoulder and opened the door into the adjacent room, finding the stressed looking lady pressed up against the back door. 

"You can't just barge into here young man! This is a private area," she seemed to think about something, "And why are you carry th-"

"None of your business. I want to know where Polnareff is."

"Well I know just where he is Jotaro! Follow me!"

He walked towards the door he was led to, hand pressed to the cold wood but at the last moment he stopped, "How do you know my name old lady? I know for certain I didn't tell you."

"It...I, erm," she stuttered, hiding the pair of scissors she was going to attack him with, "It was written in guest book of course! Jotaro Kujo!"

He whipped the guest book out of his back pocket like an absolute mad man, showing where he had written his name. Qtaro Kujo!!! With a Q!!! He had caught her in the lie and now there was nothing holding him back from absolutely rocking her shit to kingdom come. 

☄. *. ⋆. * . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆

"I'm sorry what?" the (H/C) stared at his equally shocked friend in disbelief, "You're saying after I passed out, Polnareff was forced to lick a toilet bowl, Star Platinum literally breathed in the weird mist stand suffocating its user and then Hol Horse made off with the jeep. All of this while you were sleeping too."


"Nori... What the actual fuck just happened?"

"I have no idea honestly." 

"Does this mean I have to not only give up a good nights sleep in a proper bed, I'm going to have to get back into a car with two of the worst drivers to exist."

"I know," he held his hands to his head, shaking it softly.

"Omg were going to die! For reals this time!!," he fake swooned, "Hold me my darling! One last time."

"Noooo!!! My love don't leave me like this! I can't do this alone!! NOOO!!!" 

"What on earth are they doing?" Joseph looked on with confusion as the two sobbed dramatically into each other. 

"Good grief," he muttered, "Why do I like them..."

☄. *. ⋆. *. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆

a/n ooooo juicy character development or something. I may have went off the rails in that last half but to be fair im kinda running on manic energy and listening to lemon demon. i also dont re read these, you know too lazy, hope u likey 

-plu <3

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