The Saviour: Season Two

By He-Who-Remembers1

134 0 1

Join the Saviour as she tries to understand herself and heal her wounds, as well as her adventures with Princ... More

Falling Down (Part 1)
Falling Down (Part 2)
Falling Down (Part 3)
Falling Down (Part 4)
Falling Down: Epilogue
The Return


29 0 0
By He-Who-Remembers1

Oh, I didn't see you there. You must be wondering how a grand Time Lord like me ended up in a situation like this: stuck on the top of a Volcano, about to be killed by my sister. Well, let's head back to the start. Celestia, if you may?

Equestria. A peaceful planet. A seemingly perfect world, or some thought. There has been Chaos Spirits unleashed, metal men from the sky, an alien hellbent on killing ponies that doesn't look like itself, oh and of course, a timeless humanoid from another Universe. But, let's rewind 300 years prior to our original story.

Time set: 300 Years Before Saviour's Arrival

Princess Celestia lowered the Sun after a hard day's work. She had been bombarded with paperwork and suggestions from nobles and citizens. Sighing, Celestia was preparing to fall asleep when the noise drew her gaze.

(Credit to Team TARDIS YT for this sound!)

Celestia looked over the distance, and saw the Monument of Triumph slowly fade in and out of existence. She had seen it so many times, once every few years, as it were. Her first time seeing it was with her mentor and sister: Starswirl the Bearded and Luna. (If the name is wrong, please let me know.) The Monument itself had no origin: it had merely been apart of Equestrian history for as long as Time itself. It looked like a tall, red object, softly glowing as it appeared and disappeared.

Celestia smiled softly, before settling into her bed. After what felt like ages, a loud crashing was heard, and shouts flooded the castle. The sounds of guards running about pulled Celestia from her slumber. Rubbing her eyes with her hooves, Celestia wandered out of her room, towards the source of the sounds. Then, upon walking into the Throne Room, Celestia saw many guards, armed with their spears, surrounding something in the middle of the room.

The object was a strange, metallic looking rock. It was very smooth, and it shined in the light of the Throne Room. Celestia was in awe: something so pretty had crash landed in her castle. The Guards parted, and Celestia used her magic to levitate it to another part of the large palace.

But inside the metal rock, something awoke, and slowly hissed.

Chapter One will release shortly, please don't mind the wait!

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