WangXian Forever Book 9: The...

By NebulusCharlie

66.9K 8.5K 3.4K

Things have settled down for our favourite couple and they're just getting used to living in the domestic bli... More

Chapter 1 Paperman
Chapter 2 Bedtime
Chapter 3 Dreams
Chapter 4 Thoughts
Chapter 5 Connection
Chapter 6 Companions
Chapter 7 Carnival
Chapter 8 Shaman
Chapter 9 Xiannu
Chapter 10 Prize
Chapter 11 Lotus Pier
Chapter 12 Situation
Chapter 13 Memories
Chapter 14 Home
Chapter 15 Puzzle
Chapter 16 Teamwork
Chapter 17 Searching
Chapter 18 Half
Chapter 19 Challenge
Chapter 20 Fight
Chapter 21 Yiling Laozu
Chapter 22 Healing
Chapter 23 Thief
Chapter 24 Items
Chapter 25 JingLing
Chapter 26 Time
Chapter 27 Found
Chapter 28 Proposal
Chapter 29 Confusion
Chapter 30 Disclosure
Chapter 31 Cured
Chapter 32 Freedom
Chapter 33 Storyteller
Chapter 34 Celebration
Chapter 35 Sleeping
Chapter 36 Ordeal
Chapter 37 Precious
Chapter 38 Kidnapped
Chapter 39 Goddess
Chapter 40 Grandmother
Chapter 41 Awake
Chapter 42 Past
Chapter 43 Readying
Chapter 44 Beauty
Chapter 45 Love
Chapter 46 Truth
Chapter 47 Regret
Chapter 48 Unrepentant
Chapter 49 Something
Chapter 50 Assurance
Chapter 51 Fight
Chapter 52 The Dead
Chapter 53 Concoctions
Chapter 54 Shower
Chapter 55 Memories
Chapter 56 Return
Chapter 57 Embarrassment
Chapter 58 Better
Chapter 59 Rest
Chapter 60 Picnic
Chapter 61 Wistful
Chapter 62 Mother
Chapter 63 Remembrance
Chapter 64 Riddle
Chapter 65 Safe
Chapter 66 Vinegar
Chapter 67 Zhangui
Chapter 68 Drunk
Chapter 69 Woozy
Chapter 70 Bare
Chapter 71 Chance
Chapter 72 Technicolour
Chapter 73 Sleeping
Chapter 74 Honesty
Chapter 75 Guilt
Chapter 76 Questions
Chapter 78 Hair
Chapter 79 Yearning
Chapter 80 Muqin
Chapter 81 Truth
Chapter 82 Tumultuous
Chapter 83 Vault
Chapter 84 Music Box
Chapter 85 Motives
Chapter 86 Thoughts
Chapter 87 Justice
Chapter 88 Decisions
Chapter 89 Support
Chapter 90 Solace
Chapter 91 Bravery
Chapter 92 Guidance
Chapter 93 Trust
Chapter 94 Ramblings
Chapter 95 Grandchildren
Chapter 96 Rules
Chapter 97 Night Hunt
Chapter 98 Yaogui
Chapter 99 Rest
Chapter 100 Awake
Chapter 101 Preparations
Chapter 102 Points
Chapter 103 Baling
Chapter 104 Fruit
Chapter 105 Banquet
Chapter 106 Frisky
Chapter 107 Breakfast
Chapter 108 Fear
Chapter 109 Lanling
Chapter 110 Distaste
Chapter 111 Date
Chapter 112 Sleek
Chapter 113 Breakfast
Chapter 114 Piao Xue
Chapter 115 Mu Family
Chapter 116 Introductions
Chapter 117 Welcomed
Chapter 118 Content
Chapter 119 Memories
Chapter 120 Home
Chapter 121 Celebrations
Chapter 122 Snowflakes
Chapter 123 Birthday Party

Chapter 77 Feather

456 73 38
By NebulusCharlie

Wei Ying was lost in thought as they walked back from the tents. The last thing XiChen had shown them was a new type of string instrument made from Uncle Qiren's hair, the strings so strong that they could be compared to wire, pulled taut to make an amazing and unique sound.


The impatient call of his daughter made Wei Ying look up, and then he frowned because both Li XiWang and Rumi were being chased by an elder who was trying not to run after them.

"I found something!" Li XiWang said, holding an ancient text in her one hand and Rumi's hand in her other.

"There have been several rules broken," the elder joined in, sternly admonishing her.

Li XiWang made sure she wasn't seen when she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure you're about to tell me, Senior." Wei Ying replied, bowing with the minimum of respect, because this particular elder loved putting people in their place.

"Indeed!" He huffed, glaring at the children and then straightening when XiChen and Jiang Cheng caught up with them. "Ah, Sect Leader, it is good you can also witness this travesty!"

XiChen winked at Li XiWang before turning to the elder with a gentle smile.

"What seems to be the problem, Senior?" He asked, pleasantly.

"There is no running in Cloud Recesses. No books may be taken from the library unless supervised, and children must stop and explain themselves when asked." The pompous Senior said, his glare intensifying.

"But I found the cure!" Li XiWang says, protesting and glaring back.

"Impudent child!" The Senior retorts, going to snatch the book out of her hands.

Li XiWang quickly darts behind Wei Ying, while Rumi has been constantly growling at him.

"If you don't mind, my husband, Hanguang-Jun, and I will talk to our children. XiChen-Ge, isn't this the book you wanted?" Wei Ying lies smoothly, and XiChen cannot say anything but agree, and he's saved in turn by Jiang Cheng stepping forward and claiming the book from his niece.

The Senior, realising that he's made a grave mistake, bows and leaves even faster, rather than risk upsetting the Yiling Laozu and two Sect Leaders.

If Wei Ying had let his eyes change colour a little bit, well, that was his business…

"What did you find, Little Rabbit?" Wei Ying asks her, taking back the book.

"JingYi-Ge told us what happened to Grumple, and I thought we could find something to help. And we did!" Li XiWang proudly points to a single line in the text.

Wei Ying goes over the cover; it looks like a book on night creatures and mythical beings.

And then he reads the characters she wants him to see.

His face lights up immediately.

"Little Rabbit, you're a genius!" Wei Ying picks her up and whirls her around, planting a big kiss on both her cheeks until she's giggling uncontrollably.

Rumi can still be thrown into the air and that's exactly what Wei Ying does to his baby, until Rumi hugs his neck, wrapping his tail around Wei Ying’s arm.

"Baba." He says happily, and it's enough to bring tears to Wei Ying’s eyes.

His son hardly speaks, but when he does? It's always something important.

"My sweet boy! Let's go show your father, shall we?" Wei Ying takes Li XiWang's hand and still carrying Rumi, they make their way to Uncle Qiren's quarters.

XiChen stops Jiang Cheng from following, with a hand on his arm.

"Thank you. I didn't have to speak an untruth," he says, his honey-coloured eyes bright with love.

"Oh, think nothing of it. Wei WuXian and I lied all the time, whenever we could get away with it. Especially when we were kids." Jiang Cheng smiles nostalgically.

"But it means much to me." XiChen says earnestly.

"Oh…really?" Jiang Cheng turns back to him, his amethyst eyes sparkling with danger. "Then, how shall you make amends?" His single finger traces XiChen's bottom lip, slightly fuller than his top one.

XiChen shivers, and it's immediately noted.

Jiang Cheng presses down with his thumb, and swoops in for a fiery kiss, because this is his wonderful husband, who sometimes forgets that thanks are not necessary in their marriage.

XiChen moans into his mouth and the kiss is really heating up when a shout breaks them apart.

"Come on, you guys! We may be able to cure Uncle Qiren!"


"Father, I have a question." Li XiWang asked him, as the three of them walked away towards Uncle Qiren's home.

"What is it, Sweetie?" Wei Ying paused to kiss the top of her head.

His heart swelled with how much he loved all his children. Li XiWang, in particular, reminded him of the years he missed in his absence when SiZhui was growing up. Little, lovely A-Yuan, with his squishable cheeks and desire to make his Xian-Gege happy and pretending to fly…

Those memories were immortal too now, but in no way compensated him for the time that was stolen away.

Wei Ying blinks back the tears and forces himself to concentrate on the present. He knows he's lucky to have this, well, everything, really.

Ever since he woke up in Mo XuanYu's body.

"That Senior was being unfair…and you still bowed. Why do we have to listen to elders even when they're wrong?" Li XiWang is asking out of innocent curiosity rather than petulance.

"That's a tough question." Wei Ying tells her, buying himself time to answer properly. "Intentions come into every action we take. If I hadn't bowed, he could have said that I'm a bad parent for not raising you well, and your behaviour would then reflect on your parents. For example, when we travel and you see badly behaved kids, what do you think about them?"

"I think their mother or father should explain to them why they shouldn't do that." The light dawns in her eyes as she grasps what he's trying to convey.

"Exactly! And it's sort of a rule in society. Why should we upset that balance? When it's easy enough to make them see if we're right or not. Seniority does not automatically mean the person is right, but saying so would cause many other problems. It's better to respectfully prove our point if it's necessary."

Li XiWang nods seriously, soaking in his words like a natural sponge.

"Good child. Now, let's go tell Grumple what genius grandchildren he has!" Wei Ying says proudly, wanting to see Lan Zhan’s face when they told him what cure their precious Little Rabbit found.



Dear Beautiful Readers,

My apologies, I know I've been neglecting this book, and hopefully, that will change now. I know I don't need to give you a reason because this is free entertainment after all, but I like to.

Things are becoming crazy with work and I'm ending up totally shattered at night when we return home.

Mental fatigue is a thing, for real, hehe.

Anyway, onwards and upwards, I might be able to get another update up today.

Love you all, and let's be kind!


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