Chapter 67 Zhangui

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Immediately, the Keeper of Heavenly Treasures is there, looking furtively around first, before giving them both a huge smile.

Wei Ying climbs out of Lan Zhan's lap in a huff, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

All three bow, one more stiffly and with the least height, than the other two.

"My husband would like to know how we met." Wei Ying says between his teeth, and glares at said husband, gesturing between himself and Zhangui.

"Maybe this would be better discussed over a drink...or two. Please excuse me for a moment." He says, vanishing.

Zhangui returns with three cups and two jars of something.

"This is Huami...I don't know if you've ever had it before? It's brewed by the Night Fairies." He says, his friendly round face full of cheer.

Wei Ying nods, reminding himself that this is a con man to beat all con men, and his grandmother definitely doesn't trust him, with good reason.

"Let's talk first." He cautions, glancing at Lan Zhan.

He didn't want to tell Zhangui about Lan Zhan's low alcohol tolerance, or what happened to him all that time ago, when they had their first taste of Huami. And something else occurs to him.

Wei Ying gets up suddenly, aware that the other two are watching his every move. He goes to the loose floorboards where Lan Zhan had hidden everything that reminded him of Wei Ying...all those years ago.

Maybe today was about remembering the past and sending it off with a good hearty drink.

He reaches down to retrieve two jars of Emperor's Smile.

If anything could compete with Huami, then this was it, Wei Ying thinks as he goes back to sit in between his jealous husband and the source of his jealousy. Planting the two jars in the middle of the little table, Wei Ying grins at his friend.

"I thought we could have a friendly wager at the same time."

"Really?" Zhangui strokes his impeccable moustache, the strands of which hang way past his chin. His shrewd black eyes are full of mischievous interest and curiosity. "What's the deal?"

Wei Ying feels Lan Zhan straighten next to him.

Remember what happened last time! He warns Wei Ying through their mental connection. I don't want Wei Ying to agree to any more work for the Jade Emperor.

Don't worry, my love. Now that we're on to him, I'm going to be more careful. He promises, meaning it.

"No deal...just a comparison." Wei Ying tells his friend. "Just to see which of these two excellent beverages is the best. We, of course, are biased towards the Emperor's Smile, however, as we had the good fortune of being presented with Huami, and we know the taste, we were wondering what you would think about it? That's all." Wei Ying innocently pours out three cups of his drink.

Lan Zhan eyes it like it was a live scorpion.

Don't worry, my love. You don't have to drink it just yet. Let's wait and see what happens. Wei Ying reassures him.

"Deal!" Zhangui says. "But you have to know, just as you are partial to your drink, in the same way, I much prefer Huami. However, a connoisseur of wines as yourself, if any recommendations are made, then the wise would do well to listen." He beams at both of them.

Lan Zhan glares harder at him.

"Hmmm...I cannot help but wonder though..." Zhangui says, with a wink. "Do I perhaps owe you some money?" That's aimed at Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying laughs out loud, the sound simultaneously fantastic for Lan Zhan's ears, but he's annoyed because there is someone else here, someone who is responsible for Wei Ying making that noise in the first place, and secondly, why should he get to listen to his Wei Ying laughing?

Lan Zhan hates him...

"So...tell him." Wei Ying pointedly looks between the two of them.

"Ah...yes. How we met..." Zhangui pretends to think about it.

Lan Zhan is also thinking about how much trouble one could get into, say if they accidentally cut someone's head off? He eyes Bichen longingly.

"It was totally by accident!" Wei Ying says, refraining from shouting, though just barely.

Zhangui beams at him and pours the Emperor's Smile down his throat.

"That's good!" He says, and it's unclear whether he means the drink or what Wei Ying said.

Wei Ying frowns at him and turns to Lan Zhan, taking his hands. More so because then, Lan Zhan couldn't use them against...anyone...

"I was playing a drinking game, and trying to unlock the book of prophecies at the same time. Which, when I look back on it, might have turned into a colossal mistake...but thankfully, it didn't. I don't even remember how I did it, but then Zhangui turned up and we got to talking." His beautiful silver eyes are bright with sincerity.

Lan Zhan thinks he has just fallen in love with him again.

Wei Ying is lovely.

All of him, from the ends of his silky, lustrous locks, right down to his toes, Wei Ying is the most brilliant, handsome, delightful man...person he has ever had the pleasure of knowing, and Lan Zhan thinks he would give up everything to meet him in every single lifetime, if they weren't already immortal...

"...Haven't heard a single word I've been saying, have you?" Wei Ying's voice suddenly turns accusatory.

And he's glaring at Lan Zhan now.

Uh oh...

Lan Zhan picks up his glass and downs it one go.

"No!" Wei Ying shouts in frustration, while Zhangui grins even broader and winks at Lan Zhan.

"If it's any consolation, Young Master Wei couldn't stop talking about you..." he says to him.

Lan Zhan wears the smug smile of satisfaction for precisely three seconds before the alcohol hits his stomach and he passes out.

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