I'll Be With You (Barry Allen...

By hikari46

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A girl named Diana Greyson, she's the best friend of Caitlin and Cisco. She's also the niece of Dr. Wells, wh... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1 Awaken From Coma
Chapter 2 Clyde Mardon And Kidnapping
Chapter 3 Cause And Effect
Chapter 4 Busted
Chapter 5 Death Anniversary And First Clue
Chapter 6 Second Clue
Chapter 7 The Mist and Amethyst
Chapter 8 Ballroom
Chapter 9 Unexpected Visitor and Deity
Chapter 10 Gem And God Mother
Chapter 11 The Bully Is Back
Chapter 12 Spending Time With Iris West And Amethyst
Chapter 13 We Need Amethyst
Chapter 14 Sleeping Beauty and Mysterious Person
Chapter 15 The Arrow Is Here
Chapter 16 Arrow and Deity Vs. Flash
Chapter 17 History of Gem
Chapter 18 The Flash Is Here
Chapter 19 Ambushed
Chapter 20 Buying Christmas Gift
Chapter 21 Christmas Party
Chapter 22 He's Here
Chapter 23 Ronnie
Chapter 24 Visiting Barry's Dad And Niece
Chapter 25 Kidnapped And Moving In
Chapter 26 He's Back
Chapter 27 Old Friend
Chapter 28 U.S.B And Roberto Serkis
Chapter 29 Drunk
Chapter 31 Hold Off
Chapter 32 My Life is Incomplete Without You

Chapter 30 Using and Mysterious Guy

547 17 1
By hikari46

*Diana P.O.V*

Barry and I wait for Caitlin to arrive

"you've been silent until now, Diana. what's wrong?" he ask

"terrible.headache" in a low tone

"you didn't get drunk" I sip the latte

right after Hartley, left. I drink a lot of tequila at the bar and caused me to get drunk, good thing I copy Barry's ability

"did you?" he ask in a surprise tone

"this is what happened if I drink tequila" I answer

I was wearing glasses. my hair turned back into wavy because of stupid curly

"I see and your wavy hair is coming back" staring at my hair

"blame Caitlin she's the one who curl my hair and this is what will happened" I sigh and lean on him

"is your head ache gone?" he ask

"yeah" I sip my latte

Caitlin arrived

"hey" Barry greet her

"so loud" Caitlin cringed

she's wearing shade and yellow scarf. she tied her hair into pony tail

"oh, ho-ho" I smile "I just wanted to make sure your okay" Barry stated

the three of us started to head in the cortex

Caitlin said "let's just say I envy your inability to get drunk, including Dee who's heavy drinker" I smile nervously "I don't remember much from last night"

"yeah, that's probably for the best" I look at Barry

he told me that Caitlin ask him to change her clothes. at first I was mad but can't help it since she's major drunk than me. Caitli nod, Barry and I stare at each other then nod

both of us started to sing "summer lovin"

Caitlin "oh, God. that I do remember" she winced

Barry and I laugh. the three of us get inside of the cortex and noticed the tension between Cisco and uncle

"what's wrong?" I ask

"Cisco.. has something he needs to tell you" uncle stated

"Hartley's gone" Cisco tell us

I could tell Barry and Caitlin is surprise

"he escaped from the pipeline?" Barry question "how is that even possible?" he ask

"I let him out" he stare at us "are you mad? I can't tell with those glasses on aside from Dee. Dee, I can't tell what your expression is" in a worried tone

Caitlin said "I'd like to yell and wave my arms, but I'm afraid I'd throw up" in a stern tone

"why? what were you thinking?" Barry ask "you know how dangerous he is" I sit down on the chair

"I met Hartley last night" everyone look at me "he didn't hurt me instead, he's saying goodbye. Hartley told me that he tell you about Ronnie... now, I wanted to hear it from you" in a serious tone

"from what Dee said it's true" Cisco started to explain "Hartley said he knew what happened to Ronnie"

Caitlin said "I told you to let it go" taking off her shade "I didn't want you looking into that for me"

"I wasn't doing it for you or Dee. I..." he sigh "I sealed Ronnie into the accelerator before it blew. he told me to wait two minutes, and I waited, but he didn't come back" I held my tears "and I can't stop thinking, 10, 20 seconds and.." he started to step forward "Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now. I've wanted to tell you so many times. I'm so sorry" he apologize

I look down as Barry rub my shoulder then held me close

that's what happened to Ronnie. this whole time, Cisco is holding that secret from us. I close my eyes as Barry held me close

"so you carried that around this whole time?" Caitlin ask

I see that Caitllin is approaching Cisco

"do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here?" she ask "he would say that you did the right thing. it wasn't your fault... what happened that night wasn't anybody's fault"

I see that Cisco is approaching me. Barry let go of me as Cisco sit down next to me

"Dee" he held my face "I'm sorry for hiding this" in a sad tone

"you have your own reason, why you hide this from us" I smile

"still I.." I placed my finger on his lips

"stop blaming yourself, okay?" I smile

"okay" he smile

"don't we have a teleporter to catch?" I ask

uncle said "we do have teleporter to catch" uncle stated "and fortunately, we do have a promising theory. take a look at this" I look at the screen "now, this is the normal behavior of the particulate that Shawna left behind. watch what happens when we remove the light, Maria" he look at me

I type something on the computer then change it

"Shawna can only become entangled with something she can see. take away her ability to do that" I explain

"take away her ability to do that..." uncle stated

"she can't teleport" Cisco finish uncle stated

"exactly" he agree

Caitlin said "so, we just need to get her into a dark space" I nod in agreement "how do we do that?" she ask

"I have telekinetic and with just snap of my fingers. the lights are out, I'm still having doubts on my force field whether it works on Shawna or not" I stated

I look at Barry worriedly

"what's wrong?" I ask

"m..my dad. he's been stabbed" Barry answer

"I'm coming with you" I stand up and grab my coat

"you sure?" in a worried tone

"I'm a doctor, remember? let's see his condition" in a serious tone

he carried me in bridal style and left

~Iron Heights~

I was fixing my hair as Barry look at me sheepishly

"sorry" he apologized

"thanks to you, I'm having a hard time to fix my hair and Gods know where my glasses and rubber is" I sigh

"let me" he fix my hair

"thanks" I thank him

"done" he finish my hair

"let's go" I hold his hand

we get inside of the room as Barry sit down on the chair while I stand next to Joe

"dad.. what happened?" Barry ask

"a rather stern reminder, I'd say, not to poke around Marcus Stockheimer's business" Henry answer

"dad, I told you to stop" in a serious tone

"your dad called me with more intel" Barry and I look at Joe "it help us track down Clay and Shawna and arrest Stockheimer" I clench my hand into fist

'you could have ask my help, Joe' in a stern tone

'you were busy studying the history of gem, I can't let you bother' I mentally sigh

Henry said "I managed to screw up Marcus's big heist, too, so.."

"you two kept working together, and you didn't tell me or Diana?" Barry ask

"it isn't his fault" he defend Joe "I did it to help you two"

"you getting stabbed and beaten is not helping me" I rub his back to calm him down

"look, I...I.. I don't get to feel useful very much in here. so if I can help you for a change, I'm gonna want to be there for you" looking at him "just like you've been there for me all these years"

"yep" in a low tone

"you said Marcus had a big heist coming up?" I ask

"mm" he agree

"do you know anything else about it?" in a serious tone

"dad, tell me who did this to you" Barry plead

"no, it doesn't matter, slugger" Henry stated

"but you said you wanted to help me or Diana.. so help us" he plead

"one of Marcus's boys. Julius" he told us

"I'll be right back" he left

"so.." Henry look at me "how's your relationship with Barry?" he ask

"everything's fine Henry" I smile while answer "I'm sorry for not bringing Janella because she's sleeping"

"I'm quite grown fond of her" he smile "you remind me of someone" holding my hands

"who?" I ask

"your mother" I look at him surprise "Jane and Nora are best friends before, you have personality of Jane and little bit of Nora" I blink

"my parents didn't tell me who their friends is because they wanted me to find out who they are" I sigh

"that's because it's Zain idea" Joe stated "he wanted to have her daughter to find out because he's like that" he shrugged

Henry said "Jane also tell us that someday you and Barry will be together. when Barry is 3 years old, he always touch Jane's stomach" he chuckled

no wonder that his warm hands is so familiar

"Diana, can I ask you something" I look at him "can you continue to watch Barry and never stop loving him" I smile

"I never stop loving him, Henry" caressing his cheek "I'm also happy that I met you and Joe happened to know my parents.. next time, me and Janella will visit you often" he smile at me

"I'll be very happy" the three of us chuckle

'Diana, I know where Shawna and Clay is and it's a good time to need your help' Barry stated

I look at the watch then at Joe

'Barry knows where Clay and Shawna is and I have to help him' in a serious tone

'be careful' Joe stated

"I have to go" looking at Joe and Henry "I still have work at the hospital" I pull my hands away

"don't over work yourself" Henry stated "be careful. who knows something bad will happened to you" in a worried tone

"I learn martial arts and Joe allows me to bring gun" I smile

I left and change my outfit as Amethyst.

I quickly get inside of the tunnel and kick Shawna behind powerfully. she wince in pain and look at me

"I also heard about you, Amethyst" she smirk "let's see if you can defeat me" she vanish

I look at Barry and he nod. I sense that Shawna get inside of the car

Barry and I dodge it as we chase the car. I fly faster and turn off the lights using my powers. I stop the car, I opened the car as Clay is not here instead it's only Shawna

"he left me" she stated

you even told me, let's see if you can defeat me instead escaping that your boyfriend leaving you

"he's using you, Shawna" I told her

I trap her using my force field. Barry is standing beside me

"where's Clay?" he ask

"escape" I answer "let's go" in a serious tone

~S.T.A.R labs~

I put Shawna in the pipeline as she try to teleport but, nothing happens. I change my outfit into normal

"is there any way she can teleport out of this?" Barry question

"it's impossible" Cisco stated "it's one-way glass. it's mirrored on the inside. no one dangerous is ever gonna get out of this thing again" I smile and nod

I step forward and look at Shawna as Barry followed me behind

"Shawna" he called her "Clay left you. he's out there, and you're in here"

"you know what the crazy thing is?" Shawna ask "I still love him" I look at her sadly

"if he loves you, why did he leave you behind?" I ask "Shawna, all this time Clay is using you" in a serious tone

"your lying!" she bang the glass "Clay loves me" glaring at me

"Amethyst read Clay's mind, he's using you in order to get what he wants and pay that debt.. later on, he will left you alone" I look at Cisco "Cisco"

he nod and closed the pipeline. I sigh as Caitlin and Barry left

"you could have told her that your Amethyst" Cisco stated

"well, I don't want the villain, to know who I really am" I smile

"that's good, so.. how's your relationship with Barry?" he ask

I sigh and scratch my neck then smile nervously

"wel... Barry and I are dating for 5 months now, for some reason.. I started to have doubts" the two of us left the pipeline

"why?" in a worried tone

"well... I'm not even sure if Barry is still in love to Iris or not" I sigh "am I pushing him?" I ask

"Dee" he placed his hand on my shoulder "Barry is madly in love with you and he never let you be sad" pat my head "it's your decision if you want to hold off your relationship or not" I nod

"thanks Cisco" I hug him

"your welcome, that's what B.F.F.U for" he hug me back

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

I was looking the scenery at the rooftop then sense that Mysterious Guy is here

"your having a problem, Amethyst" I look at the person

"I don't know what your talking about" not facing him

"I know you Maria.. Amethyst, Diety are one that's you" I look at him surprise

"how did you know me and Reverse Flash?" I ask

"Reverse Flash is our enemy and think about it, how did you gain powers before the particle accelerator explode?" he ask

my eyes are wide opened and held the gem that's been hiding inside of my clothes

"it's you isn't it?" I ask "your the person who gave me the powers and give my parents laptop then the gem" in a surprise tone

"that is correct" he stand on the rail "I was the previous owner of the gem. it happened that the next bearer will be you, Maria" looking at me

"did you... somehow, know about the history of gem?" I ask

"no, not even the previous bearer know what's the history means" he walk on the rail calmly as I panic "don't be panic, Maria"

"don't panic?" I ask "of course I'm panic! what if someone see's you!?" I look down

"your the only person who can see me, Maria" I look at him "I'm not a ghost if that's your thinking" he shrugged

"your meta-human like the Reverse-Flash?" in a serious tone

"Reverse-Flash, you and I are not meta-humans. we call ourselves the originals" he sit down on the rail

"the originals?" in a confuse tone

"yes, we gain powers before the explosion. let's talk about you as the bearer of the gem" in a serious tone

"what about me? as the bearer of the gem?" in a nervous tone

"I'll tell you since I'm the previous bearer of the gem" he sigh "as the bearer of the gem, we have the responsibilities. that is keeping the gem safe, protect it and use it wisely in a good way or else there will be consequence" in a serious tone

"what kind of consequence?" I ask

"the gem will turn into black in case you seek revenge, hatred and murderer then your attitude will be change" looking at me "the gem will not glow if your sad, depress, heartbroken and your powers will be sealed if you gain some of that emotion" I look at the gem

"the gem will turned black and my attitude will turn into evil or seal my power if I'm in depress state" I held the gem

"exactly" he agree "there is one more thing you need to be per-cautious" looking at him "if you lose control like your in shock for example, you saw me that I'm dead suddenly your emotion is controlling you... your powers will be not be control unless you need to overcome" in a blunt tone

"I didn't expect that this gem will danger my life" in a surprise "who make this gem?" I ask

"Amethyst" he answer "not you, the Amethyst owner of gem and died after the war. before she died, Amethyst give all her power to the gem and the gem will find the bearer that is fit to be it" he point at me "none of the bearers happened to be human and it appears your the first one who bear the dangerous gem" in a serious tone

"aren't you human too?" I ask

"no" I blink "I'm immortal and happened that my appearance is like the other humans"

"eh!?" I shout

"there's no need to be shout" he sigh "my time is already over and.." he look at me "you need to sleep"

I hold the rail and use my other hand to touch my head. what's happening to me? I feel so sleepy.. I black out

*Barry P.O.V*

I get inside of Diana's office as she sleep peacefully on the glass window instead of the couch.

I smile and stroke her hair. I guess she's tired being a doctor. I see a note on the table

I grab the note it says

Dr. Greyson we need your patients file A.S.A.P ~Dr. Garcia

I look at the files as it pile up. I pick up the files and went to the nurse counter

"excuse me, can you tell me where Dr. Garcia office is?" I ask the nurse

"Dr. Garcia office is next to mine" when I turned around

a guy light brown hair as his eyes are green answer my question

"can you lead me where it is? cause my girlfriend sleep and failed to pass" I held the folders

"girlfriend?" he ask "does it happened to be Dr. Greyson?" he ask

"yes" I answer "Barry Allen" we shake hands

"Roberto Serkis" he introduce himself

we both let go of each other

"I was about to go at Dr. Greyson office and it happened you will deliver the folder to Dr. Garcia.. follow me" he lead me where Dr. Garcia is

"so, your new? I didn't see you work here" who knew that this guy is tall. yet, I'm taller than him

"yeah, I was scouted in here and it's nice to see you in person" I look at him

"why?" I ask

"the other guys are jealous of you and I was quite curious who you are" he answer

"really?" looking at him surprise

"yes and we're here" we stop

"thanks" I thank him

"your welcome and it's nice to see you Allen" he walk away

I knock the door

"come in!" I get inside of his office

"I came here to give you the files" I placed the folder

"thanks Allen, where is Dr. Greyson?" he ask

"she's sleeping and when will she be out?" I ask

"that's 10 minutes ago and she's here?" in a surprise tone

"yeah, I'll take her home" I suggest

"probably good idea, take care of her" he smile

I left and went to Diana's office. who knew that Diana's popular in here and some of the guys are jealous about me

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