Supernatural Season Three: A...

Par PoisonGirl

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With time running out on Dean's life, Kylie and Sam are ready to put anything on the line to save him. With t... Plus

Prologue . . .
The Magnificent Seven (1)
The Magnificent Seven (2)
The Magnificent Seven (3)
The Magnificent Seven (4)
The Magnificent Seven (5)
The Kids Are Alright (1)
The Kids Are Alright (2)
The Kids Are Alright (3)
The Kids Are Alright (4)
The Kids Are Alright (5)
Bad Day at Black Rock (1)
Bad Day at Black Rock (2)
Bad Day at Black Rock (3)
Bad Day at Black Rock (4)
Bad Day at Black Rock (5)
Sin City (1)
Sin City (2)
Sin City (3)
Sin City (4)
Sin City (5)
Bedtime Stories (1)
Bedtime Stories (2)
Bedtime Stories (3)
Bedtime Stories (4)
Bedtime Stories (5)
Red Sky at Morning (1)
Red Sky at Morning (2)
Red Sky at Morning (3)
Red Sky At Morning (4)
Red Sky at Morning (5)
Fresh Blood (1)
Fresh Blood (2)
Fresh Blood (3)
Fresh Blood (4)
Fresh Blood (5)
A Very Supernatural Christmas (1)
A Very Supernatural Christmas (2)
A Very Supernatural Christmas (3)
A Very Supernatural Christmas (4)
A Very Supernatural Christmas (5)
A Very Supernatural Christmas (6)
A Very Supernatural Christmas *Bonus*
Malleus Maleficarum (1)
Malleus Maleficarum (2)
Malleus Maleficarum (3)
Malleus Maleficarum (5)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (1)
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Dream a Little Dream of Me (3)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (4)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (5)

Malleus Maleficarum (4)

447 23 4
Par PoisonGirl

Malleus Maleficarum (4)

Kylie's POV

As soon as the Impala came to a complete halt, Sam jumped out of the car with his brother following behind with a mixture of confusion and frustration. I followed behind them where the blonde demon stood, her arms crossed in her leather jacket. 

She seemed nervous.

"Sam, listen to me, there's no time." Ruby started with urgency, taking a small step forward.

"For what?" Sam scrunched up his face in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You have to to get out of town."

"So," Dean interrupted the two of them, his hand sliding to the waist band of his jeans. "this is Ruby, huh?" He questioned, just as his hand rose with the Colt tight in his grip. With one flick of his thumb, it was aimed and ready to shoot. "Never had the pleasure."

"Dean!" Sam snapped before turning on his heel to look at me for help. "Do something." 

I hesitated, looking between Ruby and Dean. Their eyes locked on each other, sending sharp glares in each other's direction. 

I gave a shrug and shook my head. There was nothing I could do and there was a clear look of frustration on Sam's face when he realized I wasn't going to step between the two.

"I was hoping you'd show up again." Dean said smugly.

"Point that thing somewhere else." Ruby spat, yet stood tall and confident.

Dean gave a humorless laugh, his head falling on his shoulders slightly. "Right." His grip seemed to get tighter on the gun.

Sam continued to give me his puppy dog look, forcing me to do something that I wasn't comfortable doing. "Son of a bitch." I cursed, taking a step forward to stand next to Sam. "Why?" I asked her, Dean's eyes glancing at me.

I could see the way his body tightened under his leather jacket, the way he shifted on his feet in a slight way of throwing a fit.

"Hey, hot stuff, we can take care of a few kitchen witches, thanks." Dean shot, his jaw tighter than it was before.

Ruby scrunched up her face in disgust. "I'm not talk about witches, you jackass. Witches are whores. I'm talk about who they serve."

The three of us stood beside the Impala in confusion before it suddenly dawned on Sam.

"Demons. They get their powers from demons."

"Yeah." Ruby nodded. "And there's on here now."

"Oh, what, you mean besides you?" Dean sneered.

Ruby became annoyed with Dean's cheap shots and insults, her attention turning to the only one she could get through to. "Sam, it know you're in town and it's gonna come after you and it's way more than you can handle."

Dean's eyes widened as his head went back and forth between Sam and the demon who seemed to persuade him. "Oh come on, what is this, huh?"  His gaze becoming hard on his brother. "Please tell me you're not listening to this crap!"

"Put a leash on your brother, Sam, if you wanna keep him."

I wasn't sure if it was a warning or a threat, or both, but either way I didn't like the way she spoke of Dean.

I really didn't like the way Sam reacted either.

"Dean, look, just chill out." He commanded his brother.

"No! No! She's messing with your head. God knows why, that's who they are!" Dean raised his voice and waved his gone in Ruby's direction.

"I'm telling you the truth." The demon said with need but also in a tone that I would've punched her in the face for.

"And I'm tell you to shut up, bitch." Dean growled angrily.

"I'm sorry, why are you even a part of this conversation?" Ruby shot back with just as much venom.

"Oh, I don't know maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank!" Dean shouted in rage.

"Oh, right, right. You care about your brother so much. That's why you're checking out in a few months?"

"Shut up!" Dean snapped as my own anger grew rapidly.

"At least let me try and save him, since you won't be here to do it anymore."

"I said shut up!"

"Dean no!"

The Colt went off, Sam pushing his brother's arm away from the black eyed Demon. The bullet strayed from the target, the two brother's fighting against each other's hold.

I took a step forward while they fought, my eyes angrily at the demon before me. "Get out of here before I shoot you myself." I said in a tone that sent chills down my own spine.

Within a blink of an eye the demon had disappeared, leaving me alone with two angry brothers who were arguing loudly.

I let out a slow breath and turned to look at the men before me. They quieted down when they saw that Ruby was long gone and it was only me standing in front of the Impala. 

Their eyes switched to each other, Dean giving Sam a look of disappointment, and Sam giving Dean a look of anger.

"Get in the car." I ordered, my boots echoing against the pavement of the road as I sat back in my designated seat.

It was a long quiet ride back to the motel, but once Dean unlocked the door to our room and flicked on the light, he was instantly scolding his brother.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He instantly snapped.

"What? What the hell was I thinking?" Sam scoffed irritated with his brother.

I ignored both of them and instantly sat down on the bed, running my fingers along my scalp trying to ease any tension.

God my head hurt and my stomach turned with each and every movement I made. Was I coming down with something?

"She's a demon, Sam. Period. All right? They want us dead, we want them dead." Dean explained like we hadn't been fighting a demonic war all of our lives.

"Oh that's funny. I remember that demon chick in Ohio. Casey?" Sam reminded him spitefully. "You didn't want her dead."

"Yeah, well she wasn't stringing me along like a fish on a hook." Dean rolled his eyes.

I laid back on the bed, my hands laying gently on top of my stomach. I held back the groans that wanted to force their way out and focused on the arguing

"No one's stringing me a long!" Sam let out in frustration before a gentle sigh left his lips. "Look, I know it's dangerous, that she is dangerous, but like it or not, she's useful."

I let out a dark chuckle from the bed, my head turning to look at the naïve Sam. "We kill her before she kills us." I slid my boots off of my feet and slowly bent my knees and brought them on the bed. 

"Kill her with what? The gun she fixed for us?" Sam shot back, his brows scrunched in confusion when he saw me laying down.

"Whatever works." Dean shrugged.

"If she wants us dead, all she has to do is stop saving our lives." Sam pointed out, making his brother roll his eyes as he stormed off into the bathroom.

Sam turned his eyes on me, sitting down on the nearest chair and rubbing a hand along his jaw. "Look, we have to start look at the big picture, start thinking in strategies and-and moves ahead."

I listened as Dean splashed a bit of water on his face, he could hear Sam, but he stayed quiet.

Turning on my side, my knees still scrunched up to my abdomen, I gave Sam a cold look. "You ever put me between Dean and a demon that you supposedly trust again, I won't hesitate to shoot the demon myself and then kick your ass." I rolled back to my back as Sam blinked in surprise at my threat, but I was still pretty pissed that he used me to stop Dean instead of fighting his own battles.

"I'm sorry." He apologized as he scrubbed a hand down his face. "But it isn't so simple anymore. We're not - we're not just hunting anymore. We're at war.

Dean stepped out of the bathroom with a damp towel in his hands. "Are you feeling okay?"

Sam let out a deep sigh. "Why are you asking me that?"

"Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters." I said from my spot as the cramping intensified. I felt some pretty wicked pain in my life, but this was getting intense.

"And by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people. You know, it used to eat you up inside." Dean pointed out.

"Yeah, and what has that gotten me?" Sam let out as he pushed himself from his chair.

"Nothing," Dean admitted, "but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the freaking car and freaking argue about stuff. Kylie is supposed to get annoyed and tell us how stupid we are." He shook his head. "You know, you go on about the sanctity of life and all that crap."

A sudden sharp pain to the side of my stomach and me pressing myself up onto my elbows. "Guys," I let out breathlessly.

"Wait, so - so you're mad because I'm starting to agree with you?"

Dean let out an exhale as I gripped the blankets beneath me tightly in my grip, the room around me was starting to spin.

"No, I'm not mad. I'm- I'm - I'm worried. Sam-" I listened as Dean's voice shook. "I'm worried because you're not acting like yourself."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not. I don't have a choice."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I gripped my stomach tightly and opened my eyes, Dean's back was facing me while Sam stood tall in front of him. I knew they were having a brotherly moment, but there was something wrong . . . seriously wrong.

"Guys." My voice came out as a whisper once more just as Sam began to pace back forth in front of his brother.

"Look, Dean, you're leaving, right? And I gotta stay here in this craphole of world, without you. So the way I see it, if I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this war after you're gone then I gotta change."

I'm gonna kill them, murder them and then cut them into a million different pieces. Why couldn't they see me? Why didn't I hold as much importance as their conversation.

"Change into what?" Dean had asked while a cool sweat ran down my forehead.

"Into you. I gotta be more like you."

"Guys!" I was finally able to find my voice, the boy snapping their attention to my shout. My elbows gave out from underneath me as the cramping turned into hot knives pressing into my stomach.

"Kylie?" Dean was by my side in seconds, his arm lifted my head so I wasn't laying flat. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." I gasped, my hand shooting behind me to dig my nails into his forearm. "Something's wrong." I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. "Bunch of knives inside of me-"

Sam was at my other side, looking at his brother with panic in his eyes. "Dean?"

"It's the coven, it's gotta be the coven."

Sam took off into the bathroom cupboard doors could be heard opening and slamming shut. His heavy footsteps echoing through the motel room as he looked in a hurry.

I let out a grunt of pain, my teeth grinding together in pain. "Dean." I gasped in pure agony.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." He apologized as he brushed the sweaty hair from my forehead.

"If I survive this," I cried out, "I'm gonna kill both of you." 

I coughed roughly, blood coating my lips and chin. I gasped for air as Dean rolled me to my side, rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me. 

"Dean I can't find it!"  Sam shouted with urgency.

What did he mean he couldn't find it! I gripped the blanket beneath me, the room becoming one big blur of blood and pain. 

I heard Sam's heavy footsteps as he left the bathroom, my eyes were forced open when I heard him going through drawers, the Colt now in his hands.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Dean panicked when he saw his brother heading for the door.

Was the bastard leaving me?

"Dean?" I gasped as the motel door slammed shut with Sam on the other side.

I could see the torn look in the green eyes before me. His brother was off with the Colt to hunt down the witches by himself, while I laid on the bed covered in my own blood.

I thought he was going to follow his brother, to protect him from the witches. I was surprised when he began tearing the room a part, going through drawers and bags. Clothes were thrown everywhere, papers and garbage lay in a pile.

"Kylie, you hold on. You hear me?"

Yeah, I hear you. I just don't care.

I forced myself onto my back to stare up at the stained ceiling, I could feel my heart beat slowing as blood drained down the back of my throat. There was a puddle next to me staining the white/yellowish sheet red

That poor maid.

My eyes began to flutter close, Dean's voice echoing in my ears begging me to stay awake. The pain was pulling me under like rough waves in the ocean. 


My heavy eyes flew open in time for me to watch the motel door hit the side of the wall, a determine Ruby stormed in and moved quickly towards my bed.

Dean stepped in front of her, ready to fight. 

"If you want her to live, get out of my way." She warned, a container in her hand.

"You want to kill me? Get in line bitch" Dean threatened, but Ruby wasn't having it. She punched him in the face, making him stumble backwards roughly. His back hit the wall harshly, leaving a nasty dent. His arm shooting out to catch himself, sending a lamp crashing to the floor.

Ruby headed towards the bed I lay on and grabbed me by the collar, lifting my head up. She forced my mouth open wide, pouring a dark brown liquid into my mouth. I struggled under her hold, but with my pain and blood loss I was no match against her.

The liquid was thick making me cough, the mixture of blood and whatever she poured into my mouth spewing across the room staining the carpet and sheets. 

Ruby let me drop as the pain began to subside slowly, I could feel my energy regain with every harsh breath I could get into my lungs. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees trying to regain control of the world around me.

I blinked a few times trying to clear my vision, making out Ruby's figure as she stood over Dean, her eyes hard. She was panting almost as heavily as I was as she tucked the unknown bottle back into her bag securely.

"Stop . . . calling me bitch."

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