wilmon one shots

By avqrsesp

46.4K 580 687

I lost interest guys but enjoy if you haven't read yet😭🫶 #3 wille (26.7) #1 yr (18.7) #81 sweet (9.11) More

so this is love?
cooking skills
back at school
snowy days
im here with you
unexpected love pt.1
unexpected love pt.2
love letters pt.1
sorry ig
unexpected love pt.3

love letters pt. 2

1.1K 34 39
By avqrsesp


Poetry comes from the highest happiness or the deepest sorrow.

- A.P.J.

'Wwhat the fuck do you mean it's a love letter, henry' simon exhales as he makes his way to read it. He knees in front of the locker, eyebrows fronted, a confused look as henry reads it out loud.

Henry waits a few seconds before he continues.

'when the hills are flat, The rivers are all dry.

When it thunders in winter, when it snows in summer.' He breathes.

'when heaven and earth mingle, not till then will I part from...' he looks up to simon, whose eyes are wide, slowly filling with tears. He looks back at the paper in his hands. 'you.'

The last word coming out more silent and more like a quick exhale. Simon on the other side can not believe his eyes. Sure some girls or even boys at his school told him they have a crush on him but holy shit he never got something like this. So beautifully written and so romantic. In fact no one ever knew how romantic he actually can be. Everything his past lovers cared for were his looks or his muscles, but never cared for the beautiful person he can be from the inside. No one really knew how his eyes sparkle up when somebody compliments him or no one knew that he listens to the most romantic songs when hes not with his friends. No one ever knew how much he loved the moon and the galaxy and how many hours he could talk about it.

Every time he tried to share his interests no one listened and 3everyone told him to be less weird. Since then he never talks about his real him or his interests.

So no he never expected a love letter like this.

'simon?' he hears the boy besides him trying to get simon out of his thoughts.

Oh right.

He quickly goes back to reality. 'holy shit.' He says as he grabs the letter off henrys hands.                                                                  'Bro, I don't know who has that much creativity but holy fucking shit, simon, this boy must really like you.' Henry lets out a breathy laugh.

Simon sighs as he reads the letter over and over again till he knows all the words. A few minutes passed and he could feel his cheeks warm up and his stomach fill with butterflies.

Simon still couldn't really believe it, no matter how many people told him that, that wasn't dream. That someone finally..cares about him.

He hears a voice in front of him. 'Simon, I know its all exciting but you got the date with that boy in a few minutes and I think you don't wanna miss it.'

'shit I completely forgot. Henry we must go. Now.' Simon thinks he might die if one more thing happens right now. He could feel himself sweat like he just ran 5 rounds. He manages to stand up though and closes his locker as fast as he could. Simon takes a breath before looking in henrys eyes.


'I am gonna change my pants in the bathroom.' He points at the public bathroom. 'and youre gonna go to my room and put this on my table okay?' henry could only nod as he grabs the letter and they both go separate ways for the next hours.


Wille was anxious. I mean yeah, he was anxious a different type of way. The type of anxious you feel before your first date. Wille didn't really consider it as a date cause they were just studying but holy shit, he had a date with his crush. He even chose his best outfit he never wore in public. That's also one of the only outfits he felt uncomfortable in. Thinking about simon seeing him in his comfy oufit makes him wanna throw up. Wille knew it was only a study session but it wasn't just with someone, it was with THE someone. He tried his best not to panik though.


His room was basic. Posters of plants, trees and nature in general. Since he was little he had an weird obsession with nature. His mother always told him it was weird but erik was the only one that buyed him stuff. Above his bed, there was a harry styles poster he had hung up with Julia. They even went to a concert together. Besides all the posters he had some lights. Fairy lights, above his bed and all over the walls. Between that lights he had some plants, he takes care of everyday. It was his fav thing to do.


So yeah he was a pretty normal and less boring teenager. Before he could think further he heard a knock at the door.


Holy shit.


He thought to himself.


He opened the door to see a curled tiny boy standing infront of him.






He wore the jeans, wille always thought he looked good in. A white shirt, not fully buttoned up, so you could see his bare chest. Curls all messed up and he even wore eyeliner. Wille knew he shouldn't be starring but holy fucking shit, simon looked so good, wille might collapse right there.


He somehow managed to get some noises out, trying to form words, embarrassingly failing.


Simon smirked to himself and now wille definitely couldn't hide a blush.


'like what you see, wille?' simon said with an evil laugh on his lips.


This little shit.


Wille thought to himself as he finally spoke. 'well you- you look good.'


Simon blushed and tried to not make eye contact because if he did he was very sure he might collapse in this given moment. 'so do you.' And wille swore his heart skipped a few beats.


'well...are you gonna let me in or are we gonna study in the hallway?' simon joked but wille didn't seem to get anything out then a breathy laugh as he held the door wide open for simon to go in. The curly boy walked in as wille closed the doors behind them.


Simon took a few steps in and stopped in the middle to take a few looks. Wille followed him and watched every step simon took very closely.


'seems cozy' simon looked up at wille. And wille could only giggle at the comment. He nodded and moved to sit on the bed. Simon took a few steps closer. 'is this harry styles?' simon asks, his eyes making his way to willes poster. Wille chuckled and answered simon right away.


'yes, you know him?' it took wille a few seconds to realize that the question was indeed a little stupid.


'wille, he is one of the most attractive and most known male singer in the world. I, as a gay male, probably know him.' Simon said looking at wille smirking.


'if you know him so well, simon eriksson' simon shivered at his full name coming out of the boys mouth. 'what is his best song?' a teasing tone in his voice.


'well, Wilhelm I don't know your last name' wille laughed at that. 'his best song is obviously sign of the times.'


'What?!' wille nearly screamed, his eyes widened at the boy's answer. 'this is a joke right?'


Simon laughed and sighed dramatically. 'not it isn't. Its definitely his best song.'


Wille exhaled as he let his head fall into his palms. 'are you fucking kidding me, simon?'


'I finally thought I found someone who I can study with, and it turns out he doesn't like sign of the times.' Simon said and you could hear it was all dramatically wrong.


'Its not that I don't like it, its just that there are songs that are way better.' Wille tried to defend himself but it didn't really work.


'okay well, wille.' He sat down next to wille. 'what is the best song in your opinion.' Simon asked, leaning his head to the side.


'well...I like only angel.' Wille admitted.


And simons face was pure shock. 'Only angel?!?' he exclaimed. He let his head fall into his palms while shaking his head dramatically.


Wille couldn't hold his laugh. 'what?' he asked.


'don't tell me you like only angel more than sign of the times.' Simon laughed.


Wille just starred at him in response.  'Oh god..Im sure youre one of the people that like kiwi...'


And wille let his head fall back laughing in innocence. 'oh. my. god. You like kiwi don't you?'


Wille nodded and they both bursted out while laughing. 'The lycris are great, don't look at me like that!'


Simon thought he could do this all day but they ended up studying.


After a few hours of intense studying they finally finished. Both of them tired as a brick.


'So...' simon began. 'you're a fan of the nature?' he asked looking at the posters. Wille looked up from the table and after a few seconds he answered.


'well yeah.' Wille sighed. 'I mean ive always been a fan of plants. I kinda just never got the time to talk about it. Or people. I mean yeah of course I got my best friend Julia, but since were not at the same school its kinda hard for me to talk to her. And then there are my parents. They never really cared about me though. They only cared about how I did in school and how my future looks like. Erik, my brother, is the only person I could talk about my interests. Since I was little he was the best brother I could've wished for. He bought me the posters and let me talk about every interest and issue I had.' He pauses to breathe. 'I just have a hard time making friends I guess.'


When he finished talking he realized he had tears in his eyes. 'im sorry for talking so much.' Wille said while whipping a tear from his eye. It was really a sensitive topic and he didn't wanna bother anyone.


But simon just shook his head. 'No please don't apologize. Im glad you talked about this with me. I like your voice' he smiled.


Wille looked up blushing at the compliment. He couldn't help his smile. 'thank you'


Simon stared at him, grinning.


Simon was about to speak when somebody knocked on the door. Wille stood up, whipping his cheeks that were slightly wet from the tears that rolled down a few minutes ago. When he opened the door he saw august standing there.


What the fuck.


Simon thought to himself. 'what the hell are you doing here?' simon asked, obviously mad. He stood up making his way to the door.


'what the hell I am doing here, simon?' august asked looking at wille up and down. Disgusted.                         'I don't want you to hand out with losers like that anymore simon.' He said while he looked at wille as if he was a... monster.


'Wille is not a loser, august' simon argued. Wille swore he has never seen simon so mad. Even though they never talked he saw simon many times. More times then simon actually knew it. August just huffed at that.


'Simon, you said yourself youre gonna stop hanging out with weird kids like him.'


And that made willes stomach drop. He always knew he was different but...weird? He could feel himself tear up at the thought of that. Wille always had this problem with being different and some people called him special. He had weird obsessions, he talked to himself all the time, he wrote poetry, he could sit all day being in the nature, he talked to much, he couldn't make friends as easy as other people and he was bullied for 4 years.


Was he weird?


Simon on the other hand couldn't believe his eyes. He had never said such things. Not about anyone and especially not about wille. Simon in fact thought wille was the funniest person he had ever met.


So how could august show up and say these kind of lies.


'Simon did you say this?' wille asked. 'I need you to be honest with me'


Simon could feel a tear drop down his cheek. He couldn't even say a thing. He just blinked at august, a feeling of sadness, anger and disgust.


Come on simon say something. Please say something.


'no' he manages to get out. 'Id never say such things.' He cried silently.


'oh come on simon, stop crying its not worth it. Like at all. Youre such a pussy' august said walking away, the door slamming behind him.


'wille I promise it was not-' simon tried but he got cut off by a silent voice in front of him.


'Please go, simon' wille said. Not even a question, but a command.


'what do you mean?' simon asks.


'grab your stuff and go please. Im sorry for ruining all this but please just go, I need a break'


And simon understood. It hurt but he understood.


So he grabbed his stuff and left.


For the rest of the night simon cried himself to sleep, thinking wille hated him.


And wille...


Well, he did the same thing.


Both crying till the overthinking got so loud, they eventually both fell asleep, alone, with no one to hold.



The next day they both ignored each other. Or more like wille ignored simon. He talked to henry about this but he said that it was no big deal.


For simon it kinda was. He finally found someone, a friend, maybe something more, that didn't care about his popularity. That cared about simons feeling. And besides his family the only person that could make him laugh.


He lost that friend. And it makes simon so mad that it was all because of augusts stupid brain.


When class ended simon decided to go search for august. He looked everywhere, his room, the common room and even the garden or outside of hillerska. He was no where to be found.


Until he thinks. The gym.


'august' he screams as he enters the room. 'why?'


August turned to face simon. 'what do you mean why?' he asks, confusion in his eyes.


'I cannot fucking believe you lied' and angry tone that turned louder.


'I protected you from that freak, simon. Be fucking grateful.' August laughs.


'protected?!' simon now screams. 'what the fuck do you mean by protected? You protected me from being happy? You protected me from having one real friend besides henry?'


'don't be silly, simon. I protected you from losing your reputation.'


Simon couldn't believe what he just heard. It made him even more angry that he didn't pay attention to what simon was saying.


'I don't care about my fucking reputation. Im not like you guys and I never wanted go be. So leave me the fuck alone.' He says leaving august behind.


After relaxing for a few minutes, he decided, that he should explain everything to wille. So simon decides to go to willes dorm. At least he tried.


Wille sits on the bed drawing while listening to music, all the fairlylights are turned on and everything is pretty much okay after last night.


Until he hears a knock on the door.


He sits up and goes to open the door to see simon, with tears in his eyes, standing there looking him in the eyes.


'Simon.' Wille says in a serious tone. He has missed this boy so much but he cant show that he is weak. Not in front of simon.


'wille please just listen to me.' Simon begs.


Wille thinks for a second but lets him in. How could he not is the question.


As simon steps in, wille closes the door behind him silenty. The sun was gone and the night came up. Outside it was as dark as they expected, but it was not a surprise simce it was very close to Christmas. It even snowed outside. But it was not the first day where it snowed I mean they were in Sweden.


'So...' wille exhales. 'you wanted to talk?'


Simon nods as he steps closer to take a look in willes beautiful eyes.


'Listen, wille. I know its very hard to believe me. But please just listen to me okay? Its very important that you listen and trust me.' Wille nods.


'youre one of the funniest and kindest person ive ever met, wille. Yesterday when we met, you made me feel so happy. Like I was truly cared for. Like I was more than just my reputation. No one ever cared for my feelings. Expect my family. Its crazy, it truly is, but I feel like I could tell you everything. Like I can talk to you every second of my day.


And I trust you so much. I really really want us to be friends. Like really good friends alright? Don't ever believe august or that group ever again cause I promise you, you're not weird. I even have to say I have an unhealthy obsession with the galaxy and planets myself.' And after simon finished talking they were just inches apart.


Wille smiled down at him. 'I believe you.'


'You really do?' simon asks to make sure.


'yes, yes I really do. Ever since you walked into the classroom that first day, I wanted to be friends with you so bad.' And simon tears up at that.


'Why didn't you say anything?' simon asks.


'are you crazy?' wille giggled. 'you were with all these people. These people that clearly didn't like the people in my league. I mean you are so pretty, so kind, so cute and god I love your curls'


Simon melted right away as wille reached up and cupped simons jaw with his warm hands. Simon was in heaven.


Simon asks blushing. 'You think im pretty?'


Wille threw his head back and laughed. 'Yes simon, you are really really pretty. Like so so pretty I could die on spot.'


Simon giggled and came closer so he could feel willes breath against his neck. They were inches apart.


Just a few steps and-


'no wait I cant!' simon pulls away. Willes smile fading as he frowns his eyebrowns.


'what is wrong?'


'I cant kiss a guy who likes only angel more than sign of the times!' simon says but then he bursts out laughing. Wille rolls his eyes and grabs simons waist to pull him closer.


And he could swear if someone would've told simon weeks ago, he would be here, wille looking him deep in his eyes, in the middle of Willes room, his hands around Simons waist, just inches apart from kissing and the music playing in the backround. He would've laughed in your face.


But there they are. Wanting each other.


'can I kiss you?' simon whispers, which brings wille a shiver. He leaned in and they were pressed against completely. At first it was just a quick peck but when they pulled apart, they were both pressed against each other. Willes arms around simons waist and simons hand cupping willes jaw.


If he should explain his mother why he died, it was probably because how simon was looking in willes eyes.


So in love.


Wille leans in once more and when simon deepens the kiss by pulling wille closer, he slowly stroked willes hair. Wille decided to ask for more and opens his mouth, letting simon explore every inch of his mouth. Tongues exploring each other mouths, as they pull apart to breathe.


And fuck wille looked so good right now, hair a mess, lips swollen and panting. Simon lead willes hand slowly under his shirt and wille found a home on simons bare waist. As simon feels willes warm hands on his wais, he lets out a whimper. And wille smirks into the kiss. He wonders what other noises he could get out of simon.


So wille bites simons under lip gently as wille sits down on the bed, simon above of him. Simon sitting In willes lap making out with him is really something he would've never thougth but it just felt so good. As simon bites willes lip back, wille lets out a moan, that made simon moan in response. Everything wille did felt so good.


Simon lost it completely when wille takes off his shirt and simon does it in respond, both chests touching. Skin against skin, as they both smile into the following kiss.


And into the next.


And into the next.


Till the morning comes they discovered each others bodies and its everything they ever dreamed about.


Only for them to see.




'willeee' simon whispers into the morning sun. 'Wille, please wake up'


And wille couldn't pretend to sleep in this moment. Everything just so perfect as if it was meant to be.
He groaned and covered his eyes with his palms.


'Good finally morning, wille' simon rolls his eyes and he presses a light kiss into willes chest. Wille smiles at that, blushing.


After he finally opens his eyes he turns to face simon that was smiling at him. 'good morning to you too, simme' wille says after finally waking up. Simon kisses him with passion as he pulls away, looking into each others eyes. Wille felt a comfortable heat in his chest when simon smiles at him.


After a few minutes, wille finally speaks. 'Simon?'


Simon responds by humming but wille didn't seem to notice it so he tries again.

'I wrote you that letter. You received, I mean' willes coughs to deny that awkwardness that was building up in his stomach


'I never knew how to express my love for people, so I wrote poetry since I was like 12'


Simon melts right away and cups willes jaw, a sparkle in his eyes. 'youre fucking perfect, wille'


Wille feels a tear forming in his eyes and simon reaches out to wipe it away.


Yeah, wille could definitely could get used this

Helu, my dear friends. Ive had writers block for so long so im so sorrry!!!

Today after breakfast at like 1PM and decided to start the new chapter and its 8PM and im finally down holy shit. My fingers literally hurt but im so glad with the new update :)

I finally finished love letters oh god! It was def a journey so pls tell how you liked it cause im happy with it.

Also comments make my day hihi 💕

i love you all sm and yeah see you on the next update❤️

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