Happily Ever Afterward -- Bor...

By saladsandbolts

2.8K 99 118

Sequel to "Once Upon a Time." Short stories that occur after Boruto and Sarada escape the land of Fairy Tales... More

Mitsuki's Intuition
Infiltration Mission (Part 2)
Infiltration Mission (Part 3)
Infiltration Mission (Part 4)
Infiltration Mission (Part 5)
Infiltration Mission (Extra)
Today, They're Blue
The Embarrassing Sleepover

Infiltration Mission (Part 1)

311 11 3
By saladsandbolts

Shikadai was on his way to deliver lunch to his father when he overheard Naruto talking about a mission.

"I just don't know who to send... Who in this day and age knows how to ballroom dance?!"

"Well," his father started. "Hinata might be a good candidate. She used to be a princess, right?"

Naruto sighed. "But I can't exactly abandon the village to go with her... Shikamaru, can you go with Temari?"

"No can do," Shikamaru said with a chuckle. "I don't think my hairstyle would be approved at a feudal lord's party. And besides, Temari is technically from the Land of Wind. She's related to the Kazekage. I doubt they'd be happy about her representing the Land of Fire."

"Sucking up to those guys is the worst... Why do they have to do something as old fashioned as hosting a ball? No one in this day and age practices waltzing. And it has to be someone high up enough to represent the village..."

Shikadai chose that precise timing to walk into the room. "I might know someone who can help," he said, handing over the cloth wrapped bento to his father.

"Shikadai?" His father stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Were you eavesdropping?"

"Kinda. But listen. They're probably going to kill me for this... But I think you should send Boruto and Sarada."

"...Did you eat something weird this morning?" Naruto stared at him in disbelief. 

"All those two do is argue," said Shikamaru. "If we sent them, we'd be asking for trouble. Why on earth would you recommend them?"

Shikadai sighed. "Just call them into your office and ask them. Tell them they have no choice but to go. And if you really don't believe me, just ask them to dance."

The two adults stared at the fourteen year old in disbelief, but Shikamaru was the first to sigh. "Well, your word is usually reliable. I don't know what brought this on, but if you say we can trust them, we'll send them."

Shikadai turned to leave. But just before walking out of the office, he poked his head back in the door. "They're going to pretend like they hate the idea... And make sure you don't mention my name when you give them the mission."

"...Okay..." Both adults shared a look and a shrug. And with that, they sent for Boruto and Sarada.

. . .

"Really? We have to go to a cruddy ball?"

Naruto watched his son curiously. Something about the sparkle in Boruto's eyes betrayed the tone of his voice.

"You really expect me to attend a formal event... With him?" Sarada pointed an accusatory finger, but she didn't back away and point like usual. It was simply extended in his direction.

He also noticed how close they were in proximity. Before, they would stand at least three feet apart, even with Mitsuki in the room. Now they were standing less than a hand's length away from each other.

"I-It can't be helped," said Naruto, sending his advisor a confused glance. "The old- I mean, Feudal Lords, require that the attendees are someone of high status... And you two fit the bill. I can't leave the village, and Shikamaru doesn't know how to dance."

"And you think we know how?"

"You have the time to learn," said Shikamaru. "I've arranged for an instructor to teach you the steps to a simple waltz. Your clothes will be prepared by this evening. The ball begins at 9pm tonight."

The two chunin said nothing. Naruto knew the look on Boruto's face. He was remembering something... Likely the thing that made Shikadai think these two would be good candidates for the ball.

"Unless you don't need dancing lessons?"

"Huh?! How on earth would I know how to dance," retorted Boruto. "Come on Sarada, let's just get this over with." As if it was the most natural thing in the world, he took her hand, not her wrist, and dragged her out of the office.

Rather than protesting and yanking it away, Sarada mumbled something about it not being able to be helped since it was a mission. Then she ducked her head in acknowledgement to the two authoritative figures in the room and followed after him.

Shikamaru smirked. "Hm. So it was like that..."

"Like what? What's going on?"

"I think it would be better if you found out on your own."

.  .  .

Boruto stood on a platform. Tailors stood on either side of him, wrapping cloth measuring tapes around his waist, stretching them down his arms, removing his shoes to place his foot in a strange contraption. Another woman was holding colors up to his face, checking in the mirror, then switching the fabric again and again.

In the game world, he never had to go through this process. To say the least, it was a pain.

When all was said and done, he was allowed to meet back up with Sarada, but it seemed like her measuring process was taking even longer.

"Uzumaki Boruto?"


The man behind him bowed, his monocle resting atop his wrinkled eyes. "I will be your dance instructor. Please, allow me to escort you to your next location."

"But what about Sarada?"

"She will be joining us momentarily."

With one last worried glance over his shoulder, Boruto followed the grey-haired man out of the room. He was escorted into a horse drawn carriage, curtain pulled back, and door shut promptly behind him.

"Please wait for the lady in here."

This brought back memories of being dragged away from Sarada. Not something he particularly wanted to remember. With a deep breath, he fidgeted with his fingers until the door opened again.

"Sorry," Sarada muttered, climbing into the seat across from him. When the door was closed, she lowered her voice and softened her gaze. "They had to take a lot of measurements... How was yours?"

"Not too bad," he muttered, eyeing the ends of her hair. Every time he saw it, it seemed to be just a little bit longer than the last time. "I can't believe they picked us to go on this mission..."

"Make sure you don't forget to pretend like you've never danced before."

"Of course," he chuckled. "Make sure you step lightly on my feet if you screw up on purpose."

Sarada rolled her eyes. "Maybe two geniuses can just pick up on dancing lessons a little faster than everyone else..."

The carriage went over a bump. Sarada straightened herself on the bench, turning towards the small window.

"What, you don't want to sit next to me?" Boruto half-teased, half-whined.

"It would be bad if someone saw us... And besides, we're supposed to hate each other, remember? Unless, you've gotten to the point where you feel like telling everyone."

Boruto looked down at the mark on his hand. Then he clenched his fist. "You know we can't... Not yet. Besides..." He shifted his leg forward and touched his ankle to hers. "Sneaking around like this is kinda fun."

He smiled and looked out the window, continuing the ride in a comfortable silence.

When the carriage had finally stopped, Boruto pulled his feet back against the base boards and allowed Sarada to climb out first. The gentleman who was to be their instructor smiled at his curtesy and extended his hand towards Sarada.

And in that moment, Boruto subtly wished he had gotten out first after all.

As they arrived inside the large empty hall, Boruto forgot his momentary jealousy and his eyes lit up into a smile. "I didn't even know Konoha had a place like this!"

Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting their glittering lights onto the freshly polished floors below. Boruto's footsteps clicked, despite only wearing his usual ninja boots. Without thinking, his arm formed an L shape and he instinctively stepped closer to Sarada.

"Good, just like that," said their instructor, eyeing Boruto's arm. "That is how you escort a lady. Now, if you would, young miss... Please place your hand in the crook of his arm."

He blushed when he realized what he had done, but Sarada tucked her hand into the small opening with ease. Just standing there together in that specific position made him feel several years older.

"Practice walking in step with each other."

He slowly took a step forward. Sarada followed. And they both planted and lifted their next foot at the exact same time. They would actually have to try if they wanted to mess this up...

But as he continued walking, Sarada only stepped alongside him. He looked down into her eyes and noticed the dazed far off look. It wasn't just him that was reminiscing with the scenery.

"Now, turn to face each other."

They did as they were told.

"Young man, please place one of your hands on her waist... A little lower. A little higher. There."

Sarada glared daggers at him. He smirked back in response.

"Join the others together... Yes, just like that. Alright, now for the first part, you may look down at your feet... Step in time with my clapping. One, two, three, one, two, three..."

Sarada purposefully stepped on his feet. She paused and let go of Boruto's hand. "Hm... I must not be good at this. Can you show me how to do it right mister?"

The man smiled. "Certainly. Although, it seems as though you both already know how to dance."

Boruto and Sarada stared at the gentleman with blank looks on their faces. "What makes you say that?"

"I never told the young miss where to place her hands. And I never told you in which direction to step... And it seemed as though the young miss read the direction of the steps ahead of time to purposefully step on the mister's feet, since they overcompensated for the correct direction. Now... If you would show me what you've already learned, perhaps I can teach you more advanced techniques."

Unable to help being caught red-handed, or now, red-faced, by the master of dance himself, Boruto and Sarada ducked their heads.

"Mister. Please don't tell anyone we knew how to dance before this," said Boruto, reclaiming his former position. "If anyone asks, we were complete beginners."

"Ah yes," he said with a smile, "and that will make your progress all the more astounding."

.  .   .

They both danced as best as they knew how, taking tips from the instructor until the day grew dim and the tailor interrupted.

"The clothes are ready! The ball begins in three hours, so please come as quickly as possible."

Boruto gently released Sarada's hand and shot her a glance. "I guess that means we should take the rooftops instead of the carriage."

"Hm. For once we agree on something."

He playfully rolled his eyes and stepped away. Then he saluted to the tailor, dropped into a running stance, and leapt up after Sarada onto the roof.

"Hey Sarada, what color is your dress going to be?"

"I don't know, they didn't tell me," she responded, landing with one foot and pushing off with the other. "Don't be too disappointed if it isn't red."

He was still grinning from ear to ear. "It's been so long since I've seen you in a dress..."

"Try to hide your excitement, stupid Boruto. I think Shikamaru oji-san already caught onto us."

"Heh," he flipped backwards from one roof to the other, flying upside-down through the air and scaring the smile off of Sarada's face. "I'll do my best."

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