Bloody Revenge | Sigyn x Siht...

By SuperGeekCarnage

49.5K 1.1K 53

The day Uhtred murdered Skade, he had no idea she had a family. Someone who loved her. An older sister who ad... More

Act One: Prologue
Teachers pet
Internal Prisoner
Ghostly Battle
Broken Vows
Betrayal cuts deep
Loss never gets easier
A new day
Road to Bebbanburg
Star crossed lovers
Battle of the Danes
Battle of Cnut
Sickness in the air
Old friends
Torturous Grief
The fyrd of Mercia
Dead man walking
A happy family
Warriors Children
Tell me you love me
The raid of Eoferwic
Ghost of you
A Danish plea
True lord of Bebbanburg
The last kingdom
Seven Kings Must Die
King Uhtred
Lies and deceit
Meeting the seven Kings
Battle of Brunanburh

Living life dangerously

1.9K 46 1
By SuperGeekCarnage

When she entered the room, silence fell. Sihtric couldn't take his eyes from her. How could she look so breathless after the war she had just been through? The only give away was the small cut on her lip that would heal in it's own time. Osferth held out her chair and grinned as he signalled to the stew he had prepared for them all.

"Thank you." She barely whispered, sitting opposite Sihtric and Ealhswith at the table and Osferth took a seat beside her. The dinner was quiet as everyone ate their food. But Sigyn could feel Sihtric's stare. His eyes devouring her and making a warmth spread through her body.

Once the dinner was over and people had started to fall asleep, she found herself needing some fresh air desperately. She was barely outside for five minutes before she heard him speak, for the first time since he shouted for the fighting to stop.

"You look well." Sihtric had appeared from the town, carrying buckets of water from the well and he dropped them by the front door before he stood beside her at the gate. "Too well."

"What is wrong with you?" She whispered, frantically looking back towards the quiet house. Osferth and Ealhswith had fallen asleep soon after dinner and Sigyn was left to her own thoughts. She started to walk away from the house in the direction of the chapel, but he followed her. Knowing that this discussion wasn't over, she just didn't want to risk waking anyone.

"I'm afraid there's a long list." He tried to joke with her but he was soon dragged down an alley way and pushed up against the wall of the chapel, his eyes instantly on her face as he realised she wasn't joking anymore. "Do you mean why did I save you?"

"Why did you save me and why do you look at me like you do?" Her hands soon dropped from his shirt, letting him have space to breathe and he seemed to ponder her question. Trying to figure out the best way to answer her.

He sighed softly, stepping closer to her and she could feel her breath hitch in her throat as his lips found hers. This kiss was different to their first. It was full of every unspoken word between them both. His hands grasped at her hips and he now pushed her up against the wall of the chapel, her hands sliding beneath his tunic and moaning into the kiss when her back connected with the wall.

In that moment she forgot everything. She forgot her sister. Her anger. Her vengeance. The fact that she was kissing someone she wanted to kill. Or the fact that his woman who had shown her such kindness lay close to them. But she couldn't stop. Her brain was no longer in control of her body.

His kisses felt like nothing she had ever experienced before. He was so gentle, yet full of hunger and want as well. His left hand moving beneath her skirts and as his fingers trailed along her thigh, she felt like her skin was on fire. Finding the strength to break the kiss her forehead rested against his gently as she tried to catch her breath.

"We shouldn't." She whispered breathlessly, her brain finally overpowering the lust she felt in that moment, and she felt his hand move from her thigh to cup her cheek gently. She was forced to look back into his eyes and her heart was about to explode in her chest.

"I just don't know how to put it into words. You frustrate me. But I want you." He whispered and now it was her turn to start the next kiss. He was right. She hated him. Yet here she was, melting in his embrace.

Their lips brushed together in perfect sync, their tongues soon battling for control, and he had grabbed her waist firmly. Moving to sit her on top of an old ale barrel, his frame resting between her thighs and when she felt his hard member against her inner thigh, she gasped into the kiss. From what she could feel, he was large. Probably the largest she had ever had. Without hesitating her hands dropped to his breeches, quickly undoing them until they fell down to his knees. He seemed to understand what she wanted and he pushed up her skirts so he could pull her even closer to him.

"Are you sure?" He whispered into the kiss, giving her every chance to say no. But she nodded her head slowly and pulled him back for another kiss. Her legs wrapped around his waist, causing the two to become closer and just as he was about to give into his greatest desire the screams of the town folk made them stop. He turned to see the smoke of a fire in the distance. "Fuck. We need to help." He quickly pulled up his breeches again and ran off, leaving her behind.

With a small chuckle she jumped from the barrel, smoothing out her dresses before she started to help the townspeople attempt to stop the fire with buckets of water. It wasn't until she saw Osferth that he seemed confused how she was already here before him. But he was sent away quickly to find Father Beocca as it seemed to be his house that was burning.

"Is Thyra in there?" Finan shouted out to Sihtric in the distance, and he shrugged his shoulders, he assumed everyone was at the funeral of the late King Alfred. Plus, he had avoided the service himself and ended up with Sigyn in the alley. But he couldn't tell him where he was.

"We were all sleeping after dinner, the screams alerted us." He tried to get closer to the building, but the fire was out of control now, all they could do was attempt to stop it spreading to the other buildings.

Sigyn didn't think the screams could get any louder, but that was before Father Beocca had arrived and started screaming for his wife who had been trapped inside. It was truly heart-breaking to witness, it hurt even more when she realised that no one would ever have that reaction to her.

Thankfully, the rains started, slowing the fires until all that was left behind was the destruction. Finan and Sihtric had sat with the priest, helping him to grieve and even though the rain was heavy they only left when the sun broke through and that was because of another uproar deeper into the town.

Seeing Uhtred again, after their fight didn't fill her with the hatred that she expected. Instead, she found herself just silently watching how the towns people stood behind him, how he could rally a crowd without even trying. How loyal people were to him and it made her envious. She wished to find that kind of loyalty. Her whole life had been spent following Skade, acting as her own personal bodyguard. She didn't really have a chance to live. So, if Uhtred still wanted her sword, he could have it.

But she wouldn't fight in a dress. So, while the townspeople argued amongst themselves, she disappeared. Something she had grown good at. She returned to Sihtric's home, which was now empty and attempted to salvage what she could from her old gear. It was only the belt which was in a good enough condition. With a groan she started searching the home, she found some clothes which she assumed belonged to Sihtric, but they were old. Small enough to fit her. She changed into leather breeches, using her belt to tighten them as her sword was placed in the sheath. The shirt was a little more complicated but she grabbed one of the white shirts, obviously meant for a woman and put that on first before pulling the armour over herself. It was tight on her chest, but it was better than a dress. Her hair was braided once again, her hammer of Thor put back around her neck as she headed back to the town ready for battle.

Things had calmed, people returning to their homes, and it was almost like she wasn't missed. But she saw the flash of relief across Sihtric's face as she appeared from the crowds.

"I do not think I will ever like you, Uhtred. But if you want my sword, I will protect you and your pretty boys with my life." She spoke clearly, although worried for his rejection she felt like she had found somewhere to belong. Maybe.

"We need a warrior with your heart. Bebbanburg is our next goal, but we should stay here. Until Edward is crowned King. I promised Alfred that I would watch out for him." He looked at Finan who looked like he was ready to complain. "It's just a few days, then we leave. I promise."

Osferth, Finan and Uhtred left to go spend time at the inn before they would leave and Sihtric had already moved to stand beside Sigyn.

"I'm glad you are staying with us." He admitted, he was about to reach out move a stray strand of her hair between her ear but he heard Finan calling for them and they both quickly followed.

The ale was weak. Almost like water but it felt good going down her throat. The mood was good, everyone seemed to be cheerful until someone else tried to join the group. The weasel from Cnut's camp. Although he seemed to be missing an eye, he was still trying to cause trouble.

"Uhtred, you do know it wont be long until they banish you again? After everything you have done for them." Aethelwold was smug. Too smug. But when his eyes met Sigyn and he realised how he recognised her he quickly left the group and Finan gave her a small look.

"He is a weasel. I saw him with Cnut and Bloodhair. It's how I learned of Ragnar and his death." She finished her cup of ale. "I do not trust him."

"And you are an excellent judge of character. I'm glad you finally joined our team of misfits. We need you." Finan grinned across at her. "And not to forget, beautiful." Sihtric was quick to elbow him, making him spill some of his ale and he laughed loudly. "Ah yes. I forget my place." He continued to laugh. Sigyn looking between them curiously. Did Finan know about last night?

They continued to celebrate through the night, Sigyn not drinking more than five cups, so she didn't find herself climbing into Sihtric's bed the first chance she got. Instead, she fell asleep on the floor wrapped in blankets nestled between Osferth and Finan who were passed out from too much alcohol.

They were all rudely awoken by Uhtred who seemed surprisingly chipper for how much alcohol he had drank the night before. Osferth felt like death. Finan was living in a constant hangover and Sigyn wasn't really hungover but she was tired. The men snored too loudly. But she sat up anyway, rubbing at her neck and then she watched as Ealhswith appeared, she was giggling happily as she pulled on her furs over her dress.

"My apologies, you're awake too early." She quickly left the house and then when Sihtric appeared his smile dropped when he realised that everyone was awake. Finan placed a hand on Sigyn's back, but thankfully no one saw his small gesture, or the unspoken apology that he couldn't say.

Sigyn climbed to her feet, brushing the dust from her clothes as she moved to stand closer to Uhtred. Not really wanting to look at Sihtric in that moment. "So, what's the plan? Edward is on the road to becoming King. You are a free man."

"We have one more battle. At Bedanford. To clear the Danes from there and then we go to take Bebbanburg." He spoke confidently, finally happy to be fulfilling his destiny after all these years.

The roads to Bedanford were long and Sigyn had refused to acknowledge or even speak to Sihtric. But Osferth and Finan were always good company. Even speaking to Uhtred. But she was still pissed, she didn't understand how Sihtric could act this way with her. If the fire hadn't of stopped them that night, they would have humped in that alley. And now he seems to be all over his woman again.

They finally stopped for the day, setting up camp in High Wycombe. The fire had barely been lit when a Dane approached. It was Jackdaw, one of Brida's loyal men and they all recognised him.

"I come with a message. From Brida. She said you will know what it means. Aethelwold." He was gone almost as quickly as he appeared, not wanting to stay too close due to impending battle that would happen soon.

"What does that mean?" Finan asked curiously and he could tell by Uhtred's reaction that he was angry.

"Osferth, Thyra's blood. Is it safe?" He asked quickly and Osferth nodded with a gentle pat at his waterskin that was tied to his waist and that's when Sigyn connected the dots.

"He killed Ragnar. That weasel killed one of the most fearsome warriors. That's why you need Thyra's blood? To send him to Valhalla?" Her fingers had started playing with her chain, twisting Thor's hammer between her fingers. A silent prayer for Ragnar.

"He left Winchester before we did. No doubt he has joined with these Danes. His life is mine. Mine only. Understood?" Uhtred asked and everyone nodded their heads. This wasn't just about vengeance. It was about saving a soul. But it made Sigyn hurt more when she realised her sister never found Valhalla either.

Before they could speak anymore, Edward and his armies soon arrived. Setting up their own tents for the night. Sigyn could feel Sihtric's stare, she had felt it on her all day and usually it would light a fire in her gut. But instead, she felt sick. Once everyone else had started to sleep, she heard the branches beneath footsteps behind her and she already knew it was him.

"Let me explain." He was already begging as he moved to sit beside her, but she didn't even turn to look at him. She was sharpening her blade and staring out at the camp before her. "I had too much to drink. I thought it was you. I wished it was you. Then when I woke up to see her, I knew I had messed up. I'm sorry."

A small chuckle left her lips, typical excuses that she would hear from her husband time and time again. "You think with your cock. What else is there to know?" Her eyes finally met his for the first time in days, she hated how they had the power to take away her breath. But she wouldn't allow herself to get too lost in them. "You were thinking with your cock with me. That's all it was." She climbed back to her feet, leaving him on the hill as she went to go find some sleep. But lately the only way she could was close to Osferth and Finan. And when Finan had saw which direction she had come from he instantly pulled back the covers for her.

"He cares for you. I just don't think he knows how to deal with it." Finan whispered softly, covering her with the blankets and just letting her rest as he laid back down himself. The snores that annoyed her so much before, becoming her own personal lullaby.

When the sun broke through the trees, she was one of the first to wake up. She was eager for bloodshed. But when she sat up, she realised that Sihtric sat in the same exact position she left him in last night. He hadn't slept. He couldn't go into battle like this. With a small sigh she moved from the covers, making sure not to wake Osferth or Finan as she moved to sit back down beside Sihtric.

"You need rest. You cannot go into battle like this. You need to be on your top form." He didn't answer at first, her left hand moving to guide his gaze back to hers by a gentle touch on his chin. "Please. Even if it's an hour."

"The battle has already started." It was then when Sigyn noticed his hands covered in blood, she quickly examined him to make sure it wasn't his, before he nodded to the distant woods, and she could see several bodies hanging from the trees. "They sent scouts. I made sure none of them escaped."

She was in awe, that he took out all of these men in complete silence. But he seemed to be stuck in a trance, like he wasn't physically there with her. "I need you on top form on the battlefield. Okay? I cannot be keeping an eye on you." He simply nodded, his left hand moving to hold her wrist which still had a hold of his chin. His eyes finally on her, like he was grounded.

"The same for you. I cannot become distracted. I would kill them all, singlehandedly if they hurt you." His words stirred that familiar warmth in her stomach and there was every possibility that death would claim them. So, she allowed herself to kiss him. Letting herself have that moment of happiness, if something were to happen to them.

She was soon pressed back against the grass, Sihtric's frame laid against hers as the kiss heated up. Her thighs pinned against his side. The kiss eventually broke at the sound of the rest of the camp starting to wake up. He smiled down at her and the way the sun caught his eyes made her stare in awe. He was beautiful.

"You and I, we are connected. Always." She smiled, touching his face gently before she heard the sound of Finan shouting at Osferth for stealing the covers. Sihtric moved from her and helped her to her feet before they returned to the camp. To reveal the scouts and how the war was coming earlier than they had hoped.

It was barely noon when the Danes had reached the woods where the scouts were hanging, their angered shouts and screams as they charged out at the Saxons. Arrows rained on them first, taking out a lot of the men who dared leave the cover of the woods and then sound of steel hitting steel echoed around the field. Shields were broken, weapons lost, and men lay screaming – dismembered.

Sigyn had lost count at how many lives she claimed that day. But it felt good to be fighting side by side with someone. But she had often found her gaze searching for Sihtric in the battlefield. Even saving him at one point before an axe bludgeoned his head. It wasn't a warrior's life, to worry. By the time the battle was won she was exhausted, her skin covered in blood that wasn't hers. Hair and blood matted against her axe and her sword had probably been blunted from the number of lives it had claimed. The once empty field was now littered with blood and bodies. Uhtred had chased after Aethelwold. Hopefully helping Ragnar to find peace. 

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