Little Dove

By AbbyPierceKnight

65.7K 1.7K 445

"You can't imagine the things I'd do if I put my hands on you" He murmured, his voice low and husky. His bre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 15

2K 59 19
By AbbyPierceKnight

"We are all bad in someone
Else's story"
                       — Niyaz Ahmed


I've always dreaded going back to my place but the fact that I'd get to see her, just the mere thought of being in the same house as her had my heart pumping faster.

With an unknown smile and a giddy feeling in my stomach I walk inside my house, hoping to see her, but I was disappointed when the house seemed quiet and empty.

"Where's Micah?" I ask the first maid I saw who was rushing towards the kitchen.

Seeing me she stopped in her tracks and lowered her head before speaking.

"Mr Collins and Miss Delilah went out half an hour ago, he told me to inform you" she said and I gave her a nod dismissing her.

Went out? Why didn't he tell me?

Letting out a sigh I climb up the stairs and before going to my room I went to stop by the room Delilah was staying in, finding the door half open I decided to peek inside. This is invading her privacy.

I chuckle at my thoughts as if this is something new for me, when it comes to her there's nothing that'll stop me, nothing.

Looking inside her room I had to fight my urge to go in and lie down in her bed, I didn't want her walking in on me like that so I walk back towards my room.

I never wanted her to stay in a room that's not mine, but the circumstances forced me to give her another room since I couldn't just make her sleep next to me or better yet, in my arms.

Shaking my head I push open my bedroom's door and walk in.

Sitting at the foot of my bed I dial Micah's cell and he picked up almost immediately.

"Two time's in one day, am I dying?" He gasp dramatically and I roll my eyes.

"Where you at?" I ask.

"I'm out with your girl" he tease and I frown.

"Micah" I warn and he started laughing.

"Jeez man, relax, she won a bet in UNO, so I had to get her some ice cream, she's in the shop right now, wait I'll show you" he said and the line went dead.

Hardly a few seconds later my phone dinged indicating a new message from Micah.

Opening the picture he sent me I couldn't fight my smile, she was standing by the till, a cone in her hands and a big smile on her face, my dove.

After staring at her picture for an abnormal amount of time, I shut it off and got up to freshen up.

Walking in the bathroom I strip out of my clothes and walk under the running water with her thoughts still lingering in my mind.


It's been an hour and they're still not home and I don't know why it was bugging me so damn much.

Plopping on the couch in my room I ran my fingers through my hair.

For some reason I couldn't get her out of my mind, especially the way she reacted last night. I always knew she was jumpy and she got scared easily.

Everytime I moved a little too quick, she would flinch. If my voice got a little higher, even when it's not directed at her, she'd turn pale, always bowing down to me as if she was trained to do so, and the thought of someone giving her a hard time made my blood boil.

I was always confused on why she was so conscious of everyone and everything, but last night-

"Miss me?" Micah's voice broke my train of thoughts and I look up at his grinning face.

"What took you so long?" I ask leaning back on the couch.

"Right after we left the ice cream parlor, she found some stray cats" Micah sigh and I chuckle.

That make sense, everytime she saw a kitten walk by she would follow it, pet it and play with it for as long as the kitten is around. I've seen it far too many times and it never fails to bring a smile on my face.

"Why you looked so worried though?" Micah ask, dragging me out of my thoughts again and I let out a deep sigh.

"What's on your mind?" He ask taking a seat by the edge of my bed.

"Delilah" I murmur.

"Why did I even ask?" He joke and I throw him a serious glare and he shuts up.

"This seems serious, what's wrong?"

"There's something about her that we don't know. Something we missed" I tell him and his frown deepens.

"What do you mean? I ran a break ground check on her myself, an only child, ordinary life, parents died in a car crash, lived in an orphanage, then moved in with that guy Tyler and ended up dating him and now she's here" Micah reconfirmed all the information we had on her.

"That's what I'm saying, we know the basics, but do we know where her 'boyfriend' vanished?" I say and Micah shrugs.

"As long as he's out of the picture, does it matter?"

"It does, because I have a feeling he's the reason behind the terror I saw in her eyes" I say pushing my fingers through my hair.

"Wait, what are you talking about? What terror?" He ask, clearly confused.

"Micah no sane person panics over a broken glass but she did, did you look at her hands? She didn't care that she was bleeding, she didn't care that she was hurt, because she was terrified as if I was gonna hurt her, and that's the reaction of a person who have been hurt before" I mutter, trying to keep my voice at bay.

"I know the look she had too damn well Micah, I seen how people look when they're scared to death, I've been a reason behind those scared faces and that's exactly what she was, she was petrified, over a fucking broken glass" I finish and Micah let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'll get Tony to start looking for that dickhead" Micah grumble and shoots up.

"No" I mutter and he looks at me with eyes wide open.


"This one's mine. I'll look for that piece of shit myself, even if I have to tear the world inch by inch to find him...I will, and once I get my hands on him, it's over for him."


I can't deny, today was fun.

Playing with Micah, getting ice cream, I felt free, I didn't feel like Micah was my boss, he's really easy going and fun and surprisingly being around him seemed natural.

For once I didn't had to look over my shoulder to make sure none of Tyler's minions are watching me.

Pulling the bandaids off my palms I left the wounds to let them dry, thankfully they weren't deep.

Untying my hair from the braid I put them in a messy bun before sliding on my old hoodie and tights.

Running my eyes over myself in the mirror I sigh. I look homeless. I am homeless.

Shaking my head I walk out of the bathroom and take a seat on the bed. God I could get used to the soft bed and hot food here.

Sadly I can't stay here long, even though Mr Knight is generous enough to bring me here, I'm not gonna abuse his generosity.

I kept my flip phone in my hand, anxiously waiting for a call from Issac. He told me he would call me the second his landlord agrees and I haven't heard from him since that day.

I close my eyes and tried to keep my thoughts positive, it's gonna be okay, I'll get that apartment and I will-

My thoughts were interrupted by the awful loud ringing of my phone and I immediately sit up and answer the phone, holding it tightly against my ear.

"Hello neighbor" Isaac's voice came and a huge smile broke on my face.

"You better not be joking!" I warn him and he laughs.

"I'm currently standing in your new, furnished apartment" he says and I frown.

"Furnished apartment?"

"The couple here moved countries so they left their furniture here" Issac explains and my smile widens.

"I can't believe this! When can I move in?" I squeal and he laughed.

"You can move in tomorrow" he answer.

"I really owe you Issac" I tell him honestly.

"The only thing you owe me is a treat" he say and I chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" I tell him and bid him goodbye before hanging up the phone.

A furnished apartment? It's like I hit a jackpot. I should inform Mr Knight.

Getting out of bed I walk outside and my eyes lingered on Mr Knight's bedroom. Should I go in there and tell him? Or wait for dinner?

Deciding to wait I turn and went back inside my room. Let's pack what little stuff I have.


I just got done gathering all my clothes and necessities when I heard a knock on the door followed by a maid walking in.

"Dinner's served ma'am" she said with her head held low.

"Please call me Delilah" I tell her and she look at me confused for a second before walking out.

Making sure that my bag is all set I get up and walk downstairs and the maid lead me towards the dining room where I saw Mr Knight already seated on his chair.

He was busy on his phone, brows slightly furrowed together while his thumb worked on the screen, his messy hair falling over his forehead and for the first time I noticed a piercing hole in his ear but I never seen him wear anything in it.

The delicious smell of fish brought me out of my daze and my face went red realizing that I been standing here admiring my boss in his casual dressing. I'm lucky he didn't see me.

When I took a step forward his eyes immediately left the screen and found me and suddenly I started feeling anxious.

Why is it when Mr Knight looks at me I loose my focus? When Micah or Issac look at me I'm normal, I'm human, but when Mr Knight does my insides turn into jelly.

Taking a seat next to him I kept my head low while the maids served the food in two plates.

"How are your hands Delilah?" He ask and my cheeks were beginning to heat up after hearing him call me by my name. Can never get used to it.

"They're good sir, thank you" I thank him genuinely, what he did last night, tending to my wounds- it's something I'm not used to and for his generosity I'll always be great full.

"Let me see" he say and gently grabbed my hands and pulled them closer to inspect.

He opened my palm and ever so softly ran his finger on my cuts and a tiny gasp escaped my lips, not because it hurt but because his gentle touch sent electricity down to my very core.

"Keep them dry and they'll be ok" he tells me before letting go of my hands and suddenly my cold hands were missing the warmth his hands offered. How is his hands so warm and big?

Digging in my food I didn't knew how to bring up the topic of the apartment when suddenly Mr Knight asked.

"You seem in a good mood today" he say and I realize I been smiling this whole time.

"I am happy today" I tell him and he raised his brow asking me to go on and my smile only widens.

"I found an apartment, it's in the same building as Issac" I tell him, barely keeping my excitement at bay.

He pressed his lips in a thin line and his eyes narrowed.

"Issac?" He ask in a low voice and I gave him a quick nod.

"I told you Delilah, you can stay here as long as you need, there's no rush" he says, his eyes not leaving me for even a second.

"But Mr Knight, I found a better apartment, and I don't wanna be a burden on you" I tell him and his jaw ticks and he rips his eyes off me and focused on his food, not once did he look my way for the rest of the dinner.

After dinner was done Mr Knight stood up and left, without a single word. Did I say something wrong?

Letting out a sigh I helped the maid clean the table, despite her telling me that it's ok.

When I was done I walk upstairs, I could hear Mr Knight's voice coming from his bedroom and boy he did not sound happy.

Deciding to just have a good night sleep I walk in my room. Tomorrow's move-in day!



I woke up, sweating and gasping for air, tears pouring down my face.

I saw them, I saw them die over and over again, all because of me.

Pulling my knees closer to my chest I silently cried into them.

Only if I wasn't stubborn that day, they would still be with me right now.

I'm sorry mom...I'm sorry dad..


Taking a cold shower I felt somewhat better. Getting dressed I let my hair down to let them dry. Today's a big day.

Picking up my duffle bag I walk out just to run into Mr Knight, walking out of his room, he was wearing an all black suit but instead of a tie he left his top two buttons undone like he always does, letting me have a sneak peak of a tattoo on his chest.

I didn't realize I was staring till my eyes locked in with his hypnotizing green one's, a wide smirk stretched on his lips making me immediately lower my gaze.

"G-Good morning" I mumble and he gave me a nod.

"Ready to go, Ms Miller?" He ask, a sense of tease in his tone but I nod regardless.

Following him downstairs I almost bumped into his broad back when he out of nowhere stopped walking.

He then turn around to look at me.

"I need to be at the office early today, you can come with the driver later after having breakfast" he tells me and I shake my head.

"I can eat at the office sir" I tell him and he looks at me for a long minute before nodding to himself.

"Well done then, let's go" he say and continue walking out of his mansion like house.

The whole ride to the office was anxious, I was excited yet nervous. It's gonna be ok Delilah, you already got the apartment.

Letting out a sigh I turn my focus out of the window.

"Excited for the new apartment?" Mr Knight's voice came making me divert my attention to him, his eyes were glued on the road and momentarily he would gaze my way.

"Very much" I tell him honestly, not being able to fight my smile.

He didn't say anything after that, I could still feel him stealing glances at me every few seconds but I kept my eyes glued on the window.

Soon we reach the office and I followed him inside, everyone stood up in respect and he gave them a simple nod and kept walking.

As always there was a big crowd in front of the elevator and I inwardly sighed. This is why I always came half an hour before him.

I was about to stand in the crowd when Mr Knight spoke.

"Over here, Ms Miller" he says directing me towards the VIP elevator and I obey him and walk forward to stand next to him.

As the elevator started moving I began gently tapping my feet on the floor while counting numbers in my head, keeping myself distracted.

But then suddenly the elevator began shaking and everything went dark as it stopped moving at all.

"Fucking hell" I heard him mutter, I tried to keep my breathing in control but I couldn't do it.

I began panicking.

"W–What's going on!?" I squeak and began searching for the door with my shaky hands.

"It's ok, must be a technical fault, it'll get moving soon" Mr Knight assure me but I began banging my sweaty hands on the door or wall I don't even know.

"I– I need to get out" I cry and immediately felt a pair of hands pulling my shaking figure against a hard chest.

"Delilah it's ok, im right here" he say but my lungs were closing in on me and the darkness wasn't helping me at all.

"I– I cant– I can't breath!" I cry and felt him pull me in a tight hug, forcing my head on his chest.

"Steady breaths baby, breath with me, I'm right here, it's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok" he mumble against my ear and I tried to focus on his voice and his loud heartbeat.

His fingers were pushed into my hair, holding my head against his chest while his other hand rubbed around my back soothingly.

His chest rise and fall slowly and I tried to match my breathing with it.

The ringing in my ears died down and I focused on his steady heartbeats.

Soon after the lights came back and the elevator started moving again, but he didn't let go of me, he kept me wrapped up in his arms, and just like that he calmed me down, like no one ever did before.

Slightly pulling my head off his chest I look up, just to find him already looking at me intently.

"You're ok" he whisper, more to himself than me.

Not finding my voice I just nodded my head and he rested his hand on my cheek, ever so gently wiping the tears off my face, his eyes full of worry while he scanned my face.

His eyes lingered on my lips for a second longer before they found their way back to my eyes, and for the first time I saw such intense emotions in anyone's eyes, it was like his eyes spoke more than any words could.

His thumb gently started rubbing my bottom lip and I was too hypnotized by his eyes that I didn't dare look away.

His eyes dropped to my lips once more before he let out a shaky breath, we were so close that his breath was fanning my face and it sent goosebumps all over my body.

A ding of the elevator made me rip myself off him and quickly jump back with my heart thudding in my throat, he cleared his throat before fixing his posture.

"Let's go" he mutter before walking out of the elevator and I followed him silently with my heart beating like a madman.

Was he about kiss me?

No way....right?


End of chapter my lovelies
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
If you did, then don't forget to vote and comment!
I love those!
Also what do you guys think about Nathan and Delilah so far?
Whose your fav till now?
Happy reading my sweets
Peace out ✌🏼

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