another day (Bucky xreader)

By nothing347

100K 1.7K 484

Day after day in HYDRA Y/n also known as the Red Soldier, she is HYDRA's #1 assassin. One mission the Avenger... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2 pt.1
Chapter 2 pt.2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Important Authors Note!!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Important author note!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 (Final Chapter)
Release date
Author note
Authors note!!!

Chapter 17

1.8K 39 8
By nothing347

this chapter has abuse, needles, and blood in it.

Y/n pov

  I wake up and feel pressure on my shoulders. I remember where I am and what's going on. I hear the big metal door open and I quickly turn my head and see Korbin. "Sleep at all?" He asks. I don't answer. "At least you remember to keep your mouth shut." He says. "Bring in Dan, he deserves to see you suffer." He says. "Go to hell." I growl. "Tsk tsk, that's not how you treat me, little one." He says.

    He walks up to me and slaps me. "You called for me sir?" I hear Sam say. I see his eyes go wide. "The woman you brought in has to be punished. You have the pleasure of the first beat." Korbin says. Sam walks up to him and Korbin hands him a whip. 

    He takes it with caution and has a sickening look on his face. He goes behind me and I tap him with my leg, almost giving him a do it. He takes the first hit. "Harder, think about how she disrespected HYDRA." He says. He takes another hit. "Think about Red Skull, she's the reason we lost." He says. Another hit. This time I grunt and I see Korbin grin at this.

    This goes on for another 10 minutes. "That's enough." He says. I feel blood in my mouth. Korbin comes up to me and lifts up my chin. "How does that feel, my pet?" He taunts me. I spit blood in his face and he gives me a look as if he wants to kill me. "Get me a needle and thread. Let's teach her some manners." He says. 

    "As for you, go back to your station." He tells Sam. "Yes sir." He says and goes to leave. I see a man in green scrubs and a white coat. He is pushing a cart. I look at it and it has syringes, bottles, needles, thread, and other stuff.

    "Dr. would you mind sewing her mouth. She needs to remember her place." He says. The Dr. walks up to me and takes a sewing needle and threads it. I can feel the fear well up into my eyes. After what feels like forever it finally ends. Burned, stabbed, whipped, injected, and more. There is blood everywhere and I haven't let out a scream, also knowing that if I were to open up my mouth that my lips would tear apart.

    "I think that she's learned her lesson. Take her to her cell." Korbin commands. Two guards take me down and drag me out. As I'm going through the halls I'm in and out of consciousness. The guards throw me in a cell and bound my hands. I keep fighting my eyes open. Eventually I black out from either blood loss or exhaustion.

    I end up waking up to someone shaking me. I dart up and scurry away. "Hey hey, it's ok. It's just me." Sam says. "shit" He whispers, seeing the pool of blood from where I was laying. "I'm sorry for what I did back there." He says. I nod my head and hum. "I didn't want to blow my cover. But I do want to tell you that Bucky says that you got this and that it will be over soon." He says, I nod. I peak up hearing footsteps. "What's wrong?" He quietly asks. I try to part my lips. "There are people coming." I mumble, I can feel the blood in my mouth.

    "Beat me." I command. "What?" He questions. "Beat me or they'll know." I mumble. "I- '' He tries to protest, then we hear people at the door. I hear him mumble a fine then he kicks me in the stomach. Then as the door opens he goes for another blow. "I see your breaking her in." Sam turns around and salutes him. "At ease. Unfortunately you will have to wait." My handler says. Then I see the Dr. from earlier come up behind him.

    He's about 5'11 and has a thin like face. He's pale with grey eyes and dark brown hair that is neatly cut. It's short, and he has jell slicking it back. He still has on the scrubs and lab coat. I don't fear him but am more curios. 

    "Of course sir." Sam says then leaves, giving me a reassuring look. "We have something very fun in store for you." The Dr. says with a threatening tone. Two guards come and take off the cuffs. I use this and snap one of the guard's neck and take his pistol and shoot the other one right between his eyes. Suddenly the entire room has me surrounded and has guns pointed at my head. I take the gun and point it at my head. "If you wanna kill me do it now." I say as loud as I can without ripping my lips open.

    "We don't want to kill you my pet." I freeze at that name. "Fight"He says in Russian. I start to feel a pounding in my head. "Monster" Korbin continues. It gets worse and suddenly I hear that voice. " You have a job to do." it whispers. "Pain" I let out a groan, and it's getting worst. I drop the gun and grab my hand. Then my hands are being forced behind my back. "Don't resist." It says but not out of safety but out of respect.

    "Take her to the lab, prep her, and then strap her down." The Dr. commands. Korbin walks up to me and looks me right in the eye's. His eyes are the deepest green that they almost look black, his gray hair slicked back. "Tell the voice I said hi." He says. "Yes sir." I reply but it wasn't me who said it. It was my voice but not my conscious. As I'm being dragged away I can't help but wonder what he meant by that. How did he know?

    I end up being dragged into this white room, it has a big hospital light, a metal bed and a bunch of medical stuff. They take off my pants and put shorts on me. Then they strap me down to the metal table. The metal is like ice on my back. Then the Dr. comes in, this time without Korbin. "Hello, I have not fully introduced myself. I am Dr. Sherwin and I will be your Dr." He says with an evil grin.

    I see him put together a syringe the needle is about 7 inches long and he starts to suck up the liquid. I start to Hyperventilate. "Now I won't have to use this if you cooperate." He says flicking the syringe. "Now tell me who do you work for?" He asks. I don't answer. "Ok I guess this will hurt very very much." He says. Suddenly I feel a pair of strong hands hold my head down. I try to break away but I can't. "Hold still." He says grinning widely. I go to close my eyes but he opens them and places the needle into my right eye. I hold my tough and fight back the scream that threatens to leave my lips.

    I'm in a base that doesn't quite seem like HYDRA. It has girls running around, some have on dancer uniforms, and others in a tank top and shorts. "You will teach them how to kill." A lady with a Russian accent says. Then I'm in my cell and I'm holding a boy, I look up and I see fear and dread wash over him. Flashes of memories go through my head. After hours of this it all finally stops.

    As I'm laying on the table I know that I'm back in the real world but I keep seeing people and flashes. "NOW WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?!" I hear someone yell. "" I mumble. "Again." he commands one of the other Dr. 's. "Sir if I may, we've been at this for 7 hours. I say we take a break and do the machine tomorrow." The Dr. says. What does he mean by machine? "Fine, we'll start again tomorrow in the morning." The original dr. says. Once I'm in my cell I didn't sleep at all that night. People kept coming in every 30 minutes to give me some kind of beating. Still I won't let a scream leave my lips. But little did I know that it would happen.

 Hi guys I know that this one is a little more dark so I do apologize but it adds to the story. Have a good week:) 

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