By LivelyPotter

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─ in which greyson blackbourne, the introvert of the family meets a man determined to crack her walls... More

i. new neighbors
iii. the invitation
iv. the bbq

ii. meetings

253 26 78
By LivelyPotter

ii. meetings

"You cannot be serious." My voice was flat, eyeing the outfit Mama held in front of her body. Her shoulders dropped, "Greyson! This will look so cute on you." She cooed, holding the green sundress out to me.

"I appreciate you helping, mama. But we both know that I don't wear dresses." I told her gently, careful not to hurt her with my words. Watching her sigh and slump her shoulders, "Okay, then." She gave in, "Kylie will be here soon, so find a pretty outfit for yourself before she gets here."

"Thanks, Mama." I called after her once she left my room. Looking inside my closet, I bit my lip, carefully choosing an outfit that she would approve of.

Just to be clear, I was not looking forward to being forced to meet the new neighbors. What if we bothered them? Finally choosing my outfit, I slipped off my basketball shorts and t-shirt and changed.

Minutes later, my hair was brushed back and clipped away from my face with one of my many claw clips, and I reluctantly put on two gold necklaces and a pair of dangly heart earrings.

Why try too hard?

If I happen to meet someone (which I hope I won't), he should know what I'm gonna look like ninety percent of the time.

"Good enough," I shrugged, straightening my cardigan in front of the mirror before walking away. Closing my bedroom door, a grin crawled across my face wondering what Kylie's mom forced her to wear.

Probably something like Mama tried to force me into.

Walking down the spiral staircase, I stopped dead in my tracks once I noticed my entire family waiting for me at the landing. Cocking a brow, I slowly cleared the last two steps, now standing in front of them.

"Why are you all waiting like this? It's weird." I sniffed, crossing my arms self consciously over myself. Papa Gabe pushed Papa North to the side and took me into his arms.

"Aww," He cooed, "You look so cute, little bean." Papa Gabe pinched my cheeks before smoothing back the baby hairs that freed themselves from my clip. "Trouble and Kayli were able to convince us to let you two go over there alone. I have everything ready,"

"Can Kylie stay over a day early? That way we can spend the entire weekend together?" I asked, placing my hands in a prayer position. Father exchanged a look with Mama.

"We'll talk to Kayli and the others once they get here. They're staying for dinner." Mama winked, "I ordered more acrylic supplies so Gabriel and I can fix your nails. And Kylie's."

"Thanks, Mama." I said respectfully, lips widened in a tiny smile. I was nervous about meeting the neighbors, well—I was always nervous meeting new people. But hey, at least I wouldn't be alone. And I had something to look forward to when I got back.

Kylie was the social one between us. I would let her do the talking tonight.

Papa Silas and Papa Nathan took a seat on the coach while the others fled to the kitchen, eager to get a start on dinner. They would have to make enough to feed an army. There would be eighteen of us in all.

Taking a seat beside Papa Silas, I was soon pulled to his side in a huge bear hug he was famous for. "What is the matter, μικρός πολεμιστής?" Little Warrior?

"Nothing." I didn't sound too convincing, Papa Nathan looked over at me from beside Papa Silas, "Tell us what's wrong, squirt." He said softly, serious blue eyes glancing worriedly towards me.

"I guess I'm not too good at meeting new people." I sighed, "I hate that I'm like this."
Papa Silas placed his large hand on the top of my head, rubbing soothing circles on my forehead. "Nothing is wrong with you. All will be well, μικρός πολεμιστής. You will see."

Knowing that Papa Silas knew what I was going through made me feel slightly better. I was still nervous, but knowing I wasn't alone in my feelings, lifted a weight off my shoulders. "Thanks," I grinned, hearing the gravel crunch outside, and the cutting of an engine, "I feel better."

"Greyson! Kylie's here!" Papa Kota called, poking his head inside the living room. Jumping up from the couch excitedly, I jogged to the front door and ran outside to meet Kylie on the porch.

"You heard what we have to do?" I asked, lifting my brow. Kylie huffed and casted a dark look over her shoulder, "Yup. You look as excited as I am."

"Mhm," I nodded, looking down at her outfit, "Kayli?" I asked, seeing Kylie's mom step out of the SUV with Raven and Corey on her tail. Kylie was wearing a cropped tank top and pair of tight jeans. Papa Victor, who had stepped outside of the house, to meet Corey, sent Kylie a horrified look once he caught sight of her taking care of her wedgie.

"Don't act like you haven't done it before, Mr. Morgan." Kylie shot out defensively, a hot blush on her cheeks, Papa Victor grinned sightly and admitted, "Touché."

Linking my arms with Kylie, I pulled her inside the house, bypassing Mama and the others as I pulled her upstairs to my room. "I asked Mama if you could spend the night here." I cheered, throwing myself across my king-sized bed.

"Yes!" Kylie said, following my actions. Laying beside me, Kylie folded her hands across her stomach. "On another subject, remember what we talked about last week? The piercings?"

"We're going to do it? For real?"

"I asked my mom, she said it was fine. What did Sang say?" She questioned, running her hands through her dark silky locks. "Mama said that I was an adult, and if I wanted to get piercings, and hell, even a tattoo, she'd support me."

"Getting a belly-button piercing would make us look hot as fuck."

"No shit." I sighed a mischievous grin pulling at my lips, "I'm thinking of getting my nipples pierced, too."

"What the fuck? For real?" Kylie asked, starting to smirk wickedly, "Why?"

A pink hue entered my cheeks, "I don't know—i—"

"Don't worry, girl. We've been reading too many wattpad stories. They say it makes your nipples super sensitive...who knows, I may get mine done." Kylie waved a hand, "it does sound cool."

"Most friends can't say they'll have matching nipple piercings." I cracked up, laughing. Pulling myself into a sitting position, "You want to get this over with? When we get back, we eat dinner, and have our nails re done."

"Spa night? OOOh, will we watch the newest episode of house of the dragon?"

"Of course," I scoffed, "Don't you know me at all?"

"That show is lit." Kylie nodded approvingly, "We still on team black?"

"We're whores for Daemon Targaryen. I don't think I can switch sides if I wanted to."

Laughing together, Kylie and I walked downstairs to join the others in the kitchen. All eighteen of us gathered around the kitchen, watching Mama and Kayli pour the Jjamppong in a large ceramic pot and placed the lid over it.

"Is this all we need to bring?" I asked, bringing their attention to us. "Ah! You girls are here! Come over here." Mama beckoned, drawing us closer. Sending a look to Father, I walked to Mama's side.

She handed me the ceramic pot, "Be careful, it's warm. Kylie, would you mind carrying the welcome basket?"

"Sure thing, Mrs. B." Kylie grinned, accepting the huge basket Kayli gave her. "Now, listen closely girls," Papa Sean said, sending me a cheerful wink, "Be respectful. They're kind people, alright?"

"When are we rude?" I asked, taken aback.

Papa Sean leveled me with a grin, "Most introverted people are considered stuck up because of how withdrawn and quiet they are during social interactions."

Huh, he got me there.

"Understood. I promise to give them a warm welcome to the neighborhood and leave as quickly as I came."

Kayli snorted; "Try to be subtle when you do it, sweet girl."

Mama wacked her shoulder, "Make sure you're back by seven, dinner will be ready by then."

"—and then it's nail time, my babies!" Papa Gabe hollered, dodging a smack from Papa North. "Noted." Kylie winked, "C'mon, G. Let's get this over with."

Yelling out goodbyes, we walked out the door, carrying the and the welcome basket in our arms. "So the plan is leave as fast as we can? The new episode of HOTD airs at nine, and who knows how long it'll take for our nails to get done."

Walking along the sidewalk, Kylie looked to the large house that our new neighbors lived in, "If they're cute, the plan is off."

"Thanks a lot."

"Hey! Korean guys are hot as fuck—and cute at the same time!" She said defensively. Opening my mouth to argue, the words caught in my throat as I thought about it.

"Think Felix and Bangchan, babe."

"Fucking hell," I exhaled sharply, "You're right."

"I'm always right." She retorted smugly. "Shut up." I snapped back playfully. As we neared the neighbors house (more like mansion) I clutched the pot of Jjamppong closer to me.

My nervousness grew once Kylie, and I stood side-by-side in front of the porch steps. The house in front of us was magnificent, being that I hadn't walked this way in a long time, I'd never seen the house put together as it was.

"Let's go." Kylie said, gripping the welcome basket in her arms tighter. Together, we slowly walked up the steps and stood in front of the tall, oak door. Hoisting the pot up in my arms, I prepared myself to welcome them.

Lifting up a arm, I gently pressed the doorbell and waited.

It didn't take long for us to hear multiple pairs of footsteps walk in the direction of the front door. Holding my breath, I pasted on a kind, welcoming smile as the door opened.

The door was pulled open to reveal a tall man, he looked down at us with a puzzled expression, "Can I help you?" he asked, speaking perfect English, now smiling.

Gulping at the handsome man, who now had shown us his gorgeous dimples, I looked to Kylie for help. She widened her eyes for me to say something. Biting my inner cheek harshly, I smiled and looked up at the taller man.

I'm gonna strangle this bitch.

"Hi, I'm Greyson and this is Kylie. I live up the road." I greeted awkwardly, voice wavering slightly as his smile grew in amusement, "My family and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." I squeaked.

I wanted to smack myself across my dumb face.

"Oh! I'm Namjoon, it's nice to meet you, Greyson." He spoke. Namjoon looked down and widened his eyes once he saw the things Kylie and I were carrying.

"Nice to meet you too." I bowed my head in respect, "Here, my Mother made this for you and your family. It's Jjamppong."

"Hyung—who's at the—" a shorter man called out, cutely stopping in his tracks once he caught sight of us. He was shorter than Namjoon, but all I could think about once I saw him was that he looked like an angel. "—door." He finished, awkwardly, eyeing the pot in my hands.

Full, pouty lips, adorable chubby cheeks, and his blonde hair falling and covering the entirety of his forehead, he looked nothing less than angelic. Namjoon tilted his head, dark hair falling over his forehead, "Jimin, this is Greyson," He said, eyes falling onto me, "and this is Kylie. Greyson is our neighbor."

"Hiii~It's so nice to meet you." Jimin grinned, bowing slightly in greeting. I smiled and reclined my head in his direction, "Nice to meet you, Jimin."

Holding the pot out to Namjoon, allowing him to take it from my hands, I grabbed the welcome basket from Kylie's hand before offering it to Jimin. "Welcome to Charleston." I said, stepping back near Kylie's side. "We hope you enjoy the food, and the basket."

Namjoon and Jimin looked down at the items in their hands, before looking back to us. "Thank you so much," Namjoon said, tone leaking sincerity, "Please give your family our thanks."

Suddenly a loud voice interrupted the silence that issued after Namjoon's words. "Don't stand there like an idiot, Joon! Invite those sweet girls inside for a drink!"

Biting back a grin, Kylie looked over to me. I shrugged helplessly, stepping away from the two grinning men. "Uh, it's alright—"

"We better do what Jin says before he beats us with his trusty slipper," Jimin giggled, "Come on in." He said, pushing Namjoon to the side, "The others will be happy to meet you."

With Kylie pushing me inside the house after Jimin and Namjoon, "How many are there?" She hissed, pressing her red lips together, "I feel like I'll combust if the others are as hot as these two are." She whispered, too quiet for Namjoon and Jimin to hear.

"Seven, I think. Hurry, make an excuse. We got a show to watch." I said, clinging onto her arm. Remembering my manners, I slipped my nikes off my feet and left them outside on the porch.

Elbowing Kylie to do the same, I clung back onto her arm once she stepped inside. "Come on, the guys are in the kitchen." Jimin said, patting my back with a soft, small hand.

Walking behind the boys, Kylie and I's jaws were on the floor as we examined the huge tv and ps5 consoles in the huge living room. "Wow." Kylie whispered, "This is so fucking cool."

"No shit." I said, just as quietly.

Inside the kitchen, five other men were inside, at the counter. Fisting my hands, I pushed away my nervousness and entered. Namjoon and Jimin set the items we had brought them.

"Jin hyung," Jimin called out sweetly, the man, Jin, I presume, turned around and smiled widely. "Ah! Thank you so much for everything. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jin, but you can call me anytime," He winked jokingly, putting us at ease.

Grinning, I examined the handsome man. Just as Kylie expected, he was just as gorgeous as Namjoon and Jimin. I was jealous of his full lips.

"I'm Kylie." She stuck out her hand, flushing. Doing a double take, I bit back a smile. Jin took her hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a kiss on the top of her hand, enjoying the way she colored brightly.

Jin turned to me and waited for me to introduce myself. Gulping at the gazes of the other men in the room, I failed to notice the heavy footfalls behind me.

"I'm Greyson." I said, waving. Jin's face stretched as he smiled widely, "Pleasure. This is Hoseok," He said, pointing to another handsome man with heart shaped lips, "Hello!" Hoseok called, waving cheerfully.

We waved back, smiling wider now. "Yoongi's the one sleeping on the counter," rolling his eyes, Jin pointed to a pale man, with cute features snoozing with his head on the counter.

"And that's Taehyung."

Flashing a boxy smile, Taehyung stunned me with his beauty. "Hello." He said, with a surprisingly deep, comforting voice. Jin smiled at our interaction, before his eyes flew over my shoulder.

"Jungkook-ah! Stop lurking back there, come on in." He commanded, crooking his finger. Kylie looked behind us, eyes blowing wide open, lips forming an O. "What?" I hissed out of the corner of my mouth, feeling the urge to run. Behind me, heavy footfalls hit the wooden floorboards, making me turn to look over my shoulder.


The massive, tall man behind me walked inside the kitchen, rubbing the back of his neck with a tattooed hand, looking into his dark doe eyes, I was struck dumb. I could only look and gawk like a dumb fuck as he stalked past me.

ohmygod, ohmygod, once again, OHMYGOD.

He had tattoos AND piercings.

Take. Me. Now.

"That's Jungkook." Namjoon chuckled, casting a glance to Jungkook, and then to me, smirking for some reason. Jungkook nodded in greeting, choosing the stay silent and join the others who had lifted the lid on the pot, sniffing curiously.

Tearing my eyes away from Jungkook, I started to sweat. Being around so many people made me nervous. Or maybe it was just him that made me feel like this.

"We hope you enjoy everything," I squeaked, grasping Kylie's arm in a death grip. "But we have to get home." Kylie said, eyes worriedly flying to me. Namjoon and Jin nodded with understanding smiles, "Feel free to stop by anytime." Jin said, "We will return the dish." He spoke.

Jungkook's eyes met mine, again, and I flushed, head snapping away.

I heard a slight chuckle escape him as the blush reached my ears.

Jimin stood up, "I'll walk you out!"

Jimin helpfully lead us back to the front door, and thanked us once more for the food, and the basket. I smiled and turned around and dragged Kylie down the porch steps after we slipped our shoes back on.

Practically running, I dragged her body with me back to my house, shaking.

What the fuck was that?

Sorry about all the gifs.
BUT, since this is the introductions chapter, I thought it was fitting.

^ greyson's outfit ^

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