Echoes Of Love | CHONI |

By RainAndThunderstorms

876 49 81

After Jughead tries and fails to tell the group they're from the future he turns his attention to Cheryl and... More


876 49 81
By RainAndThunderstorms

Hey everyone!

Here's a oneshot I've been working on for the past couple of days.

I hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

Happy reading!
Nat xx

Ps follow me on Twitter if you don't already @thunderstorms92

'All of us,' Jughead said seeing the judgemental looks on his friends faces, 'we were all sent back in time.'

As the group looked at each other he could tell not one of them believed him and he was becoming frustrated. How could he remember who he really was, but no one else could?

'So what you are telling us, is that we're all from the future and we're friends?' Cheryl asked. 'I'm not sure which of your delusions is worse.'

Jughead could see he was fighting a losing battle, he had no proof and if he were honest he didn't know how he'd react if someone told him he was from a different timeline.

'Tell us something... about ourselves,' Toni said.

'All right,' Jughead said. 'I just need you all to keep an open mind. Can you do that?'

'Jughead...' Archie said.

'I need you to do that otherwise I'm wasting my time.'

'I'm sorry man, I just don't believe in any of this stuff.'

Jughead let out a breath as Archie left the room followed by Cheryl, Betty and Kevin. Toni remained where she was though, she'd always believed in crazy theories and she had to admit Jughead had gotten her attention.

And as grateful as Jughead was that Toni stayed he needed someone with higher status in the school to believe him. If the people here had anything in common with their former selfs he knew he had the perfect information to possibly convince his target.

'Cheryl! Wait!'

The redhead turned around with one of her eyebrows raised in annoyance, 'what do you want?'

'I need to talk to you in private. Please, just give me five minutes.'

He half expected her to say no, but when she kissed Archie's cheek he knew she was going to at least hear him out. Although seeing Cheryl and Archie together was uncomfortable and weird and if they ever did get back to their Riverdale he knew exactly how she'd react.

'I thought you said you wanted to talk to me privately?' Cheryl said as she stepped back into the room, her eyes falling on Toni who scrunched up her nose at the redheads comment.

'I need to speak to the two of you together,' Jughead said shutting and locking the door behind him. This conversation wasn't going to be easy and he didn't want either one of the girls to bolt. 'Take a seat and we'll get started.'

Cheryl reluctantly did as he asked and so did Toni whilst Jughead sat in the chair at the other side of the desk clearing his throat.

'So Cheryl, Toni, how well do the two of you know each other?'

'I thought you were going to tell us about-'

'I will Toni, I just wanted to know how well the two of you know each other here.'

'We don't,' Cheryl said sharply.

'Right,' Jughead said rubbing his hands together. 'Well I guess what I'm about to say to you may come as a shock and believe me when I say I'm not into outting people, but this is necessary so forgive me.'

'What are you talking about Jones?'

'Where I'm from you and uh, Cheryl were lovers in high school.'

'I'm sorry?' Toni said. 'Lovers?'


'This is ridiculous,' Cheryl said getting out of her seat and rushing to the locked door. 'Open the door.'

'I'm sorry Cheryl I can't. I'm not trying to corner you or make you uncomfortable, but I need to reach a part of you that may help you remember who you are.'

'Jughead I said open the damn door.'

Jughead just ignored her and turned his attention to the brunette who was still sat in her seat obviously lost in thought.

'Toni, you know what I'm talking about, right? You find both women and men attractive, it's nothing to be ashamed of-'

'Are you out of your mind?' Cheryl said storming back over. 'It is most definitely something to be ashamed of. I don't know what kind of delusion you're living in, but you can be sent away for that kind of deviance here.'

'I know that, I've read the history books. Look, just give me a moment to go through this with you both. Afterwards you can leave and never think about this conversation again if that's what you want.'

'Okay,' Toni said.

'Thank you.' Jughead let out a breath, 'Cheryl?'

'You have five minutes and this never gets mentioned again.'


Cheryl took her seat again crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for Jughead to continue.

'As I was saying, the two of you were together in high school. You were the first openly gay prom queens and you were so in love. Both of you found something so special in each other you had other people wishing they had what you had.'

'Two girls can be together openly in your time?' Toni asked.

'Yes. I know that's not the case now and it's by no means perfect in the future, but you're supported by your friends. You're accepted for who you are.'

'You said I'm attracted to men and women in your time, is that the same for Cheryl?'

'She knows the answer to that,' Jughead said daring to look at the redhead. 'Neither one of you can change who you are. I know it's not safe for you to be yourselves here, but if we can get back to our time you can be your authentic selfs.'

'Is that all?' Cheryl said pushing herself out of her seat. 'I'm sorry Jughead, but you're wrong. I am in love with Archie, I could never be with a woman. As my father says homosexuals are against gods will. Now, let me out of this room before I report this to the principal.'

'Cheryl...' Jughead tried.

Toni sighed, 'just let her out Jug.'

He stood up with a huff and unlocked the door. Cheryl left without another word slamming the door hard behind her. There was silence in the room for a moment whilst Jughead made his way back to his chair.

'Am I going to regret telling her?'

'I don't know,' Toni said honestly.

'And how do you feel about what I just said?'

'I'm not sure, but please be careful with the information you share with the others. The versions of us you know may not have the same values as the ones here.' Toni stood up from her chair, 'but for what it's worth, I think I believe you.'

Jughead nodded as relief filled his body. If Toni believed him then maybe Cheryl did too she just wasn't willing to admit it and even if she didn't he knew he hit a nerve with her. Which means somewhere deep down something resonated with her whether she liked it or not.


Toni wasn't expecting to run into the redhead when she walked into the girls bathroom, all she wanted was a moment with her thoughts. At first the brunette thought she was going to be completely ignored, until their eyes met.

'You know none of what Jughead said was true, don't you?'

'I don't know Cheryl,' Toni said making sure there was no one else in the bathroom with them.

'So you believe him?'

'I didn't say that.'

'Well you either do or you don't, but I can guarantee you I am not a homosexual.'

'I really wouldn't care if you were,' Toni said making her way into a stall when she came out she expected cheryl to be gone, but she wasn't.

'You're one of them aren't you?'

Toni began to wash her hands, 'no of course not, but I don't really see the problem in it. I think the world would be a much better place if people were more accepting of each other, don't you?'

'Let me get this right,' Cheryl said. 'You don't see a problem with a woman being with another woman or a man being with another man?'

'Actually I don't. They're not hurting anyone. You obviously have a problem with it... why?'

'Because, uh, because-'

'Because somewhere along the line someone has told you it's wrong,' Toni said. 'Look, I'm not telling you what to believe or what your values should be, but if a girl finds another girl attractive what does it matter?'

'It matters because it's against the law.'

'Against the law,' Toni repeated shaking her head. 'The laws never done me any good. See you around Cheryl.'


Cheryl wasn't sure how long she'd been staring up at her ceiling for, there was no way any of what Jughead said was true. No version of her could ever be with a woman.

At least not openly.

She buried her head in her pillow trying to ignore the thoughts pushing themselves to the front of her mind.

'You love Archie,' she said when she finally sat up. 'And he loves you.'

Veronica was holding a small gathering at her house to get to know the people at her new school. Obviously Cheryl didn't like the starlet, she saw how Archie looked at her and there was no was she wasn't going to let her presence be known so she begrudgingly agreed to attend.


'Welcome friends,' Veronica said looking around at the small group of people she'd chosen to attend her party.

'Is this everyone?' Jughead asked.

'Yes, although I have only spent a short amount of time in Riverdale I think I've picked out the leader of every clique.' Veronica looked at each person pointing to them individually. 'Jughead Jones, Tabitha Tate, Betty Cooper, Toni Topaz, Kevin Keller, Reggie Mantle, Archie Andrews and of course Cheryl Blossom.'

'So what is this?' Cheryl said standing up. 'Some kind of bringing everyone together party? Did Jughead put you up to this?'

Veronica shook her head, 'It's a petting party.'

'Excuse me? A what?'

'You can basically kiss who you want without consequences, right?' Toni asked.

'Wait, seriously?' Reggie asked.

'Basically,' Veronica shrugged. 'My friends and I had parties like this all the time back in New York.'

'Well I'm already with Archie so-'

'Nope,' Veronica said cutting her off. 'No boyfriends. I simply put the names into a hat and whoever you pick out is the person you have to kiss.'

'This is ridiculous. Come along Archie,' Cheryl said standing up.

'Actually I think I'm going to stay. I've never been to one of these before.'

'No one is forced to stay,' Veronica said. 'Whatever happens stays in this room and I'm under the assumption that everyone is eighteen, right?'

Everyone nodded except for Cheryl who huffed with her arms crossed over her chest.

'Last call, if anyone wants to leave nows your chance.'

Veronica looked at Cheryl and smirked when the redhead took her seat next to Archie. She'd always had a desire to push people out of their comfort zone, see how far they would go when there were no repercussions.

'Let's start by getting to know each other,' Veronica said. 'I will share a kiss with everyone in the room. A simply peck, nothing more. Things will get more private later.'

The raven hair girl stood up, she started with Jughead who reluctantly kissed her back, he was only here to try and get through to his friends however he believed them spending time together was a good thing no matter how bizarre this was.

Toni was the next person in line, she looked at Tabitha who was sat next to her before looking back at Veronica.

'You want to kiss me?' Toni asked. 'I thought-'

'You thought wrong, there are no rules in this room it's just a game, but if it's too much the doors right there. Although,' Veronica said lowing her voice, '... I've heard Toni Topaz doesn't back down from a challenge.'

'And this stays in this room?'

'It stays in this room.'

'Fine,' Toni said pecking Veronica on the lips before sitting back down ignoring the girls look of approval.

'Who wants to go first out of the hottest couple in Riverdale?' Veronica said looking between Archie and Cheryl.

The only reason Cheryl stayed was so she could keep an eye on her boyfriend. There was no way she was going to let him stay here to do whatever he wanted without her.

'I'll go first,' he said a little too eagerly.

'Hit me with it stud.'

Cheryl scoffed as her boyfriend shared a kiss with the new girl however when she saw the way Archie looked at her afterwards he was obviously excited to see her kiss Veronica. The redhead barely pursed her lips as they connected with the hostess, she wouldn't even call it a kiss.

After Veronica kissed her way around the group she offered the group the alcohol sitting on the table before she went over to the desk pulling out a notebook and pen writing down everyone's names down and putting them into a hat.

'Who dares to go first?' Veronica asked holding up the hat, but she didn't get a reply. 'No one? Guess I'll pick out the first name then.'

'First up is... Jughead,' Veronica said before pulling out another name, '... and your first kiss is with Tabitha. Go ahead.'

'In front of everyone?'

'Yes Jughead.'

He mumbled something as he walked over to Tabitha placing his hands on her cheeks and leaning in. It wasn't all one sided, she kissed him back and although it didn't feel like it did when he kissed Tabitha in his time he was glad she was the one he got to kiss.

The boys whooped as he pulled away giving the girl he'd just kissed a smile before he downed the contents of his glass.

'You know, this feels a little too PG,' Veronica said. 'How about we enjoy a drink together and then we turn off the lights?'

'Hell yeah,' Reggie said attempting to high five Archie who's hand was pulled away by Cheryl.

'You don't have to stay baby,' he whispered into her ear.

'Oh, I'm staying,' she said downing the whiskey in her glass.

Veronica looked between the couple with a smirk as she turned on some music. This was definitely going to be interesting. It didn't take too long for the alcohol to kick in and just when everyone was beginning to enjoy themselves Veronica let them know it was five minutes until lights out.


Cheryl wasn't sure how long they'd been in the dark for now, probably around fifteen minutes. She couldn't really hear much over the music however she no longer felt Archie's hand wrapped in hers. He'd kissed her on the cheek around five minutes ago, told her he loved her and now he was probably somewhere in the room locking lips with a girl that wasn't her.

She considered calling it a night, it wasn't like she was interested in this sort of thing and Archie was definitely making a mockery of her. As she stormed in the direction she believed the door to be in she collided with a body knocking them both to the ground.

'Oh shit,' the other person said. 'Let me help you up.'

Cheryl felt soft hands on hers and she recognised the voice immediately. They found their way to their feet, still wrapped up in complete darkness. A thought passed through the redheads mind that she couldn't stop.

Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact she knew Archie was somewhere in the room with someone else, but she suddenly felt the urge to feel a connection with someone.

The fact that the feeling came along when she was with Toni was simply coincidence. Nothing more nothing less.

Cheryl ignored the feeling in her stomach as she wrapped her fingers around the hand in hers. She wouldn't make the first move, but here in the darkness where no one could see she'd be open to something happening.

The redheads breath hitched at the soft trace of a thumb making patterns on the back of her hand. In the daytime she could tell herself how much she loved Archie, but deep down she knew he could never make her feel like this with such a simple touch.

The soft breath on her open neck make her skin erupt in goosebumps and before she knew it Cheryl grabbed the other girls face and crashed their lips together. Toni tasted like whiskey and peppermint and the redhead didn't think she could ever get enough.

After sharing countless kisses with Archie she never knew it could feel like this. There was a burning in her stomach she couldn't control and the feeling of Toni's hands on her hips felt like they were the only thing stopping her from floating away. A quiet moan accidentally slipped from her lips snapping her back into reality.

She was in a room full of people, regardless of it being in the dark kissing Toni Topaz. The small world she'd just lost herself in had suddenly imploded and she felt the walls closing in on her. She had to leave.

'You okay?' Toni whispered however she was already being pushed away.

'Please don't.'

The brunette didn't fight she simply took a step back reaching up to her swollen lips before remembering that Cheryl was wearing bright red lipstick. She didn't want to, but she wiped her lips to rid them of any trace of the other girl knowing that was what the redhead would want.

Toni found a seat in the dark for the rest of the party, all she wanted to do was talk to the girl she kissed however she doubted that would happen now. Veronica gave everyone a five minute warning before she turned the lights back on, a satisfied look on her face as she noticed everyone looked at least a little roughed up.

The serpent made eye contact with the cheer captain who looked away instantly. Archie took a seat next to his girlfriend as Jughead took a seat next to Toni. The brunette could see Cheryl's disappointment as she looked at her boyfriend, the faint pink lipstick smeared around his lips.

'Cheryl come on...' Archie called as the redhead got up and headed to the door.

'Don't you dare follow me Archie!'

Toni watched as Cheryl slammed the door leaving them all sat in awkward silence, the only sound filling the room was that of the record player.

'Go after her,' Jughead whispered leaning into Toni.

'Are you crazy? She'll likely kill me.'

'Toni, I can see the red lipstick. Trust me, go after her...'

'Fine,' Toni said wiping her lips again as discreetly as she could, '...but if she kills me it's your fault. Veronica, do you have a restroom I could use?'

'Just out the door and to the right.'

Toni nodded her thanks, she didn't want to use the bathroom however she couldn't exactly run after Cheryl. People would talk. So instead she calmly made her way out of the room shutting the door behind her.

After realising the redheads coat and shoes were gone she shoved her feet into her own, grabbing her serpent jacket and headed outside. Of course a super rich girl like Veronica Lodge lived in a house surrounded by woodland.

Toni rushed through the gate hoping it wouldn't take her too long to find Cheryl. She wasn't scared of much, but walking down a road covered with trees and darkness filled her with anxiety. Luckily she saw the person she was looking for in front of her so she picked up her pace until she was jogging lightly.

'Cheryl!' Toni called. 'Cheryl, wait!'

'Toni what on Earth are you doing?'

'Walking you home,' she said placing her hands in her pocket. 'You don't know what kind of creeps are around at this time of night.'

'I don't need you to protect me.'

'I know, but makes sense to walk together right?'

'What do you want from me?'

'I just want to make sure you're all right.'

'Oh, I'm swell. My boyfriend is too busy swooning over a self absorbed Hollywood star or his childhood best friend to even care about how I feel.'

'He's a loser,' Toni said. 'He just doesn't see what he has right in front of him. You know, other people would do just about anything to get a chance with a girl like you.'

Cheryl let out a humourless laugh, 'like who?'

'Like me.'

'That's not funny.'

'I'm serious,' Toni said reaching out for the redheads hand as she tried to walk away. 'I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world.'

'You can't do this Toni-'

'Do what? Is it really so hard to believe that there's a reality where you and I fall in love?'

'Girls don't fall in love with other girls,' Cheryl said and Toni wasn't sure who she was trying to convince more her or herself.

'Sure they can. After what Jughead said something just fell into place for me. When I look at you, the world doesn't seem quite as scary.'

'Please... don't.'

'If you feel nothing towards me then tell me. I'll walk you home and be on my way, but if you feel the same spark I do maybe we can-'

'What Toni? We can what? Be together? You know as well as I do that that's forbidden-'

'Maybe it is. I don't care. We've already kissed and I'd vow to you right that you're the only person I want to kiss for the rest of my life. Can Archie offer you that?'

'You don't even know me.'

'But I do. Somewhere inside of me I can feel it. My mind may not remember you, but my body, my heart does. I can feel myself longing for you. My soul knows yours. I know it does.'

Cheryl stood for a moment, this was all so much to take in. Yesterday she told herself she could be happy with Archie, that he could offer her the life she wanted. For once in her miserable life her parents were proud of her, but whatever feeling Toni was talking about she could feel it too.

A force that she couldn't see was pulling her towards the brunette girl and the fight she was putting up was beginning to fail. This could ruin her life, but there was just something about Toni and it wasn't just something she'd only just noticed. She'd caught herself many times staring into space, blissfully daydreaming about the serpent, at least until Toni caught her and then she'd send her the meanest look she could muster.

'Cheryl,' Toni whispered. 'Please don't push me away.'

'You should go...'

Toni pursed her lips together as she dropped her head, she'd tried that's all she could do.

'I'll see you around,' the brunette said as she began to walk away, for some reason her heart was shattered and she didn't know why Cheryl rejecting her cut her so deeply.

The redhead watched as Toni walked away keeping her feet planted firmly on the ground. This was the right thing to do even if it did hurt more than any disagreement she'd had with Archie. Jughead's stupid story had twisted her thoughts and secretly filled her with a hope she should never have been given.

'Toni! Wait!'

The brunette turned around to see Cheryl running towards her before their bodies collided with each other in a hug neither of them knew they needed. As they pulled away from each other, their eyes met and the thumping of their heartbeat was all they could hear.

'I-' Cheryl didn't move as she tried to form a sentence, an excuse as to why she ran to embrace the girl in front of her, but she was cut off by Toni's soft hands on her cheeks.

The brunette gave Cheryl a second to reject her, to pull away, but when she didn't Toni pulled the redheads face towards hers kissing her so passionately she thought she might stop breathing.

As they pulled away they felt dazed, frowning at each other and then down at themselves. Cheryl took a step back first, taking in her surroundings before bringing her hand to her head.

'What the hell is going on?' Toni said. 'Were we just... kissing?'

'I-I don't remember,' Cheryl said quickly. 'Toni, what are you wearing?'

'I could ask you the same thing.'

'Are we dead?'

'What are you talking about?'

'The comet, did it hit? Did it wipe out Riverdale?'

'I don't know, the last thing I remember is sitting in the bunker with Anthony and... Fangs and the next thing I know is I'm here with you.'


Cheryl and Toni turned around to see Archie jogging over to the two of them, wearing a Riverdale High jacket with his hair combed over. Suddenly Cheryl was hit with memories that felt like they came from a dream.

'I'm sorry baby,' he said wrapping his arm around her waist. 'I got carried away.'

'Get your hands off of me,' Cheryl snapped taking a step closer to Toni. 'Don't you ever touch me like that.'

'Cheryl,' Toni said with the same look of realisation on her face. 'I don't think we're supposed to be here.'

'What's going on?' Jughead said as he came over with the rest of the group.

'We need to talk,' Toni said grabbing his coat. 'Now.'


As Jughead, Cheryl and Toni sat in a booth at Pops they tried to work out how they got here. Archie begged the redhead to talk to him, but she just shooed him away with a look of disgust of her face.

'How did you get your memory back?' Toni asked.

'I never lost it. I just woke up here,' Jughead said sipping on the milkshake that tasted as good as ever. 'How did the two of you get your memories back?'

'I don't think that really matters,' Cheryl said. 'What matters is getting back to our Riverdale. I can't stay here. I'm in a relationship with Archie Andrews for god sake, it makes me sick.'

'I know,' Jughead said. 'Look we've got to convince everyone else that what we're saying is the truth. There must be a way to trigger their memories. I need to know how your memories came back maybe that will help.'

'That's none of your-'

'We kissed,' Toni interrupted the redhead, '...but we also kissed at the party and nothing happened.'

Jughead hummed as he took a bite of his burger, 'what were the two of you talking about?'

Toni thought about it even though it was a little blurry, 'I think I told her that I felt like my soul recognised hers, like everything inside of me was pulling me towards her.'

'Your soul?' Jughead looked at the redhead, 'did you feel something similar?'

'Yes,' Cheryl said looking down at the table.

'I think I might know a way to convince everyone of who they are. I think everyone has a trigger, whether it's a person or something else.'

'Well good luck with that,' Cheryl said standing up.

'Where are you going?' Toni asked, but the redhead had already walked away.

'Let her go. This is a lot to process, she probably just needs time.'

'We don't have time Jug. Look, I'll talk to Cheryl, you work out what will trigger the others memory.'

'Okay,' Jughead said, '...and Toni, be careful. Cheryl's complicated, if she pushed too hard-'

'You don't need to tell me how to handle my ex girlfriend. She's not a monster, she's just scared. I'll meet with you here tomorrow.'


'Cheryl, where are you going?'

'You don't have to chase after me Toni, we know who we are now.'

'Why are you angry with me?'

'I'm not angry with you Toni.'

'Is it because I told Jughead about the kiss between us?'

'No,' Cheryl said stopping. 'It's not about that.'

'Then what is it?'

Cheryl didn't want to say that she was thinking about what Heather said. She didn't want to tell the love of her life that they were supposedly soulmates. She didn't want to tell her ex that she wholeheartedly believed they were.

'It's nothing.'

'Then why are you pushing me away?'

'Why are you pushing me? Shouldn't you be more concerned about getting your husband to remember who you are?'

'So this is about Fangs?'

'What do you want from me Toni seriously?'

'I want you to tell me why you're so pissed.'

'I'm pissed because fate is throwing me a cruel hand again. It gives me a taste of what I want and then rips it away.'

'Are you talking about being back at high school?'

'Oh my god Toni,' Cheryl said frustratingly running her fingers through her hair. 'I'm talking about you.'


'Yes,' she admitted. 'You don't think it's cruel that the only way for us to get our memories back was to admit there was something between us we can't explain?'

'I didn't really think about it-'

'Of course you didn't, because you'll go back to playing happy families with Fangs Fogarty and even if we don't get back to our time the two of you can live your happily ever after here whereas I'll be alone either way.'

'But you have Heather...'

'No Toni, I don't. Look, just go back to Jughead. I'm sure the two of you can figure something out without me.'

'Cheryl wait...'

The redhead looked at Toni again, she was beginning to lose her patience and she just wanted a moment alone.

'Thank you.'

Cheryl frowned, 'for what?'

'Taking on the comet. It was very brave of you.'

'It's not a big deal,' she said before turning to walk away.

'Facing death had me thinking,' Toni said, '... about my life and about you.'

Cheryl felt Toni take a step closer to her, but she didn't turn around. She didn't dare. At least not until she realised that her ex wasn't going to say another word until she did.

The redhead looked Toni in her eyes, 'me?'

'Yeah, and I think the reason you're my tether to my real self is because I still have feelings for you.'

'Toni, you had me officiate your wedding.'

'I didn't think you'd go through with it, but when you did I believed you were over me because you had Heather.'

'What are you trying to say Toni? I'm not into playing games.'

'I miss you, but I know somethings holding you back. I can feel it.'

'Yeah,' Cheryl scoffed. 'You're married.'

'No.' Toni shook her head. 'Something else. Something you're not telling me.'

'There isn't.'

'You know I've always known when you're lying to me.'

'Maybe you don't know me as well as you think anymore,' Cheryl said and she saw the hurt on her ex girlfriends face.

'I have something to confess to you.'

'What is it?'

Toni let out a breath, 'you know the night Abigail and Thomasina took over our bodies? I remember some of it. Most of it.'

'Then why didn't you say?'

'Because you said you didn't remember either and it was already awkward enough. Were you telling me the truth?'

'I remember some parts,' Cheryl admitted.

'Look I'm not asking you for anything except for a honest conversation. I think we both need it don't you?'

'No, I can't burden you with the truth.'

'About what?'

'You really want to know?'

'Yes Cheryl. I really want to know.'

Toni watched as Cheryl sat down in the grass leaning back against a tree, she took that as her cue to do the same. The nerves were obvious on the redheads face, it radiated from her so much it made Toni anxious too, but she wanted to know the truth. Whatever that meant.

'The reason Heather ended things between us was because she saw something when Abigail and Thomasina entered our bodies or more so when our souls were in the jar.' Cheryl looked at Toni who simply stared back waiting for her to continue. 'She told me you and I, we're, uh, forever soulmates and the reason she couldn't be with me because our love transcends time. She said our fate is written in the stars. I know it sounds crazy and I know you don't-'

'Don't what?' Toni said ignoring the tears threatening to fill her eyes.

'Love me anymore, but to Heather everything she said was real.'

Toni reached out to wipe the redheads tears away when she noticed she was crying too, 'Cheryl, I'll always love you. Don't you know that?'

Cheryl just fell against Toni, she surprised herself but she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She didn't expect anything to change between them however maybe now she could move on with her life... if she ever got back to it.

'You know,' Toni said as she laid her head on top of Cheryl's, 'when we first broke up I was a mess. At Highsmith I told my friends that I'd never get over you, they never believed me though, but I think that's because they didn't know you. They didn't know us. I thought about you often, probably more than I should have, but I couldn't help it. You were just so engrained in me, in my soul, that I couldn't forget about you.'
'When I eventually came to see you again I hoped we would pick up where we left off and although we didn't in the end I was just glad to have you in my life again. I dealt with it, you were living your life and I was living mine and then Anthony came along. I was so glad you were there to deliver him, it was like it was meant to be. I got to share one of the most important moments of my life with you even though it wasn't planned.'
'But after that I don't know what happened. I was a new mother. I was confused and lonely and I think that's where Fangs came in. He was there and I told him I thought I loved him and he said he thought he loved me too, but it soon soured. He changed and he risked our baby's safety more times that I should have allowed...'

Cheryl just stayed laid against Toni, she didn't want to feel so comforted however she couldn't help it. Toni had always felt like home and although she didn't want to know about the brunettes romance with the father of her child she continued to listen just so she could spend a little longer like this with the love of her life.

'I asked him to marry me to keep custody of Anthony and when Kevin dropped the case I should have put a stop to the whole thing. In fact when I came to tell you Fangs and I were getting married I hoped you'd talk me out of it, but instead I met Heather for the first time and although I was happy for you... I was disappointed. You'd rekindled with your first love-'

'Heather wasn't my first love,' Cheryl said without moving.


'She was my first crush. Not my first love. That title will always belong to you.'

'Oh.' Toni cleared her throat, 'I, uh, I didn't know that. I just thought it was best to ignore my feelings and hope they would eventually go away. That didn't happen, especially after the night Abigail and Thomasina spent together. I couldn't stop thinking about you and when the comet was hurdling towards Riverdale I held so much regret in my heart. Regret for not fighting for you enough. Regret for allowing you to believe you were accountable for what your ancestors did and regret for not admitting how much I love you.'

Toni pulled away a little until the redhead looked at her, 'because I do love you Cheryl. I loved you when we were teenagers. I loved you when we weren't together and I love you now. Actually no... I don't just love you. I'm completely and utterly in love with you Cheryl Marjorie Blossom. I don't know where we go from here or-'

'I'm in love with you too,' Cheryl blurted out. 'I've always been in love with you and I know I always will be.'

They stared at each other for what felt like forever however it was only a couple of seconds. Once again they could feel themselves being pulled towards each other, but neither of them wanted to make the first move. Everything felt so delicate, so fragile that one wrong move could ruin it all.

'Fuck it,' Cheryl whispered as she grabbed Toni's face and crashed their lips together.

The redhead was sick of denying herself of what she wanted. She told herself she would deal with any consequences later. Right now she just wanted Toni.

The kiss between them deepened, both of them losing themselves in each other. Nothing else mattered. The energy between them was electric as they embraced one another until the need for air was absolute.

'Cheryl,' Toni said as she pulled away slightly and opened her eyes.


'Open your eyes.'

The first thing Cheryl saw was Toni looking at her with nothing but pure adoration in her eyes. It had been years since she'd been on the receiving end of those beautiful dark eyes looking at her like that, but then she noticed something else. Toni's hair and clothes were different and so were her own.

They were back in their Riverdale.

It was bittersweet for the redhead, they were home where they belonged, but they lived separate lives. Toni was with Fangs and she was, well she was alone.

'Hey,' Toni said taking Cheryl's hand in her own. 'You okay? You don't seem glad to be back.'

'No, I am. It's just...'

'Things are complicated?'

'To say the least.'

'Cheryl, I meant everything I just said to you. I want to be with you, if that's what you want?'

'Of course it is, but it's not as easy as that, is it? You're married. You probably need time to think about what you want.'

'No.' Toni shook her head, 'I've already wasted so much time. I know what I want and that's you Cheryl.'

'So where do we go from here?'

'I need to talk to Fangs and then Anthony.'

'Toni are you sure this is what you want? That I'm what you want?'

'Yes and yes. I have no doubt in my mind. I only ask that you let me handle this, if Fangs can blame you he will and I need him to understand this is all me.'

Cheryl nodded, 'okay.'

'I love you.'

'I love you.'

And although the two of them had a lot to work through they both felt lighter simply because they had each other. They had hope for the future and most of all they had love.

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