Life as A Winchester Sister:...

By CheyenneBenton21

33.3K 713 32

Follows the story of Dean and Sam starting when they look for their dad with one key difference. They have a... More

Pilot Pt. 1
Pilot Pt.2
Pilot Pt 3
Wendigo Pt 1
Wendigo Pt 2
Wendigo Pt 3
Dead in the Water Pt 1
Dead in the Water Pt 2
Dead in the Water Pt 3
Dead in the Water Final
The talk
Phantom Traveler Pt 1
Phantom Traveler Pt 2
Phantom Traveler Pt 3
Bloody Mary Pt 1
Bloody Mary Pt 2
Bloody Mary Pt 3
Skin Pt 1
Skin Pt 2
Skin Pt 3
Hook Man Pt 1
Hook Man Pt 2
Hook Man Pt 3
Bugs Pt 1
Bugs Pt 2
Bugs Pt 3
Home Pt 1
Home Pt 2
Home Pt 3
Asylum Pt 1
Asylum Pt 2
Asylum Pt 3
Scarecrow Pt 1
Scarecrow Pt 2
Scarecrow Pt 3
Scarecrow Pt 4
Faith Pt 1
Faith Pt 2
Faith Pt 3
Faith Pt 4
Route 666 Pt 1
Route 666 Pt 2
Route 666 Pt 3
Route 666 Final
Nightmare Pt 1
Nightmare Pt 2
Nightmare Pt 3
Best Brothers Ever
The Benders Pt 1
The Benders Pt 2
Shadow Pt 1
Shadow Pt 2
Shadow Pt 3
Hell House Pt 1
Hell House Pt 2
Hell House Pt 3
Hell House Final
Something Wicked This Way Comes Pt 1
Something Wicked this Way Comes Pt. 2
Something Wicked this Way Comes Pt. 3
Provenance Pt 1
Provenance Pt 2
Provenance Pt 3
Provenance Pt 4
Dean Mans Blood Pt 1
Dean Mans Blood Pt 2
Dead Mans Blood Pt 4
Salvation Pt 1
Salvation Pt. 2
Salvation Pt. 3
Devils Trap Pt. 1
Devil's Trap Pt. 2
Devils Trap Pt 3

Dead Mans Blood Pt 3

280 6 0
By CheyenneBenton21

We headed back to the impala to get weapons. Specifically something that would behead a vampire. Dean looked around, grabbing few machetes from the trunk. He handed one to me and Sam. He turned to dad, who was in his own weapon trunk.

"Dad, I've got an extra machete if you need one," Dean stated, holding it out. Dad simply pulled out a larger one.

"Think I'm okay," Dad stated. "Thanks."

"Wow," Dean looked over the knife in his hands. 

Dad glanced over at me, seeing a machete in my hands. He marched over to me, yanking it out of my grip. I almost fell over at the movement. I felt hands on my back and saw Sam and Dean behind me.

"She is not coming with us," dad stated, placing the machete back in the trunk. "We'll be fine by ourselves... she'll get in the way and get one of us hurt."

"Dad, Cheyenne is..." Dean started to argue. I grabbed his arm. 

"Dean, it's fine, really," I assured him. "He's right, I'll just wait in the car." I walked over and climbed in the back of the impala. I really did want to help, but at the same time, I didn't want to start an argument with dad. 

I heard them talking, but attempted to ignore the words. I closed my eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts. I almost screamed when the door opened suddenly. I looked over to see Dean. He kneeled beside the car, taking my hand in his.

"I'm sorry, Cheyenne," he stated, looking down. I reached my other hand up to his shoulder.

"Dean, it's not your fault," I explained. "This is the best way for all of us, okay, I stay out of the way and dad won't be near me, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but I hate that he scares you this much and that I never noticed..." I covered his mouth.

"I don't blame you... or Sam, okay?" I stated. "Just go, before dad comes over and grabs you."

He placed a kiss on my cheek and stood up from the car. He closed the door gently behind him, and made his way to dad and Sam. They began to devise a quick plan and then headed in the direction of the barn. I hoped they'd be okay. A little while later, I saw Dean come through the trees, followed my Sam and dad. They looked upset, like something had gone wrong. 

They talked for a minute, and then dad walked to his truck. The boys made their way to the car, where I waited for information.

"So... how'd it go?" I asked, worried that they would be upset. 

"Not as planned," Sam stated. That was all he said.

"What next?" I questioned, more towards Dean.

"I'm gonna drop Sam off at the motel and you and I are gonna go get something," Dean explained looking in the mirror at me. 

"Why can't Sam go with you?" I asked. 

"I don't want you alone with dad," Dean stated. "Plus, it might be good for Sam and dad to talk alone." I shrugged. I wasn't gonna argue with that. Anytime away from dad was good for me. 

time skip

 "I can't believe we just did that," I stated, as Dean and I jumped into the impala. There was no one following us, but we wanted to get back fast. 

In my hand, was a jar of dead mans blood, wrapped in paper. We had just been in the funeral home. It was on the top of the list of weird things we had to do in this job. 

"Yeah, tell me about it," Dean commented. "Now, we have to get it to dad before he has a fit." He smirked. I looked down at the bottle, frowning a bit. "You okay?"

I looked up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," I assured him. I was silent for a minute. "Dean... do you think dad is gonna stay with us?" I questioned, still looking down at my hands.

"I don't know," Dean admitted. "Do you want him to stay?"

"I... I mean... you're happy he's back and Sam is okay, so..." I started to say. Dean cut me off.

"Hey, you don't have to be happy because Sam and I am," He stated, looking over at me. "And I'm glad he's safe, but... I still want to kick his ass for what he did to you."

I nodded. "As long as you and Sam are here... then... I feel safe around dad," I stated. Dean smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm glad you feel that way, sweetheart," He replied. 

We drove the rest of the way in silence, other than the radio. 

We headed back inside the motel. I noticed dad and Sam smiling and talking. I'm glad they were getting along.

"Man, there's some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys," Dean commented, as we walked over to the two. 

"Did you get it?" dad questioned. Dean nudged my arm.

I pulled the bottle of blood from its wrapping, holding it out for all to see. Dad reached and grabbed it from my hands, not a "good job" or anything. I shared a look with the boys.

"I don't know what I would have done without Cheyenne," Dean added, wrapping an arm around my waist. I smiled. 

"I'm sure you would've managed to get it done," Dad commented, looking over the blood. My smile fell quickly. Dean opened his mouth to say something, but I grabbed his hand, telling him to be quiet. 

"You know what to do," dad stated, looking at Sam and Dean. I wondered if I would be allowed to participate in this hunt. 

After some arguing, Dean convinced dad to let me help. He and I were the distractions, while Sam and dad were the main event. 

Dean parked the car on the road, kind of in the middle of no where. He leaned inside the hood, acting as if he was working on the car. I stood next to him, with a few tools, making it appear that I was helping. 

"Car trouble?" A voice came from behind us. We turned to see a female walking our direction. By Dean's reaction, I could tell she must be a vampire. "Let me give you a lift... take you back to my place." I could tell she didn't believe our  "car trouble".

"We'll pass," Dean stated. I usually draw the line a necrophilia."

Suddenly, the woman back handed Dean, and he fell to the ground. "Dean!" I yelled out, stepping closer. The woman grabbed my by the throat, and my feet dangled in the air. 

"Hey, let her go!" Dean yelled, standing up. Before he could attack, he was held back by a male vampire. 

"I don't normally get this friendly with people like you," I stated. It was difficult with her hand on my chin.

"You know, you, me, and your brother could have some fun," She seethed. "I always like to make new friends."

"Oh, sorry," I stated. "He usually doesn't stay with a chick that long... definitely not eternity."

An arrow flew through the air, landing the man holding Dean. Another hit the woman's stomach. I noticed how they barely flinched. The woman dropped me and I landed on my but. I rubbed my neck trying to get some feeling back.

"Cheyenne!" Dean called, running towards me. He knelt beside me, taking my face in his hands. "You okay, did she hurt you?"

I shook my head. "I might have a bruise, but that's it."

We were interrupted by two figures coming out of the woods. It was dad and Sam. Dad held a bow in his hand. The plan worked out great.

"Doesn't even sting," the woman commented, gesturing to the arrow sticking out of her stomach. 

"Give it time, sweetheart," dad assured her. "That arrow's soaked in dead man's blood." I watched her smile falter. "That stuff's like poison to you, right?"

At that moment, she fell to the ground. Dean stood, and helped me to my feet. I could feel dad's eyes on me again. 

"I told you she would get in the way and get hurt," he commented. "Now we have to deal with it."

"She helped, dad, okay," Dean stated. He turned to me. "Just wait here, okay." I nodded and did as I was told. 

"Load her up," Dad pointed to the vampire on the ground. "I'll deal with this one." The male was kneeling on the ground. 

Sam backed up a few feet, as did eye. I closed my eyes as dad swung a machete, going straight through the vampire's neck. It made my neck hurt a whole lot less. Now, for the harder part of the mission. Getting back to the nest and getting that gun. 

Dad started a fire, and handed Dean a bag of herbs and... honestly, I didn't know. He told us it would block our scent and Kate, the vampire's, until we were ready. 

"This stuff stinks," Dean commented, dumping it over the fire. 

"That's the idea, dust your clothes with the ashes and you'll stand a chance of not being detected."

"You're sure they'll come after her," Sam questioned, gesturing to Kate.

"Yeah, vampires mate for life," Dad explained. "She means more to the leader than the gun." He looked over at Sam. "But the blood sickness is gonna wear of soon, so you don't have a lot of time."

The plan was that the three of us would go back to the vamp nest, so we could release the people trapped there. We hoped that all the rest of the nest would be going after Kate, who would be with dad.

"Half an hour should do it," Dean assured him. 

"And then I want you out of the area as fast as you can," Dad stated. Of course, he no longer wanted our help. 

"But..." Sam started to say. He was interrupted my Dean.

"You can't take care of them all yourself," He argued. Even dad at his best, couldn't handle a whole nest of vamps. 

"I'll have Kate, and the colt," Dad assured the boys. 

"But after, we're gonna meet up, right?" Sam questioned. "Use the gun together, right?" Dad looked down, away from Sam.

"You're leaving again, aren't you?" I asked. As much as I hated him around, I hated the boys being upset even more. Dad shot his head up, glaring at me. I backed up without thinking. Dean put a hand on my back.

"You still want to go after the demon alone?" Sam questioned. "You know, I don't get you." Dad finally looked back up at him. "You can't treat us like this."

"Like what?" dad asked. 

"Like children," Sam argued. 

"You are my children," dad stated. "I'm trying to keep you two safe." I looked away at this point. "Two", and I knew I wasn't included in that. 

"Dad, all respect, but that's a bunch of crap," Dean stated, tightening his grip on me. Dad and Sam looked over, both shocked at the outburst.

"Excuse me?" Dad asked, not used to Dean arguing.

"You know what Sammy, Cheyenne, and I have been hunting," Dean explained. "Hell, you sent us on a few hunting trips can't be that worried about keeping us safe."

"It's not the same thing, Dean," Dad argued. 

"Than what is it?" I questioned. My head told me to stop, but I had to know the answer. "Why do you want us out of the big fight?"

Dad stepped closer to me. "I never wanted you in this fight at all or here for this matter," he stated. Dean stepped between us, stopping dad before he did something worse. 

"Dad, she's right," Dean stated. "Why do you care so much?"

Dad stepped back. "This demon... it's a bad son of a bitch," he explained. "I can't make the same moves if I'm worried about keeping you alive."

"You can't be as reckless," Dean corrected. 

Dad sighed. "Look... I don't expect to make it out o this fight in one piece," he admitted. "You're mother's death... it almost killed me."

The boys both had tears in their eyes, as did dad. I couldn't help but get emotional. I would never want to go through what he did. 

"I can't watch my children die, too," he added. "I won't."

"What happens if you die?" Dean questioned. "Dad, what happens if you die and we could have done something about it?" Dad, again, looked away. "You know, I've been thinking... I think Sammy's right about this, I think we should do this together." I could hear a small tremble in his voice and it broke my heart. "We're stronger as a family, dad... we just are and you know it.

Dad looked up at him. "We're running out of time," he stated. I rolled my eyes. His son poured his heart out and dad didn't care. "You do your job and get out of the area... that's an order."

Dad made his way to his truck. I knew I should stay quiet, but I had to say something. I've stayed quiet for too long. 

"You're an ass, you know that?" I stated, stepping up to him. He turned slowly. I felt Dean and Sam grab at me, but pulled from their reach. "You have two kids, who want nothing more than to help you and want you to stay alive," I told him, getting louder. "Heck, I even care that you live, more for their sake than mine, but you could care less." Dad glared down at me, but I was to far to stop now. "For once, could you forget about hunting and mom and everything and try to be a good dad."

I knew I went too far, when dad slapped me. I fell to the ground hard. He went to step closer to me, but Sam stood in front of him. I rolled onto my side, holding my cheek, feeling blood run from my lip. I really didn't think he would do that in front of the boys.

"What the hell, dad!" Sam pushed him back a bit.

I was shocked that they were still acting like they didn't know anything. Dean was by my side in a flash, pulling my up so I leaned on him. 

Dad looked at all of us, lingering on me. "Get to the nest and get out of here." He made his way to the truck, with Kate, and took off.

"Cheyenne, are you okay," Sam asked, kneeling next to Dean and I. Dean pulled out a rag and pressed it on my lip.

I nodded and tears rolled down my cheeks, but not from pain. "I'm sorry," I cried. The boys looked confused. 

"Dad just hit you, what are you apologizing for?" Dean questioned. 

"I shouldn't have yelled at him like that, I should've known better," I explained, through my tears. Sam reached up and wiped them away. 

"Cheyenne, you yelling at dad is no excuse for what just happened," He stated. "You can't let him make you think that."

"Sam's right," Dean agreed. "We should be the ones apologizing for not stepping in sooner... we promised to keep you safe." I hated when they felt bad.

"It's okay... you did keep that promise... believe me, it could have been a lot worse," I mumbled. Dean and Sam stood and then helped me up. I pulled Dean into a hug and then Sam.

"I love you guys," I stated. They smiled at me.

"Love you too," They replied. "Are you sure you want to come with us to the nest."

Dean handed me a rag to wipe my lip. "Of course... we'd better get going."

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