Cursed | Maleficent X Male Oc...

By Foxymangle76

310 14 0

Two twins separated at birth for one soul reason... a curse. A curse that was put upon the oldest twin by Mal... More

| Chapter 2 : The Banished One |

| Chapter 1 : Once Upon A Time |

207 9 0
By Foxymangle76

[ Edited : ✔️ ]


[ 3rd POV ]

"Let us tell and old story anew, and we will see how well you know it."

A beautiful kingdom built on a great big mountain that had the sunrise shine it's lights at the dark castle. The darkness was swept away from the darkness living in every corner now had light that was bright as day.

Flags wave through the windy mornings of a new day, people getting up to start their day of work or purpose to do. Windows fly open to welcome the sun to shine into their nice warm room to wake up sleepy children from their beds.

"Once Upon a time there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbours."

Around the Kingdom loved green land of trees that stretched out across the lands as much as they can. The rivers flow like a snake slithering towards the great mountains from a far. Mountains tall as trees stare down below at the towns from a far, while the sun makes it way up to the sky.

"So vast was the discord between them that it was said only a great hero or a terrible villain might bring them together."

Towns people start to go there daily chores of the day with children running around in groups to play with each other. Parents prepare breakfast for their family's to keep their strength up to make them have more energy for the day.

Smoke disappear into the sky, came from the chimney that cooked devious breakfast for family's to eat. The Fisher men that carried tangled nets, went into their boats to row them to the middle of the flowing river to catch fish for the market to sale.

"I'm one kingdom lived folk like you and me, with a vain and greedy king to rule over them."

A wind mill stood in a small hill tall and high over the town near by like a watch tower looking over them. The fan spin round and round slowly, leafs fly away at the fan blowing at them. Flowers that lay in the ground, bloomed as the sunrise hit their petals when the leafs that flow past them.

"They were forever discontent, and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbours."

The sun shines above all over the mountains and forest that surround the rocky mountains that stood around the other kingdom. Birds start flying towards the kingdom with happy sounds of glee to see their fellow creatures.

"For in the other kingdom, the Moors, lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature."

Small fairy's appeared next to the colourful birds and both started dancing together towards the magical kingdom. Sounds of creatures play like a melody in the kingdom to greet each other for the day.

"And they needed neither king nor queen, but trusted in one another."

Small Mermaids jumped like dolphins in and out of the water while creatures big or small come to play in all sorts of fun with each other. Strange birds dived down to the waters to try catch slippery fish for them to eat. Water falls down from the mountain making a big 'Splash!' into the ginormous river.

"In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors lived one such spirit."

In a far was a certain cliff filled with green grass that had colourful flowers and plants in all shapes and sizes. A tree stood their on the edge of that cliff that was filled with natures colour, looking very lively every morning.

"You might take her for a girl, but she was not just any girl."

A young girl lay there from a crafted hammock made of rope and leafs.she had brown chocolate brown hair with black horns on her head. Her yellow green eyes shined with the light that touched her skin to make her enchanting to nature.

Her wings covered her sides of her body as the girl played with her fingers that created magic. Yellow magic surround her fingers like pixie dust. She grew a smile at her use of magic to play with her stick figures like they were dancing in a ball filled with music.

"She was a fairy"

'Crack!' A branch sounded, snapping the young girl from stick figures and looked towards the sound. She got up from her hammock to climb with a huge branch to get to towards the broken branch.

She stood towards the broken broken with a hint of sadness in her eyes and held her hands around the broken part of the branch. Closing her eyes, she felt her magic flow around the broken branch and healed it back to life.

The young girl open her eyes as her hands pulled away from the branch and held a small smile on her face. "There you go." She walked a few steps towards the edge tree with confident looking out through the magical kingdom.

"And her name was Maleficent."

Maleficent leaned down to drive towards the ground only to open her beautiful wings wide for her to fly. She flew past the open air and over the forest of magical creatures doing their own thing for the day.

"Good morning, Mr. Chanterelle! I love your cap!" Maleficent bid her greeting towards a much room wooden creature who looked over at her with a smile. He bowed a greeting to the young girl with his mushroom hat. "Oh." The creature chuckled at the girl.

Maleficent flew with a big smile on her face knowing today was a good day for her. She had a feeling this was the day that something will happen today making her exited for today.

The Water creature called 'Wallerbogs' looked towards Maleficent who was coming towards them. They held a cheeky smile while holding some black mud on their hands. She had seen this coming and gives them a warning. "No. No, don't do it!"

The wallerbogs grunts as he threw it towards her making her dodge the cheeky attack. It hits another creature with spikes on their back looking furious at the water creatures. He makes squawking sounds angrily at them as they laughed.

"Ha! You missed me!" Maleficent smiled with pride at dodging the mud. She continued to fly toward her destination passing the blue fairy's that did their job to make the flowers bloom for today. "Good morning."

"Good morning." The blue fairy's bid her a greeting before going back to work.

Magical water fairy's dance on the waters making a gold trail of magic follow them. "Lovely work, girls!" Maleficent a flip on the air and did tricks with her wings as she had fun flying the sky's with her wings. "Whoo-hoo!" She echoed across the kingdom.

She arrived at her destination which was the main part of the Moors. The held the most beauty of the kingdom and where all magical creatures came together. Maleficent frown when hearing concerned creatures crowding around one spot.

Maleficent landed in front of the crowed creatures that were on a small part of land that was surrounded by water. "What's all the fuss about?" She asked confused to what has happened. Three fairy's were in front of her in pink, green and blue that knew what has happened.

"The border guards have discov-." "Why do you get to tell her? I want to tell her!" The pink fairy was speaking until the blue fairy interrupted her with a complaint. "I want to." The green fairy also complained too.

"There are rules, Flittle." The pink fairy spoke irritated by Flittle complaining. "I tell this time, you tell next time." She held her figure up high to Flittle making Maleficent sigh at their little fight.

"No, you told last time, so I should tell this time, and Thistlewit next time." Flittle pointed out to the pink fairy who looked defeated by that fact. "Tell me what?" Maleficent spoke looking impatient to what was going on.

"Fine!" The pink fairy huffed at Flittle. "Thank you." She bowed knowing she won the argument until she looked back at Maleficent to speak. "Maleficent, the border guard-." "The border guards have found a human thief at the pool of jewels."

Thistlewit quickly interrupted Flittle making both look at her with shock on their face. She looked at them guilty at interrupting Flittle and apologies. "I'm sorry."

Maleficent looked horrified at the news and quickly took off to the skys accidentally flapped her wings at the fairy's making them fly away from each other. Thistlewit looked irritated at her action. "She's always in a hurry with her big wings."

"Humans, here." The pink fairy looked worried. "I hope there's not another war." She thought of every conclusion to why their was a human here.

Maleficent flew towards the jewel pool filled with big white crystals that stood out of the pool. Two wooden tree guards held there spear towards a cave covered in vines that was in-front of the pool in anger. She landed on a balder in front of the cave as the two guards turned to her.

One guard spoke in his language to Maleficent telling her of the situation and warning her of the thief. "I'm not afraid. Besides, I have never seen a human up close." She reassured the guard that she could handle herself before looking back towards the cave.

"Come out!" She ordered the thief hiding among the cave vines. "No. They mean to kill me." A voice spoke in fear. "And besides, they're hideous to look at." This made the guard grunt in anger at this insult the thief said.

"That's extremely rude." Maleficent defended her guards as she turned to the guard. "Don't listen to him, Balthazar. You're classically handsome." She spoke with a soft smile making Balthazar thank the young girl for the complement.

"It's not right to steal, but we don't kill people for it." She reasoned with the thief. "Come out. Come out this instant!" Maleficent ordered one last time towards the thief making the thief slowly walk out the the cave to reveal himself.

He was revealed to be a young boy who looked wet. She looked curious at the boy, "are you fully grown?" She asked him making the boy shook his head at her. "No."

She turned to her guard who then stopped pointing his spear at the boy. "I believe he's just a boy." Maleficent then turned back to the boy as she spoke. "And you're just a girl." The boy spoke coming out more from the cave to get a better look at her. "I think."

"Who are you?" She asked him making him answer to Maleficent. "I'm called Stefan. Who are you?" Stefan asked for her name as she replied back to him. "I'm Maleficent."

Balthazar then interrupted their small conversation to remind her why they were here making Maleficent turn back to him. "Yes, right." She turned back to Stefan with a serious look on her face. "You have to give it back."

Stefan looked at her with fake innocence. "Give what back?" Maleficent didn't look convinced and held her hand out towards him with a sigh. He sighs in defeat and opened his small pouch to get the small crystal from it.

Stefan then threw it back at Maleficent who caught it then with one approved look at it, she dropped it back into the jewelled pool.


[ 3rd POV ]

"If I knew you would throw it away, I would have kept it." Stefan said to Maleficent as they both walked in the forest together towards the border the separated both the Moors and the human kingdom.

"I didn't throw it away. I delivered it home as I'm going to do for you." Maleficent denied as they both arrived at the border that had two large stone tablets ever side of them that made it into a entrance.

"Someday, you know, I'll live there." Stefan pointed out towards the big castle in the distance making Maleficent look to where he was pointing at. "In the castle."

"Where do you live now?" She asked curiously. Stefan looked sad for a moment then answered, "In a barn." "So your parents are farmers, then?" She understood him and held pity in her eyes.

Stefan had a sad look on their face when Maleficent mentioned his parents. "My parents are dead." She looked upset for making him sad and then tried to comfort him. "Mine, too." They both look at each other knowing how they both knew how they felt.

"We'll see each other again." He spoke to her before beginning to walk a few steps forward. "You really shouldn't come back here, you know. It's not safe." Maleficent warned him making him stop walking as a smile crawled on his face then turned back to her.

"And if I made that choice, if I came back, would you be here?" Stefan asked her with hopes she would say the answer he wanted her to say. "Perhaps." She said with a small smile on her face.

Satisfied with that answer he held his hand out to her to shake her hand. Maleficent did the same but his iron ring burned her hand making her take her hand away. "Ow!" "What's wrong?" Stefan asked in concern for Maleficent as he pulled his hand back.

"Your ring. Iron burns fairies." She told him making him apologies to her. "I'm sorry." Stefan then looked down at his ring on his finger then took the ring and cast it behind him. He turned back to her after looking at her, Stefan started to walk again.

"I like your wings." He complemented her making Maleficent blush at his complement and stood there walking him walk back home until she couldn't see him no more.

"Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring, he who had so little in the world, so that their hands might touch again and her heart was moved."

Sky turned to nighttime and Maleficent lay down on her hammock in her tree on a cliff. She thought of Stefan as she looked up at the bright stars in the sky with a smile on her face.

"Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel..."

"Maleficent!" Stefan called out to her from the border towards the forest of Moor

"...steal something far more precious."

"Maleficent?" Stefan called out again to her waiting for her to come out. "Maleficent!" He called one more time before beginning to lose hope until she flew down from behind him with a smile. This sudden appearance startled him a bit and turned around to see only Maleficent.

"After all these weeks, look who came back." Maleficent had a feeling he would be back even if she also began to lose hope, she never did. "I thought it worth the risk." He walked towards her with a big smile on his face.

He then asked her. "So, what do you do for fun?"


[ 3rd POV ]

Stefan yells in excitement as he held on to Maleficent's leg while splashed his legs on the water. Maleficent laughed trying to high higher then Stefan hand slipped making him fall onto the water getting him all wet.

Maleficent laughed at him making him spit out the water from his mouth.

"Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends."

At the border in the end of the day Maleficent lifted her wing toward Stefan. He the then touched her wing feeling how soft it was and smiled so brightly at her. She blushed at one look at his cute smile he made.

"And for a time it seemed as if, in them at least, the old hatred between men and fairies had been forgotten."

Maleficent kneeled down to feed a cute baby goat while Stefan was watching her with a soft smile on his face at the scene before him.

"As it will, friendship slowly turned into something else."

Both Stefan and Maleficent sat on a stone bolder with Stefan gifting her a necklace for Maleficent. She accepted the necklace and held a smile towards Stefan at how thankful she was for the gift. Stefan smiled back at her as they looked at each other with blush on their cheeks.

Years go by for them so quickly that they never given up on their friendship and hung out in every free day possible for them to be together.

"And on her 16th birthday, Stefan gave Maleficent a gift. He told her it was true love's kiss."

At sunset Stefan and Maleficent did their first kiss under the sunset of the day. Maleficent never felt as happy about it not knowing the terrible future that has yet to come.

"But it was not to be."

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