His Coco

By choobeibi

1.3M 40.3K 3.8K

Ailee ate her ice cream licking every bit of it and then Xavier pushed his cup infront of her. She looked con... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
!please read!
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61

chapter 6

33.2K 885 76
By choobeibi

A week passed by but Ailee didn't get any word from Romano. Maybe he was busy? Or maybe he forgot? She doesn't know why she was even thinking about it or him.

A ding from the oven brought her back to the real world. Her cookies are ready. She beamed brightly at the sight of the warm goodness.
She decided to fill up a jar for herself and leave the rest for her family.

Alex and Iris especially loved the chocolate chip cookies made by her.

She took the jar and went up to her room. She changed into her PJs since it was already evening and then plopped down on her bed.

She was scrolling through her phone while munching on the cookies she made when she got a call from an unknown number.

She hates it. Though it happens very rarely she still hates it. The best she can do is receive the call and ask who they are, if they are someone she knows then she proceeds to the next question but if they are not, she immediately hangs up while muttering a quick 'wrong number'.

It stopped ringing and Ailee sighed in relief. But it was short lived because the ringing started once again.

She very slowly picked up the device and put it on her ear
"Hello" she said in the best voice she could gather at that moment.

"Did I bother you?" Yes mister you did, she thought.

"who-who's this?" She felt so intimidated by the strong voice from the other end that her words wavered.

" Xavier '' came the reply. Huh? She doesn't know any Xavier. She hasn't known many boys in fact.

" sorry wrong-" she was about to hang up but what she heard next made her breath hitch.

" Romano DeVinci, Ailee" Him? he actually called?

" Oh" what should she say?

" You? " she ended up asking stupidly.

" Yes, me. " amusement could be heard in his voice.

" How are you? " Xavier felt warmth filling him hearing the sincerity in her voice.

"Much better now that I am talking to you." She blushed after hearing his response.
While Xavier couldn't believe he was talking some real sweet shit. When did he become like this?

"That's good. I guess?" Her response turned into a question at the end.

"That's definitely good." he replied, nodding to himself.

"Are you eating your dinner right now? " he asked, hearing her munching on something.

" Uh no I was just tasting the chocolate chip cookies I just baked. " She replied, looking down at her jar of cookies.

" You love chocolates." he stated.

She nodded her head rapidly but soon realized he couldn't see her so she replied "Yes! Yes! Chocolates are my absolute favorite."

He found her enthusiasm for chocolates very amusing. "Really? I couldn't tell" he replied sarcastically and Ailee once again blushed.

"Can I ask you a question?" she asked after gathering some courage.

"Ask right away"

"Why did you introduce yourself as Xavier just now?"

First his sigh was heard and then came his reply
"That is my first name. I don't like to be called that."

She was about to say I understand when he spoke again.

"But you're the only exception"


"Ailee I am giving you the right to call me by my first name."
Even he was perplexed by his behavior.
Didn't he just send a woman to hell not too long ago for addressing him by his name?

"what? I mean Mr Romano, it is really fine with me. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. "

" Believe me it's quite the opposite. I'll get mad if you don't. "

After thinking about it for a minute she answered " okay if you insist, Xavier"

That name. His name. The name he despised so much sounded like music to his ears.

In the background, he heard her being called for dinner and decided to let her go.

"I'll call you sometime later."

"Okay bye"

" Mhmm"

She kept staring at her mobile screen, too shocked to believe it actually happened.
Did she just have a normal conversation with THE XAVIER ROMANO DEVINCI ?

She walked downstairs to the dining hall in a daze.

"Lily? Are you alright? Your face is so red." asked her mama.

" hmm? Oh yes I'm fine, just feeling a little bit under the weather. "

" Ok. Rest well after dinner alright? "

Ailee smiled and nodded.


It was the weekend and all the sisters decided to spend the day together doing all sorts of crazy stuff.
They all were perched up on Ailee's bed and trying to convince her to join them for shopping.

She is ready to take part in everything as long as it can be done indoors. She doesn't want a repeat of last time.

"Please Lily. Just come this once and if you don't enjoy today then I promise we'll never force you into going out ever again." Mila pleaded.

" Come on Ailee we all got a schedule-free day collectively after so long." said Emma throwing herself on Ailee.

" But why can't I stay at home while you go and buy the snacks and all?"

" It's not about just buying things, it is about our bonding time. " Iris said in exasperation.

Ailee sighed. "Ok"

"What?" Mila asked, shocked to hear her agreeing so easily.

"Ok I will go but we will leave whenever I want." She put forward her condition.

"OMG yes of course" they all squealed happily and went into their respective rooms to get dressed.


"Why does it look like you're about to kill someone?" Luka asked Xavier.

" Because I will shortly." came his reply.

" Nah bro have some faith in yourself. I believe you can sit through this shitshow for another hour. "

" And I believe I can bury you underground with my bare hands at this very moment. "

"Woah woah woah brother, hold your horses. Let's not get violent. shall we?"

"You dragged me here Luka, I have every right to break your teeth. "

" Not my gorgeous face bruh, all my fans will be heartbroken. "

Xavier rolled his eyes.
" Remind me why am I friends with you again?"

" Because I am the baddest and the most amazing bitch." He smiled proudly looking at Luka but seeing his expression it dropped immediately and said,

"Of Course after you, best friend. Nobody can beat you haha" He said laughing nervously.

Xavier felt like pulling his hair out.

After a dreadful forty minutes they finally left the auction. With nothing.

Xavier might've punched Luka on his back for wasting his time.

Now they were headed to a fancy Italian restaurant. Finally a place where he will go willingly.


I'mma cryyyyyy this is getting saweeeettttt😭😭😭

Next chapter hint: 🦋🦋🦋🦋

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