I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 26
CH. 27
CH. 28
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 25

290 16 5
By BeckySmolder


Saturday: January 19, 2013

Dear diary,

It's been a hard couple of days since I returned to New Orleans. Not only did Camille pass after being bitten by Lucien, the witch ancestors who tampered with Davina's spell to bring back Kol cursed him to bite and kill his lover. Then of course in typical Mikaelson fashion, Klaus went out for blood and revenge. Whilst Freya and Elijah betrayed Kol, by sacrificing Davina instead of saving her to rush killing Lucien.

I don't know who was more livid, Kol or Marcel. They had every right to be. How could you justify sacrificing Davina who was 18 just to give any Mikaelson a better fighting chance at survival of their 1000+ years of life? You couldn't. It wasn't fair in any way. And unsurprisingly, Freya and Elijah stuck together, defending themselves with the words "there was no other choice" as if not doing it wasn't possible at all. It was sickening. The amount of things this family thinks is impossible to avoid. There's ALWAYS a choice. Either take more time to come up with a different plan. Or... make better choices so everything doesn't always come down to life or death. But after all their experiences, and all their brushes with death and surviving, you would think they wouldn't live in such fear at every single threat.

I was beyond pissed myself. This family was separated and I was afraid unrepairable. Kol wouldn't forgive his brothers. I couldn't blame him. And I hate that Klaus has been defending Elijah to me. As if it was impossible to put himself in Kol's shoes. Because what if it was ME?! I'm worth sacrificing? The ends don't justify the means. Why is one life more important than another? Why is Elijah judge, jury, and executioner? As if he couldn't put himself in Kol's shoes either. They would NEVER let that happen to Hayley. Not Elijah, Klaus, Freya, or Rebekah. It's times like this I question my decision to be apart of their lives.

I told Marcel he was family. I tried to play neutral middle man. Because I get why Freya and Elijah did it. And it's not there fault that Davina has died to begin with. But their brother was suffering. He was guilt ridden and heart broken. And they couldn't help him out? Let him have his love? It was wrong. I couldn't imagine what Kol was going through now. Not to mention his feelings of betrayal from his siblings. I caught him packing yesterday. I don't blame him if I never see him again. Not in this lifetime. What good is a family bond if they don't stick by you?

Same for Marcel. Davina was his family and they left her out to dry. They sent her to be destroyed by people who hate her. That was a form of hate within itself. How could they be so heartless and cold? Yet they think Klaus is the only monster in the family. But as Marcel grieves, I worry that the familial bond is gone. For good. I'm not sure how to help repair it. And I won't push. I can't make him forgive them. I feel wrong even thinking it. But I hate to see Klaus so upset and Marcel in pain alone.

Not to mention Marcel has the beastly original formula. I didn't tell a soul about it. Hell, I wasn't sure if he took it. I considered warning Klaus but I was afraid he would overreact. The other part of me feared not telling him at the same time. Because what if Marcel takes it and does something like try to kill one of them? I'd never forgive myself. But I had hoped if he took it, it would just be a way to stop feeling inferior. That it would just put them all on the same level. Klaus and his siblings would have to trust Marcel wouldn't kill them, the same way Marcel has been trusting them for years now. I hoped we'd all eventually with time could move past this transgression.

Yet I still struggled myself to forgive Freya and Elijah. How could I when they made my best friend suffer? How could I when I felt like they would do the same to me? Maybe I've been fooling myself. Klaus says he'd die for me. But now I question if he means it. And I for sure don't expect Rebekah to give a fuck about my life. After what happened to Davina, I wouldn't blame Kol if he wishes ill of me just to show Klaus how it feels. And I for sure can't trust Elijah or Freya. How am I supposed to know my value in their eyes and heart? Am I family to these people? Because I thought that's what we all are. Family doesn't give up on anyone. They could fight for Cami's life after a million tries to save her, up until her last breath. They did everything they could to no avail. Why the hell couldn't they do the same for Davina? And if it risked Rebekah or Klaus again... Would they save me? I doubt it.

Since the failed attempt at bringing Davina back, things have been tense. Klaus was a bit passive aggressive with his older siblings. He didn't like the way things played out. Yet he was the most understanding. And of course that effected our relationship. I was uncomfortable in the compound. But Klaus refused to come home with me. He said the family needed to ride this wave together. But I couldn't stand to even look at Elijah or Freya.

Hayley and I were at odds. She forgave Elijah in a second. We could hear them having sex that same night. It repulsed me. So now there was tension between her and I. She couldn't even get why I was upset. Yet if the roles were reversed she'd for sure tell me off or make snide comments about me and Klaus hooking up after some misdeed of his. However, I can't recall a time we've made love after he betrayed his family and left an innocent person out to die.

Ugh. It was like I was surrounded by so many heartless souls. Self serving people. In the name of family? That's not family! I went years without talking to my own mother after she betrayed my dad and walked out on us. These people constantly sabotage each other and try to kill one another. And when they band together it's to take someone else's life. It's disgusting. It's a pattern. And the fact none of them could see it, including Hayley was the worst part.

Like she was so blinded by her love for Elijah or his dick, she couldn't wrap her head around being a decent fucking person? So she would just get over my death then? Like she did Jackson's who she was supposedly in love with? Cried for a week and then moved on?

I felt like I didn't matter to any of these damn people! Klaus included.

He forced me to the doctors yesterday. Of course it was pointless. Like what could I say? 'I almost died yesterday, but magical blood healed me so there's no evidence of anything. I also threw up a couple days ago. Is there something wrong with me? If so, fix it.' No. I absolutely couldn't say that to a normal, human doctor.

So instead I got a physical done. They took some blood and did a couple other tests, under Klaus' orders, almost any test under the sun to make sure I didn't have cancer, an ulcer, a broken bone, or a tumor, etc... I don't know what my fiancé was looking for. I think he was wishing there was a problem with me. Just something simple, a doctor could fix. Like he just needed a win. As if saying, "oh she has an infection, take these antibiotics and she'll be perfectly fine" would solve all our problems.

Not to mention the tension in the house between all of us. There was awkwardness between Klaus, Hayley and I as we all worked together to plan Cami's funeral and wake. I spent half of the time rolling my eyes. I didn't mean to. But I had more important things to worry about. And part of me... didn't care.

Didn't care that Klaus was hurting. I didn't care that Elijah felt guilty or Freya was sorry. I didn't care that Hayley was stuck in the middle. I didn't care that Rebekah could have landed in Lucien's hands at worst case scenario.

All I cared about was Hope. That little baby was being raised by a family full of sinners, monsters, and lying, hypocritical backstabbers. She was innocent in all of this. And now I get why Hayley wanted to run. I mean, I always understood, but I couldn't justify Hope having to grow up without her father.

Yet, more than ever I don't want a child. Why would I want any kid of mine to be subjected to this life? The running, hiding, killing... This was not an environment for children at all. I wasn't sure if it ever would be. Maybe... the cost of being with Klaus is never having any.

And I don't know what I couldn't bear more. A life without him. Or never birthing my own child to love.

This life wasn't easy. The ring on my finger felt as heavy as my heart these past days. If I went through marriage, the first in the Mikaelson clan... What would be of me then? Would that add value to my life? Would I be less expendable if I birthed Klaus' child? The way this family worked was haunting my mind. Part of me felt like I was living a lie this whole time. And now I've spent the past days living in fear, which only made me more angry. Cause this is the thanks I get for choosing to love Klaus?

How can I marry him? Why did I even want to? I've hated this life with him thus far. Anytime life got good, the rug was swept from under my feet. Did I expect marriage to change anything? He'd still have enemies all over the world. He'd still have his messy family for us to put up with. Would I ever get what I wanted? Or was I delusional for thinking it could happen one day. Cause it's been one heartbreak after another, after a family mess. It was a cycle I was subjecting myself to be apart of.

Maybe the reason I'm so adamant about resisting turning into a vampire to spend eternity with Klaus is my subconscious's way of telling me I can't make that commitment. I can't do this forever. I knew we were waiting until after we started a family. But even then... something about being a vampire didn't sit well with me. I didn't want that. But it was the only way to spend my life with Klaus. Or I'd grow old and die... Imagine being 80 and still married to a 21 year old?

I hated feeling this way. I hated being at odds with Klaus. Or doubting his love. Or even considering leaving him? I didn't want to. I didn't want that.

I'm just venting my feelings. I hope to get over this so I can survive this world and this life and environment I chose. Because I did want that. I wanted Klaus forever. It's just some days are harder to accept what that means, to accept him and all the baggage he comes with.


Saturday, January 19th

"Say not in grief that she is no more, but be thankful that she ever was and though she was taken far too soon, may her enduring light show us a way through this darkness. Let us mourn as we cannot move on until we do. And though the pain may at times seem like more than we can bare, make no mistake, we will move on... And even now, the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears, they're saying vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for them," Vincent finished his sermon.

He had his hands pressed together as the five of us stood in half is circle being completed by the tomb in cemetery where Davina rested. Marcel to my right followed by Vincent, Josh, and Kol in that order to my left. My arm tightly wrapped around Marcel as I was here mainly for support of him. And of course the rest of them. I had grown to like Josh and my heart went out to Kol for this loss. Vincent and I... it seems our friendship days would have to wait.

Josh slowly stepped forward to speak next. I gave him a weak smile of encouragement as Marcel remained looking at the ground. Kol's eyes locked on her tomb. I know both men were struggling to stay present here and now.

"A while ago—forever ago, I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend but what I didn't tell her was that I had never shared that story with anyone else. She was like a sister and a best friend and I loved her. I wish... uh..." then he suddenly stopped.

I reached around Vincent, stepping forward enough to give Josh's arm a squeeze. He gave me a thankful look before stepping back. Kol sniffled loudly, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry, I can't," Kol said, lips quivering as he pressed them together. Eyes watery. Oh, God. I wanted to hug him tight but didn't imagine he'd want that.

Marcel pulled his arm from mine to dig in his pocket for a folded piece of paper. He opened it and I saw a scribbled paragraph but then he folded it back up. "Marcel," I whispered, rubbing his arm comfortingly. He needed to speak. He'd regret it if he didn't. This was her funeral. It was time of honor her. Kol's guilt probably tore him apart, I didn't blame him for not sharing. I just wish he knew he didn't have to feel so ashamed. No one truly blamed him.

"Words aren't any good," he said, tucking the paper into his inside jacket pocket of his suit. I frowned then, but he surprisingly decided to speak, "The Mikaelsons need to answer for this. I'm gonna make them answer."

Then he stepped up to Davina's tomb, resting a hand on it as he whispered, "I promise."

He slowly pulled his hand away and walked off leaving the rest of us to swallow that. I gave Vincent a pat on the shoulder and then stepped around to Josh, "Want to head to Cami's wake together?"

"Is Marcel going to be okay?" Josh asked instead, staring off in the distance.

"Yeah, I think so. In time," I said.

He nodded, "um, after this and the parade... I think I'm done for today."

I nodded in understanding. I didn't attend the parade for Cami. Instead I was with Hope all morning while the rest went. Then Freya came back and I left to meet Marcel for Davina's funeral. Now I had to go be with my fiancé at Cami's wake to make up for it. Freya had Hope now so all was fine.

Kol suddenly took off too. I looked at Vincent who shrugged, "I'm headed there now."

"Let's go," I smiled half heartedly.


Saturday, January 19th
2:03 PM

Vincent and I made small talk about everyone else's way of mourning the two women on our walk to Rousseau for Cami's wake. It took 20 minutes to get there. And then 30 minutes to get through the crowd and find a spot at the bar and get a drink.

I kept my eyes peeled for Klaus but couldn't find him. Yet I spotted Hayley who I quickly looked away from. "I think I see Klaus, he's with a friend of mine actually," Vincent commented, nodding to our left.

I looked to see the back of Klaus' head. Vincent and I shared a look before heading in that direction. "Klaus," I called out as we approached. My fiancé turned around with a bothered expression on his face. Not directed at me, but like I caught him in the middle of something that wasn't going well. "Hey," I said softly, worried for him.

Vincent stepped around us to his friend. "Hi, love," Klaus sighed softly, raising a hand to my arm and giving it a small rub. Then he took the drink out of my other hand and took a large gulp of it. "You're not of age," he said as he looked down at me as I watched him disapprovingly.

"You want to argue today?" I asked, raising an eyebrow daringly.

He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and leaning his head down, "no. No I do not."

"How was the parade?" I questioned, taking my drink back though there was barely a sip left.

"Fine," he shrugged. "How was your funeral?"

"As expected," I sighed. "Full of emotion. Sadness and anger equally fueling everyone."

He frowned, raising a hand to caress my cheek gently, "I know things haven't been good for you either, being stuck in the middle of everyone... Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that," I retorted.

He smiled ever so slightly, "You've been distant, Danielle. You've been quiet. I haven't even kissed you all day."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "You want a kiss?"

"Yes," he chuckled. "Please."

I wrapped my hand around his neck and just as I reached up, getting on my tip toes I spotted Elijah coming up right behind my fiancé. I couldn't help the way my face scrunched up displeased. I pulled away from Klaus completely repulsed.

"Wait. Wha—"

"Brother," Elijah greeted, interrupting us.

Klaus heaved a sigh, turning to face him. "Now isn't a good time, brother," he was saying whilst I walked away from the two quietly, as to not be noticed going.

I moved back to the bar, sliding my empty glass towards the bartender to remove. Then I waited patiently to order another drink for myself. I didn't have to wait long before my old fashioned was being made. However, I also found myself back in company.

"We weren't done talking," Klaus said.

"I was," I retorted as he squeezed in between my seat and the person to my left.

"I want a kiss or... I'm going off to see Marcel without you."

"You're going to see Marcel?" I frowned, intrigued by this topic.

He sighed heavily, "Elijah said give him time... But time will not bring Davina back, the one chance to save her was ruined by us for our ends. Marcel's anger is justified. It's best I reach out to him before that anger hardens into something worse."

I smiled softly, "You came up with that all on your own? You're coming along nicely."

He rolled his eyes, "So you agree, now is best? We can go after him now. He was just here laying a flower on Cami's casket."

"Now is best, he's hurting," I said. "He's mad as hell. Letting him stew in his anger is dangerous for you all."

"Give me a kiss and we'll go."

I smiled, wrapping my hands around his neck, letting my fingers slip into his hair there. Then I slanted my lips over his and gave him a long kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I laid it on thick, enough to give us both the wrong idea about what we do next.

"Bloody hell," Klaus panted as I pulled away.

I raised a brow, "What?"

"Don't what me," he scoffed, grabbing my hand and bringing it down to his crotch where I could feel his growing erection. "You know how it turns me on when you roll your tongue."

I laughed softly, squeezing his dick in my hand just to be a tease now. "Sex can wait."

"Tell that to your nipples."

I gasped, swatting his arm before glancing down to see if my hardened nipples could be seen threw my dress. Thankfully not. "Oh, you're a liar and ass," I scoffed.

Klaus chuckled, kissing my cheek, "I love you too, baby girl. Now let's go."

I nodded, hopping off the bar stool. I then grabbed my drink off the bar, "I'm taking this to go. Pay the bartender," I instructed my fiancé.

A hard smack came to my ass then but it went ignored as I slithered through the crowd to leave Rousseau's. I waited outside, sipping my bourbon. When Klaus came I hurried to his side so we could leave. He led the way to his car which was a few blocks down due to the parade walkway.

"What are you going to say to Marcel?" I asked him, genuinely curious.

"I don't know yet."

"Don't you think you should figure that out?"

"I'll say whatever crosses my mind when we get there, love."

"You have to choose your words carefully, Klaus. He's fragile and this is a sensitive subject to discuss. Not to mention he blames you, cause you can't separate you and your siblings. Push comes to shove and all—"

"I know, Danielle."

"I was just saying," I mumbled as we got to his SUV. He opened the passenger side door for me to get in. "Thanks."

He grabbed my wrist as I was climbing into my seat. "Hey," he whispered.

"What?" I frowned confused, putting my drink in the door side cup holder.

He tugged me back, bringing his hands to my face and stared deeply into my eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm a little irritable. I don't want to take it out on you. I don't want to fight with you. Honestly? I'm exasperated, Danielle."

"With me?" I questioned timidly, raising a brow as I slightly pouted. I was beyond frustrated. It has been a constant battle for the past 6 months. I was at a breaking point when I ended things with him months ago. But we were finally getting through that. Exasperated? I guess I could have described it that way. He's put me through hell, and this has been anything but a good time. Yet, some naive part of me—albeit, selfish part too—did not stop long enough to take in the toll it's had on Klaus emotionally.

Our breakup was indeed his fault, no argument. But he was sorry. He swore he didn't want to be broken up. These months he's dealt with so much bullshit too. And now all this death he's facing. These were people in his life that he cared about. Finn, Cami... Davina was a loss that hurt people close to him, Marcel and Kol. Of course I cared about them too. But of course this was a lot on my fiancé. Not to mention he had to deal with me, and my unhappiness and all our arguing too. My annoyance and hurt when we got into a fight took a toll on me. I can't imagine how he's doing with this. His heightened emotions, his past trauma, his coping mechanism and the fact he doesn't know how to grieve peacefully... I was overwhelmed just thinking about it. I knew to be fragile with him but it was hard when I was mad too. I'm sorry about Camille but I am not okay with what happened to Davina.

"With you, yes, partly," Klaus frowned.

I nodded slowly, "Okay. I'm sorry. I... If you want I can give you space. I just... I should have known. You don't like me around when you're—"

"I don't want space," he cut me off. "Not this time. Too much space makes you unhappy. And I don't want to spend another second making you miserable. I love you, Danielle."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm confused."

"I don't want to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere," I said, placing a hand hesitantly on his shoulder. "I love you too, baby. We've been through... too much. I think at this point, we can survive anything."

"But what if we can't?" He asked. "If I died today... I'd feel like a failure. My family is divided. Marcel and Kol hate me. I feel like I'm one wrong move away from you tearing that ring off your finger—"

"What? No. No," I interrupted. "No. I'm going to marry you if it's the last thing either of us do. I swear it. I want to be your wife, no matter how angry I am at the world. At your siblings. Hell, at you. Love is up and down. If you died today I'd want you to know my heart would break. I'd cry for days. Not marrying you would be my biggest regret."

"I want to marry you," he stated. "We've spent too much time apart, too much time arguing, and too much time being unhappy."

"What are you saying, Klaus?"

"I want to marry you as soon as possible."

My brows raised and my eyes widened. "What? I don't think so. After everything we've been though I want my dream wedding—"

"Your dream?"

"Ours," I corrected. "Look, you're not dying today. Not for a long time—"

"You don't know that."

"I do know that!"

"What about you? You're human. I could lose you at any moment... That car accident. If Hayley wasn't there to save you. Or if it had been any worse... I could have lost you. I don't like feeling that way. I am blatantly aware that I can't guarantee your safety at all times. I try to keep your out of extra dangerous situations. But every day, you risk your life, Danielle. Do you not see that?"

"I see it, Klaus," I sighed. "And after Davina... Part of my anger is because I feel expendable too. If it was me in her shoes? Would I be dead right now? If it was up to your family? To you?"

"If it was up to me, I'd die for you."

"This time it wasn't up to you. They did the opposite of what you asked. And I thought Elijah was noble. Freya was understanding, nurturing, caring... they're monsters!"

Klaus looked alarmed and equally saddened. He pulled me back into his chest and shut the SUV door. "We need to talk," he said to me. "Let's go for a walk."

I wiped at my watering eyes, shaking my head, "No. What about Marcel?"

"He can wait," he stated. "We clearly need to discuss this, Danielle. You've avoided all talks about your mortality. And yet now when my life has been proven to be vulnerable after a millennia, you're in denial about it."

"I'm not in denial! I've always worried about you—"

"As of late, things haven't felt different? After that chambre de chasse with Aurora and Tristan... You've been a bit overprotective. I woke up to you checking if I was breathing at night twice since then—" he paused as I scoffed loudly, rolling my eyes. "You nearly faint at the sight of blood. You have been sick lately. And the sight of me killing has you on edge like it's the first time."

I frowned, "So, I have a little PTSD. It doesn't mean I'm in denial. I know you're not invincible."

"And what about you? I'm not allowed to worry about your life?"

I shook my head, "I don't want to talk about it."

Klaus grabbed my hand, tugging me down the street, "I don't want to talk about it either. But you just said you think you're life is expendable. It's most definitely not."

I huffed, "I can't help how I feel."

"Love, I understand you're anger. I'm mad too. This isn't ideal for me. The only people on this Earth who care about me I can count on my fingers. You think I want two people I love to turn against me? Against Elijah or Freya or the idea of family? I don't. However, being spiteful and arguing with Elijah and Freya isn't going to fix this. I'm trying to move past it. Smooth it over before there's any more damage."

I stopped walking and crossed my arms over my chest as I moved to block him from continuing down the street. "Smooth it over?" I quoted. "If they sacrificed me, you'd just move on. Let bygones be bygones for the sake of peace in your house?"

"You keep acting like you and Davina are the same! You're not."

"Not to you! You hated her. But Rebekah hates me. Kol doesn't know me. Elijah spent the first half of our relationship treating me like shit—"

"I don't care about them!" He shouted. "Your life is as valuable as mine. And they know that. If you were at risk, they would go to heaven and hell to save you."

"Really?" I snorted. "If it was my life or Rebekah's. Who do you think they'd pick?"

"That would never happen. If it was between you and any of my siblings, I'd trade places to save you. End of story. I will never watch you die. I refuse, Danielle."

I was stunned for a moment, "Klaus—"

"You and the rest of my family... I would die for. Elijah sacrificed Davina's second chance at life. But he would die for me. He'd do anything, including save you over himself to please me. My siblings are the only people in this universe who have seen me at my worst. They would do anything to keep me from losing you and wreaking havoc on this world like never before. I cannot live without you. And I can't make that more clear."

I took a moment to digest his words, willing myself to believe them. He was being genuine and sincere, for sure. It was written all over his face. I could hear it in his voice. Slowly, my shoulders sagged in relief. Every fiber in my being relaxed as I accepted his truth. Part of me felt lighter. I was staring into dark blue eyes, storming with emotions. He was right, he couldn't be more clear with his words. My insecurities had spiked up ever since I found out he was lying about seeing Cami all summer. I've felt inferior, less than, and I've struggled to trust him since. There was nothing more he could say or do. I needed to work through my issues. It's not like I was going to leave him. No. I was promising for the long haul. Marriage.

"I believe you," I whispered.

Klaus' lips tugged up ever so slightly, he stepped forward and uncrossed my arms. Then he took one of my hands and pulled me along in tow. I waited for him to speak. We were passing a park and geese were everywhere. It's been a long time since Klaus and I enjoyed something so peaceful. I think he was even smiling at two seeming to be in a fight. I loved gentle moments like this, where Klaus has this side of innocence and serenity. The reminder of the good heart inside him and all the things that made me fall in love with him.

However, our conversation still hung over my head. Our issues with his—the—our family surrounded us. The threat of Marcel who was grieving and secretly in possession of the beastly original serum was between us. This moment was the definition of taking the good with the bad.

"We need to talk about it."

"About what?" I asked, turning to face him but he wasn't looking at me.


My whole body trembled at the thought, "We have some time before that happens."

"Is it going to happen?" He quipped, turning his head to face me as we came to a row of buildings and the park, geese, and pond went out of view. "Every time I mention the idea, you seem disinterested."

"I'm just afraid."

"So am I. Of losing you."

"Vampirism won't make me invincible either."

"But it'll make you less vulnerable to the mundane parts of the world. I'd like it to happen before you start growing old, get cancer, or die in some freak accident."

I flinched, "We want kids," I defended my delay.

He pursed his lips, "And how many before you agree to turn?"

"I don't know, Klaus."

"Let's stop beating around the bush. Why are you afraid of turning?"

"I don't know if I can handle it," I replied. "The blood, the death, the heightened emotions and senses. That's a lot for a girl to want to take on in life. Being with you, this city, our life... it's enough as is in my normal state. But imagining forever?"

Klaus paused then, "Forever is the problem?"

I bit my lip, "It's a lot."

"To promise?"


"What do you think marriage is? You think I'm not afraid of that? I've never done it before. I never even imagined it, Danielle. But it's what you want. And I am 100 percent committed to you. I don't want any other woman. Emotionally, physically, mentally, sexually... I am beyond satisfied. I love you. You're all I need and all I'll ever want."

"Forever? You know that forever?" I questioned.


I tilted my head, unsure, "But marriage... That's one lifetime, Klaus. Not forever and eternity."

Klaus chuckled then, stopping and slowly, backing me into a building. My back hit a brick wall outside some small place of business. Klaus' hands on my hips and his forehead pressing to mine in slow movements. "I lived a millennia and at least a decade without you. Give or take a couple years. I've lost count now. But when I look back at it, all the good experiences don't hold a candle to you. I know without a shadow of a doubt I can love you for twice as long. For forever. You want to know how?"

"How?" I questioned nearly breathless.

Klaus grinned beautifully, his eyes lightened as he stared at me like I was this rare gemstone, the eighth wonder of the world. Full of adoration and love. "Because every moment I can recall from memory, I can picture you there and in my imagination, every experience, good or bad is better. I wish I knew you my whole life. From my days of watching werewolves on full moons as a child, in utter amazement and fascination... I wish you were holding my hand and giggling beside me. To the day I lost Henrik because of it. If your arms could have held me, I think I would've shed less tears. Everything in my life is better because of you. My past would have been better with you, I know it. So I'm positive a future with you is the best thing I could ever wish for."

I was smiling ear to ear when he stopped speaking. My heart was pounding and my whole body seemed to melt. The world faded away as I stared back at the love of my life full of emotion. My eyes were glossed over with tears again, but happy ones. I slowly reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. "Well, when you put it that way..." I whispered, speechless.

Klaus closed the space between us with a long, passionate kiss. His hands slid up my body slowly and firmly feeling me up. I arched my back towards him, tugging on his curls. Our lips slid together softly but our tongues twirled ferociously. I was acutely aware of the desire building inside me and at the same time I knew we were in public. The sounds of the crowded streets couldn't be heard over the pulsing of my heartbeat or the blood rushing to my ears. All I could smell was Klaus cologne with hints of sandalwood which I grew to love, mixed with his strong aftershave that made my eyes want to roll back and gave me the urge to lick him from head to toe.

"I will take you right here, right now, if you let me, baby girl," Klaus suddenly growled, hands on my hips shoving them down firmly against the hard brick behind me.

"No," I whimpered, legs quivering at the idea. I wasn't shy in the least bit. However, some decorum was needed, even when it did come to having sex in public. This was too much of a free show. Unlike our time at the beach. Or a couple picnics at the park under a tree, when we didn't bring Hope.

"Say you're mine," he rasped frantically, hands sliding further to squeeze my butt. His scruffy checks scratching my cheek and jaw and neck as he began kissing and sucking his way to my point of no return.

"I'm yours, Klaus," I panted, clutching onto his shirt desperately.

"Louder," he hissed, beginning to bunch up my black dress whilst moving so his body practically swallowed me whole from public view. "Scream my name."

"Are you insane?" I laughed softly, moving a hand to grab onto his trench coat and pulling it around to hold it from letting anyone get a peak. Because my dress had made its way up to my knees instead of by my ankles.

Klaus held the dress there with his left hand, his other, slithering between my thighs. His body leaned towards the other side of where I held his coat, still nipping at my neck, collarbone, and jaw, anywhere he could reach comfortably.

"Who do you belong to?"

"You," I answered, submissively. "I'm yours, Klaus. All yours. Forever. I swear it, baby."

He smirked as he pulled his face back to look at me. I raised a brow while my forehead began to sweat. Our eyes locked while I felt him pushing my silk panties to the side, his nimble fingers cupping my sex and spreading my flesh apart so he pressed his thumb to my sensitive clit. My jaw dropped as I gasped ever so quietly. But I didn't break eye contact. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to watch me fall apart, as a dozen people walked inches away past us.

I held back a moan as he circled his thumb, around and around, rubbing and circling my clit ever so slowly. Another finger poked its way down as if trying to be discreet until it slid into me with ease and my jaw shook, mouth wide open as I stared at him stunned and delighted. Klaus groaned at the squishing sound of my wetness, his finger surely submerged in the juices of my arousal. "More," I forced out, thrusting my hips forward.

Klaus didn't hesitate to shove three fingers in this time, causing an uncomfortable stretch that had my legs spreading. I raised my left leg up to his hip to give us more room. It was easier for him this way.

"I'm not going to stop," he said.

"I don't want you too," I whined, my pussy pulsing as I moved my hips in sync with his fingers, growing more turned on by the second. I wanted so much more. I wanted his mouth on my nipples, a hand around my throat, my hair pulled and his dick filling me all at once.

"God, you're so tight," Klaus mumbled lowly, fisting my dress even tighter, his knuckles jabbing in between the top of my thigh and my lower abdomen. "I should have taken you in the car. Made love until you forgot your name."

I whimpered, moving to clutch onto his shoulders as I began to fall apart. His jacket blew as a breeze came by, I shivered at the cold and as the flap of his trench coat exposed me. Thankfully, just the side where my dress was being balled up. Not that I cared at this point.

"You keep making those sounds... I'm going to put you in my mouth."

"K-Klaus," I cried out.

"I want this to last forever," he said, slowing his pace. "God, look at you. Face flushed, jaw slacked..." he stopped then, taking the slight step back and his hand leaving my hot sex. He smirked then, "Swollen, throbbing... and I don't mean me." I smacked a hand over my embarrassed face. "Your pussy is open, lips spread apart for me to come back. Begging for more attention... I should make you wait."

"No," I pleaded.

"Touch yourself."

Without a moment to think, I brought one hand to my clit, furiously rubbing it in no particular direction. I could feel my wetness slipping down under me. I raised my other hand to the strapless part of my dress, pushing the left cup down where I knew I was more hidden. I pulled down my bra cup to exposed my entire breast. I cupped my boob and pinched my hard nipple before twisting it around.

"Danielle, I have to have you."

"No," I moaned. "You'll wait."

"I can't," he groaned, palming his own erection.

"You'll wait," I repeated. "When we get home... I'm going to ride you all night long. I'm going to choke on that dick in the morning. I'm going to make you feel as good as me and more. But later. So you fucking wait."

Klaus clenched his jaw, raising a hand up to wrap around my throat finally. His other hand back to my pussy to thrust his fingers in me over and over until I crumbled against him with a loud yelp, which attracted a couple girls walking by me.

My eyes locked on a blonde, but I didn't care. She slowly blushed and then tugged her friends along. Klaus chuckled softly, kissing the side of my neck and sliding his fingers up and down to spread out my sticky residue. "You orgasm like a goddess," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

"I love you," I sighed in content, dropping my leg from his hip. Klaus let go of my dress completely so it fell back in place.

"Do you need a nap?" He chuckled, surprising me as he slipped down to sweep me off my feet.

"Mhm," I hummed. I curled into his chest, kissing his jaw. "I'm still horny," I grumbled softly. "I want your dick."

Klaus laughed loudly, "you damn vixen."


Saturday, January 19th
4:54 PM

"Missed you at Davina's memorial," Marcel spoke before we even entered the loft.

"I thought my presence there would be inappropriate," Klaus said, squeezing my hand.

"Because you and your family threw her to the wolves? Yeah. You probably made the right call," Marcel quipped sarcastically, sitting in a lone chair a few feet from the front door with a half filled glass of bourbon in his hand. He wasn't even looking at us.

"I know how much you cared for her. This must be difficult for you," Klaus said. I stayed quiet, this was not my battle. Besides that I was tired and hungry. But I didn't want Klaus to come face Marcel alone.

"That's funny. 'Cause that doesn't sound like an apology," Marcel scoffed, standing up now.

"Marcel..." Klaus sighed, speechless. I frowned, this was going south so quickly. Klaus was defeated and Marcel was on the offensive. His only emotion was rage while Klaus was obviously guilty and sympathetic.

"I had a chance to save her. To bring her back. But no," Marcel narrated, beginning to pace as his voice slowly raised with each word. "The Mikaelsons decided that couldn't happen. Not if it was inconvenient for them. It seems you're always willing to watch the world burn, long as you survive."

Klaus finally snapped into the conversation, eyes wide now, "Lucien had to die. He would have destroyed us all."

"Yeah. Thanks to his vendetta against you."

"That's not fair," I piped up, frowning disapprovingly. This was not all Klaus' fault. And Lucien's vendetta stemmed to Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah for what they did to them way back when. Compelling them to be the originals so Mikael couldn't hunt them instead of his real children.

"His motive is not the issue. He was a threat. We responded in kind. Had Freya the power to kill Lucien, and save Davina, she would have," Klaus defended his siblings, dropping my hand and he raised his arms and moved to meet Marcel halfway in the middle of the room now.

"Am I supposed to just nod and accept that? We share a bourbon, and I just—!" Marcel was yelling before paused, throwing the glass of bourbon across the room until it shattered against the wall. "Shrug it off," he finished angrily.

"Marcel," I pleaded.

My friend sighed softly, staring at the ground, his shoulders sagged. "Davina had to die. What a shame, but there was no other choice," Marcel mocked my fiancé in a soft tone.

"There wasn't," Klaus said.

Marcel scoffed whilst I held one back. There's always another choice. We all knew it. But far be it from the Mikaelsons to think that far when one of their own felt the pressure of mortality or any danger.

"What am I to you, Klaus? Am I your friend? Your sidekick? I mean, at first, I was a charity case. We all know that. How about now?" Marcel questioned bitterly. "Am I your ally? 'Cause you sure as hell don't treat me like one."

"You and I are bonded by blood. And yes, we quarrel, but that is what family does," Klaus was speaking softly. He was getting closer and closer to Marcel, as if any of this could coax him. I wasn't sure what Marcel would need to help get over this. Part of me thought it would be an apology or admitting fault. But Klaus wouldn't do that. His family wouldn't do that. I honestly didn't think they were sorry. They just didn't like the fallout of their actions with the other people they supposedly cared about. Care enough to call them family, but not enough to let them have Davina Alice.

"Oh, okay. So I'm family?" Marcel paused, glancing around the room before shaking his head in disagreement. "No. I don't see it. Once upon a time, you were my mentor, my savior. My sire. But you've never been my brother. And now... now you're nothing to me."

I flinched at his words. They were full of pain and finality. He was trying to cut loose of this toxic family and I couldn't blame them. I agreed with nearly every word he said. Hell, Klaus and Marcel haven't gotten along in months. This could not have happened at a worse time.

"Marcellus, just give me one last chance to prove you wrong. Come with me," Klaus pleaded.

My fiancé stood there for a moment then he turned towards me, nodding for the door. But I didn't move. I gave him the slightest shake of my head. He pressed his lips together and headed out of the loft without another word.

I moved forward to see Marcel as a couple years fell. "We love you," I said softly, stepping up to my dear friend. His face scrunched together painfully. "Come on, get your coat."

He stood still so I moved closer, wrapping my arms around him. He squeezed me back tightly for a moment then pulled back suddenly. I smiled weakly, reaching up to wipe his face of his tears. "I have no idea where we're going," I told him honestly. "He's trying though."

Marcel gave me a curt nod. Then he stepped away and grabbed his jacked off the end table next to the chair he was in before. I led the way out the loft to the SUV where Klaus was waiting, engines running.

Marcel hopped in the backseat while I got in the front. My fiancé didn't say a word before driving off. We sat in a tense silence for about forty minutes. I wasn't exactly sure where we were. Definitely out of the quarter. Not in the direction of the bayou but somewhere partly familiar.

Klaus pulled up randomly on a grovel street, surrounded by leafless trees. He parked the car, undid his seatbelt and handed me the keys. "Get out," he instructed us.

He hopped out the car first and Marcel and I followed suit. Klaus was walking away already, in his quick pace. That meant he was on a mission. Determination was written all over his face and I could hear when he told us to get out the car. It was a gentler tone, but an order nonetheless.

I cringed in disgust at the iron bridge we had come to see. It was the only thing there. I wasn't sure if it was actually red or that was just how rusted it was. Dinky lanterns went along the hard curves of the bridge. Wooden planks that seemed like I would fall through lined the flooring and the railings.

Klaus was standing in the middle of it so I held Marcel's arm as I hurried along to get to my fiancé for safety. As if he could keep me from plummeting if the old wood gave out.

"You take me to the worst places," I grumbled as I cuddled against Klaus. My fiancé snorted, his arms caging me in as we all stared out at the brown water of the Mississippi River.

"It's a long way to go to make a point," Marcel finally broke the silence between the two of them. Maybe he knew where we were. Klaus couldn't have taken him to some dirty bridge for no damn reason.

"Surely you remember this place," Klaus said, not moving but turning his head to look at Marcel to the right of us.

"Yeah. Sure. Two, three bridges ago, this is where you had me scatter my father's ashes," Marcel shrugged.

"You were still newly turned and I feared the brilliant, kind hearted boy I raised would be lost in a cloud of rage, so I brought you here, to the bridge our family crossed when we first brought you home. The threshold between your past and your future. Long before you realized how much we loved New Orleans. A love that was born alongside our love for you, our family's newest member," Klaus smiled.

I held back an "Aw" cause that poetically said. My man had a way with words. Well... when he wanted to. He had bad timing sometimes or said the wrong thing whenever we argued.

"You can say that as many times as you like, doesn't make it so," Marcel retorted.

Klaus backed up a step, dropping his arms to his sides as he faced Marcel. Me ever so slightly between the two, as I turned so my back was against the railing of the bridge and I could watch both men.

"You may hate me, but your hatred only marks you as my kin. From the moment I met you, I saw myself in you. And when I brought you here to scatter your father's remains you did something I never could. You released your hate to the wind and it was that day I saw your full potential," Klaus said, closing the space between them by stepping around me. His voice growing more and more serious. "And I knew you to be my son."

Marcel took only a handful of second to digest those beautiful words. He practically spat all over them as he chuckled unamused, pacing away from Klaus, who glanced at me shocked and disturbed by this reaction. I shrugged back at my fiancé, moving forward to stand by his side now.

"Did you remind me of all that, hoping I'd feel like I owe you something?" Marcel asked, beginning to walk in a circle around us. "Huh? Let me tell you, being a part of your life hasn't exactly been a gift. And whatever debt's I owe, I paid them back, alright? A long, long time ago. If one of us is standing in red. I'm going to say it's you," he finished.

I stared at him in disbelief. His back to us as he went and stood on the other side of the bridge, staring out at the water. "Nice view, pretty sunset. Why ruin it with more talk? At this point it's just noise," Marcel said after a few moments of silence.

"You are so like me, stubborn, full of anger," Klaus replied, nearly proud.

"I'm nothing like you."

I snorted then, "Yeah, okay." Marcel gave me a deadpanned look then. I shrugged, amused now. These two were surely alike. Marcel was every bit of Klaus and better. He clearly learned a lot from his adoptive father. But as all parents want I'm sure, is their children to have it better than they did and to turn out more successful and less fucked up then they were. Klaus succeeded. Klaus' issues with Marcel were trivial. As much as he was annoyed by his protege constantly trying to outsmart him, I saw the pride in his eyes. It's what got under his skin, being beat at his own game.

"You're wrong. You see I raised you in my image and yet, when you thrived, I allowed my worst fears to take root. Instead of feeling pride of the man you'd become, I began to feel a sense of unease of distrust. And I feared you would become my better," Klaus mused.

"I never wanted to be better than you. Not until you started trying to hold me down," Marcel said, hostility finally leaving his voice. But his face said he had more anger to hold onto. And more emotions he was trying to hide. But I could see the chink in his armor.

Klaus spun around, his back to Marcel as he stared out at the sun which looked ready to start setting and the water glowing in sunlight looked white instead of brown. It was almost pretty.

"I haven't done enough... Well enough, when it comes to you. But you and I are bonded by fate, by history, and by blood and you, Marcel, will always be my family," Klaus stated, turning around at the end and locking eyes with Marcel, whose jaw shook.

I was on edge of anxiety waiting for Marcel to speak. Because his eyes had softened. He looked ready to give in. Like Klaus is the one he needed comfort from. I clenched the keys in my hands ready to excuse myself so they could have this father, son moment on the horizon that they both so desperately needed.

"Gentlemen," a familiar voice broke out into the void of silence between us. All eyes and heads turned to see Elijah at the end of the bridge where our car was parked. My hands balled into fists. What the hell was he doing here? Klaus was making headway. We could fix this! Elijah would only make this worse. This was all his fault! And his entitlement? Like he did nothing wrong. Disgusting.

"Am I interrupting something?" Elijah questioned when no one greeted him back. There was a hint of a smirk on his lips as he feigned politeness. Yet, the edge to his voice didn't go unnoticed by me. The unusual quickness of his delicate cadence. Whilst something viciousness swirled in his brown orbs. A look I was familiar with. An accusatory gaze, defensive stance, and a paranoid assumption. It was a signature Klaus look. The two men never seemed more related. That could only mean one thing: something was wrong, very wrong. I could almost taste the wickedness in the air as it engulfed the four of us in this suddenly, shifted atmosphere.

~Picture: Danielle on Jan 19th for Davina and Cami's funerals 🖤

You know what happens next...

But you'll have to wait and see for sure. How was this chapter? Everyone is dealing with aftermath of Cami and Davina dying. Is anyone surprised by Dani's reaction? She's pretty mad at everyone. And she kept Marcel having the serum to herself. Is it too late to tell now? Or should she just take it the grave? Or should she have told Klaus in the damn first place?

We got a bit of dialogue between our favorite couple. Serious talk and progress followed by a steamy moment. I'm trying to make up for lost times. Many sex scenes have been cut short, vague or stopped at the good parts since book 1 I feel. I blame the breakup in this book, but I want to get them back to their passionate love making selves. Details and all. The best part is, it's Klaus... I feel like I can push the boundaries because why not? I can't think of any kink Klaus wouldn't have. Or anything he wouldn't do or want done to him 😉

Anyways, any future predictions or suggestions. We're coming towards the end of this book. There's only 3 more chapters. Chapter 28 will be the last and I can't wait until we get there. Because I have exciting news and big plans for BOOK 4!

If you liked this chapter leave some black emojis for Danielle's outfit 🎵♣️🖊️

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