Aftermaths | TMF Jake Angst

By Foxeana1213

4.7K 162 222

This takes place after Zoey leaked the audio to the whole school. All she wanted, and expected was for Jake t... More

(1) After the audio
(2) Hospital
(3) Attacks
(4) The third call
(5) Rope
(7) Goodbye
(@##$) Original Plot

(6) Dream

476 15 5
By Foxeana1213


Milly had just woken up in the hospital. It was so bright, for the first few minutes she couldn't keep her eyes open, because it was so right, it was almost painful.

She noticed that she had been sharing a room with someone else, she didn't know who. There was a curtain separating the two, but she felt like she knew them. It was just a gut feeling. She noticed that somebody was visiting the person next to her, it took a while for her to begin to register what was being said. That made sense because she had been attacked by Maya and left to bleed to death. She didn't even know who had brought her to the hospital, she just know that somebody had.

"I'm sorry Jake, I should have paid more attention." A boy said, Milly didn't recognize his voice at first, but then she noticed. It was Drew.

Why was Jake in the hospital, again? He had mostly healed from the stairs incident, so he had to be in there for something new.

"I knew something was wrong, I was too angry to notice you, and you tried to kill yourself!" Drew seemed to be crying? Wait, Jake tried to kill himself?! "You don't know haw terrified Zander was, he was crying. Milo was horrified when I showed up, after the ambulance." His voice was shaking.

She tried to speak, but she couldn't form words. She was in shock, she was able to sit up, but it was clear that she did. Drew probably heard that.

"Oh, that Milly girl's awake." Drew sighed, after a few minutes. "Sorry Jake, I have to go-"

"Drew, don't leave," Milly was barely able to force the words out for her throat. But she did, she hoped that Drew would hear her, and stay. Even though she hated him, and believed that he was a jerk, she didn't think he was a horrible friend.

"Why should I stay, I've caused your group enough pain, plus you hate me." Drew said quietly.

"Because Jake needs you. I can't comfort him, and I don't think that many other people would want to."


Hailey was asleep, that part was obvious. It was nice.

She was dreaming, her and Jake were on a tall metal pillar? Tower? She didn't know, but it was rusted, and there was a small platform that could hold two people safely. There was no guard rail, but it was peaceful.

"Jake?" She turned to him, partially wondering where she was.

"Yeah?" He responded with a chuckle. He had no reason to be worried.

"Where are we-" a strong gust of wind interrupted her, it pushed her and Jake, and they began falling.

She rushed to push her arms out to catch her fall. However, time had seemed to slow down, she began to wonder, how could this be fair. She had finally been able to talk to Jake after not talking, for almost a week. Come to think of it, it hadn't been that long, but she felt it was.

Now she was falling off a tall metal tower, that stood at least three stories off the ground. She tried to look for Jake, but the wind made it practically impossible to do without snapping her neck. The ground was rushing towards her, faster than she could think, then she shut her eyes.

The impact was surprisingly light, she felt little small pricks of liquid falling from her arms. Looking down, she realized that there were small cuts running up and down her arms, nothing dangerous, but they were inconvenient.

"Jake!" She yelled, she needed to know where he was. But he didn't answer. "Jake?" She lifted her head up, just to not see Jake.

She saw blood, but not Jake's. She believed that it was her own, not Jake's, why would it be his? He was behind her.

She turned around, what she saw threw her to her feet. No wonder he hadn't responded, he had fallen on two sets of spiral razor wire. He was bleeding out, and dead.

He had landed in such a way that his throat was completely embedded into the spiral razor wire, blood was pooling underneath it fast, and his stomach was also crushed inside of the wires.

It was a horrifying sight, and once Hailey had started to process what she was seeing, the landscape turned black, it was only black. Then she found herself in Jake's room, facing his closed door. She did not want to turn around, but she was forced to.

She was met with Jake's hanging body. He was wearing a white short sleeve shirt, with red shorts that went to his knees. He wore white socks. There were cuts running up and down his arms, and his face was tear stained.

Words: 805

Sorry that this is a short chapter, I needed to get something out, and I accidentally overdosed on my medicine, which made it difficult to write and focus. Next chapter will be longer and better, don't worry.

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