The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

70.8K 1.8K 535

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 13: Trust

815 21 7
By Zach42799

Solitas Tundra

4:15 AM

3 Years To The Fall

Roy pov

Its been several hours since Y/n went under. In that time, his leg has repaired itself as best as to be expected. Between his aura and that green energy, his leg is looking a lot better. It was still scarred to hell but it wasn't bleeding anymore, at least. We also didn't know if he could walk on it or not. He was still out and a little pale but overall, he was doing better. Kyle has been helping to keep an eye on him ever since we got to the meeting point. 

Winter hasn't really left his side either. I've been concerned about her knowing who he was. Winter was Atlas, she has a obligation to report his identity. If that happened, then he would be hunted down by the kingdoms until the day he dies. It would be safer to take her out, but I was against the idea. Winter hasn't done anything aside from work for an asshole. Was that really grounds enough to kill her. No, absolutely not. Even if I could beat her in a fight, which I doubt I could, killing her is against everything Red and I are about.

Winter noticed me staring and moves towards me. On reflex, my hand goes to the sword at my side. Winter either didn't notice, or didn't care because she stopped well within striking distance. We held eye contact for a second. She was playing a game on me, seeing if I would actually use the sword on her. The answer was no, but I wasn't about to let her know that. 

Roy: So, I know I'm handsome, but I get a bit self-conscious when people stare~

Winter: So do I, and you've been staring at me for quite a bit now. Is there something you wish to discuss? 

....Have I been staring? Well, that's awkward. Ok Roy, don't make this any worse than it is.

Roy: I wasn't staring at you. I was staring at Y/ns leg. Its a beautiful leg....

Winter: ...That is a lie, and his leg is mangled....


Winter: Why are you nervous?

Roy: I'M NOT!

Winter reeled back from my shout. I didn't mean for that to happen but here we are. Oum, this is going just perfect. Winter was completely lost, and so was I. Why WAS I nervous? was it because of the sleep deprivation, or was it worry for Y/n. It couldn't be because of Winter?



Winter: Alright then... Are you ok?

Roy: Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired.

Winter: I can keep watch over him while you sleep. Kyle already fell asleep and Y/ns leg is almost completely healed. 

Roy: I know... I just cant help but worry about after... What if he can't walk properly. That green stuff helped, but his leg is, as you say, mangled. 

Winter: Y/n will be fine. Everything he's survived up to this point, its not going to be a worm that kills him, I'm sure. 

Roy: Your probably right... but he's my little brother... I have to worry for him. 

Winter nodded in understanding. She had Weiss and Whitley, after all. She knew what it was like to worry for your younger siblings. Winter walked closer and sat beside me. She was as calm as could be. Not a single concern that I would harm her for knowing Y/n. Was I just that easy to read or was she that confident that I wouldn't harm her? It really didn't matter. Winter wrapped an arm around me and brought my head down to her lap. Now I really was confused.

Winter: This used to calm Whitley down when he was upset or scared about something. He would fall asleep just as fast as he would lay his head down. Maybe it will help you.

I admit that it was comfortable. I'll also admit that I had reservations about this. Why would she do this? Why would she do any of this? We were enemies when we met her, and technically, we still are. I don't understand why she's going out of her way to help us now. She should be looking for a golden opportunity to take a hike and reveal us to Atlas. Now I just had to ask. 

Roy: Why are you doing all this?

Winter: What do you mean?

Roy: You've had every opportunity to run and bring the military down on us, But you didn't.... You could have left Y/n to die, But you didn't. Now your doing this. Why?

Winter looked down at me. For a second, there was a look in her eyes that I couldn't place. This whole scenario was odd. One thing I was certain of was that Winter looked absolutely stunning right now. It was taking everything I had to keep myself on track. I pushed that thought to the back, I would address that later. 

Winter: ...I know what happened to Y/n. What he did to keep his sisters safe... How he was presumed dead since there was no body recovered from the original house.

Roy: Wait, original? Someone rebuilt it?

Winter: Yes. His sisters asked Qrow to use some of the money that they got from the life insurance that was on Summer and Y/n to rebuild their house. They said that there was just as many good memories as bad there, and that they wanted it as a reminder of what Y/n did for them. The girls still live in that house and Qrow makes visits as often as he can to check on them. He even trained them to be Huntresses like they wanted. 

Roy: Y/n was tortured by a Huntsman for months on end... Why would they want to join them?

Winter: So that there wont be another story like Y/n Rose's in the world. 

That was admirable, I'd give them that. But given how Y/n reacts to Huntsmen, I cant imagine he'd be cool with that. Huntsmen were inherently dangerous to us because of what we were. There was nothing to be done about that. But Y/n has a justifiable reason to loathe Huntsmen and I cant blame him for it. Not all of them was like Tai, and he recognizes that if the Huntsman we fought in the village... Wow... has it really only been a week since we left? It feels like so much has happened since then. Back on track though, He spared the Huntsman in that village and gave him his first-aid kit. Y/n must know they're not all like Tai but he still struggles with it. 

I made a decision in this moment. She knew Y/ns name, and knew who he was. Strangely enough, I trusted her with that information. So I was going to entrust her with something else. If Y/n goes down, then I'll go down with him. 

Roy: ....Roy Winchester....

Winter looked down at me wide eyed. She wasn't expecting me to come out and say a name, much less, my name. The name of a disgraced son from the Winchester family. I spoke again, this time making sure I was clearer. I reached toward my face and removed my mask. 

Roy: My name is Roy Winchester.

Winter pov

Roy Winchester. That was another name I was familiar with. His story was controversial to say the least. I don't know what brought these two together, but I can see what kept them together. Roy was clearly nervous. He was entrusting me with his name and face. Unlike with Y/n, it was entirely of his volition that he revealed himself to me. I looked down at Roy, dumbstruck that he would trust me since we started off the way we did. 

Roy was definitely a man that looked like he was shady with his mask on, but with it off, he was quite handsome. If he shaved off his beard and have proper clothes rather than combat gear, he would look quite dashing. I felt my cheeks flush as I looked down on him in my lap. He looked exhausted and on the verge of sleep, yet he still looked up at me with a compassionate gaze. I don't know why, but I was going to keep both of their identities secret. 

They help people, even if their methods are wrong. Maybe one day, they can grow and learn that they don't have to kill every adversary put in their way. I knew that Roy was well on that path but Y/n concerned me. He had no issue ending someone's life if it meant that he can accomplish his mission. Maybe there was more to it than that, but that was what I had seen so far. 

My focus returned to Roy and I saw that he had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful sitting here. I felt myself getting comfortable as I looked down at him. My eyes were getting heavy and I was having difficulty trying to stay awake. I took one quick look at Y/n to see if he was still alright. Once confirming that, I looked back at Roy and closed my eyes. The only one on my mind was Roy and his beautiful emerald color eyes....

Yang pov

4:54 AM

I bolted upright from my bed with my semblance active. Franticly, I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was home, great start. I was in my room, even better. I got up from my bed and left the room. I needed fresh air. As I walked through the dark hallway, I stopped at a unused room. The first room on the left... Y/n room. All of his possessions were destroyed all those years ago, but we managed to recreate his old room. 

I reached out to the door but stopped before my hand reached the handle. We kept the room pristine but neither Ruby nor I stepped foot in there by our own choice. This wasn't healthy for either of us. We just couldn't let him go. It's been nearly a decade and we're still hurting over losing him. I lowered my hand and continued downstairs. 

I left out the front door and onto the porch. The early morning air was cool. Summer on patch was hot and humid, but during the night, it cooled down quite a bit. It helped me to come out here to calm down. This house was something I loved and hated at the same time. When I slept here, I would have constant nightmares of Tai, specifically from that night.

I wondered what Y/n would look like at our age. I wondered what he would be like now. Would he be the same boy that I knew as a child or would he have changed? These thoughts were constantly there. What ifs and should haves swirling around, never ending. What could I have done to save him being the biggest question that stayed with me. 

It was torture. Ever since Qrow became our guardian, we both have been going to therapists who specialized in childhood trauma. Ruby was given a clean bill of health, outside of her hurt over our brother. She was lucky to have been so young as to be able to bounce back the way she did. I on the other hand was diagnosed with PTSD and Intermittent explosive disorder. PTSD was a given after what happened, but the outbursts of raw anger was something that I though was just who I was. I didn't think it was a actual condition that needed management. 

It was hard to keep it in check. My semblance made it even harder since it feeds off of it. I was reckless in a fight, so much so that Qrow had to set his foot down with me about it. I didn't consider risk factors or even care to acknowledge them. I just let my instincts take me wherever it may. But with the traumas, it makes it extremely dangerous to me to just dive head first into them. Put simply, my mind and instincts have been poisoned by what happened that night. I was told letting fly like that would get me killed, but I honestly didn't care. 

It was so hard to distinguish what was me and what was my problems taking hold. Was it really the trauma making me this reckless or was it just a me thing. It was a scary thing not even knowing yourself well enough to distinguish between the two. I took a deep breath and turned back from the porch. I was wide awake now so there was no use trying to go back to sleep. I stopped in the living room and turned on the TV. 

Reporter: -nee dust company mine was attacked earlier tonight by what people have been calling the "Red Hood" and another man who has yet to be identified. This masked individual who at first seemed to be a vigilante, is wanted for the murders of Cedrick Rorke, Miller Plankerd, and Joseph Reed as well as the aggravated battery of Norman Sing, one of the two men to survive his first attack. As of now it is unclear what motives he and his cohort had to have led an assault on the SDC mine but they are considered terrorists who are to be taken in dead or alive. Their number of victims are estimated to be in the dozens from tonight alone. Jacques Schnee will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to address the lives of his workers who were lost. In other news Roman Sio-

I stared at the Tv processing what I had seen and heard. Photos of the remains of a burnt out mine were shown as the news anchor was talking. It was devastated, like all the Dust in the mine was ignited all at once. Maybe that did happen... The pictures of this "Red Hood" and the other man were plastered on the screen the whole time it showed the destruction at the mine.

I couldn't understand the brutality of what he did. Why would he need to go so far as to kill them? And why would he destroy a dust mine? What was the point of it? This guy wasn't a hero... He was a murderer, plain and simple. He's in Atlas so they should get him and his buddy soon. I wanted to be a Huntress to stop people like that. People who have no regard for other peoples lives. People like Tai... I changed the channel to the TV and quickly forgot about the couple of murderers on the news. They'd get theirs soon enough....

Y/n Pov

5:30 AM

I awoke to an intense throbbing pain in my left leg. I looked at my leg. Words couldn't describe how shocked I was to find that my leg was fully healed despite the pain in it. Scars littered my leg from the knee down. I lifted myself up off of the bedroll that I found myself on. As I put weight onto my leg, I buckled and fell back down. It was agonizing, like my leg was still tore up. 

I noticed movement in the corner of my eye. I turned to see Kyle getting up and rushing to me. 

Kyle: Red Hood, are you ok?

Y/n: I'm fine... Where is everybody else?

Kyle: Everyone is safe. The woman who got burned with acid is doing well too. 

That was great to hear. I remembered bits and pieces from the fight, specifically the screaming. I tried to get back up but my leg still didn't want to cooperate. The throbbing pain was fading with every passing second. I noticed Roy and Winter.... I pulled out my scroll and took a picture and placed it my blackmail folder. That will come in handy later.

Jokes aside, I tried one more time to get up, this time with Kyles help. I was able to stand up and continue to stand on my own. The pain had become more of a dull ache. I was curious how it had healed as fast as it did. Actually, how long has it been since the fight? I looked at the scroll in my hand and saw that I was out for only a few hours. 

Winter began to stir from her sleep. As her eyes opened and landed on me, she bolted upright, knocking Roy off of her lap. Good thing I got the picture when I got the chance....

Roy: What the hell! Why wou-

Roys eyes landed on me. I noticed that his mask was off. Well, that's his choice, I don't want to hear about his identity being revealed when we let Winter go. Killing her was never on the table, but making sure she was out of the way for a bit was. Just long enough for us to move on. 

Winter: I'm glad to see your alright and able to stand.

Roy: Yeah! We were worried that you wouldn't be able to after the Centinel got you. 

Y/n: Well, it took a few tries but I got it with a bit of help from Kyle.

Kyle Smiled brightly. 

Kyle: You've done much more for us. I'm glad I could help!

Roy: Why don't you go see if the Huntresses are up. We still need to hash out what to do with you all.

Kyle: You got it, Arsenal!

Kyle bolted away to go do as Roy asked. Kid was energetic, I'll give him that. I turned back to see Winter staring at me... Now I was getting creeped out...

Y/n: ...Why are you staring at me?

Winter: You look just like Qrow.




The fuck did she say...?

I reached to my face and realized that my helmet was gone. I also realized that she said Qrow, meaning that she knew who I was. I went from happy and relieved that everything was fine to absolutely pissed. I yanked a pistol from my holster and grabbed Winter, throwing her face first into the ground and placing my pistol to the side of her head. I was so angry that I had forgotten that she was Weiss' sister. 

Roy: Y/N STOP!


Winter was wide eyed but otherwise calm, like she expected this to happen. She steadied her breathing and began her explanation. Every word that came out of her mouth pissed me off more and more. Qrow felt that he needed to take care of Yang and Ruby now that I was gone? What a fucking joke! He was never there when I needed him! He probably wasn't even their when I fucking died! 

Winter ended her explanation and looked genuinely worried about me. I knew my face was telling a very colorful story about how upsetting this whole thing is. The pain in my left leg was not helping either. I got off of her and holstered the pistol. I turned to storm off and Roy tried to stop me. 

Y/n: Roy, leave me be...

Roy: Y/n, please man! You need to calm down!


Roy: How about because she has had every opportunity to get one over on us but didn't. She even let you put a gun to her head and didn't fight back. She doesn't mean us harm, she's proven that ever since the freighter, and if it wasn't for her, you would be dead right now. 

Y/n: I had it under control...

Roy: Your limp tells a different story.

Roy and I stared each other down. Winter was watching quietly. This was a shit situation for me. I honestly didn't care about her knowing my name. I was pissed because she knew the whole story. That was something I only trusted a very select few with and now Winter, an outsider in my eyes, knows. It was clear that Roy had her back on this, probably had some thing to do with how they had slept. I couldn't care less right now. 

???: You two need to get a room. All this screaming, its too early in the morning for it.

I turned to see the woman I had seen before when I was going in and out. She must be one of the Huntresses that Roy and I were supposed to meet. So much for going to cool off. I didn't trust them no more than I trusted Winter but oh well. I walked back over to get my helmet. They've already saw my face so there was no real point, but I wanted it on. My masks were comforting to me. I wished I still had my first one, my dream mask, but it was still with Pietro. I quickly thought about Penny too. I wonder if she's awake yet? 

I put it on and walked back to them. By now the other Huntresses were with her. 

???: My name is Robyn. Glad to see you walking. That green stuff really works, huh?

???: Was that your semblance?

I looked at the woman who asked about the Lazarus energy. She was a short faunus girl with sheep ears. She looked small and weak, but I would bet that she was the best fighter out of all of them. Unassuming people always were the ones to look out for. 

Y/n: No... Its rude to ask someone a question without introducing yourself first.

???: Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Fiona Thyme. Its a pleasure to meet you.

Y/n: Likewise.

???: I'm May Merigold, glad to see your up and done bleeding all over the place.

Y/n: Real cute...

???: Names Joanna Greenleaf.

Y/n: Y/n Todd...

Winter looked at me as I said my name. Rather, the name I took. Y/n Rose was dead and gone. Y/n Todd on the other hand was a perfectly health male who was freezing his ass of in this hellhole they call Solitas. The Huntresses all nodded and Roy introduced himself. Winter watched us as this went on. Me and her would be having a very long talk on the way back to Mantle.

Robyn: So, before we start. Why are you two running around Mantle and killing people? I mean, they deserved it, I'm sure. But why killing?

Y/n: Because I cant stand people who would exploit people to get ahead. Nor do I abide by the abuse of people who've done nothing wrong.

May: But why kill?

Y/n: Its personal, Huntress.

The group didn't like that I was refusing to explain myself to them. Tough...

Fiona: Well, you don't seem bad. You just do bad things to help people.

Roy: Yup! That's why we're called The Outlaws!

I chuckled at Roys comment there. But all in all, she was right. We were doing bad things while trying to help. Got to get back on track though, the Schnee family might be safe for the moment, but we still got to go to the Sionis Foundry to meet the team. Urgh, not looking forward to that.

Joanna: Outlaws, huh. Seems fitting. 

Roy: Right!

Y/n: Alright! Back on topic... You know Solitas and Atlas better than we do and these people need to be relocated fast. Can you do that?

Robyn: We can. We always love to stick it to Ironwood. But we're going to need something in return.

Roy: And what would that be?

Robyn outstretched her hand.

Robyn: Take my hand.

I didn't trust this in the slightest. I looked at Roy and he simply shrugged. Winter however was shaking her head no. I had a feeling that Winter was right about not complying. I took hold of her hand and it began to shimmer green. Nothing physical happened, but I was starting to get uncomfortable. 

Robyn: Why do you do what you do?

Y/n: I told you its personal.

Robyn nodded her head. I don't understand what her semblance was but it was nothing good. I had a hunch that it was a way to distinguish something about me. Maybe a lie detector. Most likely. If that's what it was, I wondered if the tricks to fool a polygraph test would work.

Robyn: I know, but I would like to know who I'm dealing with. I've seen the bodies in the alleyway. Are you a heartless monster who enjoys violence or are you really someone who wants to help people. So I ask again... Why do you do what you do?

Y/n: ....I do it because there was a young boy who laid down his life for his family because a monster was living under the same roof as them. That boy died and from then on, I decided to make sure that there's no more people like that fucker roaming free. For a long time, I held back that need to ensure no more kids like him had to suffer, and now that I don't have that leash... Well, here we are.

Robyn seemed satisfied with my answer. She let go of my hand with a slight smile. Winter though, knew the whole story and was watching me, studying me... Robyn gave the order to round up the workers and get them ready to travel. Robyn turned back to me and asked one final question.

Robyn: That boy. What was his name?

Y/n: ....Rose....

Robyn: Hmm... Give us a call if you ever need us. I know that your legit and your capable. Just try to tone down on the killing kid. You only lose a part of yourself with every life you take.

Y/n: Evil can't be cured, Robyn.... Only killed.

Robyn and I both stood for a moment longer. We both knew what the other was thinking, but we knew where the other was coming from. In such a short time and with so little, Robyn earned my respect. I was still on the fence about her group, but only Robyn would do for now. Robyn turned and walked away and I turned to Roy and Winter. 

Y/n: So how far are we from Mantle?

Roy: About seven miles. Robyn and I already talked transportation back to the city. It'll be a bit but the thing is though, we still got Winter. 

I looked at Winter and sighed. Now that I had calmed down a bit, I was willing to listen to her. I looked at Roy. I didn't want to get her involved. What if she turned around and went straight to Ironwood with this. We'd be screwed. Not only that, we were already in a bad situation because she had our names and faces. Roy nodded his head, vouching for her. I sighed and nodded back.

Y/n: Alright Winter.... Despite my best efforts to the contrary, it looks like your going to be in on this with us. But if you breathe a word about this to Ironwood, it wont just be us going down. You'll get what I mean as we explain. 

Oum.... This was getting better and better by the second....

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