Princess of Mardalia

Por blackgirlwriter97

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~BWWM. WMBW. Interracial. Love Triangle. Historical. Royalty. -Oops I fell in love with my brother's wife...~... Más

~*~ Princess of Mardalia: Characters ~*~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

89 7 0
Por blackgirlwriter97

The caravan of riders and wagons slowly approached the town outside of the castle walls. The people of the village looked up at Prince Atticus and Princess Aisha.

There were little boys sparring with wooden swords who stopped to wave at the pair enthusiastically. Aisha was shocked and raised her hand to wave back at them.

A man that was walking stopped to bow at them and smile, as they rode by. It seemed as if all of the subjects stopped to wave at Atticus. He was well liked by the people.

A little girl calls out from the side. "Prince Atticus!"

Atticus slows down his horse as they meet her path. She has a beautiful white flower extended.

The little blind girl stares up at Aisha with wide adoring eyes and a big smile.

"This is for you Princess."

Aisha smiles and takes the flower. "Thank you so much."

The little girl smiles bashfully and takes off running. Aisha straightens back up in the saddle and tucks the flower under the cloak with her.

"I am glad to see you well received by my people."

"As am I your highness. I feel very welcome here so far."

Atticus smiles, looking at the back of her curly head of hair.

The gates are open as the caravan crosses through to the castle. Aisha is stunned at its magnitude. It's massive and she wonders how she will learn the place.

It wasn't the square concept she was used to in her own kingdom.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Pantoran. Your new home." Atticus says kindly in his deep voice.

When they arrived at the steps leading to the castle, Atticus dismounted the steed and helped Aisha down.

"Thank you your highness," she said gratefully.

Standing face to face Atticus could take her in more. She was breath taking and her exotic features were beautiful. He was so intrigued with her and couldn't wait to know her more.

"Come, there are a few people you should meet."

He leads her through a set of dark, heavy wooden doors with a silver plaque engraved with their family crest situated in the middle.

He leads her into the castle and down an ornate hallway lined with photos, swords and shields, armor and other things. The family's colors were evident everywhere. Blue and white, like the dress she wore. He lead her into a great hall where his father and mother sat in their thrones.

Atticus lead her to the base of the stairs that lead to them.

"Mother and Father, I introduce to you Princess Aisha."

Aisha bowed as low as she could go before looking up at the two. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your Majesties. Thank you for welcoming me to your kingdom."

The Queen stood up and made her descent down the stairs. She reached out for Aisha's hands and smiled upon her.

"You are so beautiful! I am so excited to call you my daughter in law in due time. How was your journey here?" She spoke cheerfully.

Aisha was taken aback by the Queen's warm approach, but did not let it show.

"It was pleasant, your majesty. I quite enjoyed sailing and the solitude the ship offered, but I am glad to be here now."

"We are a sailing people." She paused, "King Eirik come down here and meet the Princess."

Queen Izella looked to her husband then back to Aisha with a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. Aisha could see the excitement that the Queen had. Axel has explained that their mother only had 3 sons. No daughters to share womanhood and feminine things with.

The king made his descent down the stairs and extended a handshake for the Princess. He looked like an older version of both his sons. Very handsome and inviting.

"You will make a beautiful bride for my son." He smiles.

"I love that you are wearing our house colors. You look so beautiful in this blue and white." The Queen gushes.

"Thank you your majesties. I am glad my appearance has pleased you."

Aisha was very happy she wore this dress.

"Mother, Father, I'm going to show Princess Aisha around and to her chambers."

Aisha bowed again and followed Atticus out of the great hall. He takes her to the armory where weapons adorn every wall. There are jewel encrusted pieces and ceremonial swords held in display cases.

Then he took her to the library which was 3 levels high.

"You can come in here and read up on anything you'd like. My home is your home now."

Aisha couldn't believe how kind he had been. His offer of his home felt genuine and real. It did not feel like the words of someone who didn't feel it. She was impressed by his warmth and charming persona.

"My favorite books are here in the world history section."

"What part of history interests you the most?"

He looked at her as he pondered it. "I'd have to say the causes and effects of wars on human history. What creates a tyrant, what factors create tensions that lead to brother fighting brother and lastly the effect is has on humanity after."

"Have you been to battle?" She asked taking a look at him as he lead her around the room.

"A few times. I have been trained as a knight and warrior, but in the last few years I have been taking over duties in the castle. I do not see combat as often as I did in my youth. Come, I will show you the grand hall where we will have a feast in your honor."

She follows him out of the library and through the hall where he casually steals glances at her. She wasn't short, but she wasn't tall. The top of her head reached his armpits. She was skinny, but shapely, he noticed.

The dress she wore hung to her figure in ways he appreciated noticing. The keyhole part of the dress exposed an ample amount of her cleavage for him to peer at.

He pushed open the door to the grand hall where they would host the feast. In the center of the room was a long oak table that was surrounded by chairs. The table was adorned with flowers, pine cones, green leaves and a navy blue runner. Candles were set, ready to be lit. The high ceilings were adorned with white ceiling drapes and the columns were lined in blue drapes.

"Wow this is beautiful." She said walking about the massive room.

"There must be a lot of people in attendance to occupy this whole space."

"There are representatives from all the clans coming to meet you. I will be most lucky that you are called upon by me, as my betrothed."

She stops in her steps and fixedly looks at Atticus. He peers at her with honesty and openness. Aisha doesn't know how to feel about the emotions she sees in his eyes. She did not expect to come here and have the Prince so enamored with her.

It had been weeks since she last saw I'ekae, but he still held a piece of heart, no matter how she convinced herself of her duty. But to feel Atticus' genuine interest in her was stirring strange feelings in herself.

"I am honored and esteemed that you think that of me, Prince Atticus."

"There's no need for formalities with me, please call me Atticus. Just Atticus."

She nods. "Thank you, Atticus."

"I quite like the way my name sounds from your mouth."

She swallows as her heart rate begins to pick up. She liked it too. She wanted to hear her name from his mouth.

"Well I'd like you to call me Aisha, then."

"I can do that, Aisha."

The way her name falls off his tongue sends a shiver down her spine.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Just getting used to this cold." She lied.

"Come I will take you to our garden house. It's warm in there."

He led them out of the grand hall and down to the green house garden. When he opened the door they were met with the warm muggy air of the blooming garden.

"Oh, this is beautiful!" Aisha's eyes lit up with awe. She walks around the garden smelling and looking at the flowers native to Pantoran.

He follows her around the garden as he ponders his thoughts. He was wholly aware of his burgeoning desire for her. If it were not for his duty to his kingdom, he would have no chance with Aisha.

He knew they could rule together. He would see his duty through, but it did not have to be without warmth.


"Yes, Atticus."

"Why did you decide to come to Pantoran and accept my offer for marriage?"

She thought about it and really the answer was she had no choice. She had to marry Atticus. It was what her kingdom needed, even if it was against her own true desires.

"I did not choose to accept your proposal. I'm here because of duty," she paused, "As I suspect you are?"

"Yes, I am doing it for my kingdom. It's my role. I respect you for your commitment to your people."

"Thank you Atticus."

"I have arranged separate living quarters for you until our wedding. I did not want you to be uncomfortable."

"Oh? I thought I would be staying in your chambers."

His face lit up at the idea. No, he was not ready for that. He would not be able to contain himself.

"You will stay in them after we wed. I thought it would be good, to sleep separately until we knew each other better."

"I give you my thanks." She was actually very happy about this arrangement. It made her feel a little more at ease knowing no funny business would occur between them.

He leads her out into the hallway when a servant stops them.

"Your highness the King and Queen request your presence."

He looks to Aisha.

"Don't worry I won't wander off too far while I wait for you," she says with a charming smile.

He grabs her hand and kisses it. "I'll be returning to you soon."

She watches as he and the servant walk away as she looked around the hall. A portrait of a family is perched on the wall. She examines the people in the photo finding resemblances to Atticus' family.

She walked along the hall looking at sculptures and portraits. As she walked she heard the sound of clashing swords. She followed the sound as she made her way out of the castle and into a courtyard.

Outside two men in armor were training. She watched in awe as one of the men battered the other. He moved with force and agility, countering every blow.

The handsome man grunted and side stepped a jab from his opponent. When the other was off balance from his attack he took the opportunity to swiftly knock him off his feet and point his sword at his throat.

"Do you yield?" He asked with a deep and woody voice.

The other warrior nodded. The Victor of the battle turned around.

Aisha watched as he turned away smiling. His brow was covered in sweat and his brown hair was matted to his forehead.

The dark stranger made eye contact with her from across the field. Princess Aisha couldn't tear away from his gaze. He gave her a cool, mischievous smile as he walked over to where she stood.

"My lady, I didn't know we would have any spectators," he said before removing his glove and extending his hand to hers.

She gently lifted her hand and he took it, raking his eyes over her figure as he kissed her soft knuckle. His eyes met her face again and he was enthralled by her plump lips, brown skin and curly locks. He had not seen such a beautiful woman.

Aisha withdrew her hand as she examined him closer. He was handsome. His chiseled jaw and strong nose and beard were alluring. His dark brown eyes held a darkness to it, but she could see a hint of light.

"I hope my appearance wasn't distracting. I could not turn my eyes away from such a skilled fight."

"Well maybe I can help you find your way. I know this castle like the back of my hand." He spoke flirtatiously.

She blushed at the glint of interest he held in his eyes for her.

"Thank you sir. You would not be missing out from your training?"

"For a very captivating woman like you, I have time."

Aisha felt her face flush. This stranger was handsome and very generous with his praise.

"What brings you here?"

Just as she was to explain who she was, Atticus walked up.


The two embrace each other. Atticus releases him and gestures to Aisha.

"Brother, this is Princess Aisha, my betrothed."

Aurelius looked from his brother to the Princess. Realizing that he had been making flirtatious advances on his brothers soon to be wife. He looked her over again and could not believe this was the woman his brother had been arranged to marry.

He took back his thoughts of feeling Atticus was unlucky for being the one betrothed.

"Princess Aisha, this is my brother, Aurelius."

Aisha did a bow. "It is nice to meet you, Your Highness."

Aurelius bowed in return, stunned by the turn of events.

"Princess Aisha. It's a pleasure to have you here in Pantoran," he said diplomatically. "I hope you enjoy our kingdom."

Atticus stands there smiling as the two awkwardly engage with each other. Aisha can sense the weird energy Aurelius is now giving her but she tries to ignore it.

"I just came back because I wanted to make sure you were fine, Princess. I have something else to attend to, but since you have found Aurelius, maybe he can show you to your personal chambers. Brother?"

Aurelius nods. "Yes I could do that."

"Perfect. I will see you later. I apologize for not giving you my undivided attention, Aisha. I promise to make it up to you," he says gently holding her hands.

"It is okay, your highness. I understand you have duties to attend too. It has been a long journey and I wish to lie down for a spell."

Atticus walked away, leaving the two behind. Aurelius cleared his throat.

"I shall show you the way princess."

Aisha followed him back into the castle as they walked in silence.

She thought of things to say to fill the void between them. This brother was nothing like Atticus and Axel. He was quiet, dark and mysterious.

As she studied him, she kicked herself for not noticing the resemblance he held for his 2 brothers. Aurelius favored the Queen in his looks, but still held this rugged charm that Atticus and the king had.

"I assume that you're Prince Atticus' younger brother, then?" She said awkwardly.

Of all the things to say, Aisha.

"Yes Princess. I am the middle son."


They walked in silence some more.

"And should I consider you the serious brother?"

He looked at her quizzically.

"No, Atticus is the serious brother."

"Oh really?" She smiles at him as he takes in her beautiful face.

Why did my bastard, of a brother always get so lucky?

"I bet you know everything about Prince Atticus. Is there anything I should know as his future wife?"

"Atticus takes his role as the next king very seriously. His duty lies with the people and he will do anything rule justly. If you should know anything it would be that."

Aisha thought this over as they walked in silence again. She knew the meaning of duty. Not in the way the next for the throne did, but she knew it as the eldest daughter in her kingdom. Her duty is what sent her here to a foreign land, to be the future Queen of foreign people. Being a supportive wife for the people would be nothing for her, it was all she knew.

"Do you spar a lot?"

He did not understand why she had so many questions for him. Her silky voice was tantalizing to his ears. He wished he had not run into her in the manner that he had. He had left himself vulnerable and she had wedged herself in a place she should not be.

"Yes. I practice a lot. I am the captain of a legion of men that protect and fight in our kingdom's army."

"That is interesting. You are not just a Prince then, you are a warrior. That would explain your display of strength and skill I witnessed outside. You must strike fear in your opponents on the battlefield," she said with praise.

Aurelius was proud of the compliments she showered on him.

"Thank you Princess Aisha."

"No need to thank me."

They rounded a corner and Aurelius came up to a door that lead to her chamber. He pushed it open and gestured for her to walk in.

Upon entry into the room Aisha's eyes lit up at her quarters. It was beautifully decorated and styled like with elements that reminded her of her old room in Maldaria.


"My brother took the time to have your room decorated like your home. He wanted you to feel very comfortable in Pantoran."

She turned around to look at him, tears welling up in her eyes. The expectations she had for this were being shattered. This shower of consideration, touched her heart.

"I feel very welcome here. You have all been so kind to me. I almost do not feel like such a stranger after all."

She smiled and threw her arms around him.

Aurelius was stunned as he stood there in the doorway. She released him just as quickly as she embraced him.

"I love this room. I will have to give my thanks to Prince Atticus."

"I'm glad you like it princess. I will leave you to get settled in then."

"Thank you Prince Aurelius. I appreciate you escorting me to my chambers. I look forward to getting to know you more," she said with a smile on her face.

Aurelius nodded and left her room.

I cannot believe that brother of mine. He always, always seems to get the best.

Aurelius sighed, he knew that was not true.

"The weight of the crown comes with both advantages and disadvantages, I guess," he muttered under his breath.

This was one advantage he wish had been bestowed upon him.


Mysterious middle brother Aurelius

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