Wazzock (Duncan x Trans reade...

By ConstantFearOfButter

3.7K 132 181

"Well what are you gonna do about it? Huh Darling?." "Shut up, ya damn wazzock!" ~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤~♤ 《DI... More

The Not So Great Outdoors Part 1
The Not So Great Outdoors Part 2

The Big Sleep

793 33 50
By ConstantFearOfButter

Hey, sorry this chapter took so long. I just kinda forgot about it.

Does anyone else struggle to spell words that they know they should be able to spell? Or that you know how to spell, but for some reason you just can't spell it?



Last time on Total Drama Island... Twenty-two campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at a crusty old summer camp. The campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into shark-infested waters. And while most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. (Y/N) and Duncan seem to be hitting it off, because (Y/N) is usually hitting Duncan. Anyways at the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers. Courtney has experience as a C.I.T. in summer camp, but refused to jump. And Ezekiel managed to tick off every female contestant at the camp win his sexist comments about women. In the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that homeschooling and reality TV don't really mix. Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!

(Y/N)s POV

I was sleeping so peacefully after an extremely exhausting challenge yesterday, when I hear a loud horn. Ok I could forget that and go back to sleep, and I did. That didn't last long as I hear someone jump down loudly.

I quickly shoot up and see Duncan turning around to smirk at me. I pout and rub my head that I just banged on bed. "Aww did you bang your head? Poor little baby." Duncan says mockingly. This really miffed me off, so I said something without thinking. "How would you like to get banged?!" I didn't realize what I said until, he replied

"I mean I wouldn't mind it, but I'd much rather do the banging~"


My face turns bright red, as I realized what I said and how he replied to it. I smack him in the head. "S-shut up y-ya wanker." I stutter, trying to not let him know I was flustered, but failing miserably.

I quickly get ready and walk out, heart still hammering in my chest. Why was I so flustered? It's not like he was cute or anything...

Okay Duncan doesn't matter, I can forget about him I just need to stop thinking about him. Brain stop. Stop it right now or I'll-

I was broken from my thoughts by Heather flirting with a man that's probably old enough to be her dad.
"Hi, Chris. You look really buff in those shorts."

"I know. Okay. I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris says putting his hand up. Owen seemed concerned at Chris's speech.

"Oh, excuse me. I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen mutters, worried about the future of his breakfast. Chris looks at him deviously, and smirks.

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometers run around the lake!" Chris shouts near the end of his sentences. "Arsehole" I scoff quietly. Chris sends me a warning look, as if saying 'this is a family show'

"Oh, so you're funny now? You know what I think would be funny?" Eva yells, starting to walk aggressively towards Chris. Geoff and Duncan quickly hold her back, before she can do any damage.

"Eva! Try to control your temper?" Courtney tells Eva in a hushed voice. Eva looks at Chris angrily, still being held back by Geoff and Duncan. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?!" Eva questions, probably already knowing the answer.

"A little. You have thirty seconds." Chris replies, smugly looking at his watch. "Okay, runners! On your marks, get set, go!" He yells shooting his hand into the air.


I was running down the path, trying to stay concentrated on not dying, seeing as I have asthma. I'm glad I brought my inhaler with me today.

"Hey, darling."

I sigh and keep running, I already know who it is. No one else calls me that. Duncan runs up beside me and waves his hands in my face. I swat them away and continue to run.

"Aww is someone mad?" He questions, faking a pout. I look at him and immediately regret it. His face was so fuckin cut- NO ITS NOT CUTE. I shake my head and look at him. "You are not cute." I sigh out, trying to breathe easier.

He looks at me amused and a bit confused. "Why do you keep saying that?" He asks, slowing down as I go slower. "Because its true, you are not cute." I reply to him, slowing down to a walk as it gets harder to breathe.

"I think you're just trying to convince yourself." He smirks, but immediately stops as he sees me holding my hand to my throat. I couldn't breathe. "H-hey whats wrong?" He stutters out the question, but I was busy panicking looking for my inhaler. Where is it? It was just in my pocket!?

"Hey? (Y-Y/N)? What's wrong?" Duncan panics even more, but I couldn't breathe, my chest felt tight. I coughed trying to talk. "M-my inha-haler." I wheezed out, holding my chest. He sits me down and starts looking around. He runs off somewhere and I start to panic even more than before.

Damn now I'm gonna die alone, bloody hell, my gravestones gonna say 'this fuckin nerd died from asthma'. Duncan finally comes back, with my inhaler in his hand. He quickly walks over to me and hands it to me. I take a puff every once in a while and finally my breathing returns to normal.

I sigh out in relief and look over to Duncan. He looks at me with worry obvious on his face. "Are... you okay?" He hesitates, before putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod and stand up.

"Thanks mate, for you know, saving my life." I awkwardly joke, trying to lighten the mood. He looks at me for a second, before letting out a relieved chuckle. "Yeah, yeah no problem man." He says letting out another breathy chuckle, nervously running his hand through his hair.

"I guess we should keep going hm? I'll walk this time." I tell him, turning to walk away. He comes up and walks beside me.


We finally get to the mess hall and Courtney decides to start asking questions. "What were you guys doing? We just lost the challenge!"

I look at her annoyed, but stay quiet. "Hey, wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!" Gwen shouts, happily raising her arms in the air.

Fuckin hell, I'm definitely getting voted off. "Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn’t the challenge!" Chris interrupts their cheering. Well guess not.

I put my head down in relief. "What did he just say?" Gwen asked, suprised and probably annoyed they ran that far. "Who’s hungry?!" Chris yells. I look up to see what he's yelling about.

"Bloody hell." I look in amazement. There was a huge buffet. I swear I cried alittle. I walked over and grabbed some food. I didn't eat too much, because of my asthma attack.


Everyone was laying around after eating a huge meal. I was laying down because I was exhausted, from almost dying. I was ready to go to sleep, I didn't know what the challenge was supposed to be. Maybe eating.

"Okay, campers! Time for part two of your challenge!" Chris yells, probably enjoying our suffering.  "I thought eating was the second part." Owen says with his mouth full. I nod in agreement.

"What more do you want from us?" Gwen questions, holding her stomach. "Weird goth girl is right. Haven’t we been through enough?" Heather asks rather rudely. Chris looks at them as if they were stupid.

"Um… Let me think about that...." Chris says, holding his chin, and pretending to think. "No! It’s time for… The Awake-a-thon!" He shouts, doing jazz hands.

What the fuck is that? Owen apparently didn't know either. "The what-a-thon?" He asks, mouth still full of beans. "Don’t worry! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility!" Chris shouts through the megaphone.

I just wanna go to sleep. "So, what you’re saying is the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen questions, holding  her head in her hands.

"That’s right, Gwen!" Chris answers smugly. That smug bastard, I'll beat his ars- "Man, he’s good." Gwen whispers to herself. "Move, move, move!" He yells, moving his hands in a motion.


I'm leaning on a log, trying to not fall asleep, when I hear someone come up beside me and sit down. I look over to see Duncan. He kinda smiles at me, I awkwardly smile back.

"Hey mate, whacha doing?" I questions laying my head back down. He looks over to me, before putting his arms behind his head. "Nothing much, darling." He replies trying to get under my skin.

I look at him annoyed, before slightly kicking his leg, that laid beside me."Ow, it hurts so bad." He says mockingly, looking over to see my reaction. I huff at him before turning around to lay on my side.

We sit there in silence for awhile, before he speaks up. "Hey, let's call a truce for this challenge, I won't call you darling." He chuckles while turning me over to look at him.

I roll my eyes at him. "Finneee" I groan out, flicking his nose. He puts his hand over his nose and starts to fake cry. "THE PAIN, THE PAIN." He yells out jokingly. I chuckle at his antics, pushing myself to sit up alittle.

He looks at me with a smile. "Hey you wanna play 21 questions." He says, leaning onto the log. I look at him amused. "Okay, you wanna go first?" I ask him smirking. He looks like he's coming up with something to ask.

"Have you ever gotten arrested?" He questions, smirking cheekily. I laugh at his face. "Yeah, but I wasn't in Canada at the time." I explain, looking at my nails. He looked at me shocked. "Really? What did you do?" He asks, sitting up alittle.

"Uh, I beat up this lad." I answer dumbly. He looks at me with an 'are you serious' look. "What happen to him?" He questioned, looking into my eyes. "Uh he's like a vegetable now." I tell him, scratching the back of my neck.

He looks at me in suprise and laughs. "Well you're pretty scrawny, I didn't expect that." He says, still giggling. I punch his shoulder, he holds it, feigning pain. "Ouch, nevermind you're violent!" He jokes, rubbing his shoulder.


"We’re now twelve hours in with all twenty-one campers still wide awake." Chris yells, throwing his hands in the air to emphasize. Owen starts to run around. "Woohoo! Stay awake for twelve hours?! I can do that in my sleep! Woohoo!" He screams, before quickly falling asleep.

I look at him amused, before turning to Duncan. "Are you sleepy" I tease him, pushing his shoulder. He smirks at me. "Yesss you're soooo boring" He replies, cheekily trying to get a reaction

I chuckle at him, maybe not the reaction he wanted but it's fine. We sit there for awhile not saying anything. Maybe we could be friends, he's not as annoying as I initially thought.

Nevermind he's being an absolute tosser, I hate him again. Duncan continously pokes my shoulder, waiting for a response. I was going to ignore him, but it's starting to miff me off. "Whaaaat?" I drag out the word in annoyance. He looks at me, before making a stupid face.

I stare at him, utterly confused. "What was that supposed to be?" I ask him. He just starts giggling. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I question him, wondering if he's okay. "I actually am tired, I didn't really sleep last night." He replies, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

I give him a worried look. "I'll help you stay awake." I tell him grinning. "I've been told I'm 'one Loud motherfucker.'" I continue, using air quotes.

He laughs, running his hand through his hair. "Yeah, you're loud." He says smiling tiredly.


Chris makes a loud noise just as I was about to fall asleep. "Congratulations, campers! You’ve made it to the twenty-four hour mark. Time to take things up a notch! Fairy tales!" He yells happily.

"Oh, he’s not serious!"

Duncan and I burst into a fit of laughter, when we see Chef with a harp and in costume. "P-poor guy!" Duncan gasps to me, between laughs. "Grrr…" Chef growls at everyone laughing, before dancing off.

"Once… Upon a time… There was… Inside this boring kingdom…” Chris begins in a soft voice.

“A boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy, village… Filled with very boring children… that did very… Boring things.” He continues reading, as everyone starts to yawn.

I turn to look at Duncan to see if he had fallen asleep. To my suprise, he was looking at me. I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?" I question.

He looks at me and smirks. "You're pretty cute." He teases, booping my nose. I look at him shocked. That was so fucking cute NO NO N- "W-well you're n-not." I stutter out, mentally facepalming for getting so flustered.

He chuckles at my red face, before stopping completely. "Are you sure sweetheart?" He whispers. His face so close I can feel his breath. "Why is your face so red?" He questions, poking my forehead.

I snap out of my trance and swat his hands away. "Stop it, ya wazzock." I tell him glaring, trying to hide my red face.


I'm absolutely jiggered, I'm not even sure how much time has passed. It kinda just blurred together. A bunch shit happened, like some eejit got caught painting his eyelids. I yawn, covering my mouth and rubbing my eyes.

Duncan looks at me with a cheeky look on his face. "What?" I ask with suspicion. He giggles. "I've got an idea" He replies grinning ear to ear. I raise my eyebrow at him, before he ushers me to follow him.

He walks over and gets a cup, before filling it with water. I look at him confused. He gestures for me to continue following him, so I do. We arrive next to a sleeping nerd. Harold.

Everything clicks into place and I understand what we're doing. I stifle a laugh as we crouch down to Harold's level. He looks at me, before slowly grabbing Harold's hand and putting it in the water.

Harold's trousers turn a darker colour. I burst out laughing. "Gross, it works! Dude peed his pants!" Duncan gasps while laughing. Harold quickly wakes up and gasps. "What?" He asks, confused. "Mate, you've pissed yourself." I tell him, stifling a laugh. He runs away, as Duncan fist bumps me.


"I’d kill for a coffee right now." Gwen groans to Chris, as she sees him with a coffee. He ignores her. "What is the matter with you people? Come on, fall asleep already!" He whines, sipping his coffee.

"You’ve gotta hook me up, man. I’ll even eat the grinds! Anything!" Gwen begs Chris. He once again ignores her. "All right, you six stay with me. The rest of you go get a shower, for heavens sake. You stink!" He yells to everyone, coffee in hand.

I yawn for the millionth time as everyone else walks to the showers. "I didn’t want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said, 'Chef, I don’t want it to come to this. But darn it, these campers are tough.' And so… I’ve come up with the most boring, sleep-inducing activity I can find." Chris tells the last of us.

I stare at Chris crossing my fingers, hoping whatever makes us do isn't physically activity. To my relief he pulls out another book. "'The History of Canada,' a pop-up book. 'Chapter One: The Beaver' National symbol and a 'dam' fine hat.” As he says this everyone groans in annoyance.

I was kind of relieved. I did need tutoring in history anyway. I don't think I'm gonna last much longer.


I was talking to Duncan trying to not fall asleep, when Chris comes back from where ever he goes. "Time for a bathroom break! Any takers?" He questions, holding his hands up.

I look around to see me Duncan and Gwen awake. "I’ve held it this long, sweetheart! I can go all day!" Duncan yells to Gwen. It miffed me off when he called her that. It was probably cause I don't like Duncan. Yeah it has to be.

"Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?" She yells back in a questioning manner. He looked kinda scared when she said that. He looks over to me. "Don't fall asleep when I'm gone okay?" He says, and I nod as he runs off to the bathroom.

I'm trying, I'm really trying to not fall asleep, but with no one keeping me awake, exhaustion took over and I quickly fell asleep.


After losing to the screaming Gophers again, Duncan came over and woke me up. We were tiredly walking over to our cabin, when we hear yelling.

We quickly go see what's happening.
Eva was throwing shit out of the cabin and yelling. "Where is my MP3 player?! One of you must’ve stolen it, I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back!"

She was frantically running around looking for her MP3 player. Courtney quickly turns to the group. "Okay. Whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp." She says in a hushed voice.

I look at her. "It's not our fault she's acting bonkers!" I reply to her, in an equally hushed voice. She was about to agrue back, when Heather walks up. "Hey, guys! Wow, this place is a real mess." She greets us in an overly nice voice.

"Someone stole Eva’s MP3 player." Courtney tells her, arms crossed. Heather looks at her feigning shock. "You don’t mean this, do you? I was wondering who it belonged to. I found it by the campfire pit. You must’ve dropped it." She says, holding the MP3 player to Eva.

She jumps for joy, before snatching it out of Heather's hands. "Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you!" She shouts gratefully. "Sure thing." Heather replies walking off.

Eva turns to everyone and scratches the back of her neck, whilst gripping her MP3 player to her chest. "So… Sorry about that Misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all. Okay. Maybe I overreacted a little." She chuckles awkwardly. I disregard it and go to my cabin to get some sleep.


"You’ve all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only 9 marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and leave. And you can never come back. Ever." Chris unnecessarily explains.

"Yeah, we know mate. Get to the point. I'm absolutely shattered." I complain, barely able to keep my eyes open. He gives me a warning look, before continuing with his speech.

"The first marshmallows go to Duncan, (Y/N), Bridgette, Courtney, Katie, and Sadie." He lists, throwing marshmallows.

"Tyler, DJ, Geoff. Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." Chris states, looking at everyone dramatically. "Harold! Eva, the Dock of Shame awaits." He announces, throwing the last marshmallow.

She gets up abruptly and starts her walk to the Dock of Shame. "Nice. Really nice. Who needs this stupid TV show anyway?!" She grumbles angrily.

Courtney decides to be smug and bitchy. "Buh-Bye, Eva!" She says smirking and waving. "What a twat." I mumble under my breathe. Duncan hears and stifles a laugh, as we grin at each other.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks so much to people voting and adding this book to their reading lists. You guys are absolute lads.

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