Games of Hearts and Diamonds;...

By Jen_Fic_xxx

745 11 0

You, a writer visiting Tokyo was plunged to the Borderlands together with the others. After the destruction o... More

1. The Jack of hearts- Beginning
3. Hanging out- Between games
4. The Jack of Diamonds- Bughouse Chess
5. Back with Kuina
6. The King of Hearts - Deflowering
7. Aftermath- finding the Hot Springs
8. King of Diamonds - ideals to die for
9. Here at the end of all things
10. Amnesia - back to the real world
11. Together again

2. The Jack of hearts- End Game

74 2 0
By Jen_Fic_xxx

The Jack of hearts- End Game

'I don't think I can keep playing this game. It's so messed up,' Ippei was so distraught that he was nearly crying and sank down on the floor. 'I thought that people were much better than this.'

'Man, you led a charmed life,' Chishiya said, looking at him like he could not believe anyone could be so naive. 'I'm sorry. But this is our reality now. Maybe we won't get out of this alive.'

Was that a fleeting hint of compassion crossing his face? Sadness? Well disguised contempt? I wasn't sure, but he continued in that same calm comforting voice.

'But even so, all we can do for now is help each other, so that we can get out of this game.'

Ippei did not seem convinced, so we both sat down next to him.

'We can do this.' I took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 'This will be over soon. We can do it.'

It seemed that he calmed down a bit, his breathing slowed down to almost normal. Chishiya turned around and asked him to tell him his symbol. Ippei lifted his head to look, tears and despair clearly visible in his eyes.

'Heart,' he said before his head sank again.

Chishiya's usually calm face looked haunted, and I was unpleasantly certain that he could see the the same worried expression on mine. This time as I later stood alone in my cell, my insides felt cold with fear and dread.

'Club,' I said, then closed my eyes and waited, praying for only silence.

But there it came, the sound of an exploding collar. Feeling certain of what had happened, I leaned my head against the cold gray wall, struggling to keep the tears back.
It must have taken me longer than I thought to regain my composure, because when I finally opened the door the hallway was empty. I remembered something I'd seen in the control room, and headed back there. A quick glance at the screen confirmed that sadly I had been right. Ippei's picture had turned dark. I went to the round open desk, and bent down, searching. There in a worn box was some dusty fabric. It turned out to be an old tablecloth, which might have been white once upon a time. I picked it up, gave it a good shake and took it with me.

Stopping outside the door to the cell I had seen Ippei enter, I braced myself before I opened it. He laid face down on the floor, blood spatter all over the walls and floor. I covered his body with the cloth, and placed a hand on his back. I felt as though I should say something, but no words came to my mind.

'He was too kind for this world.' I turned around, startled. Chishiya stood just outside. I nodded, got to my feet and went out to him.

'It's a nice gesture, but I don't think it matters to him anymore,' he looked at the cloth, stains of blood had already started seeping through it.

'Not for him,' I said, 'for me.'

I saw the patronizing look he gave me, and my voice grew icier. 'One small act of humanity does not make us weak.' I folded my arms in front of me, matching his stance. 'Don't worry. I'm not going to crack. I'll do what is needed, be ruthless if I must.' He actually looked a bit surprised at that. Hah, don't think you have me all figured out just yet, I thought.

'We will win this,' I said confidently.

He raised an amused eyebrow. 'Glad to hear it,' he said. 'Does this confidence mean that you know who the Jack of hearts is?'

My shoulders sank a bit, and I made a wry face. 'No, I kind of have two suspects, and was rather hoping that you had it figured out.'

'Same here,' he admitted, and I curiously wondered if his suspects were the same as mine.

'I think it's either Kotoko or the guy with the long fringe,' I said, 'I have a feeling that they're not as submissive as they seem, that they're up to something. Cooperating somehow. Haven't been able to pinpoint it exactly though.' I bit my lip thoughtfully.

'Well, I have,' Chishiya claimed but offered no further details. 'Those two are on top of my list as well. The serial killer would be too obvious, and that Yaba guy strikes me like some sort of conman. The Jack would try to look less obvious.'

'The what?' I gasped, staring wide eyed at him. 'Serial killer? Here?'

'Yes,' he answered. 'That kid Banda. It was in the news, he's killed four women.'

'No way,' I breathed as I peeked around the corner. The four of them were standing two and two in the room with the screen. Banda was leaning casually against the wall, looking as young, boyish and innocent as ever.

'Should we talk to them? See if someone might let something slip?' I suggested, peeking around the corner again. 'I'm pretty sure Matsushita will not talk to me, but I can try Kotoko. I'm sure she'll go to the cafeteria by herself soon. She always does.'

'Some girl talk? Really? She won't fall for that.'

'Yeah,' I mused, 'you're probably right. She has refused to speak to me before. We might need something more, an icebreaker of some sort.'

I sneaked another look. Good, they were all still there, and they could not see us.

'I have an idea, I think. Could you please hold up one hand?' I asked, and got a bemused look. He did however raise his hand and held it out closer to me.

'Sorry about this,' I apologized, then I slapped his hand as hard as I could. It made a very satisfying sound.

'Hey,' he yelped, 'no need for that.'

I ignored him, and cried, 'No, no, get off me. Stop it!'

He gave me a baffled look, as I took off around the corner pulling at my dress, as if to get it back in place. So far so good. Four pairs of eyes watched me as I ran past them. I glanced back and saw that Chishiya had stepped out in plain sight too, standing there with a sheepish smile on his face and a hand pressed to his cheek, shrugging innocently as he looked at the others. I barely resisted laughing. He had caught on as quickly as I thought he would. As I passed Banda I made the mistake of meeting his eyes. Maybe it was just because of what Chishiya had told me about him before, but the look he gave me chilled me to the bone.

I slowed down as I reached the cafeteria, and took a seat close to where I knew Kotoko's favorite snacks were. It didn't take long before she showed up. 'Er,' I started carefully as she was standing with her back to me, choosing between the snacks. She turned and gave me a skittish look.

'I was wondering if you would please tell me my symbol,' I asked in a small voice. She looked dubiously at me, obviously not trusting me. 'It's just that I've trusted Chishiya so far,' I mumbled. 'But he got pretty angry when I didn't let him... you know...' I looked down at the floor as if embarrassed. 'So, now I'm not so sure he'll tell me the truth this time.'

Kotoko suddenly looked unsure. I had guessed that her relationship with Yaba had more to do with protection than warm emotions. Perhaps she regretted that choice, if only just a little.

'Yours is a heart by the way,' I volunteered as I turned around and pulled my hair to the side. 'Guess it's not bad with extra confirmation at this stage, is it?'

She looked even more hesitant now, fiddling with the packet of biscuits in her hands.

'Yours is a heart too,' she offered, then as if she immediately regretted her decision, she quickly walked away, the sound of her heels echoing as she left the room.

'So, did it work?' Chishiya asked when he showed up a few minutes later and sat down beside me.

'I'm not sure,' I said, frowning. 'It felt like she was honest with me.' I turned around so he could see my symbol. 'Is it a heart?'

'It is a heart. So she did tell you the truth. That's interesting.'

He took his hands out of his pockets and folded his arms across his chest instead, saying;

'As for me, I'm pretty sure Matsushita lied to me. I bet he did.'

I leaned in behind him to check. 'Diamond. That's not what he said?'

'No, it's not. So, the odds that he's the Jack just went up. But he doesn't trust us, so we'll need a way to trick him into saying the wrong symbol.'

'Or not.' I said. 'We tie him up in a cell, gag him and wait for the game to take care of it.' I shrugged as he gave me a disbelieving stare. 'Maybe next round?'

- - - - -

This time the sound of the heavy door closing behind me brought more excitement than apprehension. Soon this game would be over, and the way it looked, we would both get out from it alive and unhurt. It felt good, surprisingly good to have a partner. I had not expected us to work so well together, and especially not that I would come to like him. Or trust him so effortlessly.
When prompted by the voice, I said; 'Heart', and was surprised by the explosion that came shortly after. I thought everybody would survive this round. I heard a door creak open, and put my hand on mine, but hesitated when I recognized Matsushita's voice. It sounded like he was triumphantly congratulating himself for winning the game, finishing off with a wicked laughter. I frowned. This was all wrong.

Then another door opened, and I could hear the laughter die in his throat.

'I had a feeling you were the Jack of hearts,' that was Chishiya's voice.

Reassured I also pushed my door open and joined them as Chishiya started to explain to the startled young man exactly how we had gotten on to him. He did like to show off, I thought, and he sure loves the sound of his own voice. I smiled. Another door suddenly opened and Banda stepped out. The Jack looked dumbfounded at the sight of him, clearly he began to understand that he had been cleverly manipulated. Not willing to give in, he instead pointed accusingly at Banda. 'You're wrong about this guys. Banda is the Jack of hearts.'

Right on cue Yaba came down the stairs and stood behind Banda, his black suit as impeccable as it had been when the game started.

'Sorry kid,' he said. 'But it's not Banda.'

They proceeded talking back and forth about how they had figured out the connection between Kotoko and Matsushita. Of course it was Chishiya who had caught on to their secret code, using different flavors of snacks to tell each other their symbols. I had to admit I was impressed. I had seen the same things, yet had completely failed to connect the dots. As they kept talking the Jack looked more bewildered by the minute,

'When did the three of you guys start working together?'

Now, that was a good question. One that I also would like to know the answer to. I frowned and glared at Chishiya's back. Obviously he'd kept busy without me noticing. It was both impressive and annoying, I was not used to being outsmarted like this. I thought I had read them all pretty well, but even now, thinking back, I couldn't see any signs of those three cooperating. In fact I had thought they more or less despised each other. With a sigh I turned my attention back to the others.

'I told Kotoko what her symbol was. And yet, she still died,' Yaba said.

So had I, I also told her the truth about her symbol. It was hard to imagine why she would have trusted Matsushita over both Yaba and me, but for some reason she must have. But why was she the only one who died? I frowned and looked between the men again. If they all had known who the Jack was, if Banda had known, then why was Matsushita still alive. Why hadn't he given him the wrong answer? It didn't make any sense. Unless, I mused, unless they were after more than just winning this game. Matsushita made a last desperate attempt to convince them that the Jack of hearts could easily be any one of us.

'Think about it,' Chishiya almost purred as he walked closer to him. 'If they suspected that you were the Jack, then why did you survive this last round?'

He raised an eyebrow as he stopped right next to him. 'The reason you're alive is because you're the Jack. And these guys planned to keep you alive. Because they decided they wanna get information out of you.'

He smiled rather coldly as Matsushita terrified turned around to see Banda and Yaba approach him . The look on their faces did not bode well for him.

'Round 14, start,' the voice informed us as the two of them roughly shoved him into a cell. I saw Yaba take off his jacket, and Banda hold up a couple of knives.

'We need you to tell us the ins and outs of this country,' Banda explained to the now whimpering Jack, 'I'm sorry that we won't be able to kill you, but...' he paused and moved closer in, 'there are a lot of other ways to have fun.'

- - - - -

I stared rather wild eyed at Chishiya, who of course looked as calm and smug as ever.

'Come on,' he said and beckoned me to follow him.

As the first panicked scream came from the cell, I quickened my steps. I neither wanted nor needed to hear that. We retreated back to the cafeteria and sat down at our usual spot. The sounds from the ongoing interrogation was almost inaudible here and I relaxed a little.

'I think this will be the last round,' Chishiya predicted and I agreed, 'Yes, I doubt he will last more than one round, considering.' I scoffed as I absently tried to scratch my neck under the collar. 'Sure can't wait to get this thing off.'

A particularly high pitched cry echoed through the room and I twitched uncomfortably. Not that I had any sympathy for the guy, but the images the cries put in my head were pretty grim and nauseating.

'This doesn't bother you?' I asked, more curious than accusing.

'No, not really,' Chishiya confessed. 'Sometimes we have to do things in order to survive. Or let things happen.' He gave me a thoughtful look, 'Seems you're taking it pretty casual as well. Some of my previous partners would have made a fuss about this.'

'This world is a very good teacher when it comes to getting your priorities straight,' I pointed out, ignoring the extra beat my heart had made when he had called me partner. Irrationally I was more upset about the fact that he had cooperated with the others, without me noticing, than the torture going on in that cell.

'Unfortunately, I'm no stranger to some of the darker places in the human mind. Besides, I myself have thought up much worse scenarios, and put my characters through all kinds of hell.' I paused, pursed my lips and added a bit guiltily, 'After experiencing this place first hand, I think I might be more gentle with them in my next book. If I ever get the opportunity to write one more, that is.'

'You a writer then? That's interesting.' I nodded, looking suspiciously at him, but he seemed to be honestly interested, no hint of mockery on his face.

'What about you? What did you do, back in the home world?'

He didn't answer, just stared quietly in front of him. I figured this was not the time to push it, so I left him with his thoughts and got up to fetch the backpack that I had stashed on one of the shelves. I took out the thin black hoodie that was in it, and put it on. Resisting the urge to pull the over sized hood over my head, I started stuffing the bag with different drinks, food and snacks. I even grabbed a few bags of the yellow bags with cookies that seemed to be Chishiya's favorites and threw them in.

'What?' I asked when I saw the amused look on his face as he watched me. 'Nothing wrong with being prepared. Besides it will be nice not having to scavenge for food and water for a few days,' I said defensively. 'We are planning to leave in less than an hour after all, aren't we?'

'Absolutely,' he agreed, also getting to his feet. 'And, speaking of which. Would you do the honors, one last time?'

He turned around, and this time I couldn't help myself but reached out to gently move his hair away from the symbol, even though it wasn't really necessary. His hair was softer than it looked.

'Heart,' I told him, and turned around so he could do the same. He brushed my hair to one side, and for a brief second rested his hands on my shoulders.

'Diamond,' he said. I turned back around and grabbed my bag, ready to go back to the cell block. The hour must be almost over.

'So, no doubts here at the end?' he asked slowly, at first I thought he was teasing me, but his face was serious.

'No,' I said. 'Not at all.' I looked him straight in the eyes, and truthfully told him. 'I trust you. No doubts.'

His eyes widened slightly in surprise, even though his face didn't change. Was he not used to being trusted? Or did he suddenly not trust me? I felt more than a little offended at that thought. Being irrational again, I noticed. I really ought to get that under control.

'You know that you can trust me, right?' I asked, and then theatrically I raised my hand, like in a court, and added, 'You know what? I hereby swear that I will never lie to you. No matter what. I promise.' I tried to keep my face as sincere as I could as I kept gazing into his eyes, hoping he did not notice that my heart started beating a bit faster.

'Thank you,' he said simply. 'I trust you too. Even before your dramatic little speech.' Not sure if he was serious or not, I laughed a bit nervously, swung the bag over my shoulder and turned to leave.

- - - - -

The hallways leading to the cells were quiet now. We stopped under the screen, and looked at the five remaining portraits. Soon there would be only four.

'It is time to give your answer. Please enter a solitary confinement cell of your choosing.'

Moving towards our cells we met Banda and Yaba as they came out from the one they had used. Shallow, irregular breathing and small sobs could be heard from in there. They nodded at us, and I shuddered at the sight of blood spattered across Banda's shirt. Soon I will be away from here, I thought. Soon. I entered my cell, heard the door lock behind me, stated my symbol and waited. It seemed to be quiet for too long. Had the Jack said the correct symbol, despite everything? Was the game not over? But no, there it was. The muffled sound of the explosion. As soon as the lock clicked open I hurried out.

'Game cleared. Congratulations,' sounded over the speakers.

The collar buzzed as the lock mechanics opened, and I tore it off with relief. Chishiya came out a few seconds later, collar in hand. As we placed them on the desk on our way out, we heard the other two following us, apparently discussing the new information they had obtained from the Jack. I had no desire to see either of them ever again, so I went down the stairs as quickly as I could. The air outside felt fresh and cool after so many hours inside that stuffy building and the sun was bright enough to hurt my eyes. Chishiya, who was just ahead of me pulled the big gates open, and I hurried after him. Above us the giant airship suddenly caught fire, igniting with a series of small explosions. We watched the banner of the Jack of hearts go up in flames before the whole thing crashed spectacularly onto the ground. It was time to go.

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