Cop loving me? Code 10-0 (BWW...

By sosodef1991

344K 14.2K 2.8K

Alicia Miller is as bad as you can get them. Having develop an aversion to cops. in the past Alicia has alwa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 26

7.9K 324 95
By sosodef1991


I just want to let you know this is bit of a long chapter. Enjoy reading it.

Chapter 26

My work's truck stopped at my house. I greeted the driver and closed the door. The guys at the back started making a noise again. 

Tyson being Tyson yelled, "Enjoy the wedding. Don't overdo it walking the slant you still have to work Sunday. I'll miss you Licia. You're so beautiful. You brighten up my day when I see you at work."

The others laughed and whistled. They started pulling me and hugging me, but all of a sudden they stopped and got real quiet quickly. They were looking in different directions. I turned and saw Wayne standing out on our porch. I waved and then smiled at the guys.

"And now?" I asked.

They glared at me and I laughed, "see you guys enjoy your evening and work tomorrow. Bye" I waved at them and they half-heartedly waved back and murmured their byes. The driver hooted and drove off. I walked in the yard and saw Wayne was glaring at the truck. 

I just shook my head. After finding out about him breaking my vibrator I've been avoiding him. Well I don't know if he noticed cos he and I were both working long shifts this week. We would talk over the phone but it would be short. The look he was giving me now tells me he did notice.

I walked to the porch and gave him a kiss and went inside. I looked around and saw Aunt Diane wasn't here.

He followed behind me, "Aunt Diane aint here she went to Robert's" I nodded and went to put bag down in my room and then went into the restroom. As I was about close the door he stopped it.

"Why you avoiding me?" he asked me.

I started unbuttoning my jacket and spoke, "you know why."

 He glared at me, "you don't need that thing. I've got the real thing for you."

I rolled my eyes and was now taking off my tank top and bra. "I know but you went snooping in my room again. You said nothing about being in my house."

"I was in your room." he corrected.

I glared at him, "it makes no difference. You didn't tell me." my voice had risen now.

"What about the stuff you don't tell me? You haven't even told me what you got up to in the city with Cindy." His voice had also risen. he stopped took a deep breath and whispered, "you've also not told me about that serial killer and your involvement in catching him."

"I told you I can't tell you everything."

He folded his arms and glared at me, "that aint gonna work for me anymore. You're my woman and I need to know about the things you do. So that I can protect you and stop you if you're endangering yourself. I see you've got a gun now."

I was busy taking my pants and panties off when I saw his gaze darken. Well you can only look.

"Yeah I got a gun and it's legal." I replied. 

"You've never needed a gun before. Why now?"

I sighed, "You said you don't mind me having a gun it as long as it's legal. Well it is so what's your problem?"

"Alicia after this serial killer. I can't have you doing something that's going to put you in danger. You already had to send Talia away."

He was speaking the truth but he was stressing me out now and I pushed him away and walked out of the room naked.

"Where you going?" he asked in shock.

"To get a cigarette." I yelled back.

"I thought you quit." When did I ever say that? I quit smoking dope not cigarettes. I ignored him and went into my room. I went to my drawer and opened it. I found an open packet and took one out and lit it. 

I took a deep drag and blew the smoke out he came in and glared at me. I looked away and pretended not see him. I decided to look quickly at him and saw he was admiring my body. I turned around and leant forward on the drawer. 

I heard him groan and him walking to me. I felt him behind me when he grabbed my cigarette and killed it in the ashtray. 

I turned around to protest but he pulled me to him, "I don't want to fight with you. I have to go the bachelor party. So I'll let you calm down and get ready for the night. We'll talk when I come back."

He gave me a kiss and left. I heard the garage door open and shook my head. Aunt Diane lets him park his truck in the garage? 

I looked at the cigarette in the ashtray and he destroyed it. I decided to light a new one. 

I was in my room watching a series on my laptop and drinking a whiskey sour. I had showered and washed my hair. I made myself something to eat and did my hair. It was now wrapped and ready for styling tomorrow. Tomorrow was Sue Ellen's wedding. I was really happy for her. I felt my eyes being heavy. It was past 10 already. I finished my drink closed my laptop and put it on the table next to me and fell asleep.

"Wake up Licia! Please!" I felt someone shake me and opened my eyes. It was Wayne.

"Hey sleepy head." he whispered.

"Hey." I yawned, "What time is it?" I asked and rubbed my eyes.

"midnight." He answered and I groaned. "We need to talk."

"Can't it wait till tomorrow morning? I'm so tired." I whined. 

He sighed but said okay. He got undressed and got into bed with me. I smelt the alcohol on his breath and was tempted to ask him about the bachelor party.  I was invited to the bachelorette but I apologised and told Sue Ellen I couldn't make it. I did send a gift though. Wednesday night was also the rehearsal dinner. 

Wayne however brought it up himself. "You wouldn't believe what happened tonight."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Mason got a text from an unknown number and it said there was a male stripper at the bachelorette party. He was fit to be tied and we all drove to the party ad crashed it. The stripper had to run for his life. He was faster than a hot knife through butter." Wayne laughed.

I shook my head, "but there was a stripper at the stag party. Hypocritical much? Anyway with male strippers it's more fun than anything." 

 His eyes narrowed, "what would you know about male strippers?"

I sighed, "Cos I have been to a male strip club." 

I was about to roll over when he stopped me, "when?"

"Three weeks ago." I wanted to roll over again when he pulled me to him.

"Is that what you and Cindy got up to this time?" he asked with a dark tone.

"Yeah now let go of me I wanna go to sleep." I whined. 

"Did they dance for you?" 

"No we were sitting at the bar far away from them." I answered.

He then did something which surprised me. He smirked, "well however good they were they don't compare to me. You want me to show you?"

My eyes widened and I nodded.

He got out of bed and went to go stand at the end of the bed. He was only wearing his boxers but I saw he had on his neck chain and the bracelet I gave him. 

I sat up and asked, "what about music?" he walked to my system. He found a song and I was surprised at his choice. I didn't think he'd know that.

It was 'I wanna dance tonight.' By Tony! Toni! Toné!

He started dancing and I was surprised and at the rhythm he had. I was looking at his body and was loving the show he was giving me. He kept teasing me and wasn't taking his boxers off. He however turned around and slowly took it off. I started cheering and he turned head and smirked. His boxers eventually dropped and I licked my lips. I love seeing his backside. I was now smiling like a possum eating a sweet potato. He turned around and my eyes widened again at his size. 

He started laughing and got on the bed to kiss me. He then started tickling me and I yelped. He pushed me down and then looked at the scarf on my head. 

"It stays." I warned.

He rolled his eyes, "fine I better get use it then." he started taking my PJ's off and once again I found myself hearing the springs in my bed and the ceiling getting blurred in my vision.

It was in the afternoon and I was sitting in church next to Aunt Diane and Wayne. Leshawn, Roy and Tyrell were also invited at seated behind us. Leshawn was only attending the ceremony and had to go to work afterwards. I noticed Roy hadn't brought Elise with. 

I looked around and saw everyone was in good spirits and made an effort to get dressed for the theme. I looked down at my dress it was a lilac dress and the bottom of the dress irritated me. I looked at Wayne and he was dashing as ever in his fifties styled suit and hat. He then took it off and put it on his lap. 

I then heard people gasping. I even heard a women say, "That dumb bitch." Really in a church people? I turned to look at the back and actually glared at the person walking down the aisle to her seat. It was Giselle and the bitch was wearing white. 

I looked at Wayne and saw him shaking his head. "Still that same old selfish bitch." I touched his shoulder and he turned to look at me and frowned. "Sorry about my language I know I shouldn't call her that but she's being disrespectful."

I rubbed his shoulder, "it's okay it's her so I'll allow it. But don't ever call me that. Even though I am one." I warned. I then heard more gasps and look down the aisle.

"Really now?" someone asked. 

"What would you expect she the queen of bit... bless her heart." I don't know if the person stopped cos we're in a church or that Wayne was sitting nearby. 

It was Wayne's mother, Wanette (why did his name have to be similar to hers? That's why I never bothered saying her name before), she was coming down the aisle also dressed in white. Her dressed suited her for her age and she did look beautiful but I looked past that and saw her real ugliness. She walked and seeing that Wayne was sitting at the edge she stopped. 

He sighed heavily and got up and kissed her. "Afternoon mother."

"Afternoon son. Look at you, you look so handsome. Why are you sitting here? The family sits in front."

"I'd prefer sitting here as you say I look dashing. I also don't want to take the attention away from Sue Ellen." I heard a snort behind me. I looked at Wayne's mom and she was glaring at me. She looked away and didn't even bother acknowledging me. 

I narrowed my eyes the old hag has some nerve. Aunt Diane then whispered in my ear, "calm down. She wants to push your buttons tonight."     

"Mother why don't you say hello to Alicia." Wayne said and the look on Wanette's face was one of disgust. Wayne's voice lowered, "that look on your face doesn't become you mother you letting people see how you really look inside." Whoa. She changed her face quickly and smiled.

We greeted and she the continued walking down the aisle. Wayne sat down and then whispered in my ear, "sorry bout that. I know she doesn't approve but it aint her decision. I love you and I won't let her behave like that with you."

 I looked at him and my heart felt heavy. I smiled weakly and murmured, "thank you. I'll do the same for you and I love you too." I saw from the corner of my eye his mother fake smiling at guests when I heard another gasp from the crowd. What now? I saw Wanette turn and could see her chest puffing with anger.

I turned to look and saw Uncle Deacon and Abigail enter the church. I snorted and cover my mouth to cover my laugh. Roy and Tyrell couldn't care and started laughing. 

"Either there will be drama tonight or someone's going cancel someone's birth certificate tonight." Roy said and laughed. I looked at Wayne and saw he was having difficulty trying to hide his smile. 

Abigail and Uncle Deacon stopped by us and I was greeted with much enthusiasm than with his mother. They left to take their seats and I saw Wanette walking up to them. Other people noticed and started quieting down to listen. 

"How dare you bring that..." Wanette started.

Mrs Jenkins interrupted her, "not now sort yourselves out later. This is my daughter's wedding. I would let you ruin it even more. So sit down and shut up."

Tyrell started clapping his hands and was met with Mrs Jenkins famous death glare. He was given that glare a lot in school. Me too but I had developed an immunity to it in school.

After a while everybody was in their positions. The groom was waiting for his bride and the bridesmaids had already walked down the aisle and we were waiting for the bride herself. The bride's song played and we all stood. When she entered we all gasped at how beautiful she looked. 

Her blonde hair was styled in a fifties do and her dress was a vintage fifties wedding dress. She past us and saw us and smiled widely. I wasn't sure who she was looking at and waved. We took our seats and the priest started the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today..."

The ceremony was beautiful. They had written their own vows and I had cried at how beautiful their words were. Wayne had held my hand during the whole ceremony and I felt his attention was more on me then the wedding couple.

With all that being said. It was the wedding reception and I was pissed off. When we arrived at the venue I saw Wayne and weren't seated together and that he was seated next to Giselle, with his family. I turned to my left and saw Abigail was also seething next me. I looked at the wine bottle and thought couldn't I open it now so that I could just drink. Cocktail hour passed and we were only allowed one drink. I didn't even want to look at Wayne's table.

 I looked at the people seated at the table and was a bit comforted seeing Roy and Tyrell seated with us. I looked at the other people. This is the reject table. 

"If wasn't for that damn drug test Monday I would've started smoking dope again. The way I'm feeling now. I could kill." I said darkly.

Roy reached to touched me and I glared at him, "oh shit! Better keep people away from Alicia tonight."

"It's not only Alicia ya should be worrying bout." I froze when I heard the tone Abigail used to say that. I looked at the guys and they shook their heads. 

Tyrell softly clapped his hands and put them in the air but said nothing. I then realised something and frowned. I rubbed my temple and sighed heavily.

"This is about Sue Ellen. It's her day so I'll behave even though I'm pissed off at the moment." I said.

Abigail frowned and also sighed, "Yeah you're right but you want. Seeing that this is the 'reject table' let's make it the most fun table. With being respectful."

We all smiled and nodded at Abigail's thinking. The music started playing signalling the couple have arrived. They entered the room and I saw Sue Ellen look around in amazement. It looked like we had travelled back in time and were living in the fifties. Whoever did the décor did a fantastic job. 

Sue Ellen then looked at our table and glared or I think she did. With her eye condition you couldn't say. She then turned to look at the Wayne was seated at and I heard Mason yelped. She had dug her nails into his hand. She apologised and they walked down the floor. 

The MC announced them and everybody started clapping for them. He announced the first dance and a fifties jazz number I didn't recognised played. They looked so beautiful together. I looked around and saw Wayne looking longingly at me.

We took a seat and the speeches started. We made a toast and the first course was served. I was now listening to a story this unknown guest was telling us and it was really funny. We were laughing a lot. The people at this table are cool. We were then served our second course and I got up to take a smoke after I was done. 

I was standing a bit longer outside cos it was time for the bouquet to be thrown and all that shit. Roy was making a joke when we heard a female laugh. It was Giselle coming out with the bouquet in her hands. I did notice she was alone.

She saw us and started walking to us smirking. "Licia you missed out. Look at what I caught. It's a pity Wayne didn't catch the garter. How perfect would that be." she laughed again but I waited.

She stopped when she neared us and pouted, "I can understand why ya'd be standing outside. Ya feeling left out aint ya. Ya must be feeling awful since Wayne hasn't even come looking for ya."

I folded my arms and tilted my head, "actually I don't. Wayne knows I'm pissed off right now. He has good sense to stay away and unlike you being an insecure clingy bitch. I aint bothered by it." I was speaking the truth. Wayne was also in a bad mood and I've learned to give him space. He does the same with me. It don't matter where or with who we are.

She glared at me but then smiled, "I think the real reason you aint bothered by it is cos your use it. Use to be leaving you alone. Even your parents weren't bothered by leaving you alone. They'd rather got themselves shot dead and left you all alone."

Anger just took over me and I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her hard against the wall. Her eyes widened in fear. I heard Roy and Tyrell call my name.

"You better shut the hell up or I'll rip your fuckin throat out." I threatened and felt for her throat but only felt her oesophagus. It will have to do. I clawed my nails on it and she started gasping. I felt myself being pulled away and she touched her throat gasping for air.

"You don't know me. There's a reason why people are scared of me in this town. I've just been taking things easy these days but don't push me. Cos I will show who I really am." I said coldly and from the look on her face she was standing to understand it. 

"And you better not go pressing charges her cos I'll come beat the hell out of you myself. Wearing white on MY wedding day. If that don't scare I'll talk and you know well what I'm talking Giselle." 

I turned to see Sue Ellen standing there glaring at us (probably at Giselle).

Sue Ellen walked closer, "do us all a favour and get the hell out of here. I don't want you here anymore. Even had the audacity to catch my bouquet. Get the fuck out of here."

Giselle left in hurry and looked for once in her life really scared. We waited for her leave and Sue Ellen spoke again.

"I wondered when were you gonna show that side of you again and thank you for doing it where no one could see." She then frowned, "now please come inside I want to cut my wedding cake, leave and go consummate my wedding night."

We all replied with, "yes mam."

We entered and I was dreading it. I looked for Wayne and saw with look of relief on his face when he saw me. He was about to approach me but someone stopped him and started talking to him.

Sue Ellen went to Mason and all of the sudden I got a bad feeling I turned and saw it was Wayne's mother.

"You really ought to be ashamed of yourself. Coming here thinking you could fit in. coming here with my son. I thought I told you to stay away from my son." She shook her head, "actually I can see him bringing you here. This wedding is so dreadful." She started laughing.

I then heard some yell, "you bitch!" I turned to see Sue Ellen running and looking at me. I was readying my for the impact when I saw a flash of white, pass me and I saw Sue Ellen grab Wanette by her dress. She pushed her against an older male guest. The shock on his face and him being in that predicament was real funny.

She started pushing and shoving Wanette. I was just standing there shocked.

"You crazy bitch." Sue Ellen yelled. 

"Sue Ellen! Get off me!" Wanette yelled. I came out my shock and went to get Sue Ellen off her when an arm wrapped around.

Wayne whispered in my ear, "leave her she deserves it and anyway. I'm taking a video of the fight." I turned and saw in his hand his phone.

I then whispered, "Wayne you're a cop you have to stop the fight it's your duty. Anyway help that poor old guy out man."

He groaned, "Fine but keep recording." He gave me his phone and did as he said.

It took a while to get Sue Ellen off Wanette but it really made my night. The reception went by smoothly after that and I was actually very happy tonight.

Wayne and I just entered his house and I had my shoes in my hand. We were still laughing but sobered up eventually.

It was late but I wasn't tired. I looked at Wayne and the look he was giving me started making me feel very hot. 

He took my hand and pulled me to him, "let's go bed." 

I smiled and nodded, "yes let's go."


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