Enduring Freedom | Farah Kari...

By PhantomRS

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After Hassan's failure in Mexico, he turns his full attention to get Urzikstan under his control, which resul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The End

Chapter 2

656 150 8
By PhantomRS

Price: The maps you guys have, do they have any markings?

He asked as the chopper got up in the air.

Farah: Yes, the enemies bases and their recently made camps are on there.

Price: Okay. Knowing them, they went to the camps to do some work.

Farah: Here, have a look.

She suggested as she gave him a map.

Price: Mhm, okay.

He went over to the pilot and told him to fly to one of the camps.

Price: Let's see if they're there.

Pilot: Understood sir.

Farah: Does this happen often? Your guys doing their own thing I mean.

Price: Sometimes.

Farah: It's dangerous for a squad to do this on their own. Our enemy is well prepared and they don't take prisoners.

Price: I know, but these guys would rather die than being taken prisoners.

Farah: Nobody is afraid of death until they face it.

Price: Poetic, but I know my boys.

Soap: Your boys should be locked up.

Price: Soap, not now.

Soap: They're slowing us down.

Price: Not if they managed to take the camp out.

Soap: They're probably just scouting the place. They barely have equipment, so no taking on camps for them.

Price: You underestimate them.

Soap: I think I know them pretty well.

Pilot: We're here, sir.

He informed them as he hovered above the camp.

Price and Farah looked down, seeing all the dead bodies.

Price: They got them. Pilot, get us to the second camp.

Pilot: Understood, sir.

Farah: Five men took out twelve like they were nothing and just moved on? That was clean work.

Price: And they barely have equipment on them.

Soap: Nothing special about that. We're elite, we're supposed to do these kind of things.

Farah: If that's true then I'm truly relieved, but I doubt that will work every time. It will only get harder the deeper we get into the captured territory.

Price: That's true, they have a shitload of equipment. Ranging from artillery to planes.

Soap: I'd take quality over quantity any day of the week.

Price: There are limits.

Soap: Not for us.

Pilot: We reached the second camp, sir.

Once again they all looked out of the chopper to see seven bodies and a downed chopper.

Farah: They got a helicopter?

Price: Looks like they did.

Soap: That's not too bad, I admit that.

Price: But no sign of them down there, that means...oh fuck no.

Farah: They advanced to the base?

Price: Yes, that's what they most likely did.

Farah: Let's get there and help them before it's too late.

Price: Pilot, you heard her.

Pilot: Yes sir.

Soap: You think they're crazy enough to attack a base on their own?

Price: That wouldn't be the first time they're doing something like that. I just hope they're fine. It's easy to underestimate the enemy when you're getting one success after the other.

Soap: They were underestimating them, but look where it got them. That's a solid way to make a good first impression.

Farah: Who are you trying to impress?

Soap: Me? Nobody, but it looks like they wanted to impress.

Farah: What they did was good from a military point of few, but I appreciate soldiers that follow orders more than soldiers that do everything on their own, while ignoring orders.

Soap: I agree, but that's just the way they are. If you want guys that follow orders, you have us.

Price: And the other 200 men.

Soap: And them too of course.

Farah: They will be guarding the bases that we'll take, until our people arrive and take over them. Would that be okay with you?

Price: Sounds fine.

Pilot: Sir, we're getting closer to the base, I see an enemy chopper, do I shoot?

Price: Yes, bring that bird down.

He commanded as he looked down at the base, seeing a battle unfolding.

Soap: They're down there sir.

Price: I can see that by all the chaos that's being caused.

The enemy chopper was hit and crashed down to the base, going up in a blaze.

Price: Bring us closer to the base, we'll use the chopper's machine guns to clean up the rest of them.

Pilot: Understood sir.

The pilot brought the chopper closer to the base, Price and Soap used the machine guns attached to the chopper to kill the enemies on the ground, many of them were dead already, killed by the Pack.

Soap: Pack put in some work it seems.

Price: Hey, one of them is running to the burning chopper, what the hell are these guys doing?

Soap: Weirdos being weirdos.

Price: No, something isn't right.

They managed to clear the base and land the chopper.

Price got out and approached the Pack that gathered around the chopper.

Spider: We have to get him out of there.

Y/N: We're trying but this whole fucking wreck is burning.

Badger: No chance, he's stuck in there.

Wolf: Fucking hell...

Badger turned around to face Price.

Badger: What did you fuckers do?!

Soap: That's no way to talk to the captain.

Spider: Kiss his ass a little more, I think he likes it.

Soap: You can be happy he's here or else-

Badger: Or what? What would you do, Soap?

Soap: Let me show you.

He took a step towards Badger, but Price and the rest of his squad held him back.

Price: Let's all calm the hell down. Why are you so upset? And where's Scorpion?

Wolf: In this burning wreck.

Price: What?

Y/N: We took the chopper from them, Scropion used it to give us air support until you came along.

Price: Hell...

Badger: You really couldn't keep your finger off the trigger, could you?

Price: I didn't know.

Spider: Why did you come here in the first place? We had everything under control.

Price: Because you ran off and I had to find you.

Badger: The only thing you did was to kill Scorpion. He's dead because of you. Now, where's the pilot?

Price: That's none of your business.

Y/N: Where is he?

Price: Why do you wanna know? So you can kill him?

Wolf: Just want to look at the man that took our mate from us.

Price: It'll be better you don't know who the pilot is. Now, we'll call the company to take position over here, while we'll advance to the next base together.

Y/N: Not a good idea.

Price: And why's that?

Y/N: Because you just killed one of our own.

Price: You make it sound like I did it on purpose.

Y/N: You ordered the shot, didn't you?

Price: I told my pilot to shoot an enemy chopper.

I could tell he was slowly losing his patience.

Y/N: You should've just stayed at the ULF base.

Price: Maybe you shouldn't have ran off and instead followed my orders. Or if you like running away so much, at least communicate with us so shit like this won't happen.

Y/N: We're used to you guys taking ages to get off your asses, so we thought we'd be done by the time you notice we're gone.

Price: Well, you though wrong.

Farah: Let's focus on our mission, arguing will not bring us any further.

Y/N: I wasn't arguing. Who are you anyway?

Farah: My name is Farah.

She reached her hand out for a handshake.

Y/N: Fox.

I answered as I shook her hand.

Farah: What's your name?

Y/N: Fox, I told you already.

Farah: I mean your real name, not your codename.

Y/N: You don't need to know my name.

Farah: Alright, fine.

Price: She's the leader of the ULF and she'll be calling the shots for your squad from now on.

Y/N: Excuse me?

Wolf: What?

Farah: Captain, I think that might be-

Price: It's fine. This decision is final.

Badger: That's bullshit, she doesn't even know how we operate.

Price: You will operate however she tells you to.

Farah: Captain.

Price: It's fine, trust me.

Spider: None of this is fine, you're just fucking with us.

Price: Watch your tone mate. Don't forget who your boss is.

Wolf: See, this is what you still can't get, Captain. We don't have a boss. We follow our leader, but he's not our boss.

Price: Everybody has a boss and you do too.

Spider: And that would be who? You? I might give out orders, but we're not under your command, we do things our way.

Captain: And that's fine. I don't care how you're doing it as long as you complete your missions. If you don't see me as your boss, that's okay. But from now on Farah is your boss and you will follow her orders, understood?

None of us responded which caused him to roll his eyes at us and walk away.

Price: We'll go to the base in the east, while you'll take on the base in the west, just as we have agreed. Our equipment will arrive at this base soon.

He informed us as he walked away and entered the chopper.

Badger: 53, remember that.

He said as we watched the chopper fly off.

Farah: Why?

Badger: Why what?

Farah: Why remember the number of the chopper?

He didn't respond, so I did.

Y/N: Don't worry about it.

Farah: You sure I shouldn't be worried about this? It almost sounded like you guys want to remember the helicopter's number to shoot it down later.

Y/N: Who was talking about shooting it down?

Farah: You obviously didn't say that directly, but-

Y/N: Then there's nothing to be worried about.

She shook her head.

Farah: Just, don't cause anymore trouble, okay?

Y/N: Anymore? What trouble have we caused?

Farah: Running away without permission?

Y/N: We didn't run away, we advanced.

Farah: Alright, let's put it like this then. You advanced without your captain's permission and put your lives at risk, just so you can claim that you're the best.

Spider: The fire calmed down, let's get Scorpion out of there.

Y/N: Yeah, let's-

Farah: You'll stay with me.

Y/N: What for?

Farah: We're not done here.

Wolf: It's fine, we'll manage.

He reassured me as they walked away.

Y/N: That was uncalled for.

Farah: You think I did that to embarrass you in front of your men?

Y/N: What else did you do that for?

Farah: I didn't do that to make you look weak, I just wasn't done talking to you.

Y/N:  Is there still something you want to tell me?

Farah: I'm sorry to what happened to your comrade. I know this feeling very well. I lost many good people too.

Y/N: Yeah, let's make sure that won't happen again.

Farah: There's nothing I'd like more. You guys had a great start but don't get overconfident now, the battle has just begun and we're still having the hardest part before us.

Y/N: I'm sure you'll lead us through that.

Farah: That's something I wanted to talk with you about.

Y/N: Okay, what is it?

Farah: Your captain did not tell me he planned about placing your squad under my command. It surprised me just as much as it surprised you.

Y/N: I could tell.

Farah: I will not interfere in your personal affairs, but I expect you to cooperate with me.

Y/N: I will.

Farah: Only you? Or your comrades too?

Y/N: I can only speak for myself.

Farah: Could you try to speak to them and explain the situation?

Y/N: I could, yeah.

Farah: Thanks, that would be good. This war is too important, we all have to put our differences aside and focus on our true enemy.

Y/N: Agreed, I hope you'll do your part too.

Farah: If by our part you mean fighting the enemy, then yes, we will. I'm fact we have been doing that for a while now.

Y/N: I just don't want this operation to become a babysitting mission where we have to do everything while you lean back and enjoy the view.

Farah: It won't, we'll be risking our lives just as hard as you will.

Y/N: Well, if that's the case, then I have no issues with it.

Farah: You thought we'd just sit back and watch you do everything while we hide?

Y/N: That wouldn't be the first time our allies would do that.

Farah: You must have had the wrong allies then.

Y/N: Yeah, so...what's our next move? Just advance to the base and take it out.

Farah: Normally we would wait for your equipment to arrive, but our next base is in a rough location, tanks won't get through that path.

Y/N: And choppers?

Farah: They have anti air missiles placed all around the area, helicopters are a bad idea.

Y/N: So we'll just go there on foot?

Farah: We can use vehicles to get over there quickly but we have to get off and continue on foot once we're in a certain distance of the base itself.

Y/N: Sounds fine.

Farah: It may sound fine, but it'll be a hard way, they have loads of equipment over there.

Y/N: What kind of equipment?

Farah: Tanks, helicopters, missiles, IFV's, pretty much everything an army normally has.

Y/N: Hm...could be difficult to take them by surprise. The surprise effect won't really work when they're that well equipped and have a bunch of heavy weapons too.

Farah: Did you think you could just run in guns blazing and kill them all like you did with this base here? No, that won't work.

Y/N: Are you suggesting a stealth mission then?

Farah: Exactly. We'll have to sneak in there when it's dark. I'll take a bunch of my men with us too, so it'll make things a bit easier.

Y/N: What exactly is the plan? Sneak in there and do what? Kill them all or take out their comms or something else?

Farah: Taking out their communication devices is our first priority, once we've done that we'll see what we'll do next.

Y/N: So you're improvising?

Farah: A little bit, yes.

Y/N: I hope you're good at that.

Farah: Worked well enough so far.

Y/N: Okay, so when do we move out?

Farah: My guys should be here in a few minutes. But you can take as much time as you need with your fallen comrade.

Y/N: Alright, thanks.

She nodded and I walked back to the rest of the Pack.

They managed to get Scorpion's body out of the wreck already.

Time to say goodbye to our brother before we go.

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