Her Inferno | A Single's...

By before11nights

63.2K 2.4K 480

Welcome to the hottest inferno in the world, the Single's Inferno. Meet Jeo Lila, the tenth contestants in Si... More

Episode 1.1
Episode 1.2
Episode 1.4
Episode 1.5
Episode 2.1
Episode 2.2
Episode 3.1
Episode 3.2
Episode 4.1
Episode 4.2
Episode 5.1
Episode 5.2
Episode 6.1
Episode 6.2

Episode 1.3

5.1K 192 20
By before11nights


After an hour of good rest, the cast started to feel hungry so after changing into more comfortable clothes, they all decided to head over to the cafeteria.

Lila walked out of the tent wearing tan colored loose slacks with a black belt on and a black crop tank top with thin straps. As simple as her outfit was, it really showed off her toned body and her pretty décolletage. The girl finished off her get up by adding some gold jewelry.

Once she was ready, she headed out along with the other girls. Inside the cafeteria, Lila saw Si-hun and Jun-sik already looking at the ingredients at the counter.

"We'll lose muscle mass here," the idol look alike joked.

"Yeah for real, it's only vegetables," Jun-sik nodded.

"Yeah, only greens."

Lila walked up to them, also peering into the ingredients set up.

"I guess we can think of this show as more of a detox vacation?" she giggled at her own joke.

"Ah," Si-hun chuckled, "you're right."

"It would be a vacation if we didn't have to stress over food and water?" Jun-sik laughed.

"Oh God yeah, having to get the water from so far away really is an issue," Lila gave a sad smile.

"So what do we have here anyway?" She started looking into the pots and bowls.

"We've got some cabbages, garlic, onions and chili peppers," Si-hun nodded.

That's when the rest arrived, talking about how they should divide into groups.

"Some of us can cook, while some get water, and some will clean up," Se-hoon explained his plan.

"Oh wow, getting the water right now will be hard," Ji-yeon mumbled, "it's so hot."

"We can leave that towards the end I think," Se-hoon said, "for now, let's start cooking."

Everyone got up and started moving to different stations in the kitchen, some were going to wash the vegetables while others were going to start with the rice.

Lila looked around, trying to figure out where she would be the most useful.

"Mmm, I should put my hair up for cooking," she mumbled.

Some of the guys were already busying themselves in the kitchen, but they stopped for a second when they saw the pretty girl gathering her hair up and tying it in a high ponytail. With her hair out of the way, her cute face and slim neckline were much more visible.

"Wow," Si-hun accidentally bumped into Se-hoon while being distracted.

"Ok, I'm ready," Lila smiled brightly, unintentionally showing off her single dimple.

"Does anyone need help with anything?"

"We need someone to start the fire for the cauldron," Se-hoon nodded.

"Perfect! I'll get started then," she grinned.

"Have you made a fire before?" Si-hun joined her as Lila walked to the cauldron outside the cafeteria.

"I've done it once and it ended up in a disaster if I'm honest," she giggled, "but it wasn't technically my fault!" She tried to defend herself when she saw that Si-hun had started to laugh.

"It was only because it started to rain at the campsite, and my friends had made the firepit on some dirt so it became a muddy mess in an instant," she sighed defeatedly.

"Well since it doesn't look like it'll rain any moment, I think we'll be fine," Si-hun chuckled.

"Exactly! So I should be able to make a decent fire for the pot!" Lila grinned, "Will you be helping me?" she smiled at him.

"O-oh, yeah," Si-hun nodded, "I've never made a fire before but I think I should be able to do it."

"We'll need the fire to be started first, so we can wait for a bit before we start cooking," Se-hoon called out to the entire group, receiving nods from everyone.

Lila and Si-hun looked up.

"We'll get it going quickly then!" Lila smiled and gave Se-hoon a thumbs up.

"Do you guys need any help?" Hyeon-joong walked over to Lila, nonchalantly looking at the cauldron, but before she could say anything else, Si-hun responded.

"We should be all good," he nodded, "it shouldn't be that hard right Lila?" Si-hun looked at the girl.

"Yeah! We're good, thank you for offering though!" she smiled at Hyeon-joong.

The poor guy just quietly walked away and decided to go help Jia with the rice, leaving Lila and Si-hun to work on the fire together. 


"Oh Si-hun is very aggressive and direct when he is interested in someone!" Jin-kyung chuckled.

"Hyeon-joong looks so defeated though!" Hanbae sighed, "I was hoping for the dimple couple to interact more."

"Si-hun did mention that he was curious about Lila and Jia, and he really found the perfect moment to get to know one of the glamorous girls," Kyuhyun nodded.

"The group only has a handful of days to really make connections so it's good to work fast," Da-hee said.

"I wonder who Lila would prefer though," Jin-kyung said, "because she did have a nice moment with Hyeon-joong earlier and now she's getting to know Si-hun."

"She did mention in the individual interview that she wanted someone that would be direct about their feelings if they were interested in her, so maybe someone like Si-hun might win her over," Hanbae mentioned.

"Oh you're right, she's never had a guy be bold with their intentions so if they don't show initiative, she might not pay them much attention," Jin-kyung nodded.

"Did you guys see through?" Da-hee spoke up, "when she first entered the cafeteria and pulled her hair up in a ponytail."

"Oh yes I remember!" Kyuhyun nodded, "all the guys were looking at her!"

"She looks so pretty with her hair up," Hanbae nodded, "I'd be dazed like them too."

"I wonder if any of the other guys will try to talk with her."


"So now that the wood is inside, we can start lighting it up with the torches," Lila passed one over to Si-hun. Since there were two cauldrons, they each decided to do one to work faster.

"Just like this?" Si-hun turned on the torch lighter and carefully aimed at the wood.

"Yeah, you can get a little closer though," she leaned closer to him, before she gently grabbed his hand and inched it closer to the wood.

"This distance should be good, it might take a bit to start burning so just stay in this position," Lila smiled at him and let go of his hand.

"Ok," he whispered, trying not to show that he was flustered by her proximity. 


"Wait a second though!" Jin-kyung laughed loudly, "she seems to be bolder than the guys! Look at how red Si-hun is getting!"

"She's better at flirting than the guys," Kyuhyun chuckled.

"She's definitely charming him," Hanbae nodded.

Da-hee laughed, "maybe she's tired of men not being brave enough to talk to her, so she came to this show with the intention of throwing herself out there."

"She's so captivating."


"So why don't you tell me about yourself? What kind of hobbies do you have?" Si-hun kept an eye on the torch but his ears and body were finely tuned to the female beside him.

"Well, I really love swimming, it's my main form of exercise," Lila smiled, "I do go to the gym a few times a week, but I don't find it as enjoyable," she admitted.

"Yeah, sports is a lot more fun for some people," Si-hun nodded.

"What about you?" Lila asked.

"Well I love boxing and going to the gym," Si-hun chuckled, "maybe we can go to the gym together one day, and I might be able to make it more enjoyable for you."

"Oh!" Lila smirked, "that sounds like a fun date idea! You should tell me more about it later," she graced him with one last smile before she continued tending to her fire.

Si-hun chuckled, feeling quite proud and happy for having talked to Lila and her responding so well to his advances.

It didn't take long for the duo to be done making the fires, so they quickly called Se-hoon over so he could begin with the cooking. The first thing that went into the cauldron was the rice, since it would take longer to cook.

Once the other group was done cutting and prepping the vegetables, those went into the second cauldron.

Si-hun and Lila stayed by the pots, taking charge of mixing and making sure that nothing burned. Se-hoon was pretty much flying all over the place, overlooking everyone's tasks and making sure everyone was doing good. He would also occasionally walk over to the pots to add more ingredients.

"It's looking really good," Se-hoon nodded to the girls who were making the soup's mixture.

"I think we have some gochujang," Ji-yeon said.

"Oh! We do?"

"Yeah, I saw it with the condiments," Yea-won nodded.

"Gochujang makes the soup taste better, so let's add a bit here," Se-hoon instructed them before he turned to Si-hun.

"How's the rice?"

"Oh let me check," Si-hun lifted the lid and went in to mix the rice with a cooking wood paddle.


Lila looked up immediately at the sound of Si-hun's pained cry.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" she moved to his side instantly.

"The steam... It was really hot," since he was so pale, his burnt hand was already glowing a bright red.

"Oh no!" Lila took the paddle away from him and quickly pulled him over to the dining table and had him sit down.

"Wait here for a sec, I remember seeing a first aid box in here," Lila patted his shoulder and quickly went out to look for the supplies.

"Ah, wait, I'm okay," Si-hun tried to protest, but the girl just waved him off.

"We should at least put some ointment on it!" she called out from somewhere behind the counter.

"What are you looking for?" Jin-taek asked, looking at the girl with curiosity since she was frantically looking around the kitchen.

"I'm looking for the first aid kit! I swear I saw it somewhere!"

Hyeon-joong, having heard the conversation, walked over to the water barrels and pulled out a white box from behind the counter.

"Here it is Lila," he called the girl over, "it was behind the water."

"Oh perfect! Thank you so much Hyeon-joong!" She smiled.

"No problem."

Once Lila had gotten a hold of the box, she quickly walked back to the injured man and sat on the chair next to his. She made him turn towards her so they were both facing each other.

Once she found some ointment and bandages inside the kit, Lila reached out for Si-hun's arm.

"Here, give me your hand."

Lila gently pulled at his forearm and moved his hand so it rested on her thigh, facing down. She then carefully started spreading the ointment over all the red patches on his hand.

"Thank you so much," Si-hun murmured, not being able to take his eyes off of the woman before him.

"I'm going to wrap it up, so try not to get this hand wet okay?" Lila looked at him, "you shouldn't be using this hand much either," she said.

"I'll try not to," Si-hun chuckled.

"I wonder if you work in the medical field."

Lila chuckled at Si-hun's statement.

"I can only reveal that information in Paradise," she smiled before she patted his thigh. This got a loud laugh from Si-hun, which caught the other's attention, but he was too invested in Lila's flirting to really notice.

"I see how it is," he chuckled. 


"Wow, Lila and Si-hun really warmed up to each other instantly!" Hanbae ran his fingers through his hair, "Hyeon-joong is in deep trouble if he still wants to try for her."

"Si-hun had mentioned Ji-yeon as being the closest to his ideal type, but he has not directed a single word at her since he's gotten a chance to talk to Lila," Kyuhyun pointed out.

"Ji-yeon has been a bit more focused on Se-hoon so that worked out though," Da-hee said.

"Se-hoon has been interacting with all of the girls, but he's more focused on cooking than actually getting to know them," Jin-kyung chuckled.

"If he isn't careful the other guys will sweep in and take the girls' attention."

"Are you sure?" Hanbae chuckled, "it looks like everyone is impressed with his cooking skills."


Se-hoon was hunched over the pot, mixing the rice and the vegetables with ease.

"He's so cool..." Hyeon-joong mumbled. He was currently standing a few feet behind Se-hoon, with Si-hun and Jin-taek by his sides. The three of them were just quietly admiring the skilled man.

Soyeon, Yea-won and Lila were standing by Se-hoon, also looking over the pot, but Lila got distracted when he noticed the three silent giants behind Se-hoon.

"Omg, look at them," Lila nudged the girls quietly, "they look so silly just staring at Se-hoon with their mouths open," she giggled.

"Oh my!" Yea-won covered her mouth and tried to hide her laughter.

Soyeon laughed too, "I kinda understand them, I'd also stand to the side since I'd be too scared to mess things up."

"They just look so funny though, they look like they're frozen!" Lila joked, making the girls laugh harder, but that just made Se-hoon look at them.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes!" Soyeon just gave him the thumbs up while still trying to stifle her laugh.

Since the food looked to be cooking without any issues, Hyeon-joon decided to go get the water since that was pretty much the only thing they had to drink.

"Oh yeah, I'll go with you then," Jin-taek nodded.

"Are you guys gonna be fine just by yourselves?" Lila asked.

"Oh! Shall I go with you guys?" Jia walked up to Hyeon-joong.

"You're more than welcome to join us," Jin-taek smiled, "you should come as well," he turned to Lila.

"Since the sun is starting to set, the air is cooling down."

"Yeah, it's a perfect time for a walk," Jia nodded.

"Ok! Sounds fun!" Lila helped Hyeon-joong grab the wooden shoulder yoke and towels while Jin-taek and Jia grabbed a bucket each.

The group started to walk along the beach, and despite having to walk a long way for the water, they quite enjoyed themselves since the scenery and weather were nice.

"It's great that the heat went down," Lila sighed happily, "I don't do well in super hot places."

"Yeah me neither," Jia nodded.

"It really got nicer now," Jin-taek nodded.

"Were you girls able to talk a bit earlier," Hyeon-joong asked after they had been walking in silence for a bit.

"Yeah, we talked about our ideal types," Jia nodded.

"What's your guys' ideal type like?" Jin-taek looked at the girls with curiosity.

"My ideal type is oppa."

"What do you mean?" Hyeon-joong asked Jia.

"I like someone that I can rely on... someone who can be like my boyfriend, my dad and my friend at the same time," she explained, getting nods from the others.

"So someone you can rely on?" Lila asked.

"Exactly, someone I can rely on," Jia smiled.

"And what about yours Lila?" Hyeon-joong looked over at the girl.

"Umm, I don't have an ideal type when it comes to appearances," she started explaining, "I just want to find someone who I can connect well with, and someone that I can have fun with."

"Ah, I see."

"I'm very energetic, and I love trying new things," Lila said, "so I guess I would like someone who can match that."

The guys nodded, trying to process the new information they had learned about both Jia and Lila.

"What about you guys? Did you talk about the same thing?" Lila asked, feeling a bit daring.

Jin-taek chuckled, taking the bait willingly, "the guys talked more about who they were interested in, and who fit their ideal types the most."

"Oh!" Jia glanced at the man, "it seems like you guys had quite the talk then."

"Yeah," Hyeon-joong nodded, "some of the guys were already interested in the same woman, which might cause some issues later," he mumbled.

"There has to be some drama for netflix to be able to air this show," Lila chuckled.

"That's true." Everyone laughed. Of course there had to be some strife for the show to gain viewers, that and hot bodies.

"Is there anyone that you guys are interested in?" Jia asked.

"I think I do..." Jin-taek nodded, "there are some people that have caught my attention."

"Mmm, same for me," Hyeon-joong answered before he turned to Lila.

"What about you?"

The girl blinked, not knowing what to answer.

"Maybe? It's just that everyone is so interesting," Lila giggled, "but I'm open to getting to know whomever is interested in me I guess, I'm just really curious to see who approaches me first you know."


"Lila will definitely have no issues over guys seeking her attention,"Jin-kyung laughed.

"I mean, a few of them are already trying to gain her attention!" Hanbae chuckled, agreeing wholeheartedly.

"Did you see Hyeon-joong's face after she said that?" Kyuhyun cackled, "He suddenly got so serious I could almost see the fire in his eyes!"

"Yeah, it's like Lila gave him a challenge," Da-hee covered her mouth when she laughed. 

A/N- I've chosen Hyeon-joong, Si-hun and Hyun-seung  as the main love interests but your feedback is well appreciated!! I'm always open to change depending on popular vote lol  

Please remember to leave a vote and a comment if you've got some time, enjoyed the chapter and have anything you guys would like to share! <3 

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