Lifesteal SMP oneshots

By ThatLonelyBanana7

54.3K 696 4.5K

Dude as I was making this I saw there's only 20 Lifesteal smp books- AND THEY ALL ARE NEW AND LESS THAT 10 PA... More

Pre-shots / A/N!
โค๏ธโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ Post-Battle
โค๏ธ BranzyPierce
๐Ÿคโค๏ธ That's just how the world works
๐Ÿ’œโค๏ธSpooky Scary... Vampires?
๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธHOW DARE YOU!
โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ–คโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ A Christmas Disaster
โค๏ธYin and Yang
โค Let the Circus begin!
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉนโค๏ธ The feelings that still remain
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธ The Cuddles I didn't know I needed
โค๏ธ Get SHTICKED!!
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ Leave me in the night but dont leave me in the dark
๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธ๐Ÿ“ข Sometimes the Void Takes a Life... and then Fails to do So
โค๏ธ๐Ÿค Blow Me Uo so you can Catch Me Mid-Air
๐Ÿ’” When You Love Someone, but it Goes to Waste, Could It be Worse?
โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ–คYour the Light to my Dark (How did We get this Far?)
โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ Have the rain wash us away (oh my dear, why do you sway?)
๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅThe Strongest Neck Cant Stand My Teeth
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐ŸฉนPanic and Stress, oh Aint it the Best?
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉนโค๏ธ Stabby Stabby Make Your Heart Go Crazy Crazy
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’”โค๏ธโ€๐ŸฉนThree Hearts Isn't Enough

๐ŸคGevechten van Snelheid

1.6K 21 68
By ThatLonelyBanana7

Ehe he

I've been learning Dutch~

Also, pretty normal fic, and also short, I felt like doing a writing test just to get used to fights

And when I say this was for no particular reason, I mean it-


Just browsin on AO3 seeing Clownzy dueling-

That's it-

Not me having 5 other fics in the drafts-

Also I feel like I gotta make these better and descriptive- so it may not be actually that short XDDDD

Oh also blood mentions cuz Dey fite

(IvoryCello's POV) (:0 new person what?!)

I huffed as I leaned on the dark oak counter. ClownPierce looked over at me. He had his mask off - something you'd rarely see, ever.

This is, unless you were Rasplin (his twin), Branzy (his lover), or me, which I have the glorious privilege of his respect and trust.

(Doly can also - and actually has - seen his face, as well as a few others, but we don't talk about that)

His long, fluffy hair was a near-black brown. He had it pulled back into a low ponytail, and it waves down to his waist. Freckles scattered his pale, rosy skin, and his mix-matched eyes sparked curiosity. His right was a fire-brown, so bright it seemed orange, while his other was a cool blue - almost like water. He too was leaning against the railing, with his elbows supporting his back. He wore a plain, cool-grey T-shirt, a black hoodie wrapping around his waist. Below that was a pair of jet-black skinny jeans, held up by a light leather belt, and grey combat boots. Chains laced around his outfit, with his neck, boots, and belt being shown to be occupied by the loud jewelry.

I, on the other hand, had my rosy white, short hair pulled up in a bun-like updo. I fiddled my pale hands around, stimming myself. I had a pale-pink, off the shoulders Lolita dress on, which went down to my  knees. A baby pink ribbing was wrapped around my waist, helping to poof up the dress a bit. I had my knee-high combat boots on. My shoulders and the right side of my neck had rose tattoos on the soft, pale skin. A pink vine tattoo trained down my right cheek from my eye to my chin. Over my right eye was a rose eye-patch, and my head held a nice white headband with white horns, the tips of which faded into baby pink. My back held a pair of large, pearly white wings.

I rested my chin in my hand, and looked up at the shop in front of us.

Yellow florescent lights illuminated the various weapons on the tall, 20 meter-long back wall, both ancient and new. Just from first looks, I can spot daggers, spears, throwing knives, swords - long, short, gladiator, etc. - bows, scythes, harpoons, lances, halberds (think glorified, weaponized axes), ninja throwing spike things, fishing rods, and crossbows.

On the side walls, each being almost 3-4 meters deep, contained different, useful items. The right wall included potions - strength, speed, invis, etc. - grenades and guns (something most servers have banned for a good reason), totems, buckets of lava, water, and milk, gapples, god apples, fireworks, pearls, arrows, and food - mainly steak and bread.

Meanwhile, the left wall contained crystals, obsidian + other blocks like glow stone and slime, "respawn" anchors, elytra, and enchantment spell books. The spell books were all written in "runes", or what were actually pigpen ciphers. Easier to read than enchantment, and has less of an effect, but it still works. There were about 8 books, all explaining the different enchantment runes you can do. Now THESE required some knowledge of enchantment, as it could be easily fucked up if done wrong.

Never have been good at enchantment, neither has Clown. Our talents both resign in the PVP aspects, though mine also likes to explore into the Houdini arts, and Clown's in building and baking (that damn cookie monster).

I sighed and pushed myself off of the counter, letting my thoughts re-direct to our arena.

It was quite large - nothing like the big colossal, but still pretty good in size. It was maybe a kilometer in diameter, with tons of space. Currently we had it set on Bos van de dood, or Forest of Death. Oak trees sprouted everywhere, creating almost a surface of leaves at the top. Underneath contained wet grass, various flowers, and the perfect shade for combat. Everything was dusted in a light coat of snow - nothing too serious, but still visible.

Despite this, the air was cool, with a soft breeze coming in from the east. It was still morning, and the fluffy white clouds above dictated no rain. The reason on why the snow melts? Well, we're surrounded by tall, white terracotta walls, expanding half a kilometer in the air. A clear, enchanted dome sat on the top, purple streaks of magic shining through.

We could control the climate in here with a wheel of sorts. It allowed us to simulate night, day, thunderstorms, rain, snow, winds, and natural disasters, like flooding or fires. It also allows us to change the terrain, which you had a snowy biome, forests, plains, nether, end, and others, however the end was glitchy, and hardly used, since the 'void' wouldn't let you go back up or some shit, and you'd be stuck.

"So, are we just going to stand here, or are we going to duel?" Clown's voice forced me out of my thoughts as I looked to him. He was smirking at me, and had now pushed off the counter, crossing his arms.

I scoffed at him, rolling my eyes at Branzy's little boyfriend. "Of course, trash bag." I snickered as he gasped, pushing myself away from the shop, and towards the armory. He stood there, befuddled, before shortly joining my side at the armory.

"So," I examined the my set of netherite armor. It's gold and diamond trims outlines various parts of it. "Which type will we be doing? I was thinking starting with Pot PVP, then maybe moving on to Crystaling, or maybe.."

I grinned as he looked over to me, confused. "We could try diversions and traps?" I smirked. He immediately turned the thought down at both.

"I want to be trained, not to distract or trap you, idiot." He scuffed, inspecting his own netherite armor.

While he wasn't looking, I went into my communicator, and loaded my combat outfit. The only significant change was that I was now wearing a loose blouse instead of a dress, and I had light blue jeggings on.

I started putting my armor on, starting from down and going up - a strategy I learned from Doly very quickly. I started with strapping the greaves to my knee-high boots, tugging on the leather straps and buckling them. Next we're my tassets. I pulled the metal over my waist, fastening the straps. I fiddled with my chest plate, before finally getting it on correctly. I tightened the leather and clicked the buckle in between my wings. I secured my shoulder plates and cam rates on my shoulder and forearms.

I glared at the helmet, looking over my shoulder to see that Clown had his on already. I sighed, grabbing the helmet, and replacing my headband with it. I stretched my wings out before tucking them in neatly.

I grabbed my chosen weapons; a double-headed scythe, a halberd, a jian sword, and a dagger. I flicked the dagger around in my hands, observing Clown as he sorted his inventory. His weapon collection contained a rapier (apparently named Piercer), a scythe, a halberd, and a bow.

I sighed, and sorted my inventory as well.

Shield here, potions there. Gapples in hot bar and another stack ready above. 3 stacks of pearls, one in hot bar. All weapons in hot bar, with garrets beside the gaps. Cobwebs in the corner, scythe as second weapon and jian as first, followed by halberd and dagger.

My eye glossed over as I sorted out my inventory situation to where I liked it. It returned to normal once I exited my inventory, and I walked over to the entrance.

"Coming?" I called out, and Clown looked back at me, eyes still glossed.

He went back to sorting his inventory. "Yeah, but give me a second, I gotta re-organize my potions-" he turned to meet me and walked over, now out of his inventory.

I sighed. "Alright, I'm assuming Neth-Pot?" He nodded, and I grabbed my jian.

I gripped onto it tight, leaning on the door as I stared out to the forest. "Alright, here's the deal. We will get 30 seconds to hide and prep for the fight. Mainly hiding, but it's whatever." He nodded to my words, spawning his rapier.

"Once the 30 seconds are up.." I activated the 30 second timer on the clock above us. "We will find and attack. I'll help you while in battle, but not much. 10 rounds, no Lifesteal, no crystaling. Got it?" I looked over to him, and he nodded.

"Right, okay. Start the timer when your ready?" He confirmed, looking out to the forest.

I huffed, and started the timer. We both sprinted out away from each other and into the darker forest.

I let my eyes adjust to the dark environment as I pulled out my strength and speed pots. I ran behind a tree and threw them above my head.

The glass shattered on my helmet, the magic absorbing my body, and the clock struck.

Battle on.

I mentally prepared myself for a day full of cuts, bruises, and respawns, before circling the tree and heading East - towards Clown.

I chugged down on 2 gapples, tightening my grip, and kept my senses - especially my hearing - on high alert. There's no animals, so any rustling in the leaves or bushes give us both away.

I stood in the middle of a clearing. The misty air tainted my tongue and the warm light barely shined through the leaves overhead.

I heard the trees speak Vietnamese and I turned around just in time to block an attack. I tilted my sword to the left, easily throwing him off balance.

I came in to attack him, swinging my sword from the left, but his shield blocked me as I did so. I swung down, quickly swapping to my axe, and chopped his shield, disabling it. I landed two hits on him before he could parry me - one going up from his chin, and another on his left shoulder, where the armor doesn't protect him.

He grunted in annoyance, regaining his posture, and attacked. I parried his swing, kicking him in the shin. He lost balance, pulling his rapier out and slashing at me. A sharp pain burst from my side, and I winced.

I gapped, pearling away. I slammed into a tree as I felt lightheaded and weightless for a moment due to the pearl's enderian nature. I held my head, cussing under my breath as I downed another gapple and pulled my dagger out just in time.

Clown jumped at me, but I turned around and slashed him in the stomach. I pushed him down, the head of his scythe hooking behind my neck and pulling me down with him. I pressed the dagger to his throat and slashed.

"Never, use, a damn scythe, in, a closed, space." I spat out, huffing in between my words. Blood oozed out of the wound rapidly, and I could hear Clown choke beneath me on his own blood as it poured out of his mouth, gargling.

The scythe behind my back slid off, and the hand which held it fell limp. His breathing - well, pathetic choked gasps for air - had stopped, and I stood up.

As the smoke on his body ate him away, I smelled a mix combination of iron (most likely blood), fire, raspberries, and soot. Everybody has a different respawn smoke, with his being tainted a bloody black.

I stepped back as a red, crystal heart rose from his chest. It was split into 20 even pieces, and was missing half of them. One of the pieces tried to escape, wiggling barely above the others, before it shot back in, the whole heart exploded in a flurry of sharp dust particles. I shielded my face, and wiped the blood off the corner of my mouth.

I sighed and took out a healing potion, chugging it down, and set foot to the clearing we were in.

We did this another 9 times. With the 8th round, I had been drowned in the nearby river. I choked up blood and water when I respawned. 4/4.

On the 9th, I had made stabbed him over 15 times, and he didn't die until passing out from blood loss. 5/4.

By the time we got to the 10th round, we were both exhausted. Yet I kept encouraging him to continue fighting.

To no avail, however, as I found when I had him pinned against the cold mud, next to the river. I pressed my right knee into his stomach even further, keeping my left leg on his right so it would be deemed useless. I squeezed both hands on his neck, his own hands reaching up and attempting to pull mine away.

Tears threatened to submerge from under his eyes, his wiggling and squirming slowing to a stop. The light eventually left his eyes, and he smoked away.  I gasped as my palms slammed into the mud, and I grinned.


(Clowns POV)

I gasped and lurched forward, my hands shooting to my neck. I curled up on myself, hunching, as I struggled to regain my breath. I coughed up blood alongside it, my eyes adjusting to the bright light.

"Damn, she fucked you up bad, didn't she?" I looked up, my breathing heavy and uneven, and let out a weak and dry laugh.

Doly stood above me, holding a healing pot in his hand. The familiar black bunny mask with it's golden features stared at me, before he took it off.

His black hood fell down with it, and  faded silvery-blond hair floofed from beneath. It's volume was so fucking much, with that thickness of hair I don't think I'd be sane. His golden brown eyes crinkled at the corners, and his sharp, yellowed teeth grinned at me. Scars littered his face, many old, some new, none gone. Freckles scattered around like dust in the air, and his pointed ears wiggled a little.

He knelt down, his black merch hoodie folding against the black jeans and dark-brown leather belt he wore. He held out the potion, and I gladly accepted it. I carefully drunk it, no longer in the middle of a fight.

"What did she do, drown you to death?" He cackled, and I let out a dry wheeze.

"No, I did that to her, she choked me against the mud." I weakly chuckled, my throat sore and dry from all the blood and lack of air. I held a hand up to my throat, wincing as it brushed it.

He saw this, and put a hand on my shoulder. "Careful, if you were choked, I have no doubt your vocal cords are all fucked up and shit." He grinned, adding on. "Be glad it wasn't me who was dueling you, otherwise we both know what would've happened." He laughed lightly, and I sighed, continuing to sip the potion.

I remember that, he had challenged me to a duel a few months back, and I had lost miserably. Didn't even stand a chance as I was quite literally beat into the ground by his sword.

That was also when he damaged my mask and practically yeeted it off my face with his axe. I giggled lightly at the memory of me loosing my balance and face planting into the ground.

I buried my face into my arm, in an attempt to calm my giggling. I heard Doly snicker infront of me, and he shuffled to sit next to me. I felt his warm hoodie grazing my dirtied one.

I heard the trees rustle, and looked up. Ivory emerged from the trees, holding her scythe. Mud, blood, and dirt messed up her before-hand white outfit, which was now brown and red.

Doly laughed beside me, leaning back against the wall. "What did you do? Try chasing herobrine in a swap?" He teased her, laughing. I couldn't help but snicker.

"Ha-ha, very funny, bitch." She flipped him off, sarcasm in her tone despite a grin on her face. Doly gasped dramatically, his hand holding his chest.

He couldn't keep up the act for long, and eventually we all fell into a fit of laughter.

Giggled escaped my mouth as Ivory sat down to my left. I sighed, feeling safe in the presence of my father figure and sister in law. I slipped my silver ruby ring out of my pocket, and slid it on my left ring finger.

"So, Doly," Ivory started, leaning forward towards him. "Whatcha doing here anyways?" She smirked, and Doly sighed, resting his arm on his knee as his other leg stuck out.

"Waiting on a friend, challenged em a few days ago to a duel-" he was cut off.

The three of us jumped as the warping sound of a fourth filled the air. I rushed to cover my face, pulling my hood up and yanking on the strings. I heard the other two stand up, Doly getting infront of me protectively. He crossed his arms, and Ivory leaned against the wall. I heard Doly put his face mask on as a sharp inhale came somewhere far infront of me. Ivory gasped beside me.

"Doly! Didn't expect to see you here so soon... who are these people?" An unknown voice spoke, muffled slightly by some type of thick mask. It seemed.. off. Manipulative almost.

"These are my friends, IvoryCello and ClownPierce. I'm sure you've heard of them, have you not?" Doly spat, his tone unusually cold and strict.

Glad that tone isn't directed at me, I'd be crying in a corner by now if it was.

"Oh, those two! Hm~ I think I remember them. Ivory, aren't you the great Houdini or something?" The voice - confirmed male - teased. He had a higher voice, with some type of bitter-sweet tone behind it that it makes my stomach turn.

Ivory only scoffed. Curiosity started filling my head. Either she's catching on the the tone, or she knows the person.

I attempted to push in the strands of hair that poked out of my hoodie.

"Hey! No peeking, we didn't peek when you're mask was chopped off pre-face reveal, did we?" Ivory stepped infront of me, and I panicked. He could have seen my face, damn bastard.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't realise he didn't have a mask on. Say, where is it? I could go get it?" He offered, but it was quickly put down.

"I'll go get it, you three stay here, k?" Doly demanded. Shivers ran down my spine as he walked off. The unknown man hummed in delightful anger.

"Well, that's solved then. Say, Pierce-"

"It's ClownPierce." I spat.

"ClownPierce, then, didn't I see you at the hub that one time? A few years back, on Christmas, with the purple eyed guy?" He walked over, and I covered my face completely. I shook my head.

"There's like, a thousand people I meet on Christmas in the hub, and either way I most likely didn't see you." I sputtered, Ivory making sure he didn't get within arm's length.

The dude only hummed. "How odd, I'd expect for you of all people to recognize my voice, but I suppose not. Even that Tommy kid recognizes it, even though we've only been friends for what, 6 days?" My eyes widened, and I realized who I was talking to.


"You and Tommy innit? Friends? What the fuck?" I peeked out of my hoodie, only my brown eye showing, and I held in a laugh.

"Yeah, what about it?" He tilted his head.

I let out a snicker. "Didn't the server get nu-"

"Okay! Dream, let's duel, alright?" Doly cut in, shooing Dream away from me and handing me my mask. "Don't tell him, he's got amnesia, he doesn't remember jackshit from his old server." He whispered to me, kneeling in from of me as I put my mask on. I nodded, sighing.

Doly stood up and Ivory lended me a hand, pulling me up.

The other two walked off, Doly waving me goodbye. I turned to Ivory, still shooken up a bit.

"So, wanna spectate, or wanna go torment your boyfriend?" She offered. I immediatly put down the torment option.

We both laughed, grabbing the spectate chips and stabbing them into our necks. I felt light and free, and rose myself off the ground. Ivory followed, and we both spectated the match below.

I snickered.

Dream stood no chance.


This was hella long

*looks at my drafts*

Drafts: 10/16 published

Me: oops.


More content soon, mainly BranzyPierce lolll

I only looked up Ivory's wiki and went off that, and I didn't even do anything for Doly I just made up his personality to the best of my abilities lol


Father Figure Doly time :P

Ight dis gettin long

As always, have a great morning/day/evening/night (FUCKING SLEEP), drink plenty of water, eat some, and buh BYYEEEEEEEEEEE

ok I'm sorry I had to add this-

I swapped rooms since my now current room is bigger than my old one

I also bought those with my own money :P


(Words: 3635)

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