Aku selalu ada || Abdul Kahar

By TheRealAshiu

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Kahar ada gf tho (kau ah tu) Bamf reader, ooc kahar (kinda aq rasa) Y/n is the owner of an underground gym th... More

Kem Minda Sihat
Lawan taruh
Lawan taruh part 2
A/n 1
Minggu asrama
Fanfic meme
Bukan chapter
A/n3 aku nak rambling
High council
A/n ?
A/n bincang
Dua tahun
Makan petang
A/n- pengunguman
One shot


1.2K 76 43
By TheRealAshiu

2006(Kahar form 5):

Lepas Kahar bawak aku balik dari kllinik, he's been more protective than usual. Keluar klinik pon dia guide aku, ke kereta pon dia yang angkat aku. Dia suruh Hakeem drive sebab dia nak duduk dengan aku dekat belakang.

"Keem, slow sikit la gila, nanti dia carsick." Kahar cakap.

"Baiklah, kapla." Hakeem jawab dengan nada mengusik.

Kahar has been playing with my hair as I laid on his lap. The phone in his pocket keeps ringing but dia tak jawab. "Phone vibrating." I told him. Kahar capai phone dia yang dalam pocket dan letakkan phone tu dekat seat depan. Memang taknak layan benda-benda ni.

"Kalau penting macam mana?" I asked him. My brain is still a little foggy tapi tak ada la sampai macam tadi.

"Kau penting lagi." He answered without even looking at me. Kahar tengah merenung ke luar tingkap. Dia dengan baju sleeveless dia, dengan seluar pendek dia, dah macam uniform.

The light that came from the sun that has been reflected onto the moon had shine upon him and yet somehow, even though the moon has been written poems of for centuries because of its beauty, Kahar wins against it.

Even when the sky decorates itself with the prettiest diamonds and gold, he would always win against it.

If the stars could ever cry then the whole galaxy would be flooded as the prettiest of the stars that has been praised for centuries by every man on this earth from every timeline and breaths would be ashamed that its beauty has nothing on Kahar's

He truly is the definition of majestic.

Even when his eyebrows are scrunched out of stress, even when he is pale when he's sick, even when he's sweating after a fight, he will always be the prettiest being on this earth.

Ciptaan Tuhan yang terindah.

"Ya sayang? Kenapa usya-usya?" Kahar asked me. I smiled and cupped his face. "Terpegun." I told him sincerely. I could feel the heat gathering on his cheek. He'a turning red. Comel.

"Bersemut satu kereta." Hakeem joked from the front.

"Kau pun nak ke Keem?" I asked him jokingly. Kahar leaned to the front reached for Hakeem's face from behind. "Hari-hari aku terpegun tengok kau keem, serious serious"." Kahar said with a smile on his lips.

His sweet, sweet smile.

Aku memang bila concussed kena jiwang ke?

"Uish malu la kitew!" Hakeem jawab. Aku yang masih terbaring atas Kahar's lap reached to the front to touch Hakeem's arm. "Kau la yang terpaling comel, Keem. Tak ada yang boleh ganti tempat kau." Aku sambung.

"Uish nak melting la macam ni! Dari boyfriend ke girlfriend. Uish!" Hakeem melawak. Tangan dia masih lagi di steering.

"Jom ah kita bertiga. Tak nak ke Kahar sayang?" Hakeem tanya, jokingly.

Kahar gelak. Aku paling suka bila dia gelak-gelak macam ni. Selain aku, Hakeem ja yang dia boleh melawak macam ni. Selalunya depan orang lain, dia berubah. Dia garang, tegas, he has that face that makes you intimidated to even talk back to him.

But with us, he's our Kahar. Our sweet sweet boy, Kahar.

Hakeem parks the car in the gym's garage. Turned the car off and took the keys. Dia bukak pintu passenger side belah kanan, side Kahar. "Jom ayang-ayang."'dia selamber bercakap. I sat up and Kahar went out of the car.

Right when I was stepped out of the car Kahar lifted me bridal style. "Apo bang. Boleh jalan la." I said to him. "Aku nak jugak!" Hakeem cakap and tried to climb Kahar's back. "Betul-betul la ya tak ya pon." Kahar jawab.

Hakeem ended up on Kahar's back. Piggy back ride gitu. "Weee." Hakeem cakap. Buat aku tergelak. "Hai orang depan!" Hakeem said to me.

"Haii." Aku jawab sambil tergelak-gelak.

When we stepped inside the gym Hakeem turun. Kahar settled me down on the office couch.

"You sure ke you okay sayang?" Kahar tanya. Harini ahad. Esok isnin. Kalau aku tak okay pon takkan la first day sekolah dah nak ponteng?

"Ye sayang okay je. Pening dah kurang. Foggy je lebih." I told him. "Jangan risau, sayang okay."

Hakeem angguk and hook his arm with Kahar. "Ha kan dia dah cakap dia okay? Dah dah jangan risau, esok lepas briefing form 4 kita fly lagi okay sayang?" Hakeem tanya Kahar sambil cucuk-cucuk pinggang Kahar. Kahar tergelak. "Jangan lah!"

Ticklish budak ni.

Hakeem tak habis lagi dengan joke tu. aku tersengih. "Betul tu Kahar sayang, Hakeem cinta dah back up." Aku sambung joke dia.

Hakeem tergedik-gedik macam ulat kepanasan. "Kan Y/n cinta kata okay. Dah Kahar sayang. Kita gerak. Esok ada kelas." Hakeem cakap sambil menari-nari. Aku tergelak lagi.

"Korang dua ni kan. Jumpa ja mula la. Ha okay, kalau tak ada apa-apa esok Kahar datang okay? Kalau ada sakit-sakit suruh Rahmat panggil. Okay?"
He said. Aku tahu dia masih mengconcerned. "Ya sayang." I said. Kahar nodded and put his hand on my head.

"Bye." He said. Berat hati la tu.

Hakeem raised his hand. We did a bro hand shake. "Dah dah esok ada lagi. Jangan resah. Byee sayunkkk." Hakeem melawak sambil tarik Kahar.

Budak dua orang ni. Haish. I laid down on the couch and tried to sleep.

A/n: sorry weh kalau kurang. Aku baru dapat test result autocad. 18/24 ja we APA NI 😭😭😭😭

Next chapter aku plan nak follow ep1 WUAHUAHAUAHAA (aku dah berjaya hasut roommate aku tengok high council)

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