Lawan taruh

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2005 (Kahar form4):

As expected, aku tido tak sampai sejam dah terjaga, I spent the whole night looking through all the bills for the gym, the house, asrama fees, spm schedule, monthly budget, motorbike maintenance. I keep peeking through the window to check up on Kahar, placed the blanket on him and went back to the office.

"Bagun, subuh." I told him. Kahar sat up and looked around. "Berjemaah jom?" He asked. "Aku cuti." He nodded and yawn, went to the toilet to take wudhu.

I've already showered so I just went back to my office to look through the bills again. Some guy broke the barbell and now it needs replacement. Duit. Duit. Duit. Hosting lawan taruh kadang-kadang ja banyak duit.

"Jom." I heard Kahar said from the door. I looked at the clock on the wall. 7:15. Boleh la.

"Motor ke kereta?" I asked him.
"Motor la. Tapi aku nak bawak, boleh?"

I thought about it for a second. Motor tu Yamaha scrambler, aku beli pakai duit aku, duit bersih, berat la aku nak bagi orang pinjam but this is Kahar.

I threw the key at him. "Calar kau ganti."

He smiled and nodded. "Okay sayang."

Kahar memang macam ni tapi dengan aku ja. Excited 24/7. Lately aku nampak yang dia penat.

"Jom." Kahar said after starting the bike. I hopped on and held him by the shoulders, nearby his neck. He laughed a little. "Geli lahh." Aku senyum. Ticklish dia ni.

I dropped my hands to hold him by the hips. "Makan apa?"

"Roti canai." Dia jawab. Once the bike left the garage the sun greets my eyes in the most aggressive way. It felt like needles poking my eyes. I hissed and dropped my head lower. "Okay tak belakang tu?" Kahar asked.

"Yep. Headache"

I placed my head on his shoulder to shield from the sun. We stopped at the traffic light. I could feel his hand rubbed on my head gently. "We stop at a pharmacy first, get you painkillers." Kahar cakap as if nak pujuk aku.

I shook my head. "No. Painkillers tak boleh aku takut relapse. Sikit je ni." Kahar hummed in response. The bike moved again but I kept my head on his shoulder. Kahar keeps rubbing my head every chance he got. "Focus la, crash kang."
He laughed.

Kahar parked the bike in front of the store. He got down first and offered me his hand as leverage to get down. "Hati-hati." He murmured. Walaupun dah dekat setahun couple, we keep on calling each other aku kau, only when the other is sick or concerned then the terms saya/awak and sayang gets thrown.

"I'm fine sayang." I reassured him. Kahar nodded but I know he dismissed it in his head. Kahar held my hand and guided me to the seat. "Awak duduk, saya pergi order." He said, borderline demanded.

I laid mu head on the table. Kahar sat down next to me and rubbed my head. "Sakit sangat ke?"

"Tak." Aku tipu. Kahar ni memang kasar tapi dengar aku dia melting. Dia concerned. He has too much on his plate already, he doesn't need to deal with this.

"Jangan tipu, sayang." Kahar sighed and keeps rubbing my head. I sat up straight and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Sini kau rupanya, Kahar." I heard a voice said, I could feel Kahar tensed. Sapa pulak pagi-pagi ni.

"Awal kau fly sekolah. Siap angkut awek lagi." I opened my eyes to see some guy standing in front of where we're sitting.

"Boleh blah tak?" Kahar asked, he controlled his voice to make sure he's not speaking too loud.

"Oh? Depan awek kau nak buat hero la? Eh kau bagitahu member kau, hakeem tu, dia tak layak la direstui, sepatutnya AKU!" Mamat tu jerit dan tepuk meja.

I take my head off Kahar's head as I could feel he's about to stand up.

Kahar stood up. He looked so different. Muka dah garang. He'a probably only seeing red.

"Dah kau main muka? Salah siapa, sial?" Kahar asked sterly. Quiet but still stern. "Kau ni kan-"

"Sudah ah." Aku mencelah. "Dekat public pon nak bising ke?"

"Eh jalang-"
"Cakap elok sikit la SIAL" Kahar said and punched the guy in his face. I looked around. Memang owner kedai ni regular customer bapak aku, aku kenal dia. Satu kedai ni memang budak-budak dia. Geng-geng samseng yang selalu lawan taruh kat gym pon selalu lepak sini. Semua dah ready to fight. Mainly sebab aku baik dengan diorang.

The guy came back up, they're probably about to fight. "Boss, tarik dia." I said to one of the budak yang selalu lawan taruh dekat gym. "Kahar sudah." I said and he looked at me weird. The guy got dragged out of the store and by the sound of his groan probably got beaten a bit.

"Tempat ni tempat aku. Pakai cabel ja." Aku explained sambil duduk.

Kahar nodded. "Sakit kepala lagi ke?"



(Back at the gym):

Once we walked into the gym, I could tell someone was inside. "Sapa kat dalam?" I shouted loud enough for the whole gym to hear. Kahar looked at me like I've lost my mind. "Kenapa sayang?"

I placed my finger on my lips and pointed him to walk to the right side of the gym, nearby the broken barbell. I whispered for him to stay there.

I walked to right side of the gelanggang, circling around and decided to walk to my office. I can hear someone rummaging through my belongings. I opened the door. "Sapa tu sial!"

The person turned around leaving me in shock.

From the outside of the office I could hear crashing and grunting.

"Apa sial kau bawak ni ma." I whispered and left the office to check up on Kahar.

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