Shy : Neteyam x Reader

By yawntutsyip

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"𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘢, 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦" ... More

ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ One
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ Two
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ Three
not an update.
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ Four
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ Five
ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ Seven
Not an update: please read!!!!!

ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ Six

2.5K 95 44
By yawntutsyip

"(Y/N)?!" Lo'ak shouts as he sees you unconscious by him, he quickly moves over to by your side shaking your shoulders to try and wake you up.

He lets his eyes trail over your body as he winces looking at all the cuts you had gotten on your arms and legs, fortunately, they weren't deep but if they weren't treated soon they definitely would cause some problems.

He shouts your name a couple more times but still revived no answer. Lo'ak then moves into CPR, pushing against your chest, and soon enough you quickly sit up spitting out water that had been swallowed.

"There you go! It's alright we're okay!" Lo'ak says softly while patting your back to help you. You look around and see you guys were still out in the water. You just hoped you guys didn't drift off further out to sea.

"Thankfully we're on this rock huh?" Lo'ak sits next to you grinning and pats the 'rock' with a smile.

A rock? You look down at what you guys were sitting on, and as soon as you do your eyes go wide in realization. "Lo'ak...this isn't a rock.."

On cue, the Tulkun lets out its clicks and whistles, Telling you guys it was in fact, not a rock.

You both look at each other before sliding off and sitting on its fin right next to its eye. "You're a tulkun, you saved our lives," Lo'ak said talking to the creature and receiving more clicking. Lo'ak looks to you for translation while laughing.

"They said you are welcome...oh! Lo'ak look...their hurt! We have to help them!" You state at the large metal contraption that was pierced through his fin clearly made by the humans.

"The humans...they hurt you didn't they?" You ask the Tulkun by signing with a frown on your face. How could someone hurt such a loving and kind creature, they did not harm anyone.

'yes' the tulkun responds to you, even though it was just varies of echos and clicks you could hear the sadness behind it. The tulkun was in pain.

"Let's try and pull it out," Lo'ak tells you and you both wrap your arms around it using all your strength to pull it out but it wouldn't budge at all.

"It's not working! What do we do?!" You watch as Lo'ak dives into the water to get a better inspection while you stay above trying to comfort it saying it's gonna be okay.

"It's gonna be okay! We are gonna get it out don't worry!" You sign to the Tulkun and move closer to rest your head against its head giving it a gentle hug.

Finally, Lo'ak gets it out and swims back up to sit next to you. The tulkun only chirped in happiness thanking you guys for helping them.

"Friends?" Lo'ak signed to them, then looked to you for an answer. You smile and nod your head.

"They said yes, and thank you" you feel the Tulkun tilt itself so you both fall off of him into the water.

"What's he doing (Y/N)?!"

"They want us to swim with them! Come on! Hold on to their fin" you tell Lo'ak pulling him along with you so you both are holding tightly onto the fin as the big creature begins to swim around.

"Excuse me!" Neteyam's ears twitch up to an unfamiliar voice calling to him. He raises his head to the lady towering over him due to him sitting down on the sand.

"Yes? Can I help you with something?" He said politely with a smile, although Neteyam wasn't happy here, and the people weren't very happy with him and his family being there either, he still had manners and knew when to be respectful.

"Have you seen (Y/N)?" She asked him with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"(Y/N)?" He said back confused. The more he stared at the woman the more he realized how much you two looked alike.

'This must her mom!'

"Oh! Sorry! No, I haven't seen her at all something wrong?" He quickly stands up, all attention on the lady now as he dusts off the sand and tries to at least make himself somewhat presentable. (he has to make a good first impression to his future mate's mother duhhh)

"I's just...I haven't seen her at all today and I'm worried. She was supposed to be home an hour ago to help me and she never showed up...I would ask Ao'nung but I can't seem to find him anywhere..." the older woman lets out a sigh while rubbing her forehead from frustration and stress. Where could her daughter be? She thought to herself only able to hope you were safe.

"I can try and go look for Ao'nung if you would like. I'll also see if I can find her around as well...don't worry I'm sure she's alright!" Neteyam tries to reassure her. As much as he didn't like Ao'nung right now, he was willing to put that all aside for now as he saw how worried your mother was for your well-being.

"Oh! If it's not too much for you that would be appreciated, thank you so much! (Y/N) was right you know! She's been telling me how nice of a boy you are!" She smiles back at the boy while patting him on the shoulder.

Neteyam blushed, you had been talking about him to your mom? The thought of that made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

"Of course! It's no problem, I'll go look for him now" he says, after exchanging quick goodbyes he set off to walk around and find the Metkayina boy.

The thing is though, Neteyam didn't think this through as he was still learning his way around the village so it took him a while, going in circles around the village looking for the boy, but finally, with enough perseverance he found Ao'nung.

Ao'nung had been sitting with his back against a rock in the sand while fidgeting with his necklace. He would be lying if he said he wasn't waiting for you.

He felt bad at what he and his friends did and he knew you would be mad at him, he also knew he was wrong for doing it but he was mad, his frustrations got the best of him and he acted out on them.

They didn't belong here. They were horrible in the water, they looked like newborn babies taking their first swim, and don't forget they were five-fingered freaks with demon blood.


Speak of the demon.

Ao'nung ignores the calls of his name and continues to stare off into the distance. The voice only grew louder until his view of the water was blocked by a pair of legs.

"What do you want now? Can't you see I'm busy?" He groans in annoyance at the boy.

"Busy doing what? You were just sitting here?-"

"So what?! I like to stare at the water! Got a problem forest boy?!"

"What?- no! That's not why I'm here! Have you seen (Y/N)?" Neteyam shakes his head trying to go back to the main reason he went all over the island looking for him.

"(Y/N)? No......why?" Ao'nung questioned back with a glare. Why was Neteyam asking about his best friend? What's it to him anyways...

"Well her mom just came up to me and said she hasn't seen her all day and was getting worried," Neteyam exclaimed and glared back.

"Well, the last time I saw her we were...." Ao'nung paused as he thought back, The last time he saw you was when they left Lo'ak, but you couldn't possibly have stayed behind right?

No that's definitely something you would do. You were too nice for your own good.

"I think I know where she is....but you're going to get mad" Ao'nung mumbles while looking away.

"Well?...." Neteyam threw his hands up, tired of him dragging this out longer than it should've been.

"Outside the reef...where we left Lo'ak.." he hesitates mid-sentence afraid to tell Neteyam that he and his friends left his brother outside the reef.

"You did what?! Are you serious? You know he's not allowed out there in the first place! What were you thinking!" Neteyam screamed grabbing ahold of Ao'nung by his shoulder. He was furious now.

His brother is somewhere outside the reef? And to make it even worse so we're you? What if you guys were hurt?

"I know! It was a stupid decision... What do we do now?"

"We go and tell my dad. Let's go." Neteyam grabbed Ao'nung's arm pulling him to follow along.

"No! I'll get in trouble I can't!" Ao'nung tries pulling away, but the grip on his arm was too strong.

"Well, you should've thought about that before you did that huh? They could be hurt right now...or even worse dead."


Ao'nung stopped pulling and gave up letting Neteyam drag him to go tell his father.

Regret was all he was feeling right now.

The eclipse has come and the skies that were once bright and blue now lay dark and filled with twinkling stars.

You had asked the Tulkun if they could take you guys back to the village and they were willing to do so.

You were laying on the Tulkun's back spacing out staring at the stars and listening to the waves crash against each other. It was such a calming thing that people took for granted. Never take the time to stop and appreciate pandoras beautiful nature.

Lo'ak was standing on his fin while telling stories. "You know, my dad came from a star....that one!" He pointed up in a certain direction.

"Lo'ak! (Y/N)!" The calls of your names were shouted out followed by the yipping of your people. They had sent a search party out looking for you guys.

"Oh man I'm in trouble, (Y/N) we gotta go!" He grabs your leg shaking you to get your attention.

"Go! We will see you again!" Lo'ak sloppily signed to the Tulkun but they managed to understand what he was saying.

You slide off into the water next to Lo'ak and you both watch as he swam away, once he was out of sight you grab Lo'ak's arm and quickly swim to one of the canoes nearby calling out to them to pick you guys up and soon you were both taken back to land.

The sound of your village's horn rang through your ears, signaling to everyone you guys have been found.

Everyone crowded around including Ao'nung and his parents. You could see their eyes soften once you came in sight, their eyes trailing over your figure.

"(Y/N)..." Ao'nung quietly said your name with a sorry look on his face. You only said nothing but a quick half-smile before diverting your gaze away.

"'itetsyìp!!" A familiar voice shouts out to you as people made way for them as they pushed through.

"mom..." you whimper out and run into her open arms, tears began to fall from your eyes. She could only hold you tight and whisper comfort words while thanking Eywa that her daughter was brought back safe and sound despite a few cuts here and there.

Lo'ak watched Ao'nung with furry as he began walking up to the boy about to give him a piece of his mind but got stopped by his father.

"Hey! Let's have a look at you!" Jake said and searched all over his son's body looking for wounds. "He's fine! He's fine, just a few scratches!" He tells the people crowding around.

Although Jake was furious as well, he didn't want to cause any problems and take the chance of having to leave finding shelter somewhere else.

Neytiri makes her way past everyone, before giving a quick apologetic glance to you and your mother, then makes her way to Lo'ak.

She takes a sharp inhale while looking at her son, glad he was okay but mad that he had made her worry so much. "I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyes out of my youngest son!" she says baring her teeth with her ears pulled back in fury.

"No, My son knows better than to take him outside the reef," Tonowari interrupts putting a firm hand on his son's shoulder and giving him a scolding glare. Oh, Ao'nung was gonna get it when he got home alright.

Tonowari forces Ao'nung to kneel in front of Lo'ak to apologize. "The blame is his."

"Okay.." Jake said a little weary but glad no fights started. He gives Tonowari a nod before telling his family to get going, But Lo'ak stayed there still staring at Ao'nung.

"No. This is not Ao'nungs fault...this was my idea" He tells the Olo'eyktan. His words catch your attention as you pull away from your mother with a confused look while wiping your eyes. What was he saying? It was all Ao'nungs fault - completely.

"Ao'nung and (Y/N) both tried to talk me out of it...really.."

Tonowari and Ronal share a glance, pulling Ao'nung to stand up again once the Sully family leaves.

"Ao'nung, is this true?" He asked his son while Ronal was already scolding.

"Yes..." Ao'nung could only mumble out, surprised himself that Lo'ak said that.

You currently sat in the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk hut, getting your cuts treated by Ronal as she rubs the paste in your cuts, hisses leaving your lips from the sting.

"I apologize, sweetheart, I have to make sure the medicine gets in completely to make sure it won't get infected." She looks at you with eyes softened.

Ronal had thought of you like her other daughter, her and your mom were best friends so she practically helped raise you with your mother. When she heard about you missing she was so worried and very disappointed in her son that he would do such a thing.

"It's okay aunty..." you tell her while looking away trying to find something to distract you from the pain.

You watch as the door opens and Ao'nung walks up to you with his head down, you let out a sigh looking away from him still upset at what he did.

What Ao'nung did was highly inappropriate but you knew he did not mean for things to go to that extreme. That was never his intention and you knew that. He was a good person despite his harsh personality.

Ao'nung let out a shaky sigh before getting onto his knees and bowing down with your hand to his forehead spitting out apologies for what he did and how he knew it was wrong.

"Ao'nung, it's okay I forgive you...Now get up your making this awkward please..." you began to feel embarrassed as shake your hand that was in his grasp trying to push him and pull away at the same time.

He got the hint and sat up scooting a bit backward. "I really am sorry...I should've checked to make sure you were behind us"

"Well....Actually...I won't forgive you." You plainly say while holding back a smile, watching as Ao'nung's face contorted into a sad frown almost looking like a kicked puppy. (what would be the Na'vi version of that? Idk)

"What? But you just said you did!?-"

"I'll only forgive you if you collect me some more shells...the ones at the bottom, you know the shiny blue ones" you cut him off with a smirk before letting out a hiss in pain.

"Sorry sorry! This one's a big cut" Ronal apologized with a laugh following as she listened to you talk to her son.

The boy lets out a frustrated groan. "Fine deal. Now do you forgive me?" he says hopeful, but was not happy about having to collect the shells. The shells that you wanted were rare and hard to find so this was gonna be tough finding them, but hey..if it meant you forgiving him for something that was terribly wrong to do, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Besides Tsireya, you were like a little sister to him. You both grew up beside each other and he was the one to get you out of your shell (sorta).

When you were younger you didn't talk at all, practically mute from being so shy but after a while of having one-sided conversation with you, you were finally able to get comfortable and warm up to the boy answering back.

He also made it his duty to protect you and Tsireya making sure you guys never got when this happened it broke Ao'nung knowing this was his fault and he had failed to keep you safe as you were sitting here in pain getting your wounds cared of.

But after talking with Lo'ak before he came to the hut to see you, he realized they weren't as bad of people as he thought.

He was willing to give them a chance.

AN: RAH. I hope you liked this chapter 😭 I promise Neteyam and (Y/N) will have their moment next chapter.

Also! Would you guys like if I also posted my imagines/requests I get from tumblr on here + my avatar tweet series ? If so lmk!

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