Luna Eclipse ( Sequel to MEET...

By cUtiE0502sEcRet

17.8K 361 157

A Mystery of things have been happening in the Super Natural and Human world. Vampires suddenly dieing, human... More

Luna Eclipse ( Sequel to MEETING a VAMPIRE PRINCE was not on my VACATION list!)
Luna Eclipse - Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1*

3.6K 68 14
By cUtiE0502sEcRet

Chapter 1

“I’m in the building; I’ll be there in a damn minute!” I snapped into my phone, pushing one of the glass doors to the forensic build. I huffed in frustration, sliding my phone into one of my front pockets. Today was my damn off day, why in hell was I here? Oh, right because they can’t do anything without me!

I glanced towards the elevator and noticed a whole group people huddling around, waiting. I rolled my eyes and took a left, towards the staircase. I’ll never understand these people, didn’t they know taking the staircase was much healthier?

I made sure that the door was fully shut; I took in a deep breath, and ran my way up the stairs. Within fifteen seconds, I was standing right by the third floor door, one of the advantages of being a Pure Blood. Taking in a deep breath, while straightening my black blouse, and dust my white skinny jeans; I ran my hand through my long way hair and smirked.

I should do this more often, I though opening the door and making my way towards the morgue, where the corps of a billionaire, James Monroe lay dead. However, I have no clue as to why I’m here right now. I have a team of forensics for this reason; they would investigate the corps and do tests while I did most of the paper work and made sure their facts were legit, and correct. I was actually supposed to be in bed right now doing the paper work on the murder of James Monroe, but instead I was awoken and was said to be at the morgue for a very important reason. Now here I am, making my way to the morgue too meet up with my living team, and a person not so living.

I cracked a smile at that thought, being a forensic investigator forces you to see things you could ever imagine. Most Forensic Investigators coup by taking their work seriously while others end up having a very disgusting sense of humor, such as myself.  

Walking in the busy corridors, past security guards and staff members who just nodded in greeting, and nothing more, they could see I wasn’t to happy, and who in hell would? It was nine o’clock in the damn morning; I was suppose to be in my kitchen sipping coffee while going through pictures of James Monroe’s location of death and body, and actually examine the body tomorrow with Grace, our pathologist.

Reaching the far end of the corridor, where the morgue was located, I open the thick metal door. The sudden smell of metal and try skin filled my nose, I felt my nose itch slightly. A normal human would only be able to smell a slight metal stench; however, Pure Bloods could smell everything in the room, just like vampires. +

I rubbed my nose while walking pass, Amanda, Grace’s assistant; my flat black boots silent against the cold tiles.  The sudden smell of roses and lavender perfume made my nose itch even more. I glanced towards Amanda who was talking on the phone sounding serious while her wrinkled forehead and clouded eyes was a mask of frustration.

Amanda glanced my way, giving me a small smile, I nodded and made my way to wards one of the cold rooms; ignoring Amanda’s eyes on my back.

I surpassed a yawn, opening the one of the double doors, entering the cold room. The stench of blood and rotten flesh stunk in the room, making it hard for me to breath. The room, was quite big, and well lit; opposite the doors were shelves with tools and medication, which would be usually used during autopsy, on the are right side from the door were metal tables covered in white sheets covering figures that could only be human bodies. On the far left sigh of the room were silver tables with documents and pictures. The room was all white and silver, and surprisingly clean for an autopsy room, it gave out a very weird deathly vibe, which usually made any normal human feel very uncomfortable.

Kevin, Grace and Cary- from my forensics team- were hovering over Monroe’s dead body more to the left side of the room. Everyone’s head snapped my way when I entered. 

“And she finally appears.” Kevin, one of the detectives assigned for Monroe’s murder, said folding his well build arms across normal sized chest, his eyes and expression had one of amusement, which made me want to hit him so bad.

 Kevin was well known for having a sharp and fast mind, and a keen eye for finding just about anything and any one. However, he took his job to seriously, which I don’t blame him, there was a lot of violence out there and innocent people die everyday because of other people’s stupidity. Kevin and I had only one thing in common, we never played or joked around, on the job, it was a rule that all great investigators and detectives adopt. Even though I despise Kevin with passion, I must admit he was a looker, tall with bored shoulders, masculine square shaped jaw, military cropped jet-black hair, and dark brown eyes. You’d always see him in nothing but a black khaki pants, a black shirt and of course black blazer, which hinted that he had a little muscle under all that clothing. Over all he was handsome, however, he was an asshole!

I ignored him completely and made my way closer to the body. I stood next to Cary, who specializes in fingerprint analyses and forensic photography, and not so human but half witch.

She glanced my way, greeting me with a half smile; I nodded slowly and exhaled the breath I was holding. Jeez it stinks!, thought to myself while taking in a deep breath.

I looked up at Grace, who was well known for being one of the best pathologists. Her African dark skin glowing slightly from the light above us, her long hair pulled back into a bun and turquoise colored scrubs, covering her petite clothed body, stained with a little blood here and there.

“What’s the problem?” I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows, looking at the body. Monroe was quite a heavy man with a medium round belly, a rose tattooed on his left breast near his heart, hairy chest and legs; half of his body was covered. He was in his forties; however, he looked older with a thick beard growing around his jaw and lips, jet-black hair turning grey, thick eyebrows and a long nose. He was well known for having a great tan for the man his age, but now he was ghostly pale, making him look older than he did.

Besides the Y cute he had on his body from the autopsy, he had wounds, scares and scratches all over his belly and a blue and black mark around his neck.  

I glanced up and noticed, all three people glancing at each other, as if asking each other for permission to tell. I arch an eyebrow at them.

“Well? You guys going to tell me or to I have to do the autopsy again, myself?” I rhetorically asked, glancing between the three.

Cary sighed, looking at the body, “Well we think that there might be a huge mystery to Mr. Monroe’s death…”

I gave her a questionable look while glancing at the body. I noticed that there was a faint wound around his neck that a human with a naked eye could never detect; there were blue and black marks around his lips and neck showing signs of bruising. I looked down his body and noticed that most of the wounds on his abdomen were sharp wounds, which could be done with a very sharp weapon, they also looked clean; no signs of the weapon being twisted while causing the wound. However, a triangle the size of my small toe was carved into his skin near his belly button. 

I scanned over the body again and saw nothing different from what I saw. I glanced up between Grace and Cary.

“Explain.” I prompt, still staring at the body, trying to find anything that could give me a clue as to what happened to this man.

“Okay, cause of death, suffocation and lose of blood.” Grace said, “The victim suffered multiple punchers on the abdomen area, as well as big punched wounds on his left halve- the way the skin and muscle were torn show signs of a very sharp object, and when I say sharp I mean bone-sharp. No other sharp weapon or object could cause such perfect wounds.” she pointed towards the wounds on his belly and left calve. I nodded and blinked, watching carefully.

“There’s also bruises on his neck and around his lips,” She said, showing me, I got a little closer and examined the bruise on his neck and lips closer. The bruises didn’t look normal, and it was quite hard to form a bruise around your lips.

“And the bruises, wounds  and  that triangle on his belly,”  Kevin said, “Doesn’t look normal at all, I’m no pathologist or doctor but I’ve seen a lot of dead bodies before, and I’ve never seen bruises like that.”

I furrowed my eyebrows, in deep thought.

What Kevin said was true, the bruises on his neck was a little darker then a normal bruise would be, looking as if his skin adsorbed something to make it look blue and black, however the bruise around his lips looked different, something didn’t look the same, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

The sharp wounds on his belly looked somewhat normal to me, I slowly turned my heard from a different angle, so that I was looking at a little of the light pink flesh. The flesh around the wound was deathly white. I bent my face a little closer to the body, staring at the wound; I could see the dead skin had a little black on it.

“Cary, give me an ear bud.” I murmured glancing her way, she nodded and within seconds she handed me a small ear bud. I slowly slid it into the wound and rolled it around the dead skin.

“Katie, I’ve done that, we didn’t get any results. Nothing.” Grace said sounding a little frustrated.

I ignored her and kept rolling the ear bud in the wound. After a few seconds of doing that, I took out the ear bud and stared at it. I smirked a little; on the ear bud were small black looking particles.

I glanced Grace’s way, and handed her the ear bud, “Well maybe you didn’t check well enough.” I stated, she took the ear bud and looked me in question.

“Put your hand around the top to cover it, so that nothing else in the air mixes with it, and go take it to the lab, stay there until you get the results, then come back.” I said, she nodded and made her way out of the cold room and towards the lab, in her dark blue scrubs.

 “Might as well stay.” I mumbled staring constantly and the wounds.

“Well should I go or stay?” I heard Kevin, I snorted.

“You still want an answer to that?” I asked sarcastically, glancing his way. 

He scowled, giving me a small glare, I smirked glancing back at the body. I heard Cary slightly sigh. I looked up and arched an eyebrow at her in question, there was something wrong, Cary was never the one to stand back and sigh like a widow who missed her beloved husband.

“Kevin, don’t worry, you can go. If we get anything I’ll contact you.” Cary said a hint of worry and sadness in her tone. Kevin glanced at between her and me; I gave him a mocking smile, making him roll his eyes, “Okay I’ll go, make sure to inform me on anything that’s going on. I’m going to catch this son-of-a-“

“Kevin!” I snapped, “Would you just go, you pissing me of!”  I gave him a death glare. Form the corner of my eye I noticed Cary trying to hide a smile, while Kevin was smirking. Just looking at him irritated the living soul out of me.

“Cheerio.” He said giving me a wink, opening the door. I glared and flipped him off.

“Idiot.” I murmured under my breath, Cary suddenly burst out laughing; I glance her way, puzzled.

“Has anyone told you two how entertaining your arguments are?” Cary rhetorically asked, walking around the silver table, standing right opposite me.

I glanced up at her and glared, “Yea I’ve been told.”

I straightened up, taking a rubber band out of my pocket, tying my hair up in a pony tale. I noticed Cary glance at my hair with admiration.

“You have such beautiful hair.”

I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. I took in a deep breath wrinkling my nose at the smell of Kevin’s wonderful cologne mixed with the smell of rotten flesh and blood.

“This room smells like crap.” I stated looking around, how can a room so clean smell so bad?

Cary chuckled, “Katie, you’re the only one that suffers, Grace nor I can smell what you smell.” She said shrugging; I gave her a ‘duh’ look, folding my arms across my chest.

 “Yea, yea I know.” I said eyeing her carefully frowning; she was staring at the body with a blank expression, while hugging herself from the cold.

 I eyed her carefully, her heart shaped face was a mask of worry and sadness, her pale blonde hair, pixy styled, was turning slightly a dark yellowish color, which always happened when she was worried or sad, and also indicated she was part witch. Her pear shaped body looked stiff in her black suit pants, pink blouse and black heels; even though I couldn’t see her dark blue eyes I could sense there was something wrong. Cary was a great friend of mine, she was a very energetic and colorful person, she’s always optimistic, even when around a dead body. Something happened, and I was going to get it out of her.

“Cary, what’s wrong?” I asked, I could feel my eyes soften with concern. She glanced my way, frowning, her blue eyes darkened in sadness.

She licked her lips, while closing her eyes, “He’s a witch.”

 My eyes widen in shock while my lips parted slightly. He was a witch? But that makes no sense.

 “He’s a witch?” I asked astonished, no witch could have be killed the way James Monroe was.

 Cary opened her eyes and chuckled dryly, “Let me rephrase, he was a witch.

If my eyes could fall out of my skull, they would have been rolling on the floor by now. How in hell did that happen? He’s human, I know he is. Human’s and witches look alike but are utterly different, their sent, eyes, hair, their vocabulary; they are nothing a like. However, since Cary’s mother was human and her father a witch, she adapted human ways.  

“How?” I asked staring at the dead body, “That makes no sense; his skin is ghost pale, like a human’s when dead. Witches turn blue.”

You could easily distinguish a dead witch from a dead human. A witch’s body usually swells up and turns blue and black, making the body appear as if its body has been bruised all over

“Yes, I know that, but he ‘was’ a witch meaning that the witches took his powers turning him into a human, so that he acted, lived and could died like any other human.” She explained, my head snapped her way, and I felt my eyes widen again. Witches could take other witch’s powers?

“You guys-“

“No, not all of us can, only the royals can.” she said answering my question, looking at me straight in the eye; I nodded slowly.

“How come I didn’t know about this?” I asked, feeling a little stupid about not knowing that peace of useful information. I usually knew everything about the Super Natural creatures, Reed taught me everything I know and thanks to Cary, who’s dad always informs her about the happenings in the Super Natural World, usually shares what she knows. 

From the corner of my eye I noticed Cary’s lip twitch, she knew I didn’t like not knowing things.

“Well only witches know this, no matter if your half or full blood, if you have witch blood in you, you are forced to know.” She said.  

I nodded glancing her way, “But how come no one else knows?”

“Well because the royals don’t just touch u and take your powers, there’s a few rituals and crap like that that they do to take your powers out of you.” She explained, “If any of the other creatures find out, the Royals fear that they might try to get the rituals and so on, and kidnap every witch and take their powers.”

“But you’re telling me.” I stated somewhat confused as to why she was telling a Pure Blood, who was technically part of the super natural world, the important information.

She smiled, “Well the Pure Bloods and Witches aren’t so different.”

I chuckled, “Touché.”

She smiled, glancing at the dead body. A silence fell between us. To witches losing a fellow witch, is a little saddening. Witches were known to be peaceful creatures that prefer peace rather than war, unfortunately there always has to be rotten apples around.

“You think that someone could have motive to kill an ex-witch?” I asked, rather curious as to who would want him dead. Why not just kidnap him and take his money? That’s what I would do.

Cary burst out laughing, “Haha, nice use of words, but I think someone might. Depending on what he did while he was a witch and what he did as a human, he might have met a few people a long the way that he didn’t mix with…or he could have done something.”

Suddenly a thought occurred to me.

“What does a witch have to do to get their powers taken away from them?”  I furrowed my eyebrows glancing between the body and Cary.

She took in a deep breath, “Well there’s only two things you can do to lose your powers, one- if a witch murders a human or any super natural being for no reason, the Witch’s Royal family will decide on either killing the witch or taking his/her powers away making hat person human.” She explained, “Two- telling humans about any super natural creature’s excitants.”

I nodded, understanding why the Witch’s Royal family would have to take the powers of those who murder for no reason and for those that like to talk too much. I’d do it to, though I’d hurt the sucker first. That thought made me smirk.  

You’re becoming so mean, I thought to myself, chuckling slightly, gaining me a questionable look from Cary.

“Ha, ‘Katie’ moment?” she amused, smirking. I arched an eyebrow at her, giving her a playful smile.

“How’d you know?”

She laughed shaking her head.

“But seriously, this isn’t normal. I found black particles on the inside of the wound,” I said, my face turning serious, “no weapon or object I know could leave shiny black particles.”

Cary furrowed her eyebrows making her forehead wrinkle, deep in thought.

“You say you found black shinny particles,” she said, I nodded, she nodded slowly deep in thought. She hovered over the body, staring and examining one of the wounds.

“Katie, get me an ear bud.” he said, still staring at the wound, I rolled my eyes and took an ear bud from the nearest table, and gave it to her.

“Aren’t I suppose to be bossing you around?” I amused, she took the ear bud, rolling her eyes.

She slid the ear bud in the wound and rolled it around the head skin, just as I did. After a few moments, she took the ear bud and eye-examined the ear bud. From where I stood, I could see a tiny shin coming from the ear bud.      

“Hmmmm.” She hummed turning the ear bud around in between her fingers. I watched her, curious if she could see the particles.

“Well I can hardly see the black particles but I can still see the glow.” She stated still examining the ear bud, “Wonder what it is.”

“We’ll find out soon, Grace took a sample to the lab.”

“Ha, hopefully it’s something we know.” She said throwing the ear bud in a container on the floor, she sounded as if she knew something.

I furrowed my eyebrows, “What’d you mean?”

“Well,” She said, folding her arms across her chest, “I don’t think those particles are-how do I put it- I don’t think anyone or any computer knows about those particles.

I turned my head slightly to the left, eyeing hr carefully.

“You trying to tell me that those particles could be something from the super natural world?”

Cary took in a deep breath, and nodded slightly, “I don’t think so; I know so.”

“Good evening, Katie.” Mr. Dickson, my landlord, greeted me with a cheerful smile, standing behind his old fashioned high oak desk, with a modern computer on the side and a bell in the middle of the desk. I couldn’t help but smile back while closing one of the double doors, of the four-story apartment building, behind me, while holding my coat.

After Grace came back to the cold room, informing us that the ear bud showed no signs of any black particles. Cary and I thanked Grace and made our way to my office. We spent hours doing research on any powder, weapon or any object that could leave such glowing particles. We came up with nothing. We finally called it a night and Cary went back to her mother’s house.

“Good evening, Mr. Dickson. Is Sam here?” I asked, referring to my boyfriend of three months. Mr. Dickson gave me a blank expression, though I could still see the dislike in his eyes.

Mr. Dickson was a very warm old man, he was in his late fifties going to his sixties, his grey eyes and toothy smile could make anyone, on any bad day smile. He was somewhat short reaching at about 4feet tall, had a little belly, thick white hair and wrinkles on his face, showing a story behind each wrinkle. Unfortunately, his wife died a year ago and now he lives alone with his dog, Ranger.

“Yes, he is.” he spat, I shook my head smiling. Mr. Dickson, for some reason, always disliked most of my boyfriends, and usually he was right about them. However, I always somewhat ignored him because I always thought that he was just being an old man, but as I said, he was usually right about them.

“You really need to find a new boyfriend, Katie. He’s a man whore, just like all the others.” he said shaking his head in disgust, I frowned.

“Who went up there with him?”

“No one came with him, but a pretty red headed asked for your apartment number, and she didn’t at all mind waiting for you with your boyfriend.” He explained, shrugging a little, his face all wrinkled in disgust and dislike. I didn’t know any red heads besides my neighbor, who was a guy.

I sighed, looking over my shoulder, then back at him, my frown deepened and I felt a slight pain on my chest.

“Might as well get rid of this one.” I mumbled, Mr. Dickson heard me and gave me a sad and apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry Katie.”

 I clicked my tongue and nodded slowly. I suddenly felt a rush of wind blow into the room, in one swift movement I turned around. There was a young man closing one of the double doors. He turned around and glanced my, and Mr. Dickson’s way.

 “Well good evening Nick, how you doing?” Mr. Dickson greeted cheerfully, I gave Mr. Dickson a questionable glanced while glanced between Mr. Dickson and the so-called Nick.

 “Oh I’m fine thank you, having a fine evening?” Nick asked, his Irish accent thick and his voice smooth, I eyed him carefully. He was quite tall about 6feet, blonde hair cropped and spiked on top, he had a perfectly light tanned complexion, sky blue eyes and a straight nose; looked to be in his twenties. He was wearing what looked like to be dark denims, formal black shoes, and a black coat. I arched an eyebrow, why in hell was he wearing a coat? It was the middle of July, summer time.

 Must be foreign, I thought still somewhat checking him out. He was very good looking and charming, but something about him didn’t seem right, didn’t seem… human? I noticed him eyeing me to so I averted my eyes back to Mr. Dickson

 “Oh very good, very good indeed.” Mr. Dickson replied giving Nick and myself a toothy grin, he had a mischief glow in his eyes; I couldn’t help but shake my head.

 “Well, Mr. Dickson, I’m gana go and get rid of some unwanted visitors.” I said, giving him a wink, he chuckled.

 I made my way towards the staircase that was right next to Mr. Dickson’s tall desk.  I went up the staircase up until the third floor. I walked down the corridor to the last door, where my three-room apartment was situated.

I was about to open the door when I suddenly heard a moan coming from the opposite side of the door. I furrowed my eyebrows and pressed my ears against the door.

“Oohhh  Sam! Oh yes! Ooohhh!” A feminine voice moaned, I suddenly felt my blood boil a little. That man whore was sleeping with a slut on my couch that was disgusting and just shows me just how much he respects me.

Baby, I love you, you’re the one for me, Sam’s words echoed in my mind, that was the first sentence he told me after we slept together, which was three months ago. Back then, I didn’t really believe him but then he started sending me rose’s everyday, phoning me and texting me. I finally agreed to date him, and he wanted to move into my apartment since he lost his.

I took in a deep breath; I should have known this was going to happen. All the men I date always end up cheating on me, it hurts sometimes but I learn to get over it. I just need them for sex and entertainment. I can live without love; I can live without being loved.

I looked at the door one more time, might as well get this over with.

I unlocked the door slowly and quietly making sure not to make a nose. I entered my apartment and took off my boots, my wooly socks slippery on the polished wooden floor. I looked up and saw them both on my three-seater couch, which was opposite the television, my two-seater couches on both its sides. Sam was the one lying on the couch while the slut was on top of him, grinding him while she threw her head back, and moaned like she was having a great time.

I just stood there watching them, for a while. I could feel my chest hurt a little, but I pulled all my walls around my heart and mind. This was nothing knew, but it did hurt my self-esteem and ego, and made me sick. I turned to my left where the kitchen was situated, the kitchen, dinning room and living room were all open and in one big room, though there was a huge kitchen counter dividing the kitchen from the rest of the room.

I lightly threw my coat on the counter and went to the refrigerator right against the wall next to the sink. I opened it slightly making sure they wouldn’t hear, but even if I did make nose, the slut was moaning like there was no tomorrow and to my surprise Sam was groaning and moaning to.

I browsed into my refrigerator, and saw my favorite energy drink, red square. I took a bottle and started drinking it. Before closing the refrigerator, I saw a bottle of water with ice. I smirked, an idea popping into my head.

I glanced at the couch, they were still occupied; so I ran into my bathroom and filled a bucket of water, running back into the kitchen. Sam and his slut, to my surprise, heard nothing. I opened the deep freezer and started throwing ice into the bucket, and closed the refrigerator. I stirred the water a little so that the ice could make the water turn even colder. After a few minutes, the water was as cold as I wanted it to. I smirked, slowly I made my way towards them; I was standing behind the couch watching them.

The slut had curly bright red hair, she was tall but thin, way thinner than I was, with small breasts and a flat tummy, compared to my huge C cup breasts and wide hips. Her head was pulled back while her lips were parted, moaning and breathing hard. Sam was under her, he to had his eyes closed, his messy red brown hair sticking to his skull from perspiration, his lips were parted, he to moaned and was breathing hard. Sam was a big, he had some good muscle on his body but he was tall and had broad shoulders, he had a six pack which was a plus. However, he didn’t seem so hot to me any more.

When I noticed the girl was starting to moan wildly and Sam moving his body up and down, thrust in her as fast as he could, I got my bucket ready. When I saw her bend down, holding on to the arm-holder on the couch, both of them about to reach their climax. I went and threw half of the bucket of water on top of the sluts back.

She shrieked and jumped off Sam, landing on the soft white carpet, almost hitting her head on my wooden coffee table, I looked down smirking, throwing the rest of the bucket of water on top of Sam. I heard him gasp.

I took a few steps back, the bucket on the floor, Sam got into a sitting position, his whole body and most of my couch wet. He looked at me bewilded, while I gave him I-caught-you look; I glanced at the girl who looked shocked and scared at the same time.

“Katie! It’s not what you think!” Sam shrieked defensively getting his cloths from the floor; the slut started doing the same. I stood there with my arms folded across my chest, giving him a sarcastic and.

“Oh trust me, this is what I’m thinking, so I advice you.” I said looking directly at the slut, she glanced up to me, trying to put her dress on, “I want you out of my house now, and you.” I said looking at Sam, who was dripping wet in his jockeys, “You have an hour to pack your bags, and leave. And I never want to ever see you again.”

I said this all calmly, glancing between them both, Sam looked guilty and scared.


“I don’t want to hear it Sam; you have an hour.” I said, “Oh and well you at it, take everything that you’ve given me, I want nothing that’s yours and if I see anything missing I will get you and you will pay, understand?”

Sam nodded, glancing towards his slut; I smirked, taking the bucket back into the kitchen. I grabbed my coat and got out of my apartment, and made my way all the way to the first floor.

“You got rid of the dirt?” Mr. Dickson asked, when I was walking down the stairs, I laughed and nodded.

“Yep, he has an hour. If he takes longer than that, please phone me.”

Mr. Dickson just grinned from one ear to another, “Oh I certainly will.”

I chuckled winking at him, I made my way outside, a warm night breeze brushed my exposed arms and face, making my ponytail float in the freeze. I took in a deep breath, enjoying the night; I glanced up and saw the stars and the full moon shining brightly. Poole was a very clean town. I was born and raised here, and I wouldn’t mind dieing here to, it was really peaceful.

I smiled and made way down the street towards my silver BMW sports car, which was parked under a streetlight. Suddenly the hairs on my back and arms stood, as if danger was near, I looked around, making sure to not make it obvious. However, I detected no danger, plus there were too many people moving in the streets at eight o’clock at night. But I still felt like something, or someone was watching me, observing my every move.

I finally got to my car and immediately slid in, and threw my coat to the passenger seat. I closed the door and took in a deep breath, the care smelled like grass, fresh and clean grass. I smiled, feeling a little reassured now, and turned on the radio. The song G6 blasted through my car speakers, my smile grew even more, I nodded my head to the beat of the song and was about to start the car when I felt something vibrate against my front pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows and took out my nokia touch screen; I noticed it was Cary’s number.


Hey everyone!! :).. first chapter!! hopefully it's long enough for everyone to forgive me! :).. hehe the next chapter will be up soon.. i'm on a roll!

You all know the drill... Please Comment (if want to) Vote (if want to) and Fan (if want to!)

Oh and would you guys mind commenting on the new Katie... tell me if you like her or not :)... just want to make sure i'm going in the right direction :)


“What’s up?” I answered, not bothering with a formal hello and what not.

“We have a problem.” She stated sounding worried, I felt my blood run slightly cold, “Monroe’s body was stolen from the morgue…”  

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