I N H A L E | Klay Thompson

By theeinterlude__

91K 4.8K 1.6K

Sometimes we can let our anger get the best of us ruining opportunities, friendships, family dynamics and- Lo... More

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1.9K 136 56
By theeinterlude__

March 2nd, 2021
San Francisco, California
ESPN Entertainment Center

Four Days Later
sunday afternoon
1:47 PM

Two hours ago

liked by therealchanel, jordanpoole, stephcurry30, and 371,331 others
he would not let me leave him at home today 😂🐶

two hours ago

liked by klaythompson, mamilo_, bandhunta_five and 123,546 others
shitting on these bitches, imma put em in they place 💅🏾

     It had been a few days or so since Klay had returned from Chicago and all he could think about is running into his ex-girlfriend from years ago. They had dated all throughout his college career up until the end of his rookie year with the Warriors.

     There was never any bad blood between them but at the time they were together basketball was his main focus. When he got signed to the Warriors that focus was more intense being that he cared about maintaining his spot on the team. So therefore, their connection slowly dwindled out in time.

   Klay was ultimately the one to break things off between them. She had found interest in someone who was giving her the attention Klay wasn't. It hurt him at the time, but he put himself in her shoes and he would've felt the same way.

   However, he wasn't a cheater like she turned out to be and he would never bring himself to be one. It initially stung when he found out she was seeing the person behind his back so he never kept contact with her through the years.

   At the club she tried to see how he's been and all of that and Klay wasn't interested in the slightest. She had multiple chances to reconnect with him & possibly apologize throughout the years but she didn't.

    It was fishy to him how she randomly came about so he didn't give his conversation with her much life. After a few minutes of her sitting next to him he left the guys early and took an Uber back to the hotel. His whole mood was shot at the time and he didn't want to be at the club anymore.

   Now days later he was at an interview/ podcast for ESPN that he agreed to do a while back and Chanel had came with him. Most of their questions the past hour had been about basketball and the playoffs coming up in a couple of months so it was smooth sailing.

"Klay you've been in this industry for about ten years now did you expect it to fly by this quickly."

"Uh no man, actually every once in a while it still feels like I'm running onto the court to play one of my first games" He stated, "It's a blessing that I was able to come straight out of college and continue to do what I love to do and the fact I'm still playing is a even bigger blessing."

"Good to hear and you're still young so you have many playing years left in this field. Are you gonna take those chances or do you plan on retiring at any point in these next few years?"

"You know Devin as long as my legs and arms work and I can keep up with the younger dudes I'm gonna continue to play. I love the sport and you see players such as Lebron James and Kobe Bryant still playing in their fourties' so I'd like to accomplish that as well."

"The Warriors have about six to seven games until the playoff teams are announced. You guys can lose four of them and still qualify for the playoffs how do you feel about that? How do y'all move forward?"

   Klay rubbed his goatee slightly, "We've played very smart this season, a lot of defensive plays, and over everything we've worked well as team all on one accord. I suppose we do have some slack to fall short a few games. That's not saying we will though, I think we'll continue to play how we have been, and if we lose at any point we can still bounce back and win the next one"

"A lot of people call you, Steph, and Draymond the Splash brothers which isn't new news. You three play amazing together and I'm sure every few years your signing contract along with endorsement deals get larger and larger. How does it feel to be making that much money so quickly? Everyone knows you aren't much of a flaunter."

"Well I never really cared too much about the dollar amounts in my bank account. As long as I'm able to provide for my family and those that I love I'm good. A lot of people don't relate to or understand that because they just wanna show off the flashy things with the chains, grills, and cars to prove that they have something of value." He spoke.

"To summarize that, wealth..is a mindset, man. If you have relationships and the experiences around you—Those are priceless you know, Those are better than any car that you can get, any big house. It's just about those relationships to me."

"Now speaking of relationships."  Another host butted in after Klay finished talking.

Klay chuckled sipping from the cup of his now lukewarm coffee "I should've seen that one coming eventually."

"I had to ask at some point and this seems like the perfect time to interject" She sat up.

    Klay scanned the room for Chanel to see how she was doing. She was occupied at the snack bar with Rocco feeding him random pieces of food. It was no mystery why Rocco was getting so chubby, she spoiled him too much.

"I see your eyes lurking over at who I'm about to ask questions about so why don't I start."

"Yes Nancy why don't you" The main host added laughing as well.

   Chanel had sat back down on the lounge chair across the room they had provided for guest. Rocco crawled onto her lap and allowed her to feed him the pretzels she took.

"It's been a while since people have seen you in a public relationship. How has it been for you adjusting to that, you've always been a private kind of guy."

"You're right I am very private so it was very frustrating at first because every where I turned it was someone taking pictures" He discussed "Honestly, I think we've gotten better at dodging paparazzi if you ask me."

Both the host laughed before the main host Devin spoke, "I'm just trying to imagine your bright & giant ass trying to hide from paparazzi. Anyways can we possibly get an exclusive & hear more about the woman you're with. I heard and see she's in the building today."

"Yeah she's right over there not paying us any type of attention" He nodded towards Chanel catching her attention. "As everyone knows her name is Chanel, she's an amazing woman and we've been together for some months now and it's been what it is really. I don't get into detail about my love life and everyone knows that but I love her and she knows that so—"

"Ooop Love?"

Klay nodded confirming, "Yeah I love her."

"So I'm sorry bro I got to ask, does her job interfere at all with—"

Klay interrupted, "I'll stop you there Devin not to be rude but I know what you're going to ask. I nipped this topic in the bud months ago but I'll restate it again.  She's a dancer we know that, it's been talked about and I don't too much care about it; meaning it's not relevant to speak up on." He shrugged "What all of you should know is that she's an amazing singer coming out with an EP very soon so drop a follow for her so y'all can keep up with that."

"Okay Okay well that's nice, I'm interested to hear something so I definitely will" She spoke "Now Klay I have to bring something else up and I don't want to be messy but it seems like last Friday while uptown in Chicago you didn't avoid the paparazzi very well."

"Why would I be avoiding them?" Klay's eyebrows rose, making Chanel perk up to listen to the conversation further.

Devin started to speak, "Just this morning TMZ posted a picture of you and your ex-girlfriend I believe from eight or nine years ago sitting together rather closely at Spades nightclub."

Klay scoffed shaking his head, "That's interesting. Listen I was there to enjoy my night with the guys after a win. I haven't spoken to the woman in years, she happened to be there and felt the need to come up and speak to me. I don't hold grudges and I wish her the best but it seemed like weird timing."

"Because you just got into a new relationship recently?"

"Exactly but I'm not too worried about that situation. It was just an awkward bump in, in my eyes."

"Well that's all we got for you today Klay thank you for coming in and speaking with us. Hopefully we weren't too messy and you'll come back and speak with us soon."

     As they were leaving out the building Klay noticed Chanel was a bit quiet. Instantly he was regretting not telling her about his run in as soon as it happened. It honestly slipped his mind.

    Klay had told Chanel about his ex before; being that it was his only serious relationship before her so he wasn't worried about that part. It was the fact he didn't say anything bout seeing her at the club the other night which TMZ was now making a thing.

   They got into his car, Rocco hopped into the back seat, and Klay took off driving. Chanel was glued to her phone absently scrolling so he reached over and placed his hand on her knee rubbing his thumb up and down. "You okay?"

"I'm fine" She stated.

     Klay bit the inside of his cheek and continued driving. She was wrapped into her phone so he figured he she was looking for whatever photo the interviewers brought up.

   When they got back to his place Chanel wandered off to the bathroom. He took a seat on the couch and fished his phone out of his pocket. To his suprise he had a message sent from an unknown sender from over an hour ago.


Hey it's Nique! Ayesha gave me your new number I hope that's okay? I think you've seen the picture posted of us and I'm sorry if I created any mess. I was there for business and thought I'd speak to you when I saw you. I've actually been back in San Francisco for a while.. anyway hit me back if you care to talk.

"Who's that?" He heard Chanel's voice behind him and almost had a heart attack. He stood up and she looked past irritated at this point. He gave her his phone willingly and she skimmed the text before handing him his phone back.

"It's nothing serious" He sighed "I'm honestly just as confused as you probably are."

"Oh I'm not confused."

"You're not?"

"No it's very clear what's going on." She started "Ayesha is a messy ass old ass bitch trying to see how far she can push me. First she disrespects me at Steph's dinner, then she shades me all day long on Twitter and Instagram which I never told you about, and now she's giving your ex girlfriend your contact information to talk to you."


"Well nothing, she probably in that girl ear talking all types of shit about me" She argued "I'm going to fuck her ass up."

"Can we sit and talk?" Klay spoke attempting to call her down.

"No. I think I'm gonna go home because I'm tired and my mood is ruined" She said walking over to grab her things from the kitchen island.

"Wait wait wait." He followed her stopping her from picking anything up. "You gon leave here upset at me?

"I don't want to talk." She pulled her hand back and crossed her arms. "And I'm not upset at you either."

"Then I'll talk and you listen?" He suggested "Please? Cause this shit is starting to look like something it's not."

"Klay I trust you. I already know you haven't done anything sketchy that isn't my issue. My issue is Ayesha being fucking annoying! I want to beat her ass so bad but I don't feel like going to jail over her  either."


"Don't even think about defending her Klay" Chanel eyed him "She gave your ex, your new number while we're happily together? What's the excuse for that?"

"Listen I'm not sweating Nique at all. So if she tried to make something happen it didn't work let's just let it go okay?"

"Hell no I'm not the bigger person, she clearly is.

"Now you trynna be funny" He held in his laugh, before pulling her into his arms "Stop being mad at me."

She responded with her head in chest, "I'm not"

"Mm. Would you tell me if you were?"

"Yes Klay I would" She sighed.

"Aight can you stay then? What you trynna leave for."

She pulled away "Because you know how I get when I'm irritated. I didn't want that to brush off on you."

"I'm cool. You hungry? I'll make you something."

"It better not be oatmeal."

"For the millionth time you have got to let that go" He groaned leaving her there to go look for something in the kitchen to make.


March 10th, 2021
San Francisco, California

a week later
friday morning
8:32 AM

     Chanel was up early this morning, with her new place they were located a bit farther from the school and Tah'Jae was still learning the new bus system. That being said, she missed it today so Chanel was taking her herself.

"I thought your little boyfriend had a car?" Chanel asked turning down the radio volume.

Tah'Jae smacked his teeth "Not my boyfriend & his uncle took his keys."

"Mm he must be bad as fuck then. Why haven't I met him yet?"

"Girlllllll" Tah'Jae exaggerated "Bye."

"Oh it's like that alright?" Chanel waved her off.

Tah'Jae chuckled "I'm kidding but right now we're just hanging out it's nothing really. Speaking of—can I go to the movies with him tonight?"

"I thought you said he was in trouble?"

"He is .. look I didn't ask too many questions."

"Well I suppose that's fine. What time are y'all supposed to be going?"

"Like a couple hours after school 6 or 7. I think Giselle and her boyfriend are coming too."

"Oh okay, that's fine then just keep your location on and don't be home at no 3-4 am you know I trust you though."

Tah'Jae responded as they pulled into the school, "Yeah I know—see you later."

They briefly hugged and she got out and went inside of the building. As Chanel was driving back she got a call from Klay so she answered.

"Hey babe."

She could hear him yawn. "Hey where you went?"

"Tah'Jae missed her bus and didn't have another ride so I left and took her" She said "I'm probably heading home now though to shower and stuff."

"Aight cool" He said "I was just about to take Rocco out and Kuz texted me saying Winnie is having some brunch around noon. She's probably gonna call and text you about it soon. You want to go?"

"Moon face and Crimson chin gon be there?"


"Valid question." She retorted.

"There is no reason for Nique to be there so it's highly unlikely and they said Ayesha was gonna be somewhere else."

"Yeah she better hope she somewhere else" Chanel mumbled "But yes we can go."

"It starts around 12 or 1 so be ready by then."

"Aren't I always ready on time."

"No babe. No." He replied.

"Boy whatever I'll be dressed and stuff."

"That's what I wanna hear, I'll see you soon."

"Mmk bye."

A few hours later Chanel was rushing to finish curling her hair after Klay called and announced he was out front.

"Shit shit shit" She finished the last curl then unplugged her iron before frantically looking for her heels "He's gonna kill my ass."

When Chanel finally came down Klay had been waiting for over fifteen minutes. "Sorryyyy" She apologized after entering the passenger seat. She leaned over and pecked his lips over and over.

"I was already knowing man, what yo ass be doing?"

"Well my hair was straight but I didn't like how it looked with what I was wearing so I put some curls in."

"Man" He looked her up and down "You look good though."

"Thank you" She smiled kissing him again. "I hope Winnie cooked you know she from Caribbean, but I guess catered food wouldn't be bad either. I don't know, my ass is just hungry as fuck I haven't ate shit."

"You gon get fed baby I promise " He chuckled placing his hand on her thigh.

Thirty minutes passed and they arrived at the home Winnie rented whenever she wasn't traveling for work. Chanel and Klay greeted everyone before Winnie led them all outside where her set up was.

"Oh girl this is cute" Chanel complimented the area.

"Thank you. All these damn chairs and it's only a few of us but I'm big on presentation, they should be bringing the food out soon so everyone can sit and get comfortable."

"There's mimosas?"

"Chile that's the first thing I told them to bring out don't worry" Winnie assured her.

"This is why you're my type of bitch" Chanel said and they both laughed.

Winnie went back inside to handle the food and Chanel went back up to Klay who was talking to Kuz.

"Hey Kuz how are you."

"I'm good & you?" He briefly hugged her.

"Likewise. What were y'all talking about."

"Nothing really" Klay said.

"Oh well Winnie said everyone can sit and stuff, if y'all wanna go and grab Dray and Steph."

"I'll get em" Kuz offered.

Klay nodded and followed Chanel to the long table "Where you wanna be at."

"Hm, over here is out of the sun a bit" She pointed towards where she was referring.

Klay pulled her chair out allowing her to sit down first before sitting beside her. Everyone started making there way over and conversations started to form. While the guys talked about who knows what Chanel spoke to Winnie who sat beside her.

"These mimosas good as fuck" Chanel said "What's this at the bottom?"

"watermelon peach purée bomb huh?"

"Amazing. You finna get me drunk on a Tuesday."

"It's not a brunch unless you lit off your ass'"

"You fucking right" She sipped again "Im surprised your friend ain't here."


"That's her name." Chanel blankly said.

"Bitch y'all got beef?"

"Oh it's past beef it's, imma fuck her up when I see her type situation."

"Oh lord" Winnie sunk down in her seat some.

"What?" Chanel questioned.

"She texted me that she was on her way a few minutes ago. I didn't know there was stuff going on between y'all."

"It's a weird story I'll have to catch you up later. But in short I haven't been anything but nice to her and respectful and she's been the opposite acting weird and shady since we met. I just found out recently she gave Klay's ex girlfriend his new contact information."

"She did not?"

"Yes, the bitch did." Chanel muttered "Just talking about it pisses me off cause I know what she's doing. I need another damn mimosa before her ass shows up here."

Winnie went ahead and poured her another and Chanel drank it right away. In her heart she wanted to confront Ayesha as soon as she walked out there.

   However her mind didn't want to embarrass Klay or upset his best-friend. It all came down to how Ayesha behaved when the time came. For now Chanel decided to promise herself to try to play it cool.

The food came out and Chanel started devouring her plate of jerk chicken, mac and cheese and plantain's . "This is so good. I'mma be here every night sis."

"Please do, I be bored when Kuz goes back to Washington."

"You know I will, I'll introduce you to my best friends soon too they're cool."

"Im down for that."

Just as everyone was wrapping up with their meals and getting ready for dessert. The high-pitched voice of no one other than Ayesha rang through Chanel's ears. "Hey y'all! I'm so sorry I'm late Winnie! I had to pick up a friend I hope you don't mind."

"Oh it's fine" Winnie nodded.

Chanel's eyes landed over at Ayesha's 'friend' who was no one other than Nique. At this point Chanel was highly pissed off and completely over Ayesha. Klay looked uncomfortable in his seat once he noticed as well. Soon enough the tension around everyone became very thick.

"Wow y'all are quiet" Ayesha said as they sat across from them a few seats down.

"Bitch you got some fucking nerve" Chanel blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. She was tipsy tipsy now so the play it cool card was dust.

"Excuse me? Bitch?" Ayesha looked surprised, like she had no clue in the world why Chanel would call her one.

"Bitch your ears work." Chanel said repeating the insult "Sorry Steph but I'm bout to cuss your wife the fuck out."

"Okay well um" Klay rubbed his hands over his knees "I think we're going to go."

"No we're not" Chanel retorted.

Klay sighed rubbing his temple with his fingers. He decided to just let Chanel say what she had to say because she was going to do it regardless. There was no point in making her more upset. Plus Ayesha bringing Nique was indeed shady and Klay couldn't think of any reason for it besides her wanting to cause issues.

"Jesus help me" Winnie whispered to herself, she could feel the anger from Chanel's body radiating off of her skin.

"What's your name?" Chanel looked over at Nique once Ayesha didn't say anything.

"I'm Nique.." She said "You?"

"Chanel" She responded "So do you usually texts people boyfriends or are you just a bit stupid?"

     Dray choked on the water he was drinking when he tried not to laugh. He was clueless but he lived for drama so he was the only one who seemed slightly entertained.

"Um I really don't know—"

"Girl don't act fucking slow. You texted my man just last week you ain't forget shit" Chanel said "and this bitch gave you his number so I just want someone to tell me what's up. I don't get played with so Ima let that be known right now. I been way to fucking nice."

Ayesha contorted her face up "Girl you are doing way to much. It isn't that serious at all."

"Oh it's not?" Chanel tilted her head slightly. Klay caressed her thigh that was shaking under the table.

"No" She shrugged.

"So why is she here? This is his ex girlfriend from the fucking ice age right? You bitches not finna try and play me like I'm being dramatic."

"Am I being dramatic?" She looked over at Winnie.

"No..I'd be upset as well. No offense Nique, if that's your name. I had no idea Ayesha was bringing you and I would've told her not to because it's really not a cool situation for her to put us all in."

"I didn't know there was issues going on or else I wouldn't have came so.." She started "I'm not trying to start anything I texted Klay because I thought we could catch up I didn't know he was with someone"

Bullshit Chanel said in her head.

"There is no issue this bitch is crazy." Ayesha snapped.

"Who's crazy?" Chanel finished the rest of her third mimosa.

"You! Like just chill the fuck out!" Ayesha added.

"Chill the fuck out she says, Mm." Chanel said to herself.

In an instant Chanel lunged over the table to grab Ayesha by her bun almost pulling her across to the other side. Everyone jumped up as plates and glasses hit the ground and shattered "Who you calling crazy bitch! Huh?!"


Fourty minutes ago

liked by klaythompson, thatgirlrem, kentheman and 213,543 others
I got pretty privilege baby these niggas ain't taxin me 🌸

30 minutes ago

liked by therealchanel, money23green, jordanpoole and 345,677 others
feelin like spring 🤙🏼

two hours ago

liked by therealchanel, Kuz, Tyra banks and 576,342 others
forever outside 😛

one hour ago

liked by klaythompson, stephcurry30, winnieharlow and 212,322 others
clean in red ❌

twenty eight minutes ago

liked by klaythompson, stepcurry30, lorenwinslow and 256,134 others
I'm just here for the liquor 🍺

Twenty minutes ago

liked by stephcurry30, nique__, winnieharlow 110,567 other users
My man my man my man 😍

thirty minutes ago

liked by ayeshacurry, indiamvnae, baliadyn and 70,321 others
I know you got that fever for me, 100 & 2 🤧


I couldn't make y'all wait any longer 😅

We did get to 37 K so I'm hoping after this chapter we get to 38 or 39 and Ill release chapter 21 so y'all can see the rest of what happens :))))

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