Strawberries and Cigarettes...

By YYezi00003

87.2K 3.2K 2.6K

OMEGA Lee Felix, a working college student he has been working for lots of job just to make sure that he had... More

Red Panther
WHAT... will happen?


1.6K 69 59
By YYezi00003


Minho and the other guys rush to enter a seemed to be an abandond place, as expected from the shubby place; no one were there to welcome them, not even a single ant dared to come and welcome them

"Minho what are we doing here?" Jisung asked finally breaking the silence; "Have you finally loss your mind?" Jeongin added

"Is it terminal?" Seungmin sarcastically spit it out, when suddenly a strong pheromone stangled their breathe, it's not that they can take it but it's been awhile since they felt this way, and it is coming from someone they know

"Hyunjin!!" they screamed when they finally saw the panthers figure; "I'm wondering to see if I'll find a prey" Hyunjin said indifferently

"Hyunjin, this is us" Jeongin said feeling the indifferent in him and trying to convince the male alpha to worry nothing but to remember that the guys standing infront of him was his brother

"I know no one as traitor as you'd become" Hyunjin said INVOICING his spirit animal, which makes it even more scarier

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked, there is no one there except Minho whom the Panther Alpha is referring at; "You know clearly, what am I talking about" Hyunjin said, in a blink of eye he is already choking Minho, he pushed him and bang against the wall as the other guys no nothing to stop it

"H-hyunjin" The three in syncly said

"You traitor!" Hyunjin screamed

"How do you say so? we stay by yourside till you're conscious and this is how you'll greet me! how rude of you!" Minho said rawring his Spirit Animal as well in order to get off Hyunjins grip which makes the Dominant Alpha

"For a minute I forgot Minho is an Alpha" Seungmin said

"Can't we do something about this, Seungmin!" Jeongin asked; "I don't know, they are Alphas~~ we are nothing compared to them" Seungmin said, knowing what the latter means Jeongin just frustatedly frown his eyebrows

When the two male Alpha was about to attack each other, the three guys looked around to seek for something they can use to stop them but; "S-stop!!" Felix with the last strand of his strength scream, with his Son standing beside him and supporting him to stand up

With that the two Alpha stopped midways~ after stopping the two from fighting Felix fainted "Dada!" Haengbok said not able to support his Dad anymore, which makes Hyunjin run as fast as he can to catch Felix

"Felix~" Hyunjin gently said, while trying to wake him up; just when Minho was about to help and hold Felix; Hyunjin roared his Spirit Animal sending death glares to Minho "I was just trying to help, what is wrong with you" Minho asked ; Jisung get a hold of Minhos arm to stopped him from attacking the Panther

"You are the problem here, so don't pretend to not know what you've done!" Hyunjin said, with that Hyunjin departed with Felix on his arms; "Get a hold it Minho" Jisung said

"I don't know if I can seriously do nothing after what he've done, is he sane" Minho angrily said, veins popping out as the three other guys tried to calm him down "Daddy? where is he taking my Dada?" Haengbok asked

"They'll go to the hospital, I'm sure about that" Seungmin said


Hyunjin sit right infront of Felix Bed waiting for the younger to wake up, as the anger is not yet easing although he knew that no one can ease his anger he still tries to compose himself; Hyunjin sits there patiently

While waiting for the Younger, someone knock into the door which makes Hyunjin glared at it without saying anything; "It's me Hyun" Old feng said, knowing that the Panther is still on rage

"Come in" Hyunjin said

"You scared me to death, and now here you are raging over something we don't understand" Old feng said, trying to point out what he've done to Minho

"Stop pretending that you know nothing Old Feng; never use your forgetful lion card to me cause I know pretty well that you were about to go against me just because of Minho" Hyunjin said, Old feng fake his cough and sit beside him

"I wasn't going against you, I was just about to ask you if you already asked him" Old feng said

"I don't have to ask the obvious" Hyunjin said; "After almost 4 years you're still the same" Old feng said, he stand up while sighing deeply, he tap the Panthers shoulder before looking at him and walked away

The slam of the door seemed to be the cue for Felix to wake up, he slightly open his eyes and look around to see if this is the after life, he sat u straight only to see Hyunjin looking at him while crossing his arms

"H-Hyunjin?" Felix asked, not believing what he saw, he stand up and carelessly ran towards Hyunjin which made him trip fortunately the Panther catches him before his face land on the floor

"Are you for- for real?" Felix said, as the tears are forming on the side of his eyes; "This is not the afterlife? is it?" Felix asked still not believing what he is seeing

"If this is the afterlife, then we wouldn't be seeing each other; because I would be in hell and you will be in heaven, My Angel" Hyunjin said, which made Felix tears dropped down

"I longed for you! you don't know how much I waited to hear your voice again! you made me so worried" Felix said, while crying in between their hugs, Hyunjin tried to calm him down by rubbing his back

"Did I make you worry that much?" Hyunjin asked, he pulled away from the hug as to hold the youngers' waist and hold his cheek to wipe away his tears the younger then lean on the olders hand and nod; "Sorry~~" Hyunjin said, he slowly approach the youngers lips and without second thought Hyunjin kissed the younger which starts from gentle to sloppy

Without breaking the kiss, Hyunjin lifted Felix and slowly walks towards the hospital bed, The Panther slowly pull away; he looked at Felix first and put him down on the bed

"You have to rest~" Hyunjin said while attempting to put Felix a blanket; he was about to leave when Felix tagged on Hyunjin "So do you~" Felix said looking at Hyunjin with his puppy eyes


"Am I- Imagining things?" Felix asked while playing at the olders clothe; "Hm?" Hyunjin hum as he smell Felix hair "I mean, I'm so happy that you are here; sound and alive but as long as I remember, I think of you before they kill me; and you were there right there in just a blink of an eye~ I just couldn't justify how did the person I left in coma was there to save my life" Felix asked and looked at the olders eyes

"How could you do that?" Felix asked, even the older couldn't identify how the hell did he do that; because he thought that Lix is no longer his mate

"I don't know, maybe that is the last call of your love for me" Hyunjin said making the younger even more confused; "Just sleep, we have a lot of things to talk about tomorrow" Hyunjin said with a popping veins on his hand, he tried his best to gently stroke Felix

"You're right I have a lot of things to tell you!! a lot!!" Felix said excitedly then finally hugged Hyunjin as they both drift to sleep


"What were you thinking, what is your problem really!" Minho furiously asked Hyunjin; as the Panther only look at him deadly before looking at the kid who is hiding behind Minho

"Daddy~~ calm down" Haengbok said

"That kid looks a lot like you" Hyunjin said, which makes Minho looked at the kid and smirk in realization

"I think you're wrong because He looks exactly like Felix, don't you think" Minho said which makes Hyunjin furious and grab his collar; "You traitor~" Hyunjin said clenching his jaw with veins popping up in his head

"Ah Dada, you're awake!" Haengbok said as he ran towards Felix, looking at Hyunjin and Minho who seemed to him is having a hot discussion

"Are you guys fighting?" Felix asked

"N-no Felix they aren't~", "Yes they are, They keep on arguing blah blah here and there, I'm tired of them" Haengbok said, Felix smile and lift the younger to sit beside him

"It is because someone is having a huge misunderstanding and he is not letting us talk; cause whenever we do he will grab me or push the other guys" Minho said

"Misunderstanding?" Felix asked

"Hey Felix, I heard what happen to you so we decide to come and visi~~" Bangchan said as soon as he open the door, but then the dark aura of the two alphas burning up in anger make him and Changbin flinched, so he close the door and that is when Jeongin open it again

"come on in, or you'll miss the most bloody fight in history" Jeongin said

"Bloo~","~Dy" Changbin and Bangchan said in culture shock "what does that mean?" Bangchan asked

"Daddy!!" Haengbok said, running towards the two who just came, which makes Hyunjins attention change to them; "So you mean that one of them is the Father?" Hyunjin asked

"Babo (Fool)" Minho said, as he was so done with Hyunjins nonsense; "Don't you realize by now?" Minho asked, while the three who is trying to not laugh just burst out laughing and almost out of breath

"NOW, now; so that is the reason why you were so mad at Minho?" Seungmin said; "Babo indeed, I thought it was because of something else" Jisung said as the laugh harmonized in the room

"Haengbok call everyone Daddy~ you stupid, why don't you ask first before you blurt out in anger" Minho said; "come here Haengbok-ie" Minho said, the kid run towards him and that is when Minho lift him up

"I hope you won't be as stupid as your Dad, once you grow up" Minho said, he looked at Felix and wink as he signed the other guys to get out and give the two a time together so Felix could explain

Hyunjin looked at Felix who is silently laughing at him; "Stop" hyunjin said out of embarrassment

"You just woke up and assume that Minho and I had a child together, are you sane?" Felix said while giggling at Hyunjin; "We are still mated and you assume that much? unbelievable" Felix added

"I said stop~~~" Hyunjin said, as he tickle Felix out of embarrassment; "So that kid wasn't your child?" Hyunjin asked

Felix laughter shut down and looked at Hyunjin; "He was my child, but not with Minho" Felix said, which makes the older furious and he can literally feel the anger rising up to his head

"With whom?" Hyunjin asked

"With you silly~" Felix said and smile because he just fooled the boss, oh no right his love; "Who do you think haengbok will take over with; you two are both silly and mischievous" Felix stated

"He is~~" Hyunjin said while trying to look at Felix eye in confirmation, "My Son?" Hyunjin asked as the younger nod and smile widely

"I was pregnant?" Hyunjin asked, the guys whom are listening from behind the door almost fall down laughing at Hyunjins official reaction at knowing he became a father; "He was my real dad?" Haengbok asked which leave everyone in pure shock; pure shock that they completely forgot the child was listening to his parents conversation

"Haengbok, why don't you go inside and meet your father?" Minho suggested he lean down and tap the youngers' head gently; "I know you might have the wrong impression with him, but I swear he is the best" Minho said as he push the kid to go inside

"On the latter why the hell did I hear, 'beast' instead of 'best'?" Seungmin teased the olders way of pronouncing (a/n mispronouncing words are normal in mafia community as they usually use slangs and very well used to it) "It's like you're any better" Minho said

On the other side, Felix laughter is heard because of Hyunjins silly question; "NO!~ I was pregnant" Felix said

"So, I'm a Dad?" Hyunjin asked; surprisingly gentle after hearing the truth as he waited for Lix to confirm for the last time, the younger nod slowly and smile bitterly as of thought that Hyunjin wasn't happy about the news, it is when suddenly the door creaks open revealing Haengbok

"Dada~?" Haengbok said, Felix smile bitterly as of thought that Hyunjin doesn't like the idea of having a child, he just feel bad for his Haengbok and that's all

He was about to come and call his Haengbok when Hyunjin run towards the child and lift it up like the a normal dad will do when they are playing with their new born baby

"No wonder!" Hyunjin said, talking about how intimidating and nerveracking his child was, he must have known at first meet but he was too busy at knowing where is Lix at that time "Come here!" Hyunjin said as he lift Haengbok using his shoulders while supporting it y holding his feet

Felix was dumbfounded he look at his two lifeline having fun and laughing in harmony as if there was a music playing as Felix remember the old days

Old days when his Omega Dad and Gamma Dad is in good term, the old days when he feel the warm of a Family, the days he wish he cherish everysingle bit; and also the days he wanted his child to have for the rest of his life

Because of that thought Felix tears drop unconsciously with the mix of emotions in his heart and his mind, knowing damn well that he made it; he is finally home, that he finally find someone who he can call 'Family'

The two alpha who is having fun stop in the midst seeing the only omega in their family tearing up when they are supposed to have fun; "Dada? why are you crying?" Haenbok asked as he finally went back to his consciousness

"This is nothing, I was just--- this is a tear of joy" Felix said while wiping off the tears; "Don't be such a bummer Haenghen let him have his moment" Hyunjin said leaving the two of them in pure confusion

"Haenghen?" The two of them said "My name is Haengbok don't you know that?" Haengbok asked

"I know, but Haenghen fits you well; do you know the other term for chicken?" Hyunjin said which is only silence respond; "It's Hen, if you will have a younger sibling that will be a chick, and if another one came out that will be an egg and your Dada is a Chicken" Hyunjin said, as Haengbok pull his hair up

"Don't bully me like that!!" Haengbok said

"AW! Don't pull my hair like that, don't you like it we can even pull up a poultry business" Hyunjin said while trying to argue with Haengbok who is still pulling his hair up as Lix looked at them and just burst out laughing

"Then what will be your role, a poultry farmer" Haengbok said as they fight like a child; "Not a Farmer I will be the poultry PARTNER! and the likes of you will be sold out in the merchants" Hyunjin said as Haengbok pull even more which makes Hyunjins fang showed up

"So you're selling me out! let's see if you'll be able to get out alive then" Haengbok said, sounding like Hyunjin which was in Felix eyes they are just getting closer and closer, and soon enough they will be fully be like each other, this thoughts get his eyes widen 'Then that would mean that Haengbok will be a mafia boss? NO WAY!' Felix thought


HEYA GUYSSSS! Again I've been too busy this days that I can't upload any update but I still try to update every now and then anyways


INVOICING- this refers to the way Alphas uses their Spirit Animal to speak, this simply indicates that their senses are not normal and that they can't control their natural sense of a hunter, when an Alpha uses Invoicing that basically means that he is talking to his rival or to whom he considered as one

That's all for today Loves, see you next update!!

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