He's Bad News

By IvyD4407

347 1 0

When Ashton pops into Brandy's life everything changes. She's warned about his ways and to keep her distance... More



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By IvyD4407

Brandy's POV

Break is sadly over and it's time to get back to reality. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans a long sleeve back shirt and my Boston Birkenstock's. The boys busted my balls about them but hey I like them and I'm going to wear them.

I ran downstairs grabbing my bag and meeting Taylor in the kitchen. "This makes me kinda sad, after all these years I no longer have to take you to school" he pouted sticking his lip out. "Hey now you can get to work earlier and get out earlier I think that's a slight score on your end" I giggled. "I wish but I'm pulling a double today I won't be home until late, love you" he kissed my head and I followed him out and Ashton was already waiting for me. "Love you Tay" I called before climbing into Ashton's truck.

"How's my pretty lady this morning" He beamed grabbing my hand. "We'll I don't want to go to school but other than that fine I guess" I shrugged. I haven't told anyone about what Bellamy said to me nor have I even seen him. His truck is either gone or he's holed up in his room when he is home. None of the boys even seem concerned I'm a little confused.

"You alright?" He asked intertwining our fingers. "Ya I'm good I'm just stressing out a bit for school it seems like so much has happened over this break I don't know what to think" I sighed. "Brandy if she so much as looks at you the wrong way you call or text me and I'll be there you hear me" he said looking over at me. I nodded putting my head down.

We walked into school and it felt like everyone's eyes were on us. Yes big surprise loser Brandy is with the hottest guy at this school. I felt my cheeks flush and Ashton chuckled. "You're fine babe I promise" he squeezed my shoulder. We walked into math and I threw up my bag down slouching in my seat. "I can't wait to the day I never have to take math again I think I'm gonna fail the exam" I sighed putting my head in my hands. "Hey we can study together we'll pass no worries" Ashton smiled. His smile can light up a room I can't be upset when I see him smile at me.

I was digging through my locker trying to find my other sneaker for gym when the door was slammed on me. My shoulder radiated in pain and I stood up to see Brianna and her friends standing there. For real? You would think if she was seeing my best friend she would tone it down, after Ashton has said stuff to her? Guess not.

"I can't believe you would do something like that to Bellamy" she hissed. I looked at her extremely confused. "What did I do I've barely talked to him in a week" I snapped and she rolled her eyes. "You don't call someone your family and then manipulate them so they have nobody" She snickered. I was taken back what the hell did he tell her? "What are you talking about, Bellamy will always be a part of our family no matter what" I shouted at her a little bit. "Nice try Brandy we know the kind of person you really are I wander if Ashton knows too" she smirked before walking away.

I took a deep breath before regathering myself and walking to gym. I sent Bellamy a text saying we need to talk before changing and lining up for attendance. Today we're playing kickball which is one of my favorites. My team was kicking first and I was hoping to use this as my outlet because I'm on the verge of having a total freak out.

I was up to kick and I kicked the ball as hard as I could and was stopped on second base with Matt guarding me. I stared straight ahead waiting for the next kick. "What's wrong" he asked coming into my view. "Nothing I'm fine" I muttered. "Brandy I may not know you well but you wear your emotions all over your face" He chuckled.

"Some bad shit is going down and I don't know what I did wrong I need to go home but I also don't want to go home, I'm freaking out Matt ok" I snapped. "Do I need to get Ashton" He asked and I shook my head. "Only one more class after this and he's taking me home I can manage" I sighed.

As soon as school was over I sprinted to Ashton's truck ripping the door open and jumping in. "Wanna go get ice cream?" Ashton asked. "Can we take a rain check on that please" I asked and he looked at me weird. "What's wrong" he sighed turning to me. "Something big is going on Ash and I don't know what I did wrong I need to go home" I said quietly. "What's going on?" He bursted out.

"The other night when you guys stayed over I saw Bellamy and we got in an argument he told me he didn't want to see me, I said nothing to the boys about it and I haven't seen or talked to him since that and then today Brianna comes up attacking me over Bell saying I manipulated him" I shouted my voice quivering.

"Baby don't listen to Brianna look I think you should talk to the other boys about it and then talk to Bellamy you would never do anything to purposely hurt anyone especially him" He grabbed my hand. "I haven't even seen him since we saw him with Brianna getting ice cream he's been avoiding me so whatever he's mad about happened before that" My heart was pounding in my chest, I'm already getting super worked up over this.

"Brandy" Ashton whispered. I kept my head down trying to slow my breathing. "Brandy" he soothed grabbing my chin. I looked into his eyes and a soft smile spread across his face. "I will take you home, I will wait outside while you talk to Bell and no matter what happens I will be there when you're done ok, you can do this just breath" His voice was like magic he could calm me right down. "Thank you Ash" I smiled. He leaned over kissing my head before pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.

We pulled up to my house and a very familiar car was in the driveway. Only Bellamy's truck was home meaning he's breaking the house rules by having a girl over when Taylor isn't home. "Brandy I'll come in with you" Ashton said quickly unbuckling his seat belt. I stopped him before he opened his door. "I really appreciate you being here for me but I need to do this on my own, thank you though really" I said and he nodded. "Come here" He pulled me into a hug "just call me and I'll be inside before you can blink" he patted my back before letting me go. "Thank you Ashton" I blew him a kiss and walked up to my front door.

My hand lingered on the door knob as I bounced back and forth trying to think of my first sentence. Why in the hell would Bellamy ever have her here, he knows I come home after school and if I'm doing something I always text them to let them know. I took one last deep breath before twisting the door knob and walking in.

There they were cuddling and laughing watching tv on the couch. The laughing died down when Brianna turned and her eyes locked on me. "Can I please talk to you Bell" I asked standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. "I'm a little busy" He snapped pulling Brianna in closer. "Bell it's important" I whined, "Later Brandy not now" he rolled his eyes. "It can't wait please Bell come on" I begged. "He obviously doesn't want to talk to you right now so just go away" Brianna snickered fanning me away with her hands.

I looked at Bellamy who wouldn't look at me. "Bellamy!" I yelled. His head snapped toward me as he stood up. "I thought I made it clear the other night I don't want to see you, and I don't want anything to do with you just leave me alone" He shouted in my face.

I pushed his chest away from me, "you can't yell at me for trying to fix what happened, I need my best friend" I felt my eyes well up with tears. "That's funny Brandy because if that was the case none of this would be happening to begin with" He shouted again. "Stop this isn't you what is going on" My voice cracked as tears poured down my face. "He said he doesn't want to talk you did you hear a word he said" Brianna snapped stepping in between us. "Please this is between me and Bellamy I just want to talk to him" I said calmly trying to stop the tears. "You're so fucking pathetic" she pushed my chest knocking me off balance.

"Can you please get out of my house" I said and she giggled. "This is as much Bellamy's house as it is yours you can't tell me to leave" she laughed her finger still digging into my chest. I grabbed her hand shoving it toward her. "Ow what the hell" she whines cradling her wrist. "Brandy seriously?" Bell snarled pulling Brianna toward him. "She was touching me and I asked her leave to which she didn't listen I have every right to take her hand off me it's not like I punched her" I cried not be able to control me emotions any longer.

"Just get out" He yelled. "But, but you can't tell me to leave my own house" I whispered. "Brandy get the fuck out of this house now or I swear to god" he screamed. I looked at him just trying to comprehend what had happened to the boy I love. When I was little I cherished the ground he walked on and still did up until recently.

"He said get out" Brianna screeched shoving me as hard as she could, my ankle caught the carpet and I fell to the ground. My head bounced off the side table and laid on the ground clutching the back of my head crying. I was in shock I again couldn't move, every part of my body was stiffened in pain as I just laid their sobbing.

"She's so pathetic I don't know how you dealt with her all those years" Brianna laughed, I heard Bellamy scoff, "wasn't easy" he chuckled. This has by far got to be one of the worst days I have had in a long time. "Brand? Who's car is in the driveway?" Cam yelled walking in the door. "Brandy, Grayson get in here now!" Cam ran over bending down next to me. Gray ran up beside him throwing all of the groceries on the floor. "What happened kid are you ok" Gray asked rubbing my head.

"Ask Bellamy" I choked out covering my face. "Gray go find him" Cam said scooping me up. "Babe?" Ashton called coming through the door. "What the fuck happened" He snapped lowering his voice as he ran over to Cam holding me. "Something with Bellamy I haven't gotten the full story" Cam sighed, nodding at Ashton to follow us.

I was basically hyperventilating at this point everything that happened was swirling around in my head and the embarrassment I again proved to Brianna that I am a loser and now she's won Bellamy. He didn't even stop her from yelling at me, and left the room when I hit my head what kind of person does that.

We went into Cam's room and he handed me to Ashton. "I'll be right back" he whispered before leaving the room.

Ashton's POV

I'm about 2 seconds away from finding Bellamy and Brianna myself and smashing their fucking heads together but I know I one can't do that and two I need to be here for Brandy. Cameron handed her to me and said he would be right back. I sat down on the bed holding her tight as she buried her head in my neck.

I didn't try to get her to say anything I just held her gently rubbing her back trying to get her to calm down. It is very scary when this happens, I don't exactly know how to calm her down. "Just breath Brandy you're safe now" I cooed. She was still sobbing and her breathing was rigid.

"Hey hey hey" I whispered grabbing her cheek. Her eyes were extremely puffing and tear stains covered her cheeks. "Breath with me ok, deep breath in" we both breathed in and exhaled. I did it with her a few times as Cameron came back with a damp wash cloth and a water bottle. He gently placed it on Brandy's neck and opened the water bottle handing it to her.

She took a small sip before before climbing off my lap and sitting in between me and Cameron. "What could I have possibly done to make Bellamy hate me as much as he does, has he said anything to you?" She whispered looking up at Cam.

"What the hell are you talking about Brandy he doesn't hate you" Cam burst out. "The other night he told me he didn't want to see me, that he was done, then today Brianna talked to me at school and I came home to talk to him and she was here and she wouldn't leave and Bellamy told me to leave and then she pushed me I fell and hit my head" she cried.

I know she would never lie but this just doesn't seem like it could be true, I looked at Cameron and his face was burning red. "Can I kill him" I mouthed and Cam silently chuckled.

"He said fuck you, we've been best friends forever how could he say something like that to me" I shot up from my spot beside her. "He said what" I yelled. I was fuming at this point I don't care how mad you are you never say that to a girl. "Where is he" I growled. "Ashton just let it go you can't lay hands on him" She sighed. "Well yeah but I can sure as hell yell at him, no one should speak to you that way" I snapped.

"Look I agree with you man alright but we are not going to involve ourselves because it'll end poorly. We'll let Gray talk to him, we just need to be here for Brandy" Cameron gave a half smile.

Brandy's tiny hand reached out and unfolded my fist. "I'm sorry" I sighed sitting back down, she said nothing and just leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Do we have any idea what could have happened to make him so upset?" I asked. "I have literally no idea, I mean we never talked after he kissed Brianna and then we saw them out, I didn't say anything to him except what happened at the party" she explained.

"Kid he's obviously lashing out over something and it's all coming out on you" Cam said rubbing his face with his hands. "I thought the same thing but he's saying it's something I did" She sighed. "Do you think it could have something to do with Brianna did?" I asked and both of them looked at me their faces dropping.


Do you think Brianna had something to do with this??

I have such a hard time making people be mean to others because I'm not a mean person and even if I want to be I'm not confrontational lol so I rarely fight. Anyway hope you're enjoying

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