The return of the commandment...

By Jaxread

4.8K 125 38

(A/N: This dose not follow the canon for the reason there's a thousand episodes, so like any all powerful wri... More

Harem part 1
Harem part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

242 8 11
By Jaxread

                           (Y/N)'s POV

After that disappointing fight we decided to stay in orange town for a bit before we head to log town so we took this as some leasur time. Drill and Gloxina just decide to relax and so Droll can stretch his limbs, Monspeet took Derieri shopping, Gowther and Peronia are doing reaserch Galla is with Galand and Melascula enjoying a drink, Cusack went to talk with Gelda and the last two just decided to help out around the village, and lastly I'm training with my sword. As I was training I heard someone coming up from behind me and I said "is there a reason why your here Nojiko?" She has bing coming to us mainly to talk or have a drink, but she never came to me. She then said "I'm just visiting" I didn't stop training and she asked "so training?" I nodded and we didn't talk much she just kept watching me train then she asked "can I join you?" I stopped swinging my sword and I asked "what?" She then said "can I join you?, you guys on your ship" I asked "why?" She then explained "I want to get stronger, when Arlong first came here I was little and me and my sister Nami hid but our mother Bellmere a former Marine tried to fight Arlong but she was killed. Since then Arlong ruled and he forced my sister into making maps for him so I want to get stronger just like Bellemere" she teared up a little and I get what she's feeling, once I wanted to be as strong as my brother, I then asked "what kind of weapon?" She looked at me shocked and she asked "dose that mean you agree?" I nodded and she brighten up.

I sheathed my sword and I motioned her to follow me and she did, we are heading to the ship and I asked "you said join but you could of just said train so I'm curious why join us?" . She replied "well, Bellmere always tell us story's about her life on the sea and I always want to see it for myself but I stayed for Navi's sake and since Arlong is dead" I nodded at her resoning. Once we boarded the ship she asked "is this a marine ship?" I replied "they destroyed our ship first so it was only fare" I felt her eyes on me and she said "for a shorty you are pretty cold" I glared at her and she shivered, we walked down to the armory where the navy had several barrels of blades so I said "pick one that feels right" she nodded and she looked threw the barrels and she came across a double bladed pole arm, she swinged it a few times and she said "this one feels right" I nodded and I said "then it's settled, I'll have you train with it tomorrow " she nodded and put the pole arm back. When we exited the ship I was met with a rat looking marine and his men, he then said "do you work for Arlong?" I replied sternly "no" he then asked "so where is he anyway?" I said "he's dead" he was a little surprise by this and he squinted at me then he grew a smirk and said "well then I guess I'll just take the money he-" he was interrupted by clapping we turned to the source to see Cusack and he said "it seemed the crooked Marines the people in town told me about are here and there demanded all the treasure we took" the rat man then glared at me and said "you have our money!?" I replied "we killed him so it belongs to us" he then signaled his men aim there guns at us, Nojiko duked and cover but I just smirked. They fired at us but me and Cusack used our darkness to block block the shots, once they stopped they thought they won but i then said "weak" my eyes turned dark and my mark appeared and I ordered "Cusack, teach them a lesson " he bowed and said "of course my king" he then unsheathe his sword and in an instant he killed the rat mans men and he was petrified and he said "wha- what are you people?!" I answered "we are demons, besides two of us we are demons" he then fell and shouted "it-it's you!, the new one on the wanted posters, the demon king!" I walked up to him and he shouted "no!,no!, stay away from me!" I put my hand on his chest and I took his soul. His body fell cold on the ground and then Nojiko came out and she saw the carnage then she looked at me holding his soul and asked "what's that?" I replied "it's a soul" I then eat it to gain more power. She then asked "so did I just signed my soul away" she giggled at that and I couldn't help but smile in amusement.

Nami 's POV

After I stole luffy's ship I headed straight to orange town, I parked the ship near the ruined part of the town and I head my way in the town. Once I entered the town it seemed different like way different, everyone is actually happy like the times before Arlong took over, I decided to get some answers so I marched up to my house to asked Nojiko. Once there I took a minute to admire the tangerine bushes and I said "if only Bellmere could see them" I then walked up to the door and I went to nock but I hesitated for a minute then I nocked and I heard my sister say "come in" I opened the door and I saw my sister in the kitchen making lunch boxes? She turned around and she smiled at me and said "hey Nami, welcome back" I closed the door and I put the bag of money on the floor and I said "hey Nojiko, what happened here?" She smiled and said "I figured you might notice, Arlong is gone" I was shocked so I asked "Gone!, how?!" She answered "him and his howl grew are dead" I was even more shocked so I sat down to take in the news. I then asked "how did that happen?" She sat down at the table and said "well a week ago a group of people came to shore and after I ran into them I told them about the island then one thing led to another they whipped out the howl crew" I was left speechless one group whipped out a howl grew of fish men! She then said "right now there docked where Arlong park used to be, and the best part they handed those corrupted Marines who were working with Arlong so the money is all yours, no more saving up to buy the town" I actually couldn't believe what she was saying, I'm free from Arlong but I have to make shure. I then asked her "who killed him?" She replied "well, you might have heard three of them-" I then heard someone knocking and Nojiko got up and said "coming!" She got to the door and opened it  and I saw a woman in an outfit similar to Nojiko but her hair is long And unkept, she ripped, and one of her arms is all black, I was shocked because I recognized her from the recent wanted posters, she's that woman with a $30,000 Berri reward, Nojiko then said "your here early Derieri" she replied "I was already in town so I came a little early " she then looked over Nojiko shoulder at me and she noticed this and said "oh, this is my sister Nami" she nodded and said "what's up" I replied "good" . She then invited this Derieri into the house and Nojiko then handed her the lunchboxes and she said to me " come on Nami let me show you" I nodded and I started following them.

I recognize the way they aware going, it's the same path I take when I go to Arlong park, once we go over the hill that views Arlong park I saw it completely gone. This brought a tear to my eye, that I'm finally free, as we got closer I noticed a giant with four arms and a person with rainbow like butterfly wings, once we got closer to were the walls were I saw a tall armored man with his helmet an eerie smile, this man said "your back Derieri but who's your friend " he pointed at me and she said "it's Nojiko's Sister" he walked up to me and upclose he's very intimidating. He extended his hand for a shake and I hesitatly did the same and he said "nice to meet you, I'm Galand of Truth, your sister has told me a lot about you" I smiled awkwardly and I said "glad to hear" Derieri then asked "is (Y/N) here or his he still training?" He replied "he's having some tea that Cusack made" she nodded and we followed her. I looked to the shor and I saw a navy ship probably the one that was stolen, I looked around and I saw other people as well, a man in a white cloak, the giant and butterfly winged man, a woman with lavender hair flouting with some kind of dark mass, next to her is a girl with a whip. The next group are a man in a wheelchair and a small girl flouting, next to them are two people who actually may be normal if it wasn't for them having angel wings, one of them is a very handsome man with white long hair and next to him is a woman with long pink hair and fair skin. We stopped once we reached a table were a man with a really long mustache serving tea to two people one a short man with in red and a woman taller them him with blond hair and pail skin.

                                                 He took a sip of tea and gave us a cold sideways glance and he said "hello Nojiko I see you brought us something " she nodded and said "yeah, I made lunch for everyone " the woman smiled and said "that's very kind of you" the man told the other man "Cusack, hand theses out to everyone and make shure to eat yourself " he smiled and bowed and said "as you wish your majesty " after he said that it clicks, the short man is one of the three with the most Beris he's the demon king! Nojiko then said "hey captain I brought my sister with me" he looked at me and I felt a shiver run up my spine and he said "I see you returned and if your here to confirm he's dead then yes, he's dead" I couldn't help but Shed a few tears after hearing this and after long last I'm free. The man called Cusack came back with two more chairs and one lunch box, he placed the chairs down for us and gave the demon king the lunch box and once he started eating I asked "so I'm Nami and you are?" He replied " (Y/N) Zeldris of Piety, leader of the Ten Commandments " I nodded and after looking at the group I said "but there's more then ten of you" then Cusack explained "the Ten Commandments are the ten strongest demons in all of the demon realm, tho we are missing two our current group makes up for it" he nodded and I said "thank you for the explanat- wait demons?" I looked at them and they only nodded and I looked to my sister and she had a nervous smile on her face and said "yeah, they are, real demons I mean" I couldn't believe this, I mean I literally couldn't believe this, real demons! (Y/N) then said "expect for two members of the goddess clan and Gelda the rest of us are demons" I guess he meant the two with angel wings.

I chose not to dig into it further because I'm still afraid of this man, after he finished eating the woman I'm guessing is Gelda moved closer to him and she lowered to his neck and I noticed two fangs that pierced his neck. I was taken aback by this and I whispered asked my sister "what is she doing?!" She replied "I've learned this yesterday she only drinks blood" I replied in fear "like a vampire!" She nodded and (Y/N) said "so Nami, what do you plan on doing given your new found freedom " I thought about it and since I'm free I guess I'll join luffy's crew. I then said "I guess I'll join my friends pirate crew but I guess I have to apologize first" I then explained to him what happened and how I met them and he chuckled and said "funny, someone told me about him, I'm glad he's doing well" I nodded and Once Gelda finish drinking his blood Nojiko said "so Nami, I decided to join there crew" I was taken aback by this and I said "but why?!" She replied "well I want to get stronger and I think the only way I can is to join there crew" I only sighed and smiled knowing why she wants to get stronger, I just hugged her and when she hugged back she knew I supported her decision.

                                  (Y/N)'s POV

                                                   It's bing a week since we've met Nami and we are ready to leave, Right now we are waiting for Nojiko and right now Gowther is keeping track of the supplies the townsfolk gave us, it's not much but it will do until we reach Log town. I looked into the distance to see Nojiko coming this way with a pole arm on her back, once she boarded the ship she said "all set captain " I nodded and I said "you can pick a room that's not marked" Gowther came up deck and said "we are ready Zeldris " I nodded and I looked to Gloxinia to set sail and once the sails lowered and the catches the wind we set sailed to long town. As we passed the town we saw everyone waving at us and wishing us luck and I couldn't help but crack a small smile. Once orange town was out of sight I was at the helm of the ship and stared off into the fast blue ocean. I was like this all the way to log town, Cusack came up to me and said "my lord, we are approaching Log town" I then asked "who's going?" He replied "we voted that you, Gowther, Nojiko, and Nerobasta" I nodded and I got a whiff of something, something like smoke, I wonder if it's an Allman of what's to come once we reached Log town.

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