The crocodiles granddaughters...

By Daydayrocks

2.3K 72 28

When Neal and Emma first meet it wasn't just the two of them. It was also Neal identical, twin daughters. Eve... More

Meet Hope and Nikkol Cassidy / fun facts
Meet Dylan and Lucas Jones /fun facts
Manhatten part 1
Manhatten part 3
Manhatten part 4
Manhatten part 5
The queen is dead part 1
The queen is dead part 2

Manhatten part 2

240 9 4
By Daydayrocks

(Emma chases after the unknown man through the streets of New York, stalling traffic along the way. Emma runs around the opposite side of the building and manages to ambush the man as the two meet. She tackles him, and the two of them fall to the ground. When Emma looks up, a stunned look overcomes her face.)

"No... Neal?" Emma questions

"Emma?" The Cassidy twins father questioned

"Neal?" Emma questions again being super shocked

(The two of them stand up.)


The Cassidy twins get closer and closer to there apartment. Not knowing that when they get there, there life will change forever.

Back with Emma and Neal

"I don't understand." "What are you doing here?" Neal questions the blonde

"What am I doing here?" Emma deadpans

"Yeah." Neal answered

"I'm not answering anything until you tell me the truth." "Are you Gold's son?" Emma questions panicky

"What are you talking about?" "Who's Gold?"

"You played me." "You're from there." "You played me, and he played me, you both played me."  " do the twins know" Emma questions as soon as she thought about Hope and Nikkol.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay." Neal says before he starts to defend his daughter

"Hope and Nikkol know nothing" Neal says defending both of his daughters before getting back on track, with questioning/ answering Emma."

"You and Gold." Emma

"Emma, slow down." "What are you talking about?" "Who's Gold?" Neal says all at once

"Your father. Rumpelstiltskin." The saviour answered the man in front of her

"He's here?" Neal asked panicked not wanting to see his father, nor wanting his father to meet his granddaughters or for him to even know he has grandchildren.

"Why else would I be in New York?" Emma asked. Beside to see Hope and Nikkol, she though  in her head so Neal wouldn't be able to hear.

"You brought him to me?" "And to the twins?" "Why would you do that?!" The male Cassidy questioned.

"Hey! I am the only one allowed to be angry here!" "Did you know who I was, where I was from, the whole time?" "Was this just some sort of sick, twisted plan?" "Did... Did you even care about me at all?" Emma said all at once

"Emma, do not..." Neal stared to say but was cut off by Emma.

"I want to know!" "I want the truth – all of it!" Emma demanded

"Fine! We... We got to get off the street." "We can't do it here." "We're out in the open." "I... I spent a lifetime running from that man." I'm not going to let him catch me or my daughters." "There's a bar down the street." "We can talk there." Neal says to the blonde

"I am not drinking with you." "Whatever you're going to tell me, tell me now." Emma yells

"No, bar's better." "Don't worry." "You can keep yelling at me when we get there."

(Neal begins to walk off. Emma, annoyed, follows him.)


(Meanwhile, Henry and Mr. Gold are still waiting outside of Neal's apartment building. They're at a hotdog stand.)

"Don't worry." "Emma's really good at catching people." Henry tells Mr.Gold

Since you could clearly see him starting to panic, about not seeing his son.

"Well, my son's been running away for a long time now." "Now I have a feeling he's equally adept at it." Rumplestiltskin explains to Henry

"Well, at least we found him, right?" Henry said with a smile.

"Indeed." Mr.Gold agreed

"Oh, and, uh, thanks, for the hot dog." "I forgot." Henry tell Mr.Gold

While Mr.Gold and Henry were talking, to aurburned haired girls were slowly walking closer to the two of them. Not that either people from Storybrooke had noticed the twins walk by them.


(Neal and Emma are talking at the bar Neal suggested.)

"Well, what do you want to know, Emma?" "You want the truth?" "Ask away." Neal tells the blonde in front of him

"Did you know who I was when we met?" Emma ask the father of her favourite set of twins.

"If I had, I wouldn't have gone near you". "Or let my daughter near you either" Neal informs the saviour.

"Come on." Emma tells Neal while feeling heart broken hearted with what the Cassidy man had said about the twins.

"Come on?" "Come on, what?" "I was in hiding." "I came here to get... A-away from... All that crap." The man tells Emma

"So, if you didn't know, then you were just using me." "You just needed someone to take the fall for all the watches that you stole." Emma deadpanned to the son of Rumplestiltskin

"I wasn't using you." "When we met, I didn't know." "I found out." Neal let Emma know

"How?" Emma questioned

"When I went to sell the watches... while I left the twins with you... I ran into a friend of yours August."

(The scene flashes back to when Neal ran into August in Portland.)

"When you see what I have in here, you're going to listen." "You're going to believe every word I say." Pinocchio tell the son of Rumplestiltskin.

"Yeah, right." Neal said sarcastically

(August opens the lid of the box on the back of his motorcycle. Inside, there's a typewriter loaded with a piece of paper. The sentence 'I know you're Baelfire.' is typed on it. Along with another sentence that filled Bealfire with dread 'And I know about Rumpelstiltskin granddaughters.')

(The scene returns to the bar.)

"You left me... And let me go to prison, because Pinocchio told you to?" Emma asked heartbrokenly

"Emma..." Neal sighed

"I loved you." Emma tells Neal

"And I still love Hope and Nikkol" The blonde adds on after a brief pause.

"I... I was, um... I was... I was trying to help you." Neal says trying to explain it to her.

"By letting me go to jail?" The saviour questioned


Hope and Nikkol finally get to there apartment building front door. But Nither of them head inside. Instead two of them continue to talk to each other.

"Hope do you think we could convince Auntie 'Em to let you and I to see our littler brother." Nikkol asked her older sister.

Hope just shrugged her shoulders.

With Neal and Emma

"By getting you home." Neal replies to the blonde's question

"Are you telling me, that us meeting was a coincidence?" "Me meeting Hope and Kol was just fate?" "Because how the hell did that happen?" "If it wasn't in your plan, or your father's?" Emma questioned all at once, before the Cassidy man could answer Emma questions she had more to say

" Because I know for a fact that it definitely wasn't a part of the twins plans, since they were a year and a held when we met." Emma says defending the Cassidy man daughters once again.

"Think about it." "He wanted you to break the curse." "Us meeting – that could have stopped it. Maybe it was fate." Neal answered Emma questions. While wondering why the blonde was defending his daughters. Since as far as he knew the three of them have not seen or heard from each other, since he left Emma to get caught and go to jail. But he ignores it for now.


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