Gormiti| A new age | fanfic

By Jcfuntime

2.3K 140 188

The gormiti are trapped in another world, again! This time for almost two years. These one shots A will be a... More

Battle tournament
Rainy Day
Dinner at Fylkir's house
Kidnapped Part 1
Kidnapped Part 2
Kidnapped: Extra Scene
Kidnapped Extra #2
Kidnapped Extra #3
A new world
The temple
The Library
Human Au
Season three.
Incorrect Quotes
AN- Gormian terms P1
Pokémon Au- Part 1
Pokémon Au- Part 2
An- Q and A
AN Answers Part 1
An Answers Part 2
An Answers Part 3
AN- Unfinished Drawing
Gacha Ocs P1
Christmas special
Questions? And Answers!
The First Heralds
The First Heralds Funfacts
The First Heralds Scenes/Incorrect Quotes
Avatar the last airbender Au

Sleep over

119 10 5
By Jcfuntime

Ao-ki runs out of her room excitedly. It was evening and she was the only one in the One tower at the moment. The Guardian was in her pajamas; a long sleeve light purple shirt with the guardian symbol on the front in white, grey sweatpants with Light spelt out sideways on one of the legs in white lettering as well (Erron got her the outfit) and her hair up in a loose bun.

Ao-ki: Tower! Are you ready?

Tower: Yep!

The guardian, heralds and their friends were all having a sleepover. Erron and Trek we're getting Siran. Ikor was bringing his cousin Fylkir and Riff was getting Finna his older sister. Ao-ki has never been to a sleepover so she was excited. She was so giddy skipping around getting everything ready. It was one of the only times that she'd get to be a kid. To forget her burdening responsibilities. Just to have fun with her friends.

...: WHOOO!!!

...: WHAAAA!!!!

Ao-ki: Huh?!

Aoki turns her head to the door to see Wrago and Gorak burst in; Trek on his Hyperbeast and Siran riding with Erron. She had a brown bag with her stuff. The three were all wearing their pjs already and had coats over them because of the cold night winds. Erron hops of his dragon and helps a slightly shaken Siran climb down.

Erron's Pjs was a plain black shirt over a navy blue long sleeve shirt with swirl designs at the wrist, navy blue sweat pants with a large grey wing designed stretching from on leg to they other. His coat was dark blue with red accents and a dragon design on the side.

Trek was wearing a yellow t-shirt and long grey pants with rock designs on the legs' bases. His coat was brown with the rock tribe insignia on the chest.

Siran had on a beige long sleeve sweater with the print Rockies Rule on the front, over a long sleeve white shirt, and black tights. Her over coat was a rather old worn out brown leather jacket that looked like it was covered in dust.

Erron: Woo! That was a rush!

Siran: Yeah...

Trek: Told ya you should've ridden with me.

Siran: Hump! I'm still not talking to you!

Trek: Ahh...

Ao-ki walks up to them with a bag of snacks in her hands.

Ao-ki: Hi boys! Hey Siran!

Siran: Hi Ao-ki!

Erron: Hey!

Trek climbs off Gorak and looks around at the main room in the tower.

Trek: Wow Ao-ki!  The set up looks great!

Ao-ki: Heh, thanks Trek.

There were eight sleeping bags layer out in a circle; each person had their color. In this order:

Riff: Red
Trek: Yellow
Ikor: Green
Erron: Blue
Fylkir: Teal
Siran: Brown
Finna: Orange
Ao-ki: Purple

There were snacks and drinks in the center of the circle, with plates and cups stacked next to them.  At the side there were a bunch of board games to play.

Siran: You really went all out...

Ao-ki: Haha Yeah... This is my first sleepover so I wanted to be prepared.

Trek: Well at least we won't run out of snacks for a while. Unless Riff doesn't control himself...

Erron: The others still aren't here?

Erron now realizes that they're the first ones back.

Ao-ki: Yeah but they'll be here soon let's just wait.














Finna: Whooo hooo! Yeah!

Finna's voice rang through the tower as her, Riff and Pyron fly in. After the lion lands the two riders jump off his back.

Finna: That was awesome! I have never gone that fast!

Riff: Told ya Pyron's faster than the speed of light!

The two Fire-ies also had on their pjs too, but no jackets since they were coming from the fire realm and it was especially hot at night this time of year.

Riff wore a red short sleeve shirt, and ankle length grey pants with flame designs on the base and he was wearing black fingerless gloves.

Finna had a similar outfit on. A red t-shirt, loose grey  high-cut sweatpants over black tights, and  identical gloves to her brother.

Ao-ki: Hey guys! What took you so long?

Riff: The Town hall meeting took longer than expected.

The young Queen sighed. There were noticeable bags under her eyes.

Finna: Yeah, some debate about the recent new treaties with the other realms.

Riff: I know I kept saying how cool it would be to be king, but honestly now I wouldn't want your job for anything in Gorm.

Finna: You know, if you become the captain of the royal guard you'll have similar conflicts you have to solve.

Riff: Who said it's a matter of if. When I become the captain of the royal guard I'll be there to help you and lead the royal guard.

Finna: He, thanks idiot.

Erron: Speaking of Royal, where is the Icy prince and Fylkir?

As the windie said that another flash entered the tower. A very tired looking Cryos lands with two bickering Icies on his back, his herald at the front and his cousin behind him. Ikor slid off his bear with a grumpy look on his face.

Ikor: I told you we'd be the last ones to arrive!

Fylkir: Yeah, yeah whatever.

Ikor: What took you so long?!

Fylkir: It... it was nothing.

Ikor: Hmmp!

Ikor had on a long sleeve light blue button up shirt with green accents and thick dark blueish green pants.

Fylkir was wearing a white vest under a green jacket with the ice insignia on the back and the hood over his head and thick black pants.

Erron: Dang Ikor chill out. Riff and Finna just came a moment before you two.

Ao-ki: And it's not a race.

Ikor: I know that Ao-ki. But icies are supposed to be punctual!

Fylkir: Uhhgg you sound just like Uncle Kori.

Ikor: He's the king!

Fylkir: Yeah and I guess you're his little mini me huh.

Ikor: Huh 💢

The two cousin by now were inches apart both pissed. The Firey Queen steps between the two.

Finna: Alright you two break it up. We're here to have fun and unwind, not start fights over small things.

Trek: Yeah, right Siran.

Siran: What you said wasn't small!

Trek: I didn't mean it like that!

Erron: Oh boy...

Riff: What happened with those two?

Erron: Trek said something rude about Siran's old jacket not knowing it was a gift from her late grandfather.

Riff: Ohh...

Ao-ki: But Trek wouldn't say something like that on purpose, Siran know this.

Erron: Well, I'm pretty sure before that she'd just finished an argument with her dad so I think it's just redirected anger.

Finna: I guess everyone needs to unwind tonight. So let's have a fun time!

A, R, E: Yeah!

T, S, I, F:...














Each Gormian was sitting on their respective sleeping bag. But as it turns out, the two Rockies are directly across from each other, looking awkwardly at on another. The two Iceys were  on either side of Erron shooting glares that made the atmosphere by the three uncomfortable, especially for the poor Windie.

Ao-ki: Soo... Who wants to play games!

Finna, Riff: I do!

Riff then turns to his Icy rival.

Riff: Ikor you better watch out. I'm going to sweep the floor with you.

Ikor: Ha! You wish. Icies are the best at strategy!

Ao-ki:  Not all these games are-

Riff: Whatever Ikor, just don't get cold feet.

Ikor: Never, just don't get all heated when I win.

Riff: Oh ho ho you are so on!

The two were now up in the middle of the circle  face to face as the others looked on.

Trek: Oh boy...

Finna: Is this normal.

Ao-ki: Their rivalry is as old as time.

As the two continue to argue, Erron scoots over to Fylkir.

Erron: You good?

Fylkir: Huh? Yeah I'm fine.

Erron: Was it your dad? Was that why you were late meeting with Ikor?

Fylkir: Wha! How-

Erron: You've been as excited about this sleepover as Ikor. I know you wouldn't have been late unless something stopped you, or some one.

Fylkir looked at the windie on disbelief. How did he figure it out so quickly and so easily.

Erron: Also, you were pretty grumpy. I can tell you weren't just being your joking, slightly sarcastic self.

Fylkir: Maybe I just was done with Ikor's pride.

Erron: I know that's not true. You love Ikor more than anything, he's your cousin.


The icey often forgets how attentive and smart Erron was. He saw everything.

Fylkir: How are you such an airhead but so smart?

Erron: It's the Windie Way~














Game: What am I?

It was Treks turn. He pulls out a word from the bowl of papers in the middle looks at it and pulls a face, seemingly confused on how to act out the word. He thinks for a while then gets up to the front.

Trek: Okay so ummm...

The rocky starts grinning goofily and starts making a silly dance.

Ao-ki: Uhh...

Finna: I got nothing.

Riff: Disco? Party? Oh! Birthday party!

Ikor: Really?

Riff: Oh I don't see you trying.

Ikor: Uhhh a festival?

Riff: That's literally what I said!

Ikor: No it wasn't!

Trek shakes his head before trying to pull a half hazard hand stand into a flip, but not being the most flexible he fell on his back. Siran smiles at this, letting out a giggle before quickly snapping back to her serious face, but her checks deepened in color.

Fylkir: It's Erron isn't it.

Trek: Yeah...

Erron: Huh?!

Trek: I was trying to act out the funny celebratory dance you do after a win. The one that ends in a impressive flip...

Ikor: How'd you figure it out so quickly?

Fylkir: He's done almost all of his dances in front of me.

The windie blushes after that.

Erron: 😳😒

Fylkir: Plus he's the only one who will flip like that for fun.

Ikor: I could easily do those tricks.

Fylkir: I know.

Ikor: You- what?

Fylkir: Dude I said will not can. Your almost at flexible as Erron is. You just don't do it unless necessary. Which is boring but it doesn't mean you can't do it.

Ikor:... thanks.

Fylkir: No problem Ko-Ko

Ikor: Don't call me that!💢




















Game: Twister.

Riff: Ah- ! Sis hurry up! My back is killing me!

Finna: I am trying my best here!

The fire siblings, Siran, Trek and Erron were on the board. The others sat and watched since the board couldn't  hold any more people. It was supposed to be  four people so even then they were over the limit. Finna was attempting to reach her hand to the other side of the board between the other four players. She finally did it though she nearly dislocated her shoulder in the process.

Finna: There! I did it.

Ao-ki: Okay ummm... Erron's next. Left leg on green.

Erron: Gotcha! Hmmmpp!

Erron stretched his leg as far as it could go. He attempted to set his foot down but ended up catching it on Riff. The fire boy lost his balance and started a chain reaction causing everyone to fall.

Finna: Zotobo!

Ao-Ki: Oh!

Fylkir: Pfft- Ha!

Ikor: Fylkir!

Fylkir: What?

Riff and Finna were piled onto Erron and Siran hand fallen onto Trek after being tripped up by Erron's feet. The two's faces were inches apart.

Siran: Ah... huh!?

The girl realized how close her face was to her fellow rocky and her face deepened in color almost instantly as she pushes her head away from his. Trek, not realizing his predicament right away turns his attention to the one who cause the fall and made everyone lose.

Trek: Erron!

Erron: Sorry! Oww...

Finna Riff get off me!

Riff: if Siran and Trek get off my feet!

It was the. Trek acknowledged what position his body was in. Riff's legs were half- trapped underneath his back and Siena's extra weight made it so Riff could pull his legs away. Trek's cheeks also flushed when seeing how close he and Siran was and immediately sat up gently with her ending up in his arms, and releasing Riff's legs, allowing the others to unravel themselves.

Trek: Ummm.... Are you okay?

Siran: Huh? Oh yeah...sorry for fallin' on ya.

Trek: Oh no it's fine...

Erron: That was fun.

Riff: But no one won!

Finna: Not everything is about winning little brother.

Riff: Hmmp.

Ao-ki: Maybe let's try another thing.






















Game: Truth or Dare.

Finna: Riff you have to look at it too...

Riff: Uh uh nope!

Finna had dared her brother to hold a Morcagon for a minute. Where she got the creature, I have no idea. The thing was completely unbothered and was just sitting very comfortably in the firey's palms.

Riff: How long has it been!

Ao-ki: three... two... one. And you can put him down.

Riff immediately set down the Morcagon and shuffled backwards to his sleeping bag. The other laugh at his fear of the tiny animal.

Ao-ki: Okay Ikor's turn to ask.

The icey smiles before looking directly at his cousin.

Ikor: Truth or dare Fylkir.

Fylkir: ... truth.

Ikor: Why were you so late in meeting me this morning?!

Ao-ki: Ikor!

Finna: Oh geez...

Erron: Zotobo...

Fylkir's eyes narrowed at Ikor before looking away and exhaling.

Fylkir: Dad locked me in my bedroom and it took me over 15 minutes to pry open the bars he put on my window. So I'm in for hell when we get home.

Ikor: Huh...

Erron: *sigh*

Erron was still in between the two ice-ies and it got even more uncomfortable for him. Ikor immediately looked away and went silent.

Siran: Uhh... should we continue or...

Riff: Truth or dare Erron.

Trek: Riff-

Erron: Seriously... dare.

Riff: I dare you to kiss Fylkir.

Finna: Riff! Are you serious...

Both boys blushed as their eyes slowly met each other's. Ikor had a small smile on too, looking at the two.

Erron: I'm not-

Riff: Name of the game Erron. You chose dare.

Fylkir: Uhh... do I get a say in this-

Fylkir was cut off when Erron grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. The icey's  face was burning.

Riff: I meant on the lips-

Erron: You didn't specify! A kiss is a kiss!

Ao-ki: This is getting weird.

Erron: My turn. Truth or dare Trek.

Trek: Me? Well okay... truth

Erron: What do you think of Siran?

Trek: Huh?! Wha... what do you mean by that?

Erron: How do you see her as a person?

All eyes were now on the Rockie boy.

Trek: Uhh well she's kind and sweet, but tough. Smart, caring... cute-

Fylkir: So you think she's cute~

Trek: Huh!? I- well...

Both Rockies were blushing hard by now. Fylkir and Erron snicker at this.

Finna: Maybe that's enough truth or dare.

Tower: How about a movie then!















Everyone sat in silence as the Tower projects a screen with a movie playing on it. It was called The Windara Knights  it was about a group of young windies like Erron, who couldn't have been over a year older than Finna. They were training to become the Knights of Windara, which isn't a place in Gorm, but it was modeled after the Wind realm's biggest city, Umoya.  It was in the scene were the kids were in a cave trying to get to the other side. It was getting very eerie and tense.

Angin: This is getting really creepy guys

Feng: Stay strong guys. And stay close this place is a maze...


Angin: What was that?!

Hau: It's alright Angin it's just falling rocks or something.

Makani: I heard that this place is haunted~

Angin: Haunted!

Erron: Eeep!

The wind herald was already known to have a fear of ghosts and was already in his sleeping bag once the cave scene had started. Fylkir looked it him with pity as he was snacking on popcorn.

Feng: Makini...

Hau: She's being silly Angin.

Makini: No I ain't! My older siblings told me about a cave that was like an underground maze, like this one. And that the ghost were of people who got lost in the cave and never saw the light of day again!

Makini who was behind the other three jump at Angin. He screamed and latched onto Hau, who glared at her other teammate.

Hau: Makini...

Makini: Hahaha!

Feng: Be serious!

As the four turn the bend slowly. Then something jumps out at them.

Erron: AAAHH

Erron latched onto the person next to him, Fylkir and buried his head in his lap as Fylkir was sitting up. The icey was surprised for a moment at the sudden embrace but then relaxed and patted Erron's head in comfort.






















After the movie was over, Finna was asleep, Erron has fallen asleep in Fylkir's lap, and Riff had fallen asleep next to Ao-ki and the others were still awake.

Ao-ki: Okay *yawn* maybe it's time to go to sleep...

Trek: Yeah it's past midnight.

Ikor: Okay

Ao-ki: Tower, can you turn off the daylight mode?

Tower: Okay.

The crystals embedded inside the walls of the tower's interior start to glow slightly as the light turns from a bright white to a low blue, like a nightlight. Ao-ki, crawls into her sleeping bag, Siran and Trek follow suit. Fylkir attempts to get into his sleeping bag without waking up the windie sleeping on him.

Ao-ki: Good night guys.

Trek: Night...

Siran: Good night.

Fylkir: Night...

After a bit Ao-ki was asleep, but the other four were still awake.

Siran: Trek...

Trek lifted his head up to look at the girl across from him.

Trek: Oh, um yeah?

Siran: I'm sorry for getting angry at ya. I know you didn't mean it I was just angry before-

Trek: No, no! It's fine Siran. I should've been more careful with my words.

Siran: Thank you. And Trek.

Trek: huh?

Siran: I think your cute too...

Trek smiled wide at the compliment and both Rockies ended their night with a mutual smile before falling asleep as well. The icey cousins were the only ones up. Ikor wasn't even in his sleeping bag, instead sitting on top of it and staring into space. He assumed he was the only one awake.

Fylkir: You're gonna go to sleep or pull an all-nighter for no reason.

Ikor looks over at Fylkir, at first with a surprised expression, but then he relaxes his gaze and looks back at the ceiling.

Ikor: I'm... sorry. About you being late.

Fylkir: Nah it's okay. Though you seemed more on edge than usual. You okay?

Ikor: ... No.

Fylkir: What's up?

Ikor: I had an argument with father... About Mother and Aunt Fria.

Fylkir: Oh... So that's why you were such a grouch.

Ikor: Hey! 💢

Fylkir: Ha!

Ikor: Do... do you think that we might see them again...

Fylkir: Maybe, but who's to say. Life works in mysterious ways and we don't have a say. Best thing to do is live with it.

Ikor: I sometimes forget how smart you are with that foolish joker thing you always have up.

Fylkir: What can I say. I'm an ice diamond in the rough.

Ikor surprisingly laughs softly at his cousin's jokes. A rare sight.

Fylkir: Though you should get some sleep. Or else Riff may get on your case if he's the one  wake up first.

Ikor: Yeah, you're right.

With that Ikor crawled into his sleeping bag and turned over to look at his cousin.

Ikor: Night Fylkir.

Fylkir: Night cousin.

































3.3k words exactly... wow.


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