Love on the Brain

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Leonard Hofstadter x OC What if Penny had moved in with a roommate from back home? Welcome Roselyn Miller. A... Több

The Big Bran Hypothesis
The Fuzzy Boots Corollary
The Luminous Fish Effect
The Hamburger Postulate
The Dumpling Paradox
The Grasshopper Experiment
The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization

The Middle Earth Paradigm

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 It was a few days before Rose and Penny's Halloween party and Rose had already invited Derek, Cristina, and John to it and they all had agreed to attend the party. Rose and Penny were going down the stairs to the exit of the apartment to run into the guys

"Oh, hey, guys," Penny said.

"Oh, hey, Penny and Rose," Leonard smiled.

"Morning, ma'ams," Howard saluted the two women.

"How was paintball? Did y'all have fun?" Rose asked.

"Sure, if you consider being fragged by your own troops fun," Sheldon said as Howard looked annoyed, "you better clear your schedule because there will be an inquiry,"

"Ok," Rose's eyes widened, "We're having a party on Saturday so if you're around, you should come by,"

"A party?"

"Yeah," Penny said.

"A...boy-girl party?" Howard grinned.

"Well, there will be boys and there will be girls and it is a party, so..." Rose said, "it'll just be a bunch of our friends. We'll have some beer and do a little dancing,"

"Dancing?" Sheldon looked at Leonard.

"Yeah, I don't know, girls," Leonard said,

The thing is, we're not..." Sheldon trailed off.

"No, we're really more of a-" Leonard got cut off by Sheldon.


"But thanks. Thanks for thinking of us," Leonard said.

"Are you sure? Come on, it's Halloween," Rose said.

"A Halloween party?" Sheldon asked.

"As in...costumes?" Howard asked.

"Well...yeah," Penny said.

The guys looked at each other in excitement and looked at Leonard.

"Is there a theme?" Leonard asked.

"Yeah. Halloween," Rose said.

"Yes. but are the costumes random, or genre specific?" Sheldon asked.

"Come as anything you want!" Rose grew annoyed and the two girls left the building as fast as possible, "Bro, the amount of questions they had!"

"I know!" Penny laughed, "what are you going to do right now?"

"I'm probably going to the school to do some extra studying and then do whatever for the rest of the day since I took off for the week since it is finals' week,"

It was now Saturday and Rose and Penny were getting the place ready for the party. Rose was making the jungle juice mixture and setting out all the alcohol in a neat manner on the island while Penny was making it more Halloween-like. The clock hit 7:05 when there was a knock at the door so Penny answered to see the guys all in costume.

"Oh. hey, guys," Penny said.

"Hey. Sorry, we're late," Leonard smiled.

"Late? It's 7:05," Penny tucked in her hair behind her ear.

"You said the party starts at 7," Sheldon said.

"When you start a party at 7, no one shows up at 7," Rose said from the couch.

"It's 7:05," Sheldon said.

"Yes. Yes, it is," Penny smiled awkwardly, "well, um, come on in,"

The guys walked in as Howard looked around, "what, are all the girls in the bathroom?"

"Probably, but in their own homes," Penny said.

"So, what time does the costume parade start?" Sheldon asked,

"The p-parade?" Penny asked.

"So the judges can give out the prizes for best costume. You know, most frightening, most authentic,most accurate visualization of a scientific principal," Sheldon straightened out his outfit.

"Oh, Sheldon, I'm sorry, but here aren't gonna be any parades or judges or prizes," Penny said,

Sheldon took a moment before turning back, "this party is going to suck,"

"No! Come on, it's going to be fun. And you all look great. I mean, look at you, Thor," Penny motioned towards Raj, "and-and, oh, Peter Pan. That's so cute,"

"Actually, he's Robin Hood," Leonard said.

"I'm Peter Pan," Howard grinned, "and I got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it," Howard lifts a fist and pretends to blow pixie dust out to Penny.

Penny grimaced, "no, you don't,"

"What's Sheldon supposed to be?" Rose asked.

"He's the Doppler Effect," Leonard said.

"It's the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motions between the source of the wave and the observer," Sheldon said.

"I see it now. The Doppler Effect," Penny said.

"I have to shower," Rose ran to the bathroom and immediately started the shower so it could warm up. She heard Penny groan from the outside so she laughed and played music from her stereo that was hooked to her iPod.

Two hours later, the party had started and Rose was wearing her Raven costume that complimented her figure. She walked out and saw Cristina and John.

"Hey! When did you get here?" Rose smiled at her work friends.

"Not too long ago. Nice Raven costume," Cristina said.

"Ok. You're over there with your white coat like you're not a doctor already," Rose rolled her eyes, "at least John has an actual costume,"

"Yeah," John said, "Can you guess what I dressed as?"

"I see you dressed as Freddy Kreuger?" Rose guessed.

"Ding, ding, ding," John high-fived Rose.

A few moments later, Derek had walked through the door and connected eyes with Rose so he went over to her side and did the greeting with everybody. Rose had seen his costume. Slacks, white button shirt, sweater vest over, and a black robe with a red hood that had the Gryffindor symbol on it.

"You look really good in your Raven costume!" Derek exclaimed and twirled her around.

"Thank you," Rose smiled, "I see you, Harry Potter,"

"Yeah, I know you're reading Harry Potter so I wanted to wear something that you liked," Derek smiled.

"I see you're trying to use flattery to get me to accept your date offer," Rose chuckled, "we'll see how that goes, buddy,"

"We will," Derek stared at her with admiration in her eyes.

The party continued on as the coworkers were dancing and Cristina and Rose were jumping around and swaying their hips. Rose turned towards the door and saw Kurt so she rolled her eyes and continued on with having fun with her friends until she looked again and saw Kurt trying to intimidate Leonard so she walked over there.

"So you're calling me a puffed up animal?" Kurt glared at Leonard.

"Of course not. No, he's not," Penny nudged Kurt, "you're not, right, Leonard?"

"No, I said animalistic. I mean, of course we're all animals, but some of us have climbed a little higher on the evolutionary tree," Leonard said.

"If he understands that, you're in trouble," Sheldon muttered to Leonard.

"So, what, I'm unevolved?" Kurt squared up.

"You're in trouble," Sheldon said,

"You know, you say such big words for a little dwarf," Kurt said,

"Kurt, please," Rose scoffed.

"No, Rose, it's ok. I can handle this," Leonard turned ro Kurt, "I'm not a dwarf, I'm a Hobbit. A hobbit. Are misfiring neurons in your hippocampus preventing the conversation from short term to long term memory?"

"Now you're starting to make me mad," Kurt said.

Rose stepped up in between them, "so fucking what, Kurt? Whatcha gonna do? Because we both know I can handle you,"

"You're one lucky leprechaun," Kurt said and walked past the group.

"Thanks for having us, but it's getting late so we're gonna head back," Leonard said.

"Ok. I'm gonna come by later, ok?" Rose said.

"No need, Rose," Leonard smiled and walked away with Sheldon.

Rose turned back and saw her coworkers/friends behind her looking like they were about to leave.

"Y'all are leaving?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. I got a shift tomorrow morning and Cristina is already drunk enough," John said.

"Ok. Text me when both of you are home safe," Rose said.

"I'm gonna head out too," Derek said, "let's go on a casual coffee date sometime later,"

Rose sighed, "Derek-"

"No, it's just two coworkers going for some coffee in the morning," Derek grinned.

Rose rolled her eyes with a smile, "if you say so. Wanna do Monday morning?"

Derek nodded and kissed her cheek before leaving. Rose shook her head at the body that was leaving the apartment before looking at Leonard's apartment. She walked over and opened the door.

"Hey, Leon-" Rose cut herself off as she saw Penny with a tear-stained face and Leonard kissing, "oh...I'm, uh, I'm sorry,"

Rose shut the door and went to her room as Penny sighed and walked to the door and gave him a peck before following Rose. Leonard sighed, but saw Kurt go down the stairs indicating that he saw so Leonard gave him a clever line and shut the door. Meanwhile, Penny walked into Rose's room and saw her holding back tears as she was taking her contacts out.

"Rose, I am so sorry," Penny said.

Rose shook her head, "you're not, but that's ok because everyone wants Penny. I'm just little ol' Rose who people try and get to know so they can get to you. Fucking typical," Rose put her hair in a messy bun and changed into her pajamas consisting of skimpy pajama short and an oversized Spider–man shirt, "I told you that I was starting to develop feelings for him and you go and kiss him," Rose put on her glasses, "it's ok, Penny. I'm always going to be second place to pretty Penny," Rose put on fuzzy socks and Nike slides, "I'm leaving. I just need time away from you and Leonard,"

Rose walked out as Penny tried to plead for her to stay, but Rose wasn't hearing it and walked out to her car and called the only person in her mind. Derek. He picked up on the first ring.

"Rose?" Derek answered.

"Hey. Mind if I crash at yours?" Rose asked, sniffling.

"Yeah, sure. You ok? You sound like you've been crying," Derek sounded concerned.

"Yeah. I'm alright. I don't wanna talk about it," Rose said, "I don't know how to get to your house so mind telling me how to get there?"

Derek guided her to his place and waited for her outside as she parked her car and walked to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her into his own apartment. When he opened the door, she looked around in amazement at the large apartment. It was very modern and minimalistic, but it still felt very home-y and she saw the sofa was made as a bed so she sat down.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked.

"I'm taking the couch," Rose said in an obvious tone.

"No, you're not. You're taking my bed while I sleep here," Derek smiled.

"Not going to happen," Rose said, "I'm only sleeping over so the couch is perfect,"

"Ok, but you're my guest and I always want my guests to be super comfortable so you're taking the bed and no ifs, ands, or buts," Derek pulled her into the room.

"Fine. How about we share the bed? We're adults and there should be no problem," Rose said.

Derek agreed and the two laid in the bed, both immediately losing consciousness the moment their head hit the pillow. The next morning, Rose woke up to an arm wrapped around her so she turned her head to see Derek as the memories had finally come the more she woke up. She unwrapped herself from Derek's embrace, grabbing a discarded hoodie from the floor, and went into the kitchen to cook the two of them breakfast. There was a decent amount of things on the island as Rose grabbed pans and oil to cook with.

When Derek woke up, he smelled bacon so he outstretched his limbs and went out to the kitchen to see Rose in one of his hoodies that he had laying on the ground. He sat down and watched her cook.

"Good morning," Derek said.

Rose jumped, "Derek! Make some noise when you come in, but good morning," Rose grabbed a plate and stacked on scrambled eggs, bacon, a hash brown patty, and 2 pancakes on another plate, "here you go. Breakfast of champions,"

Derek nodded his thanks and took a bite, "this is good. Never leave so you can cook me some more delicious food,"

Rose laughed, "oh, hush. It's only breakfast food so it wasn't hard. Thanks for letting me crash here tonight. I just needed a break from everything,"

"Can I ask why?" Derek took a piece of pancake and put it in his mouth.

"Just some roommate drama," Rose waved it off, "it'll fix itself one way or another. Anyways, everything is in the dishwasher and running. I have to go home now and deal with reality,"

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Derek asked.

"I already did," Rose said, "a yogurt parfait that I made,"

Derek nodded and stood up as well, "I'll walk you to your car," Rose nodded and was about to take off the hoodie, but Derek stopped her, "keep it. You look better in it anyway,"

"Thank you," Rose blushed.

The two had a quiet, but not uncomfortable, walk to her car and when they reached her car, she turned to Derek. "Thanks for walking me out. Do you maybe wanna go to dinner tonight?"

Derek looked at her in surprise, "Yes. I would love that,"

"Ok," Rose nodded with a smile, "I'll come here and cook us a dinner,"

"This is a date, right?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, it is," Rose smiled at the attractive guy in front of her.

"Ok," Derek smiled and opened her car door for her, "I will see you tonight then, Ms. Miller,"

"See you, Derek," Rose laughed and drove away.

Rose had gotten back to the apartment and walked in to see Penny with a hangover laying on the couch. Penny looked at Rose.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Penny asked.

"You kissed Leonard," Rose said.

"What?" Penny asked in disbelief.

Rose nodded, "you kissed Leonard and I have a date tonight,"

"Rose, I'm so sorr-" Penny paused, "you have a date tonight? With who?"

"Why do you sound surprised?" Rose asked, "you thought I couldn't get a date? Why would I since I'm not pretty Penny, huh? Listen, just leave me alone. We're only roommates now,"

"Rose," Penny started, but Rose was already in her bedroom with her door shut, "fuck, I messed up,"

The day had gone by and Rose already had all the things she needed to cook tonight at Derek's place. It was getting closer to the time that Rose had to leave so she did her make-up with a soft glam and put on her denim jeans and a black crop top with her low top Vans Sk8-Hi's. She grabbed the groceries and walked out to see Leonard outside so she gave him a smile.

"Hey, Leonard," she said.

"Hey! Are you ok? You walked out kinda fast last night," Leonard asked.

"Leonard, I don't know what to say. I liked you and then I saw you with Penny," Rose confessed, "but it's ok. I can move on so I'm going on a date tonight."

"W-w-wait you like me?" Leonard stuttered.

"I do," Rose sighed, "but it's all over. I'm happy you got your kiss with Penny though," Rose walked down the stairs.

"Rose!" Leonard called out, "I like you too,"

Rose scoffed, "don't lie. If you liked me then you wouldn't have kissed my roommate," Rose continued on, leaving Leonard back in shock at the confession he had received.

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