When Storm Clouds Hover

By Alicialoveridge

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Best friends, Izzy and Em, have been star pupils at their all girls boarding school Watford High on Sydney's... More

1: Izzy - Not a morning person!
2: Dom - Back to school blues
3: Izzy - Today's gonna be a good day
4: Dom - Unwelcome news
5: Izzy - Em's plan
6: Dom - Midnight ride
7: Izzy - Bunking prep
8: Dom - New girl in class
9: Izzy - Pretty awkward
10: Dom - Expectations aside
11: Izzy - Moving too fast
12: Dom - Closure
13: Izzy - Cheeks are burning
14: Dom - In love or lust?
15: Izzy - At the polo
16: Izzy - Conversations with friends
17: Izzy - Not my type
18: Izzy - Summer rules
19: Izzy - Planning to party
20: Izzy - Friday night
21: Izzy - Family time
22: Izzy - The girl in boots
23: Izzy - Maltezers and fireworks
24: Izzy - On the farm
25: Dom - Boating in paradise
26: Izzy - Zero chance
27: Dom - Crossing a line
28: Izzy - Floral fountains
29: Dom - Dawn of a new year
30: Izzy - Diving in
31: Izzy - A stolen moment?
32: Izzy - In her mind
33: Izzy - The rules don't apply
34: Dom - Wanting what you can't have
35: Izzy - Temptation's strong
36: Dom - Em's back
37: Izzy - Regret is a punishment
38: Izzy - Unforgivable?
40: Izzy - Crossed wires
41: Dom - After
42: Dom - A night time visitor
43: Izzy - That phone call
44: Izzy - Something's seriously wrong
45: Dom - Flying solo
46: Izzy - The waiting
47: Izzy - It's time
48: Dom - Acting cranky
49: Izzy - Feeling numb
50: Izzy - At rowing
51: Dom - At the school concert
52: Izzy - Atilla
53: Dom - Breaking up?
54: Izzy - Truce?
55: Dom - The question
56: Izzy - Finally talking
57: Izzy - Guess who's back
58: Izzy - Get ready with me
59: Izzy - At the formal
60: Dom - Unravelling
61: Izzy - Em leaves everyone in the lurch
62: Izzy - What a girl wants...

39: Dom - Just a kiss

29 5 1
By Alicialoveridge

The next day at school, the common room was already in a state. There were cushions and books all over the floor and laughter in the air. Tommo, and Dom were drinking coffee and catching up on holiday happenings, whilst Lucus and Cole played table tennis. Tommo had heard from a friend that Pascal had had her baby, a little boy she named Rocco. Dom found himself remarkably unaffected by the news.

How quickly things change.

Two months ago, this would have been important information to Dom. Now, it just didn't seem to be so. He was pleased to hear that Pascal was headed to Uni though. It meant that she was getting on with life and had the support she needed.

Dom leaned across Tommo and picked up his phone from the coffee table. Before breakfast, he'd noticed he received some missed calls from Em the night before, but he hadn't had a chance to get back to her. Now was as good a time as any. He'd just begun to punch in the access code when Cole, who was closest to the doorway, shouted: 'Incoming!'

A second later, Em marched into the room, brushing past Cole in such a rush. Cole stepped backwards abruptly and bumped his hip against the sharp corner of the table tennis table.

'What's up with you?' Cole shrieked, clutching his bruised hipbone. 'Someone steal your lunch?'

Em swivelled and glared at him, before fixing her eyes on Dom.

'Boys, can you give us a minute,' Dom asked the room. Tommo got to his feet as quick as he could, and the guys all tried to leave before Em had a chance to make things seriously uncomfortable.

'What the actual fuck!' Em yelled, even as bodies scarpered into the corridor. 'How could you do this to me? You scummy piece of pond scum!'

Dom knew instantly that Em was talking about Izzy. He also could see from her expression that it would be unwise to deny being with her. Em knew what had happened. All he could do now was try to downplay it. His feelings for Izzy were strong, but Em didn't need to know that. At least not right away.

'Baby, can you sit down, please?' Dom implored. 'Let me explain. This isn't what you think it is.'

Em flicked her ponytail dramatically like some kind of crazed reality TV star. 'Oh, so you're not a disloyal, two-timing prick, who's getting it on with my best friend behind my back,' she said. 'Sorry, correction, EX-best friend!'

Dom's face flinched, but his response was sincere. He knew he'd hurt Em and didn't want to make things worse. 'Please Em, can we talk for a moment?'

The pressure was on as to what he should say next. He was thinking of Izzy. If he didn't navigate this moment well, any sort of relationship with her would be out of the question. Dom reached his hand towards Em, but she took a step away from him as if maintaining her distance could protect her from further hurt.

'This thing with Izzy happened and I can't take it back, but it didn't mean anything.' Dom said, getting to his feet.

'How can you say that?' Em responded, staring him down. 'Obviously it did, or you wouldn't have done it.'

Dom took a tentative step closer to her. 'I know I've hurt you, Em and I'm sorry, but I don't want this to ruin us,' he said, in an uneven tone. 'We have a good thing going on. And that was just a kiss. Nothing serious at all. We were both drinking, and it only happened once. I know Izzy feels badly about this, and so do I'.

Dom was encouraged to see Em appeared to be at least letting him talk. 'You were just away for too long. That's all,' he said. 'I missed you.'

Em's expression darkened.

'And this is your way of showing me how much you missed me?' she said, her voice trembling.

Dom shook his head. Realising the step he'd taken had gone in the wrong direction and feeling a sudden urge to fix his words.

Momentarily he was distracted by two heads appearing above the windowsill outside. It was Tommo and Cole stickybeaking into their conversation. Dom resisted the urge to laugh. This was seriously not the time. Fortunately, Em had her back to the window. She hadn't finished what she wanted to say.

'That's bullshit Dom, and you know it. I deserve so much better than this.' She held his gaze as if she were looking right through to his conscience. A single tear dropped to her cheek. She swiped it away swiftly.

'Fuck you! Seriously, I can't be around you right now,' she said, striding from the room—her back straight and head held high.

For a moment, Dom was unsure what to do next.

Should he go after her? Should he leave her be for a bit to calm down?

When he looked up, he could do nothing but grin at the two heads who were still outside the window peeking in. Those boys were so wrong! He slid his finger across his throat. He'd have to sit on them both later. They'd very nearly made a bad situation way worse.

Dom decided to leave Em to cool off. There was no point talking to her when she was so heated. He picked up his phone and texted Izzy.

Dom: We need to talk. Can I meet you?'

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