Sweetness for Sweetness (Wenc...

DaytimesMoon tarafından

389 26 4

A single white chocolate with strawberry filling and a single note. Every class period. (A Wenclair one shot... Daha Fazla

"Some sweetness for your grinding canines."

389 26 4
DaytimesMoon tarafından

Oh hey, another story in the midst of a large story in process! Well, this is a special occasion by the oh-so-totally-wonderful holiday of love!

Of course I couldn't stop myself!

I'm not a professional writer, still- I know right? What's taking me so long? Haha. But just to let ya know, this might not be as detailed and perfect as other stories. There might be some awkward grammar mistakes and such, so feedback would be appreciated!

And also... this might be a little rougher than my other stories... sickness has the worst timing ever.

Oh yeah- if you haven't, go check out that large story 'our weird friendship anomaly' if you're interested in the supernatural werewolf old-timey fantasy thingy! Uh, yeah! Or perhaps just a regular modern one-shot, called 'You Are Music to My Ears.'

Anyways, enough me rambling, time for a short but hopefully sweet little one-shot story!

I hope you enjoy!

It first started with one little box on her seat.

It was first period and Enid had arrived super late of course, it's not her fault the stupid coffee machine wasn't working. She earned a disappointed sigh from the teacher who just continued writing up on the board.

"Ooh~ someone's got a secret admirer~" the vampire looked over her sunglasses all smug.

"No... freaking... way," Enid tossed her backpack onto the floor, dropped her binders and books, and sat down with the little box in her hand.

It was a rose-gold box decorated with pink ribbons and a purple bow.

Was she... expecting this or not?

After all, it's Valentine's Day.

Enid's eyes scanned around the room and saw little gifts on student's desks or not-hidden away tucked in their backpacks. They all didn't look as nice as the one she was holding in her hand.

It looked... pristine and elegant... like some top high-model fashion company produced this, but when Enid looked around the box there were no labels.

"Well, you gonna open it or what? Damn girl, a box can't be more interesting than what's inside!" Yoko giggled.

"Shut up, I'm just... looking. It's different," Enid nudged the vampire playfully in the shoulder.

"Ms. Sinclair... while I appreciate you being excited about today's holiday, that doesn't excuse you from doing this work," the teacher cleared her throat.

"Yes, ma'am," the blonde mocked and placed the gift box behind her stack of binders.

The teacher finally turned around with a tired look, letting Enid open the box.

Behind her stack of school supplies, she started undoing the bow on top. Unfortunately from how it was so neatly wrapped, it took a few minutes to loosen up.

She finally undid the fabric and for some reason gingerly placed down the ribbons and bow like it was the most delicate glass in the world.

In the process of doing so, she kicked Yoko's feet as she snickered at the way she was handling the box.

She slipped the top from its bottom and it finally unveiled its contents. Enid felt her heart skip a bit at the sight, which shouldn't have done so. A little wrapped candy and a folded note was presented before her.

Why did this box's usual gift items make her feel so... different?

The cotton-candy blonde gently picked up the note and opened it a tiny bit, only to read a small piece of writing.

"Some sweetness for your grinding canines."

It was in beautiful cursive handwriting, but still readable for her eye.

"Well, what's it say?" Yoko tapped her wrist with her pencil, "Plus, you're welcome girl, I'm taking these extra notes for you!"

Enid hugged Yoko's arm for a quick moment, "Thanks, bestie," before going back to her note.

Her wolf senses however picked up a faint chuckle and whisper from Yoko, "I thought Wednesday was your bestie," she chose to ignore the comment and continue with the note.

"The note says, "Some sweetness for your grinding canines," and nothing else."

"When are they from, 1900s or something? Who leaves those kinds of notes these days?" Yoko scoffed, "But I'm for real, haven't heard one like that since ya know, back in the 20th century... but even those ones are more complimentary. Unless you don't have social media or anything."

"Thanks, Yoko," Enid said in a monotone expression, imitating a certain someone.

Enid unwrapped the wrapped candy, it turned out to be a white chocolate truffle.

Well, shit, Enid just realized now that there was no clue of who gave her this gift. The clue didn't say much besides a remark at her bad habit.

She honestly expected this was going to be from Ajax. After a mutual break-up, she thought he would leave a nice little gift... but it wasn't.

No fingerprints, no flaws, nothing... it was like a perfectly made Valentine's gift.

Her eyes looked around the room, hoping to catch the gaze of someone else who put the gift there but nothing. They all had their heads down, either dozing off or taking notes.

Then, her little heart started getting a bit faster as she looked to one side of the room but then it stopped. She was hoping a certain goth was looking over but she remembered Wednesday's classes today start a period later.


Would she mind if it was Wednesday?

No, not at all... after all that semester cut off made her realize how Wednesday made her world so different. In fact, she very much preferred it if it was her.

That was a struggling moment of her life. Spending the rest of the year without any contact to Wednesday made her just... want her more. She couldn't believe it though, but she was falling for the goth. An Addams.

The struggle didn't stop even when they came back for second semester. It just made it more awkward in the room they shared. She couldn't stop looking at Wednesday doing... everything, and she couldn't handle the gaze of Wednesday.

It did seem like Wednesday was happy to be back and was glad to see her. The blonde could tell even through her monotone expression. And that's when she realized more how much she had observed her dark little roommate and knew her little habits and details, the way it drove her insane.

A good insane.

One that made her heart skip beats and flutter.

One that made her cheeks warm up and made her head dizzy.

One that whenever she looked at Wednesday, she felt like she was falling in love again.

The blonde sat there for a moment in silence, thoughts lingering about how she ended up crushing on her own roommate.

Enid ate the chocolate in a single bite and had to shut her eyes on the wonderful taste. It was a sweet strawberry crème filling. This mixed with the white chocolate satisfied her taste buds and overall mind.

So someone else has an interest in me? her blue eyes glanced over the note again.

Well, time to figure out who gave me this, her hands for some reason folded the wrapper neatly and placed it back in the box. She tucked the note away in the nice compartment of her backpack where pencils, pieces of lead and erasers, and gum wrappers didn't overcrowd.


It happened again. She dragged herself to second period and to her desk and was presented with another little box in her chair.

Her heart started beating fast again, "So, it is true," came the angelic voice of the siren.

"What is true?" the blonde perked up, if she had wolf ears they would point out all excitedly.

"Can't break a promise. Besides I think I would be dead if I even whispered it to you anyway," Bianca gave a smirk and sat down.

"That's no fair! They told you?" Enid stomped her foot, now like a grumpy child.

"What's fair? I'm just keeping secrets like they asked me to," Bianca smiled back mockingly.

"Bianca, that's no fair-" the blonde whined again and flopped down into her chair.

"What's not fair?" came the gloomy and flat voice, but to Enid... she could feel the softness and elegance of it.

"Hey, Wends~!" Enid's feet started kicking. Now if she had a wolf tail it would be knocking everything down from swaying all over the place.

"Enid," Wednesday greeted back.

"How was your morning?" Enid chirped.

"Personality flip much?" Bianca chuckled, leaning against the back of her hand, "Adorable though."

"Barclay," the goth shot a glare of daggers at her.

The siren just smiled back.

Wednesday sat in her seat at the table next over, a brow rose as she saw what Enid was fiddling with in her hands, "Hmm. So, you got a gift on this dreadful day of consumerism where they steal from their customers simply for the sign of showing affection when they can just do it with their words in person and-"

Enid got lost in Wednesday's words. Not the confused way but the admirable way, she just hummed happily as she lost herself in the gaze they shared.

"-pathetic excuse for showing one's affection and yet many participate even after making amends when they can do something more active and beneficial while showing their love. An atrocious thing that they require a day to be dedicated for the holiday," Wednesday finished.

"Wow," was all Enid said.

"Are you not going to open it?" the goth questioned.

The blonde looked at her confused and then at the box without saying anything.

"The gift. Are you not going to open it? It would be preferable to see what's inside to see if they put in the over-excessive or underwhelming efforts."

"Oh, right," Enid started undoing the bow that was in the same format as the previous box.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Bianca remarked with a chuckle.

Thankfully, Enid was able to unwrap this one quickly. She carefully lifted the lid from the box and was presented with a copy of before.

A little wrapped candy, which is most likely the white chocolate filled with strawberry. And then a folded note.

"Pathetic effort," Wednesday grumbled and sat down at her desk.

"Well, Wends, sometimes the smaller things have more meanings?" Enid smiled and unfolded the note.

It was the same cursive handwriting, now saying "Some more sweetness to hold with your disgustingly colorful- yet admirable- razor claws."

Enid flipped her hand over and extended her painted nails, now being the said razor sharp claws.

"What does it say?" Bianca leaned over and started to hold in her laugh, "Did not know they had that in them."

"Wha- who?! Who, Bianca! Tell me right now!" the blonde grabbed the siren's arm and shook her, and all she did was wag her finger.

"This is no fair," Enid sighed and placed the note down, holding the chocolate in her hand.

"Enid. Do not think too much on it, it is simply a stalker who is trying to mess with your head," Wednesday spoke up from her side of the table.

"Secret admirer, not stalker, silly," Enid smiled brightly and swore she saw the goth's face softened for a moment before turning away.

"Well, anyway... if this is how it's gonna go for every period. Fine by me, I get some good chocolate!" the blonde said with her mouth full.

"Chew with your mouth closed. Keep it shut otherwise I'll stitch it shut forever," the ravenette remarked and started going through her notes.

"Okay..." Enid slumped back in her chair, holding up the note as she read it over and over again. A long sigh exhaled through her nose, "Strange, this is the only Valentine's gift I'm getting... I kinda thought there would be more than this one person."

"I wonder why," Bianca hummed.


And so it did happen as Enid said. Every period was a new note and another piece of white chocolate truffle with that sweet filling inside.

The same color box with the same ribbon and bow, all the same styles and preparation. The only thing different was what the note said.

"Another piece of sweetness as you listen to atrocious- or what you call: "sweet tunes.""

What was interesting was how she was being offered these chocolates and then the note would end with something that the person saw in Enid as a flaw. It was quite the peculiar secret admirer.

"The sweetness has less color than your horrible clothes."

"More sweetness to satisfy your savage- and yet impressive- stomach."

Enid would just have a small little laugh at the notes as she ate her white chocolate. She sat at lunch with her friends who started talking about their own gifters and giftees. Enid was just happily humming to herself as she went through the notes all over again and the identical boxes as well.

Wednesday didn't have lunch at this time today. In fact, this day Enid didn't like as much because she only had Wednesday in three of her classes and she would finish her last period later on in the day.

But, it was what she would have to get used to for the semester.

Right now, Enid was just feeling excited for class. Not for the lecture, obviously.

She would have three more classes, so two more chocolates and two more unhelpful clues!

"Supplemented sweetness for your brain to stop your inattentive mind from falling asleep in last period."

"Some sweetness for your heart to stop shaming yourself from your beautiful scars."

Enid's breath hitched as she barely could finish the sentence.

Her cheeks immediately heated up and her heart started pounding in her ear.

She stared at the note for several minutes, not caring about the teacher raising his voice at her. Her entire world was blocked out as her eyes just stared at the words on the paper.

Slowly, her hand raised and touched where her scars were on her face. Do... do they really think they're beautiful?

"Finally, you did something other than stand like a muppet. Ms. Sinclair, please pay attention," the teacher called out and returned to the board.

The cotton-candy blonde gave thanks to Divina for taking her notes for her, since her hand couldn't stop shaking when she held the pencil. She even took a while to eat the chocolate.

She got through the class with nothing on her paper. She made extra sure to pay back Divina, but her kind heart refused any service in return.

And now, was the last note she would receive.

"Some additional sweetness for your sweetness and kindness. "

Enid's entire body froze as her head started getting dizzy.

These little notes had become somehow so powerful to take her out of the world. They were just words but to Enid they felt impactful and meaningful.

And what was even more strange was that there were two pieces of the white chocolate in the box. So two notes?

And in fact, she might've thought right. It looked like there was more writing on the back of the note she was holding. She flipped it over and read it before her face became flushed.

"One last piece of sweetness (it shouldn't be considered chocolate at that point of becoming white chocolate) for the brightness in your smile."

"Holy shit, my heart-" Enid squeaked, completely flustered.

"Enid, language!" the teacher shouted.


Enid stepped into her tower room, trudging across the creaky wood boards and to her desk. She dropped her backpack and emptied the nice compartment of it, stacking the identical gift boxes and then the notes.

Her eyes panned around the other side of the room, empty.

Enid's fingernails tapped on the desk, her eyes now locked onto the drawer. Should I give it to her when she's here? Or should I hide it or just place it on her desk?

Then her fingers went to her hair, pulling them pink and blue colored-ends with a whine, "Urrgh, will I face death as soon as I give it to her, or will I face death later when she finds it?"

"Die now or die later? Die later I will just live with worry, but die now I'm living with worry before giving it to her!"

Enid's feet carried her around the room and made her collapse onto her bed.

Her arms spread out. She expected her limbs to have a soft landing but they ended up hitting something hard, "Ouchy!" she withdrew her hand and glared over, "Mr. Wiggles was that you-"

Her eyes widened and her eyebrows went to the top of her forehead. A gasp escaped her lips.

It wasn't her tortoise plushy... no... it was another gift box.

The same one she had been seeing in all her classes.

"No-no-no-no way..." Enid's head snapped toward the dark side of the room, "is it really you?"

She crawled on her bed toward the gift, she grabbed it and took another glance at Wednesday's bed.

"N-no, it can't be... there's no way she would like me to do this... I mean our door doesn't lock so it could be anyone-" when her eyes went to the door it was just darkness.

"GEEZ! Wends!" Enid gasped as suddenly the goth was standing three feet from her, "Holy cow! When did you get here?"

"Not too long ago," Wednesday answered and her eyes trailed to the gift.

Enid watched the lump on Wednesday's neck move as she swallowed, "Did they leave another one?"

"Y-yeah! I guess so," the blonde laughed nervously, sitting up as she held it in her lap.

Her eyes looked over Wednesday and froze at what she was holding in her hand, "You... you- did you get a card-"

"Relax," and then Enid immediately shut up.

The goth pinched the bridge of her nose and raised the card, showing bright colors of black and yellow.

The blonde squinted as she examined the front of the card, and started snickering halfway through, "Who cares about Valentines? We are BeeFFs!" and there were several drawn bees flying around terribly-drawn black flowers in a dead field.

"BeeFFs?" Enid giggled.

"Eugene wrote he's glad to have an older sister. The feeling's mutual... I'm glad to have a younger brother impersonation to torture again when I'm here. And perhaps discuss bees and their nature, their importance in the world."

"The ever-so dark and mysterious Wednesday Addams," the blonde smiled.

Wednesday's dark orbs went to the gift and she stood frozen for a few moments.


"Are you not going to open that one?"

Enid looked at it and stared. Her eyes blinked as she contemplated the person behind the gifts. Wednesday meanwhile had her gaze shifted toward Enid's eyes... her crystal gems and her lashes that fluttered like a butterfly.

The cotton-candy blonde set it aside and rushed over to her drawer, "Uh, before I open it... how about you open yours!"

"Open what?" the goth followed Enid like a shadow.

The drawer shut and Enid turned on her heels, revealing a small black bag stuffed with decorative-black of course- tissue wrapping paper.

Wednesday's face softened and she felt the spiders crawl around her stomach, "For... me?"

"Yup!" the blonde bounced on her toes like an excited child.

Wednesday held the bag which had a light weight to it. She stared at it with subtle surprise and shock.

"And don't worry, it's not another snood!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I tolerate and still wear the snood," Wednesday gave a quick glare before her hand started ruffling through the wrinkly translucent paper.

Within a few moments, Wednesday pulled out a fluffy object with a paper hung around its neck.

"I... I know you're not keen on my stuffed animal collection... but I thought you could use one," Enid shyly rubbed the back of her neck.

Wednesday placed down the paper bag and held the black cat plushy on both of her hands. She observed the wool details and delicate texture. The face resembled Wednesday for sure... it shared her monotone expression and even bangs.

Admittedly... it looked adorable. Wednesday would tolerate it sitting on her bed.

The Addams girl lifted the paper hung around the black cat's neck. it had a heart outlined in black, but in the center it was a mixture of pink and red coloring with a little note under it saying "Thank you for being there for me!"

"I made it all myself," the blonde continued nervously. Her fingers fidgeted and her ankle rolled around, "It took me a bit but... um... I hope you like it enough where you won't throw it away or something," she laughed a bit too hard, "maybe decapitate it like your dolls with a guillotine or incinerate- you know what? It's- it's okay if you don't like it, I-"

"Th-thank you, Enid... I'm... I will definitely keep it," Wednesday nodded with a softened face. Her dark orbs locked with Enid's crystal blue gems.

"In fact, my cursed feelings are even forcing me to let it sit on my bed."

And just like that, all of Enid's shyness disappeared. Her big smile returned into a toothy bright grin, "I'm glad you like it, Wends! You're welcome! Yes! You're welcome! And thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me!"

"Maybe I do," Wednesday spoke in a quiet voice.


There was a long moment of silence, Wednesday's body turned toward the gift box set on the bed, "You should open it," her words were so quiet that Enid's wolf senses could barely pick them up.

The blonde quickly walked over and started opening up the box.

Within a few twists and loops, the box came undone and Enid was presented with the same thing as before.

A wrapped chocolate and a note.

Enid looked back at Wednesday and couldn't help but adore how Wednesday was letting the black cat sit on her shoulder. It was like her bestie, Thing, but now it was... the black cat... that she made for... Wednesday.

Oh, right... Thing was on "vacation" at the mall known for its many nail salons.

But right now... Wednesday looked so cute with the stuffed animal sitting on her shoulder.

She smiled and returned to the chocolate and note.

Something smelled different though. Her wolf senses got a whiff of bitter rather than the usual sweet chocolate.

Her first unveiling was the chocolate. She opened it and realized where the bitter smell came from. Authentic chocolate.

It was a rich-dark chocolate truffle.

Different from the usual white chocolate.

Enid ate it slowly, ready to wince at the bitterness but ended up relaxing and humming at the taste of it. It was a slight pungent outside but a sweet inside... caramel.

Her fingers gently picked it up and unfolded it, revealing a long note.

"You are sweet."

"You are the sweetness to my bitter world."

"Would you like some darkness permanently shadowing your life? The "good" kind, if you consider me good."

"And would you like to become the light of my life? Permanent as well? You'll replace the dying sun in my life."

And then... a little black heart drawing, being stabbed with a pink arrow.

It all made sense, didn't it? Of course.

Wednesday was known as the freakiest being around the country, scaring was her hobby so that explained why she was only getting one set of Valentine's gifts.

The elegant writing and witty remarks, pointing out the habits of her, of course.

The dark chocolate with caramel... representing Wednesday Addams herself. Bitter on the outside but... sweet and kind secretly.

And she guesses the white chocolate with the strawberry filling was just how Wednesday felt about her in general.

Oh, screw me, Enid realized and her heart skipped a beat before beginning to race, This is how Wednesday feels about me?!

Her cheeks blushed heavily as she looked over at Wednesday. Her feelings just raced faster and hotter when she saw a tiny red blush over the goth's cheeks.

Wednesday crossed her arms, awkwardly clearing her throat, "It is a superficial and consumeristic holiday. It should be cursed and forever banished from this world for acting as a "love connection" between people. However... I did all this. What is your answer?"

"Wednesday Addams... you bet your butt I will."

"A typical response from you, Enid," Wednesday took one silent step closer to the blonde, "but that's your charm isn't it? It's why my cursed teenage-hormones mixed with the Addams blood that runs through my veins went for you."

"That translates to "I like you," doesn't it?" Enid giggled softly, taking a step closer herself.

"No. More, in fact. Unfortunately," Wednesday sighed.

"Wednesday, then I'll say what you say... "the feeling's mutual" and I accept-" Enid's words were cut off when Wednesday closed the gap in between their lips.

Honestly, she was expecting a second hug... but this was fine. She could get used to it.

(author's note):

Thanks! Really! Thanks!

Thank you very much for reading this short little one-shot for Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

If you're alone, do not worry! I'm alone too! Haha! And isn't it just great writing about love on the holiday of love?

But hey, writing about love on the holiday love? You know what? This is my love! My love for you!

I am presenting my work of love to you! But hey, I'm gonna say something really cliché but... there's someone out there for you... you never know when it could happen like these two gay gals!

Anyways, enough me... thanks again, y'all!

I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot!

You stay you!

Thanks again, you lovely people, have a nice day. Or night? Anyone else night owls here?


Original art for book cover is by @lloonahugs on twitter... go check out their art!

This is not endorsed by MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) Television Worldwide Group and Digital in any way. This story and these views, opinions, and thoughts are all my own. These characters, settings, etc. do not belong to me. MGM Television Worldwide Group and Digital, Netflix, Inc., and the Addams Family trade names or registered trademarks of MGM Television Worldwide Group and Digital © MGM Television Worldwide Group and Digital and Netflix, Inc.

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